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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1621687 No.1621687 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.1621694

Can't handle the truth?

>> No.1621700


Check out their definition of atheism. Another quote:

>Christianity played a pivotal role in the development of modern science

>> No.1621728

Is this real life?

>> No.1621734

Intelligence aug. seems very easy because you just put a chip on the brain that takes data and output by creating a voltage on your brain and your brain will "learn" to understand it. The scientists themselves have to do very little. Ok, that's a simplification, but still, I'm sure it will be achieved in a major way. Probably before AI.

>> No.1621733


And that is true

>> No.1621736

i don't think so.

>> No.1621946

I say we troll it.

create account:

troll aheadfull number 2.

>> No.1621958

Some little peaces of gold.

"Many school shootings are thought to be related to atheist bullying. The most infamous, the Columbine shooting, was partly perpetrated by an atheist."


>> No.1621967

its halarious, I go there if i want a laugh

like obama was "suposedly" born in.... things like that.

even better search conservapedia in conservapedia, or read up liberal bias. its halarious what these people actually think

>> No.1621989

even conservatives are ashamed of this website

>> No.1621996

Half of the recipients of this morning's Fields Medal are communist-trained mathematicians. None of the highest-achieving American or British mathematicians was selected. [12]

>> No.1622007

Browsing this website is so addictive when you like rage, on every article there are loads of links to even more rageful articles, hilarious.

>> No.1622009

I love this site. It's a treasure trove of comedy.

I think they're just trolling. This has to be self-parody. Either way, it's entertaining no matter how you slice it.

>> No.1622010

obama's page
Ctrl + f 'nobel'
0 results

>> No.1622013


>> No.1622020

"Lambda calculus is used by computer programmers to avoid paradoxes."

>> No.1622023

As bad as Encyclopedia Dramatica or worse? You decide.

>> No.1622024


>Young Jerry Falwell was recognized for his incredible intellect at a young age, skipping the second grade at Mountain View Elementary School. He held firm on this intelligence, even finding a way to obtain his driver's license at the age of 13 - 3 years before he was legally eligible.


>> No.1622030


Hahahaa! Someone should make a little research to see if it's fake or not. There would be hints on the site if it was fake.

>> No.1622041
File: 16 KB, 317x83, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1622094

>Abortion article.
>Picture of Hitler.


>> No.1622363

I can understand why creationists would attack evolution, but relativity? Seriously?


>> No.1622368


They don't even explain why their examples counter relativity, they just list them.

>captcha: woreart politics
>Damn right its politics

>> No.1622375

>Relativity requires that anything traveling at the speed of light must have mass zero, so it must have momentum zero. But the laws of electrodynamics require that light have nonzero momentum.
We should make a game out of that. /sci/, is this statement by a sciduck or from conservapedia?

>> No.1622386

>1 in 5 Americans believe Obama is a Muslim


I honestly believe he's agnostic or atheist. You have to pretend to be Christian in order to sway hooligans into voting for you.

>> No.1622393

Let's see how long this one stays in the list
>Spin is an effect introduced by relativity into quantum mechanics. Spin stands for a rotation of electrons, but that rotation makes the surface of the electron move faster than the speed of light, which is prohibited by relativity itself.

>> No.1622398

>When an Ohio woman looked at an ultrasound she expected to see a developing baby. Instead, she saw what she believes to be an image of Jesus Christ


>> No.1622400

9. The action-at-a-distance by Jesus, described in John 4:46-54.

Nice science mind they've got over there.

>> No.1622404

I had to check - it's true!
I lol'd. They want to get all the offensive material on one page, so that if their arguments don't work, you must be an inhuman beast and shit.

>> No.1622409

encyclopediadramatica might as well redirect their abortion article

>> No.1622433

>Action at a distance consists of affecting a distant body instantaneously. At the atom level, this is known as "non-locality".

>Examples of action at a distance in physics are:

> * Newtonian gravity
> * Electrostatics (before Maxwell's equations in the 1800s)
> * Some interpretations of quantum entanglement within quantum mechanics (called "non-locality")

>gravity and electrostatics are instantaneous
>retarded interpretation of QE even considered
ED articles are far more scientific.

>> No.1622444

26-30 came from a /sci/duck. I like your addition though.

