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1621310 No.1621310 [Reply] [Original]

So if the Soviet Dead hand system was activated this very moment (including the time the projectiles took to hit their targets) how long would:

a) we have to live
b)before most/all life on earth was extinguished
c) Before the surface of the earth is unable to sustain life.


>> No.1621337


>> No.1621340
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>my face when The Dead Hand is still fucking active


>> No.1621347

they... can't turn it off....

>> No.1621353

WHY NOT!?!?!!?!

>> No.1621355

ead Hand (Russian: Система Периметр, Systema Perimetr)[1] (known also as Perimeter,[2] and Hand from Coffin) is purportedly a Cold-War-era nuclear-control system used by the Soviet Union and in use in Russia. An example of fail-deadly deterrence, it purportedly can automatically trigger the launch of the Russian ICBMs if a nuclear strike is detected by seismic, light, radioactivity and overpressure sensors. By most accounts, it is normally switched off and is supposed to be activated during dangerous crises only.

>> No.1621358

a. 15 minutes
2. if just humans, couple hours. ALL life, 3 weeks, though there would be survivors still
3. 3 months

>> No.1621360
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It was designed specifically so it cannot be turned off.

Dead hand.

>> No.1621361 [DELETED] 


>> No.1621364

How deep underground would you have to go to survive?

>> No.1621371
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>> No.1621372

To avoid the initial blast? Depends how close the closest missile was. Best bet would be a few hundred feet. Inside of a thick lead bunker.

Also, your fucked if you expect to live under ground for extended periods of time

>> No.1621376
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And you probably would still die after a while from contaminated water and air seeping down.

Why the fuck haven't we started terraforming Mars? Surely the USA would love to say HEY FUCKERS WE HAVE AN ENTIRE PLANET to everyone else?

>> No.1621384

How long would you need to stay underground though?

>> No.1621386


Because despite the efforts of many science fiction writers, and the likes of the many pop scientists, terrforming is actually an immensely time and resource consuming process. Not to mention being excedingly complicated.

>> No.1621394
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Several centuries. The Chernobyl reactor site won't be completely safe until 22000AD.
No, that isn't a typo digit. Twenty thousand years.

>> No.1621395

We already own the moon

>> No.1621396


>> Implying completely safe is normal backgound radiation levels.

>> No.1621397
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>terrforming is actually an immensely time and resource consuming process
[citation needed]
>Not to mention being excedingly complicated.
I don't doubt this.

>> No.1621398


>> No.1621399

So how are there people living in Hiroshima today?

>> No.1621400


Are you a fucking idiot?

You need a citation to see that terrforming an entire planet to the current atmospheric state of the Earth is a time consuming and resource heavy process?

You're an idiot.

>> No.1621402


Chernobyl was a reactor blowing up

The Dead hand system is rape.

i imagine it to be more that a few centurys.

>> No.1621403

Because radiation doesn't like to hang around in one spot. However, if nearly everywhere suddenly became irradiated.... It's the same principal of letting two tons of mustard gas in a tent and then thinking it'll kill some people fifty miles away.

>> No.1621404

Highdeas man, highdeas

>> No.1621407
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You're assuming that Mars is exactly like all other plants. Mars sort of already has everything we need, minus a thick oxygen atmosphere and a planetary magnetic field.


>> No.1621413


It would still take fucking trillions upon trillions of dollars, and hundreds of years to terraform.


>> No.1621415
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>It would still take fucking trillions upon trillions of dollars
Not necessarily.
>and hundreds of years to terraform.
Completely, yes. Having a pressurized atmosphere would help a lot though. And I wouldn't think it would take more than 100 years to bring it up to Earth-levels.
I'm willing to wait.

>> No.1621419

so, how come there are people living in nevada after 900 atomics?

>before the surface of earth is unable to sustain life

good luck with that one, a 10 km asteroid wasnt enough to kill everything off.

>> No.1621420

>implying have time to terraform


>> No.1621424


How could you possibly terroform mars without spending a fuckton of cash? Go on.

>> No.1621428

What about 400 years from now, if there's something similar to the Dead Hand system?
And it goes off?
I don't feel like sitting next to the guy saying 'SHIT I SHOULD OF MADE THEM TERRAFORM MARS' or some shit.
Two planets, twice the chance of species survival. And if Earth is about to fuck up for some reason we cannot stop, at least we can hop over to another world.

>> No.1621430

Those atomics were not that big and were very controlled..

