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16191230 No.16191230 [Reply] [Original]

Why are humans the only animals that have a need for religion?

>> No.16191238

Because humans are born with a sensus divinitatis that allows us to sense God.

>> No.16191482

Because we know that we'll die, and we don't like it

>> No.16191487

religion is what we call the thing that holds together ant or bee colonies

>> No.16191500

The atheists are animals, imbecile beasts who lack understanding. Humans have a soul that needs to be reunited with God.

>> No.16191611
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>> No.16191615

Omega Point

>> No.16191680

Humans don't need religion. There are plenty of humans that are not religious and don't feel there need to be religious. Next question.

>> No.16191688

God is an evolutionary cope to deal with the harsh cruel world there’s been many people who begged for god or what other to save them and he never came the same you can be said about race ever one has some retarded abstraction to handle reality

>> No.16191690

It's a local stress relief from absracted sources, and a social ruleset short cut since genetics takes to long to distill instint and minds are to fast to allow evolution anymore.

Minds are inherently stressful and dysgenic.

>> No.16191710
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that's not even remotely true