>> No.1622448

Abortion is the induced termination of a pregnancy,[1] often causing fetal pain. Abortion is a billion-dollar industry[2][3][4] in the United States[5] and Western Europe except for Ireland, Malta and Poland, where it has been abolished.[6][7][8] Abortion in Poland declined by 99% after communism was overthrown, and women's health has dramatically improved there due to fewer abortions.

About 80% of women who see an ultrasound of their fetus (unborn child) decide not to abort.[9] Millions of women who had an abortion later suffer psychologically or physically from it, and support groups exist to help.[10] Many victims of abortion find healing by speaking out against, and discouraging, similar harm to other mothers and their children.[11]

AND MORE FACTS I PULLED OUT OF MY ASS, god damnit fucking fuck fuck

>> No.1622450
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>Spin is an effect introduced by relativity into quantum mechanics. Spin stands for a rotation of electrons, but that rotation makes the surface of the electron move faster than the speed of light, which is prohibited by relativity itself.
>My face

>> No.1622452

>Some liberal politicians have extrapolated the theory of relativity to metaphorically justify their own political agendas.For example, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama helped publish an article by liberal law professor Laurence Tribe to apply the relativistic concept of "curvature of space" to promote a broad legal right to abortion.

Obama was mentioned in the article because he was the <span class="math"> /em FUCKING EDITOR [/spoiler], and had nothing to do with the paper. The paper itself isn't about the application of relativity in the legal world, it's about the usage of scientific language.

>> No.1622459

Despite censorship of dissent about relativity, evidence contrary to the theory is discussed outside of liberal universities.


>> No.1622465

>Abortion in Poland declined by 99% after communism was overthrown, and women's health has dramatically improved there due to fewer abortions.


>> No.1622475



Great logic there, not the kind of thing that started the cold war or anything

>> No.1622481

of course

>By removing the deterrent effect of guns, gun control causes dramatic increases in crimes committed with other weapons

not difficult to see. Duh

>> No.1622486

What do you think would have happened if only the Soviet Union had had nukes?

>> No.1622490

It is impossible to perform an experiment to determine whether Einstein's theory of relativity is correct, or the older Lorentz aether theory is correct. Believing one over the other is a matter of faith.

>> No.1622494

us wouldve had to suck ursss dick forever

>> No.1622500

Exactly! So it's a good thing that both parties had nukes.


>> No.1622501

>The primary reaction in the Sun is the fusing of hydrogen to make helium, but the ratio of these remains too high for the Sun to have been burning for millions of years.[Citation Needed]

>> No.1622506

not really since we almost destroyed life on earth

>> No.1622515

>Implying that almost wouldn't have been a surely if there was no deterrent.
You DO REALIZE that nuclear deterrent is a huge factor in preventing war?

>> No.1622518

and it would have been FAR better if there had been an alien race with nukes overseeing earth and the only missiles in existence were short range ballistics

>> No.1622521

arguments againts an Old Earth

>The ratio of strontium isotopes in seawater, which should change due to long-term erosion, has varied by only 0.35% throughout history. In fact, its value today is exactly the same as in the oldest samples, which are claimed to be from 500 million years ago![Citation Needed]
The interior of the earth is heated by decay of radioactive isotopes, which could not possibly still be persisting in sufficient quantities after 5 billion, or even half a billion, years.[Citation Needed]

>The intelligence of humans is rapidly declining, whether measured by SAT scores,[12] music, personal letters,[13] quality of political debates,[14] the quality of news articles,[15] or any other measure.

>Earthquakes alter the Earth's rotation every century; extrapolating by orders of magnitude in time would have resulted in the occurrence of much larger earthquakes that would have destabilized the rotation[8]


>The massive Great Lakes and freshwater lakes near the equator could not exist for millions of years, and several of these lakes are rapidly receding in volume.


>> No.1622523

>Implying fictional scenarios are valid arguments.

>> No.1622526

lol this went from conservapedia thread to gun vs no gun thread

>> No.1622529

that's a perfectly valid analogy, and you know it is. Grow up

>> No.1622540

>implying dictatorships like Iran and Best Korea wouldn't try to get nukes anyway
>He thinks gun control prevents criminals from getting weapons ILLEGALLY.

