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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1618982 No.1618982 [Reply] [Original]

The fall semester is almost upon us, and I'm sure the majority of us have better things to spend our money on (read: BEvERages) than textbooks. So, in this thread, I propose we post which textbooks we need, and if anyone has them to upload them.

I'll go first. I need:

"Advanced Calculus" by Folland, and if possible, the 8th edition of "Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems" by Boyce and DiPrima.

>> No.1619006
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"Physics for Scientists and Engineers" by Randall D. Knight

>> No.1619018

I love how our textbooks are the most expensive of the bunch. Anyone know why this is so?

>> No.1619028


I'm guessing the work and length that goes into it?

Thank god there's Craigslist and torrents.

>> No.1619035


I have the second edition....somewhere....but I did threw it into /sci/'s dropbox account back last year....or something.

>> No.1619037
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>> No.1619088


here's the 2nd edition


password: luelinks

>> No.1619095 [DELETED] 

Principles of Modern Chemistry 6e

>> No.1619096

How can i access this? I heard about it a while back but didn't investigate.

>> No.1619103
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Principles of Modern Chemistry, 6th Edition

>> No.1619150

I don't know why people are trying to get invitations for project Rhizome. You can find more books on trackers like demonoid

>> No.1619178


wish I remember. Truth be told, I never really see what's so great about dropbox when using it in groups.

>> No.1619594


Here's the 7th edition with solutions to your DE book.


>> No.1619621


dling your calc book now


dling your physics book and solutions now


here's the link to the solutions:


>> No.1619629

Delicious tropical fruit drink recipes?

>> No.1619660


dl was actually your solutions, here they are:


>> No.1619688


Physics book is taking a while to dl, it's be done in 30 min, but I won't be around to upload it for a while. Check back in this thread around 9:30pm or give me your email.

>> No.1619701

James Stewart, "Single Variable Calculus 6ed"
Richard Wolfson, "Essential University Physics"
William Gilbert, "Introduction to Mathematical Thinking"
Matthias Felleisen, "How to Design Programs"

>> No.1619735


Here's your calc book:


>> No.1619772


Here's your book:


>> No.1619793

Introductory Econometrics by Wooldridge 4e?
Thomas' Calculus 12e?

>> No.1619820



I know you can figure it out from there

>> No.1619838

Alan Tucker , Applied Combinatorics,5th Ed., Wiley
Polking, Differential Equations, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall.
O. Bretscher, Linear Algebra, 4th Ed., Prentice Hall.
T. Hungerford, Abstract Algebra, 2nd Ed., Brooks Col.
S. Friedberg, et al, Linear Algebra, 4th Ed., Prentice-Hall.
Trappe, Intro to Cryptography with Coding Theory, Prentice Hall.
T. Gamelin and R. Greene, Introduction to Topology, 2nd Ed., Dover.
K.A. Ross, Elementary Analysis: The Theory of Calculus
Tao, T, Analysis, Vol II
T. Gamelin, Complex Analysis, Springer/Verlag.
E. Stein and R. Shakarchi, Fourier Analysis: An Introduction (Princeton Lectures in Analysis, Volume 1), Princeton University Press.
S. Strogatz, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Perseus Books Group.
G. Simmons, Differential Equations with Applications and Historical Notes, 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill.

>> No.1619846


Art of Public Speaking by Lucas 10th ed
Preparing for your ACS Exam in Organic Chemistry (though it's optional) Eubanks 2nd ed
Organic Chemistry by Wade 7th Ed ( I have to get this with an access card though but this is the first time any of my classes have needed this I dunno lol)

>> No.1619864

I could've sworn I needed a physics book but it shows up as a recommended package by my university I'll post it anyway

Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Volume 1: A Strategic Approach by Knight 2nd ed

>> No.1620035


Found "Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos" on Rhizome, so nevermind about that one.

