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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16192313 No.16192313 [Reply] [Original]

>Math is at the top of quantitative intelligence
>Philosophy is at the top of verbal intelligence
>Both of them end up being similar and hitting the same road the higher up you get

Weird how that works huh?

>> No.16192574

Yes, it really is!

>> No.16192614

And what would that road be? Genuine question, I’m very new to these things

>> No.16192656

>converges into computer science

>> No.16192695

> philosophy is at the top of verbal intelligence

philosophers try not to masturbate to the thirtieth word in a paragraph they specifically redefine and make effectively useless in common conversation for no reason other than to satisfy their fucking ivory tower egos

>> No.16192886

obviously the retard schizo road

>> No.16192891
File: 75 KB, 740x308, pure science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This statement was already made by XKCD in 2008, anon.

>> No.16192892

what exactly do you mean by this?

>> No.16192895

>Philosophy is at the top of verbal intelligence
Hahaha, no. That would be linguistics. Philosoplebs are not good with language. That's why they autistically insist in LARPing as logicians, desecrating natural language with pseudodefinitions doomed to fail.

>> No.16192899
File: 364 KB, 112x112, pepone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off you worthless trash.

>> No.16192903

not him but given the -s suffix on "philosophers" i would assume him to be using "they" as a plural, you know, how it used to be used?

>> No.16193011

There is a strong causation effect between /lit/ being low IQ and making the worst most embarrassing /sci/ posts

>> No.16193014

I feel like this tried to make it seem like the mathematician was a girl because of the long hair but I can only see him as a nerdy dude

weird how that works

>> No.16193023
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>Math is at the top of quantitative intelligence

>me listening to a twenty minute explanation of Graham's Number or Tree(3), two numbers so fucking large that just their numeric expression won't even fit into the known universe
>or just Aleph(whatever)
Top-tier will always be published physicists willing to say "We just don't know yet." Everything else is just navel-gazing cope or even the worship of abstractions.

>> No.16193574
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>> No.16193727


Drawn by a brainlet

>> No.16193982
File: 81 KB, 1822x335, dw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16193988

>Poetry is at the intersection of peak verbal and aesthetical intelligence
Love your meme, btw.

>> No.16195247

Dumb cunt

>> No.16195252

>XKCD is a brianlet
Philosophers existed before alcoholic monks in Siberia.

>> No.16196464

From where I am, monks actually live in forests but they wear saffron robes and do not bear crosses

>> No.16197384

XKCD is the very essence of Dunning Kruger

>> No.16198029

You know, after everything I know about XKCD, I can safely say that he is an actual brainlet. Bill Nye levels if you so please.

>> No.16199015

nice. got any 9 year olds pregnant, mate?

>> No.16199046

I don't think 'multiple intelligence' exists
people are either smart or not and then they have a field that they enjoy and put their attention towards
most people in 'humanities' who can't do calculus are just dumb