>> No.1622544

stop giving us hypothetical crap and wake up


capitalisation because I understand that right wing nuts have trouble understanding if you don't sound angry when you say it

>> No.1622546


#Just because YOU can't get a hold of guns doesn't mean nobody can.

Cough Ireland cough.

>> No.1622548

and consequentially the gun crime rate in the US is about 20 times that of the UK

>> No.1622554

>Implying criminals can't steal weapons from people who hunt, or the police, or military bases
>Implying Sweden doesn't have 31 legally owned firearms per 100 citizens.
>Implying you can't smuggle guns.

>> No.1622556

24.75 times*

Hows that guns=safe mentality working out for you guys?

>> No.1622558

I guess that's why the crime rate in Washington, D.C., is much higher than the crime rate in, say, New Hampshire.

Guess which area has banned all firearms.

>> No.1622559

You're an idiot. There are something like 200 million guns in the United States. Completely outlaw gun ownership here and I can guarantee you I could STILL drive 10 minutes and acquire one illegally.

>> No.1622562

>implying firearms aren't banned in El Salvador, the country with the highest murder rate in the world.

>> No.1622564

>implying criminals don't do that anyway, or can steal firearms from police and military personnel who are trained to stop that shit
>implying sweden doesn't have licences for weapons
>implying it's anywhere near as easy when they can't be legally bought

>> No.1622567

/k/ here

Uh no, You can own a gun in Western Europe. Every country has gun laws. You just need to follow them. The Dutch are semi lax compared the rest of Europe. Even in England you can buy a gun, it is just very expensive to do so.

>He thinks gun control prevents criminals from getting weapons ILLEGALLY.
As much as people want to think so, Gun control is not about keeping the weapons out of the hand of criminals. They will get them either way. Its about dearming citizens to what end I don't really know but the Gun Control people will swear they are making a difference when all they are doing is messing with our rights as Americans.

>and consequentially the gun crime rate in the US is about 20 times that of the UK
Look at the Population. Look at the ammount of criminals that use illegally obtained weapons to commit a crime. Do people use legaly obtained weapons? Sure they do look at Virgina Tech. But that's not the point of it. Most gun crimes are committed with stolen and/or illegaly obtained weapons. Its not hard to go downtown in most cities and trade drugs for a gun.

>> No.1622571

>the gun crime rate in the US is about 20 times that of the UK
>Not looking at overall violent crime rate

Enjoy your knife crimes broseph.

>> No.1622577

guess which one is a concentrated urban area and which one is mainly rural
>implying crime rate= gun crime rate

if they were confiscated you couldn't, retard
>implying it's relevant to discuss a war torn third world country

>> No.1622580



>> No.1622583

>Implying Militärligan didn't steal more than 100 submachine guns, close to 100 rifles and 5 light machine guns
>Implying licenses for weapons isn't contradicting his earlier statements that you cannot get hold of guns in Western Europe.
>Implying the point isn't for good people who aren't criminals to have weapons, too.

>> No.1622591

>if they were confiscated you couldn't, retard
AHAHAHAHHAHAH. You're going to confiscate 200 million firearms? Good luck with that. And let's assume you do it. Guess what: guns are fucking portable. We have 7,000 miles of borders. Know how much cocaine and marijuana comes into the country every year? Well, put a fucking handgun into each brick of cocaine or bale of marijuana. Oh look, suddenly handguns everywhere again.

Quit your whining anyway. More people die in car crashes than from gun violence, and most who die in gun violence are urban poor (who you don't give a shit about anyway) or family members (who would likely find another way to commit the crime).

>> No.1622596

>surface of the electron
>The intelligence of humans is rapidly declining, whether measured by SAT scores,[12] music, personal letters,[13] quality of political debates,[14] the quality of news articles,[15] or any other measure.
Well, I'd have to agree with this one, if not the fact that more information = more information about problems.
People in USA seem to get stupider with every passing year, but that's probably related more to retards getting access to everything (retards have money and are spend it quickly) and white people getting out-bred than degeneration of human DNA...

>> No.1622598

>citing the daily fail

>> No.1622600

Well said, anon.