>> No.1620110
File: 901 KB, 804x533, Txtbookneedz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, the perfect thread. My school is really shitty, which would explain why it can't just pic the books that are already on Piratebay. My major is electrical engineering.

Signals, Systems, and Transforms - Phillips ( I need it for Linear Systems)

Advanced Engineering Mathmatics - Zill, Cullen

Pic relate

>> No.1620138


Searching, but if I can't find it here it is for $4: http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=2237891276&searchurl=afn_sr%3Dgan%26isbn%3D0130

>> No.1620143


Same guy here. Found signals, systems, and transforms on google books: http://books.google.com/books?id=EaXWH2wk-CMC&dq=signals+systems+and+transforms&printsec=fro

Still looking for the second one

>> No.1620152


Found the second one on google books as well. http://books.google.com/books?id=Kt0Hin6L3S0C&printsec=frontcover&dq=advanced+engineering+ma

>> No.1620185

do you definitely need this? imo general chemistry books don't teach you a lot. You should rather go with 3 books, inorg. chem, org. chem and phys. chem.

>> No.1620217


The class I need it for is called "chemical principles", which is a prerequisite to take physical chemistry at my university.

>> No.1620253


hmm nevertheless, plz just go for the ebook if possible. here in germany we dont have this course, but i read a few "general chemistry" books and i always missed the information, that is needed to truly understand anything :)

>> No.1620294

Agents and Agencies
Dr. Jack Ryan

>> No.1620319

what do with Google Books? is there a work around or am I stuck with what It will let me see?

>> No.1620331

Lay, David C. (2006) Linear Algebra and its Applications, (3rd Edition) ISBN 0-321-28713-4

Thanks for anyone who can help!!!

>> No.1620343


It gives you the entire thing (in this case).

>> No.1620349



Pass : www.warez-bb.org

>> No.1620353

Can I get an invitation code to demonoid? Posting shitty extra email account for teh usual spam messages.

>> No.1620377


Check your email

>> No.1620380 [DELETED] 
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Microelectronic Circuits (The Oxford Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering)
By Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. (KC) Smith

>> No.1620386
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I love you. In a platonic way of course.

>> No.1620394


Of course.

>> No.1620399



>> No.1620403


>> No.1620405


I do it for all the books I know I'll never look at again after the class is over

>> No.1620416


bookfinder4u.com searches 130 online bookstores and gives you the cheapest price. Valuable tool.

>> No.1620417


I use campusi.com (now dealoz) for the same thing, gives you internation and alternative edition prices as well

>> No.1620419

Linear Algebra & Its Applications, Lay 3rd Edition

Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, Hibbeler 12th Edition

>> No.1620424



>> No.1620454

consider shipping from germany. our chemistry textbooks in german cost about 60-80 € (the bigger ones) BUT the english versions are often cheaper like 40-60 €. Try it

>> No.1620460
File: 9 KB, 186x126, logo_mcmaster.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucker is sitting on my desk. just fucking buy it, you will use it more then any other text book at your uni

>> No.1620463

I have five invitation codes to Demonoid if anyone's interested. Post your email address and I will send.

>> No.1620466

Moar demonoid

Invitation code list:


>> No.1620471


Oh. >>1620463 here, I guess I'll just post them, go for it.


>> No.1620477

I could use Young and Freedman's University Physics (12th edition volume 3) if anybody has access

>> No.1620489


One of myprofessors went to that university

>> No.1620504

I needed it too and I found it on torrent! :D


Here you go! :)

Now, can someone find me:


Genetics: A Conceptual Approach by Benjamin Pierce (3rd Edition)

Help please :D

>> No.1620514

you are awesome. I've looked everywhere for that torrent, i have no idea how i overlooked it on tpb

>> No.1620534

Previous poster here. Not to mention, that TPB tracker has the solutions manual with it too! I'm using this e-book as we speak :P

>> No.1620714

Can anyone find "Genetics: Conceptual Approach" by Pierce for me? 3rd edition would be nice! <3

>> No.1620744

Rhizome has it.