The nukes the Russians have are bigger than Tsar. and theres alot of them

>> No.1621435
File: 65 KB, 353x606, 1267266115904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(2015) - Asteroids to raise the temperature, melt surfacve water, release some gas
(2040)- Send robots able of replicating more of themselves at a small base to be flown somewhere on the land that won't be flooded
(2043)- Those robots run off nuclear/fusion/solar and eat up the dust and rocks, and with a little bit of energy start making black soot and more gas to pump up
(2093)- Within about 50 years Mars is past the 50% Earth pressure mark. Now start seeding with algae.

>> No.1621436

Are there any active research projects on terraforming mars?

>> No.1621439

Do you know how disturbing it is to walk into the kitchen at 8 in the morning to see your dad washing dishes and dancing to that song?

>> No.1621440

>400 years from now...
>your still discussing this shit?

>> No.1621442
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Yours has?
No. I'll be doing my shit.

>> No.1621444

Yeah. We're unimaginative people, and Manhattan Beach Project.

>> No.1621446

>bigger than tzar

wat? the tzar was a one time test to see how high they could get, could have build it up to 150mt i believe, but the aircraft carrying it wouldnt have made it home again.

"city busters" in icbms are normally 150-600 kilotons, MIRVed.
example: the russian topol m carries one warhead, 550kt.
the american minuteman 3 carries 3 warheads, each 330kt.

>> No.1621449

Yes, on more than one occasion. He's pretty cool other than that.

>> No.1621454
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It's only a matter of time before you hear:

>> No.1621459

the dead hand system has like saturn rockets with giant ass nuclear warheads, specifically for raping the entire united states.

Like 200megatons

>> No.1621466



>> No.1621469

>saturn rockets

rrrright, build by the soviet union, during the eighties, when they didnt even had money to pay a hotel for the prime minister when he visited other countries. right.

>> No.1621472

What if.... they aim all there warheads at Yellowstone national park?

>> No.1621474

>implying their entire population wasn't slaves

>> No.1621482

o tru

>> No.1621483

it is the "union of soviet socialist republics", not slaver republics.

>> No.1621488
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Yes but you can just change the general meaning of the word without many people noticing.
For instance...

>> No.1621487

The gov't could do what it wished with the population. If it wanted them to drill oil, refine it, mine iron, make steel, construct rockets, it could

>> No.1621498

shit would volcano

>> No.1621509

depends where we are. in switzerland, months. Everywhere else, probably around 15-20 minutes depending on ICBM range/speed.

Life would never be completely extinguished (bottom of the sea, amazon rainforest, africa, etc). in most target/near target areas life would be dead within one generation of whatever you're talking about unless they were killed by the blast/extremely near to it

c) again, never. It won't be able to sustain humans for about 100,000 years in the least affected areas though

>> No.1621515

Why don't we try to communicate with aliens while ending nuclear proliferation?

fire one nuke at the moon this year, then another next year, then two the year after, then three after that, then 5, etc.

>> No.1621522

>c) Before the surface of the earth is unable to sustain life.

el oh el

all the atomic bombs ever made by humans detonated simultaneously at the worst possible points could not even come close to sterilizing a single continent. we just aren't that cool brah.

>> No.1621534

>implying america cant do the same

>> No.1621535

what if we shot them all at africa?

>> No.1621543


>(2015) - Asteroids to raise the temperature, melt surfacve water, release some gas


>> No.1621548
File: 7 KB, 125x107, 1259213960558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send them into decaying orbits around mars with small scale nuclear warheads to cause an inward spiralling orbit.
When it gets to Mars it will start burning up rapidly. This can be done to both Phobos, Deimos and several other large asteroids that may come in from the Asteroid belt.

Though the Martian atmosphere is thin, it isn't thin enough from causing 700'C temperatures on surface of the areas where the large meteorite is coming in from

>> No.1621551



>> No.1621627
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BAMP for discussans.

>> No.1621659

Nuking the moon is interesting, but wouldn't it make more sense to cover the dark side of the moon with some cosmically rare element/compound so the spectral data would tip them off? Then we don't have to deal with not being able to land on the moon anymore from radioactive fallout. Then there's also the EMPs that could mess up stuff on earth since we want them to be big enough to be seen from other stars (I assume that's what you meant)

>> No.1621661
File: 34 KB, 604x453, 1262838982010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but wouldn't it make more sense to cover the dark side of the moon with some cosmically rare element/compound so the spectral data would tip them off?
How the fuck could they see that?
Light speed barrier sucks.

>> No.1621744
File: 13 KB, 200x150, deadhandiu5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o hai guys

>> No.1621747


WHOA. That never occurred to me.
Wait... is Ocarina of Time some sort of allegory for the Cold War?
*begins writing 600 page thesis*

>> No.1621758


Sorry brah