>> No.1622606

UKs armed robbery rated jjumped 83% after the gun ban, murder rate jumped 40%

>> No.1622607

>Uh no, You can own a gun in Western Europe.
I know, a friend of mine runs a shooting club. it's regulated, and the guns are kept in a safe when they're not in use (as opposed to a closet in a residential suburban home, or a glove box

>Gun control is not about keeping the weapons out of the hand of criminals. They will get them either way
Yes it is, and no they won't. Look at the illegal firearms statistics in the UK compared to the US.
>our rights as Americans.
being 25 times more likely to be shot?

I suppose if you think like that, it's understandable you elected bush twice

>Look at the Population.
taken into account. the uk has 12 deaths/million/year, the US has 297/million/year

>Its not hard to go downtown in most cities and trade drugs for a gun.

it isn't in the UK

>> No.1622619

hmmm westbo baptist has no pages, what a suprise

>> No.1622621

You can't compare the UK and the US like that.

1) UK is much more homogeneous, both economically and ethnically.
2) The UK is tiny. Less area to cover = more effective control of firearms.
3) The UK is a FUCKING ISLAND. Much easier to control what comes across your borders when your borders are made out of OCEAN.
4) The UK never had the sheer pervasive amount of guns that we have in the U.S.

>> No.1622626

The daily mail thinks crystals can heal you, vaccines cause autism and homeopathy works. Don't cite people even less logical than yourself.

yes, I don't care about poor people because it's good for your argument if I don't. Nice one.
... and yet, it's still lower than america's

also, the global temperature goes up a degree every time the number of pirates goes down by an order of magnitude. do you not think it's possible that rising crime rates were responsible for this?

>> No.1622627
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>> No.1622631
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>> No.1622632

china's gun crime rate then.

I can't cite any socio-economically and geographically equivalent country because there isn't one

>> No.1622635

>also, the global temperature goes up a degree every time the number of pirates goes down by an order of magnitude. do you not think it's possible that rising crime rates were responsible for this?

>> No.1622639
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>> No.1622640

>I can't cite any socio-economically and geographically equivalent country because there isn't one
Exactly. Which is why you should shut your fucking face. Gun control may work perfectly well in some places (cf. Japan). But in others it won't. Know why? CUZ PLACES R DIFFRANT, MORAN.

>> No.1622641

it's true


>> No.1622643

>also, the global temperature goes up a degree every time the number of pirates goes down by an order of magnitude. do you not think it's possible that rising crime rates were responsible for this?
Non sequitur and strawman

>> No.1622647

yes, pointing a gun at the trained marksman would make that situation <span class="math"> so much better![/spoiler]

>> No.1622649

>Implying he wasn't created by the Flying Spaghetti Monster's Noodly Appendage.

>> No.1622653

>Benefits of reading the Bible
>many divided by 0


>> No.1622654

doesn't matter, no it isn't.

Correlation does not imply causation. How many times.

>> No.1622655

>He doesn't understand why Hitler disarmed the Germans.

Oh and how's SWITZERLAND for you. Almost every adult male has an assault rifle. Switzerland is not an anarchy. Hmm...

>> No.1622657

>implying you can only self-defend if you have a gun.

>> No.1622658

they're not all dead because 1) they don't have a drug problem meaning they need an intranational military and 2) they're not stupid enough to think threatening a police officer in a tense situation is a good idea

>> No.1622663

>implying Hitler disarmed the Germans

where, exactly, did you learn about pre-WW2 Germany?

>> No.1622669

OK so according to /sci/ the criminals though procces is:
>become hell bent on murder
>go to gun store
>get rejected by gun store, can't buy a gun because of gun conrol laws
>Oh well
>totally stops any chance of crime, criminal doesn't even try to get the gun illegally because that would be against the law, even though the goal is murder

>> No.1622671
File: 52 KB, 800x2500, 1281862954749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying bringing a knife to a gun fight is a good idea

>> No.1622672


daily mail's not the only place with those figures

and the actual numbers are from the UN

so suck it

>> No.1622673

>Correlation does not imply causation. How many times.
That's just defensive statement used by people to justify their actions. Your example was nonsensical. You might as well say that the increase in greenhouse gases has nothing to do with global warming.

