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File: 20 KB, 320x281, brian1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1622616 No.1622616 [Reply] [Original]

I love Brian Cox. He presents the solar system the way I want to hear about it. I usually dont care much for objects so close to us, but he makes it interesting with all the places he visits and examples he shows here on earth.

wat do u think

>> No.1622620


>> No.1622622

Popsci bullshit.

>> No.1622624

think he is a good physicist passionate about science and can fill the void left by sagan

>> No.1622637


>> No.1622644


>> No.1622689

He's good, but no one is Sagan good.

>> No.1622751

exactly, he will try and fill the huge void sagan left when he died

>> No.1622773


Degrasse-Tyson is filling that void with his monstrous phallus of scientific literacy.

>> No.1622774

That documentary he made was really good. It was a breath of fresh air from all the CGI shit of deep space you get on the Discovery channels.
He works at CERN I do believe.

>> No.1622780

He's nearly 50 years old by the way, mid 40s in that picture I think. Brian Cox is immune to age. Fucking antiquarks.

>> No.1622816


lolnoway. i am op, but have not seen this page since i began it.

is he really 50? no way

>> No.1622820

age 42

>> No.1622840

IMHO he will become the new Sagan! I remember starting a thread sometime ago asking people if they tought that he is the new Sagan. Finally something that amuses me :)

>> No.1622846
File: 22 KB, 192x179, 1276437973732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know that Bian Cox is immortal?

>> No.1622847

he looks like 28

>> No.1622848
File: 20 KB, 192x179, become immortal do science forever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1622849


i was going to take a picture of my tv where he looked just like sagan with his hair and everything. but i deleted it after i watched it on accident.

>> No.1622867



>> No.1622884

He's cool. And very passionate about what he does, and that's always good.

And he's immortal.

That reminds me, I have to finish that documentary of his.

>> No.1622888

yeah your right, he does have that grey hair at the front of my head. i see why he is 42 now

>> No.1622926

LOL what i hate that fucker

his docs are about Himself looking to the horizon, being "funny", driving a mustang. and be all like HEY SCIENCE IS COOL, look at me im cool those old nerdy-boring stereotypes are dead already.

This just makes me think that if he need to do all this bullshit just to appeal to a certain audience.. what kind of audience is he appealing to?

The important message is lost between all this "mystery" and coolness that surrounds his docs.

I understand that some appeal is required for a doc to be watchable to a broader audience, but Brian cox docs abuse of this appeal and skips alot of valuable information.

>> No.1622933
File: 158 KB, 669x453, why dont ya read the fuckin mood here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1622949


So you're pissed that someone can do science while being much cooler than you huh? Cool.

>> No.1622967

>So you're pissed that someone can do science while being much cooler than you huh? Cool.

You are the perfect example of what im talking about. If you think he is doing science you are completely retarded. Cox should be hanged for misinforming dumb fucks like you, using cheap tricks.

He barely informs you about the topic he is talking about in his docs. its mostly about his opinion in a "poetic" form (i.e we are star stuff, science is the poetry of nature.. that bullshit) and irrelevant stuff. Its a fucking fad.

I consider Sagan's Cosmos packed with bullshit fad too, but atleast is not blatantly and shameless as Brian.

Check Brunowski docs if you want an example of how docs should be made. David Attenborough have SOME doc series that are pretty nice. specially the old ones.

>> No.1622971
File: 27 KB, 226x166, 1281287502014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Actually, that's a rhetorical question, U obviously MAD.

>> No.1622983

You're just mad he's got a PhD in Physics, is way smarter and cooler than you and immortal.

>> No.1622994


Someone here is MAD that he's not immortal like Brian MOTHERFUCKING Cox.

>> No.1623004


he makes them so anyone can watch and understand them. He knows that scientists already know all this shit so they need not be watching. He is bringing science to regular people

Even if it is washed down I am glad he is making them. I think it is important for people to know of this stuff.

you suck

>> No.1623013
File: 37 KB, 337x361, Jeremy Clarkson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow, way to be a huge dick about something so unimportant. Bravo, just bravo.

>> No.1623016

And you're just mad that people hate your icon that you have to defend at all costs.

>> No.1623033

looks like 24

I want to marry that man and I don't care if I need a sex change first. Sagan is gone, and I need to move on

>> No.1623038



Also he's always smiling about anything. Great presenter of shows but the actual shows he does don't go into enough depth because its for the common viewer

>> No.1623112


It's a good thing though that he doesn't go into excessive depth. I don't want to know about fucking exotic particles and their properties: I just want to see him with his dickshitting grin infront of amazing waterfall backdrops.

>> No.1623191


>> No.1623226

So following the same view as OPs, you are just gay for brian and careless about the science he is "trying" to explain.

Congrats you obviously fall down into his retarded intentions, also you are gay.


As a grad student sometimes i like to watch docs out from my topic because they require low energy input from my part to get the concepts; interesting visuals and a nice well developed content is way easier compared to read a paper focused in a VERY specific topic.

I believe there should be more docs intended to educated audiences, say they hold at least a undergrad science degree.

And im not saying there are some docs like this already. but they are special

>> No.1623229

where is brian?

imsrs u guise

>> No.1623729

bump for tits

>> No.1623793

Dude, no one will ever replace Sagan.