>> No.1622678

I just lol at stuff like that

>> No.1622680

no, according to /sci/ it's
>become temporarily annoyed by neighbour
>not have gun in house
>not go outside and threaten him when drunk

>become hell bent on murder
>not have weapon to hand
>go to gun store
>get rejected because of gun control laws
>try to find illegal gun
>fail to do so
>go home

>> No.1622692

This is what "liberals" actually believe.jpg

>> No.1622698

you're lucky my country has gun control laws you fucking troll.

the american GDP is linked to its crime rate, abortion rate, and the number of HEO satellites launched from khazakstan.

>> No.1622699 [DELETED] 

If the assailant (assuming the marksman is one) is this close like in the pic you can do some pretty decent things with your hands alone if you still have have your hands down.

>> No.1622704

>excuse me, but I think everyone has forgotten having more guns makes gun crime more common. Just thought you should know.


>> No.1622714


>> No.1622717

If the assailant (assuming the marksman is one) is this close like in the pic you can do some pretty decent things with your hands alone if you still have have your hands down.
Also I'm nowhere implying, what you claim I imply. Read harder. I'm just saying, it's not as hopeless as the caption suggests.

>> No.1622729

So, is conservapedia parody, or are there actually let's say 1% who believe this shit?

>> No.1622731

i feel really good when the government oppresses 2nd amendment loonies.

>> No.1622735

the latter, unfortunately

>> No.1622738

>He is an anti-American commie.

>> No.1622745


Go nuts, people.

Also, I lol'd a little when I read
>>surface of the electron

>> No.1622760

Conservapedia isn't a parody. This is what fundamentalist conservative christians actually believe

>> No.1622781


Under the rule of correlation =/= causation:

-money doesn't contribute to wealth
-exercise and healthy eating doesn't make you physically fit
-lack of sufficient sleep doesn't lead to daytime drowsiness
-intelligence doesn't contribute to academic success
-fuel doesn't power cars

See the obvious lunacy there?

>> No.1622790

if correlation=causation, on the other hand, eating icecream causes people to drown or the other way around. Yeah, usually if there's correlation, there's also causation hiding somewhere. But it's nowhere near that simplistic.

>> No.1622791
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>> No.1622794

During the early 1900s, there was a huge economic boom. At the same time, women's skirts were getting shorter.
Today, women's skirts are longer and the economy is bad.
Conclusion: The economy is inversely related to skirt length.

Correlation does not imply causation.

>> No.1622796

Are you a conservative christian by any chance?

Because the average man cannot be this stupid.

>> No.1622801

Occam's razor applies. Correlation =/= causation is just a caveat, a warning about possible exceptions. Generally speaking, correlation = causation.

>> No.1622803
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>Generally speaking, correlation = causation

>> No.1622805

>What's the name for a self-centered, uncharitable person who censors classroom prayer? An atheist.


*smashes keyboard*

>> No.1622812



>> No.1622813
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>> No.1622815

Being a mathfag, I check the math page and it was surprisingly non biased... They basically just summarized each topic in the real page into 2 sentences.

>> No.1622818

post it on /b/

/sci/ is too busy trying to figure out if herp+derp=hurrdurr

>> No.1622828
File: 13 KB, 384x566, UKUS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Britfags need to STFU

Captcha: government trotchty

>> No.1622829

It was a metaphorical gesture to demonstrate disapproval, not a literal statement.....

But still.....ragecopter.....

>> No.1622861


>> No.1622868

>Conservapedia isn't a parody. This is what fundamentalist conservative christians actually believe
I think it was partly written by trolls. See Poe's law.


>Human evolution

Seriously, it makes me sad that such people exist.

>> No.1622885

Why do you do this to yourself /sci/?

>> No.1622906

>I think it was partly written by trolls. See Poe's law.

I disagree, I think the "sciency" articles like evolution and the relativity one has been augmented by trolls, but the general ideas were all originally in the minds of the nutjobs.

The political ones however (like barack obama) are 100% non-troll hardcore tea-party values

>> No.1622908

Seems like people are too fucking stupid to understand the relation between correlation and causation.

Ok. Correlation is a necessary, but not sufficient requirement for causation.

Establishing causality in (social) science=showing there's a strong correlation + controlling for variables which might be the cause too.

Establishing causality in philosophy: Can't. lol.

>> No.1622914


If I informed them that this "debate" does not exist in my country (and every other modern country, except the US), they would revert my edit and ban me for "liberal deceit".

>> No.1622923

The funny thing is that the original author of the counterexamples to relativity article somehow draws the conclusion that relativity is directly related to social relativism, and in his fervour is attempting to disprove Einstein's relativity as a way of countering social relativism despite the fact that they are unrelated.

>> No.1622935

The talk page is the most infuriating.

When someone brings up GPS as a valid example of the usefulness of relativity

this is what Shlafly (the founder of conservapedia) responds with

Frank, your intuition ("seems to me") is wrong here, and the entry explains it clearly. GPS is a work of engineering and any timing discrepancies between the satellite and ground are obviously better handled directly by synchronization rather than asking a physicist what he thinks of relativity. Engineers don't even bother taking general relativity courses, let alone try to build a satellite system using them.

>> No.1622981
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>Atheism, as defined by the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, and other philosophy reference works, is the denial of the existence of God.[2][3][4] Unlike Christianity, which is supported by a large body of sound evidence (see: Christian apologetics), atheism has no proof and evidence supporting its ideology.

>> No.1623012

for fucks sake my head hurts after going through this thread, it fails so fucking hard (inb4 'dont read it then')

>> No.1623042

Meh, don't care.

Read my name to find out why.

The Game.

>> No.1623100

>9. The action-at-a-distance by Jesus, described in John 4:46-54.
>Nice science mind they've got over there.

Not to mention that even if it where true, there is no evidence - even in the bible - that it happened faster than the speed of light

>> No.1623143
File: 566 KB, 1440x900, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol free advertisement

>> No.1623159

OP here

>post rage link, no one reacts
>leave it, come back hours later
>129 posts and 10 image replies omitted

That website sure is going in my favorites.

>> No.1623174

You've seen the cancer, now savor the chemo!


>> No.1623199


>rational wiki

I had a small brainorgasm reading the link

>> No.1623217

>Considering such evolutionist follies as Nebraska man, Haeckel's embryo's and Flipperpithecus, the absence of biting satire in regards to errant positions liberals hold dear can be quite noticeable in Encyclopedia Dramatica.

>> No.1623240


Dammit, somebody fixed my edits on that page.

These people are serious, huh.

>> No.1623248
File: 34 KB, 520x476, hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW there are TWO hitler pictures in the abortion article

>> No.1623258

>These people are serious, huh.

You have to be really courteous. Look at the bottom of the obama talk page, I quietly pointed out that the article lacks a reference to his nobel peace prize, crazy nutjob TC (assistant headhoncho) replied and added it in

albeit with the obvious conservative twist.

>> No.1623259


Been browsing this website for a bit, and it definitely deserves longer, more explicit articles about science (I've been reading physics mostly, maybe the other subjects need more too).

A job for you, /sci/

>> No.1623265


There's something wrong with these people.

>> No.1623334

All of my hate.

>> No.1623342

They still didn't delete my entry.
I think I'll become a regular editor of science articles at conservapedia.

>> No.1623409


The electron one? Implying they know what you're talking about

>> No.1623419

>>1623409 Implying they know what you're talking about
That's the plan

>> No.1623433


It's no surprise they didn't delete it then, but keep it up. Nagging them from the inside

>> No.1623452

Hm. Right now I can't think of anything else. I think I'll read some troll posts here and rephrase them.
I've also got to do some voltage=current one. Lorentz transformation converts charge (voltage) to current, which is proven wrong every time you plug your vacuum cleaner the wrong way
Nah that sucks balls. Will have to think of something that makes more sense (wtf)

>> No.1623454

Dude, whoever has an account, add a point on the relativity page with

"A man has a stick 5 lightyears long, with one end at Earth and one end at Alpha Centauri. He stands at one end and pushes the stick. To a person on the other end, he would see the stick being pushed closer to him instantly, but the stick is 5 lightyears long. Therefore, the stick has moved faster than light"

Let's see how long it takes for them to remove that.

>> No.1623471


They're going to use this as evidence against relativity. Hilarious!

>> No.1623474

Your wish has been granted

>> No.1623479

isn't u=r*i?

>> No.1623491

They're fundamentally different things. It's not just some factor R that makes the difference.

>> No.1623504


I know! But well that makes them equivalent as (e=mc²) energy is equivalent to mass, doesn't it.

>> No.1623508

Lorentz transformations turn magnetic fields into electric and the other way around. Obviously this must be false, because a magnet cannot stop being a magnet.

>> No.1623537

Go for it guys, it's not like you can be too ridiculous
Registration is quick, you don't even need a working email

>> No.1623541

Holy fuck, I got the master troll to agree with me

Look at the bottom of the counterexamples to relativity page

a reasonable argument from me and :

> OK, thanks for the good points. We are open-minded here and I've stricken that particular counterexample based on the logic above.--Andy Schlafly 18:19, 19 August 2010 (EDT)

>> No.1623547

Are you being a faggot again?

>> No.1623550
File: 7 KB, 386x308, 128147849960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are open-minded here
>Andy Schlafly

>> No.1623566

... that always reminds me of this wonderful song
And now good night, /sci/. Got an annoying learn-theoretical-physics-day ahead. :c

>> No.1623586

Popular Science provides scientific evidence for environmentalists being "smug jerks."


Featured Article: Evolution


One actually contained a legitimate gripe:

>>"Math Counts" a supposed national math competition for teams and individual students in grades 6-8, will not allow homeschoolers to form teams and compete thanks to a unanimous decision by their board of directors.

The article after the jump mentions that children were pulled from the schools and formed into super (homeschooler) teams, but couldn't that just as easily be fixed by the children having to be out of public schools for a certain amount of time, having to be from the same state, etc?

>> No.1623621
File: 113 KB, 300x300, 127226846952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This site is so stupid that most conservatives are ashamed of it. The scary thing is that this guy is a teacher and he is producing more and more brainwashed morons.

>> No.1623667
File: 22 KB, 439x542, 1269814738340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>compassion fatigue
>liberals, driven by materialistic self-interest, are likely to suffer from this.

>> No.1623717


#31 and #32 got removed from the relativity page.

>> No.1623722


Lol, I'm working on increasing my reputation on conservapedia so I actually wrote an argument that Schlafly agreed with me on! (see the talk page)

>> No.1623730

What's the name for a self-centered, uncharitable person who censors classroom prayer? An atheist.
Biblical scientific foreknowledge many
Relativity scientific foreknowledge 0
Benefits of reading the Bible many divided by 0

Well fuck it's like he's from /sci/ (a geuss)

>> No.1623773


Yeah the wierd intelectual dissonance is staggering.

On the one hand they proclaim to present an encyclopedia with a conservative view point. On the other hand they have entirely non-intellectual articles and features like the front page

Its one thing to have a conservative or even religious bias, but what they are doing is quite another. Take the vatican newspaper the Osservatore Romano. Is it obviously biased to the catholic view point - yes. But it still maintains a degree of intellectuality that qualify it as a respected paper, if only on church issues

>> No.1623790



>> No.1624836
File: 166 KB, 560x421, 1278894160471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture sums up my reaction every fucking time I see this site. I cant fucking read more then 2-3 pages before im fucking bleeding out every hole in my head.

>> No.1624865


read this >http://www.conservapedia.com/Conservapedia:Lenski_dialog

It will make you feel happy again. They get told hard

>> No.1624889

It's even worse than wikipedia.

>> No.1624918

Your right, it did make me feel better !

>> No.1624921

Reality has a liberal bias.
When you remove the liberal bias and step out of reality, you get religious fundamentalism.

>> No.1625021

Oh sweet science, I hope this is a really well published troll site.

I rage quit so hard when I read the claim that Jean-Paul Sartre was a closet Christian. How fucking stupid can you be? Holy fuck.

>> No.1625029


i assure you its completely real, the mother of the founder is the somewhat infamous phyllis schlafly (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phyllis_Schlafly).).

Apparently massive fundamentalist trolling runs in the family because she is responsible for such gems as:
>"By getting married, the woman has consented to sex, and I don't think you can call it rape."

>> No.1626257


It's open to everyone, you can assume that american fanatics write what they think is right on there.