>> No.1620818


Seriously any single one of them would be appreciated

>> No.1620823

The Economy of Nature, 6th edition, by Robert Ricklefs

Please and thanks if anyone has it.

>> No.1620863


>> No.1620873
File: 15 KB, 470x308, babyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Physics for Scientists and Engineers, by Tipler, 5th ed. (or 6th) W.H. Freeman. ISBN#0-7167-8339-8

Calculus 8th ed. (Late Transcendental Functions, Single and Multivariable Version) by Anton, Bicens, Davis. Wiley. ISBN# 0-471-48273-0.

Please and thank you /sci/ :D

>> No.1620877


because we're smarter and better than everyon :D

>> No.1620961



>> No.1620979
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Textbooks are easy to find; I need the solutions manuals, they're impossible to find...

>> No.1621038

Fundamentals of Aerodynamics by John D. Anderson, 5th edition
Engineering Mechanics: Intro. to Dynamics by David J. McGill, 4th edition
Mechanics of Materials by James M. Gere, 7th edition
Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics by Bruce R. Munson, 6th edition
Radiation Detection and Measurement by Glenn F. Knoll, 4th edition

I'll be a bit shocked if anyone has the last one. I have Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications by Allan R. Hambley, 4th edition, and Fundamentals of Thermodynamics by Michael J. Moran, 6th edition, both with solutions for anyone interested. Leave me your email and which book(s) you want and I'll get that shit sent out some time early next week when I have access to them.

>> No.1621044


Depending on the level of the class, some don't have solutions manuals

>> No.1621094

1-4 of your list if you get them, and your EE + Thermodynamics book please

>> No.1621105

Automata and Computability by Kozen


User Interface Design and Evaluation by Stone

These two fuckers are impossibly to find despite being hella old.

>> No.1621111

You got it, anon.

>> No.1622594

Sorry, but could you help me find it? I've never used "Rhizome"... >_<

>> No.1622610
File: 38 KB, 300x405, EHEP000739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics 6th.
Moran and Shapiro

>> No.1622634


Thermo book


>> No.1622661

go to a library

or get them used then sell at the end of the semester

>> No.1622727

-Fund of Thermal-Fluid Sciences, Cengel 3rd Edition
-Mechanics of Materials, Hibbeler 8th Edition
-Basic to Advanced NX6 Modeling, Drafting & Assemblies, Stephen Samuel
-Intro to Linear Algebra, Johnson 5th Edition

>> No.1622741

email projectrhizome@gmail about that

>> No.1622750


I have the 5th edition. Interested?

>> No.1622752


Oh yes, a classic. Though he can ramble quite a bit on some subjects.

>> No.1622772


have the 5th on torrent, need 6th for homework problems. thanks though


My email if anyone comes across it though

>> No.1622778
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Our Origins, by Larsen.

The book of /sci/.

>> No.1623055


Analytical Chemistry 6th edition, Christian

Would also like an invite to project Rhizome, if anyone could, please.

>> No.1623336

Could anyone send me an invite to Project Rhizome?

>> No.1624243

Discrete Mathematics & Its Applications, 6th edition, Rosen

Architecture, 2nd edition, Trachtenberg

I also got Single Variable Calculus from this thread, thanks guys

>> No.1624496


I'm still looking for...
[Genetics: Conceptual Approach] by Pierce (3rd Edition)

I helped someone find their physics textbook so I would appreciate some help! Maybe with this "Rhizome" thing. :) An invite perhaps? :D

>> No.1624554

I don't have the full textbook for Wooldridge, but I can upload the solutions manual and Stata/text files for the homework problems if you want.

>> No.1624569
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Looking for:

Reges and Stepp, Building Java Programs: A Back to Basics Approach, Second Edition

>> No.1624585
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I need the ninth edition of the Anton, Bivens and Davis Calculus book. ( http://www.amazon.com/Calculus-Early-Transcendentals-Combined-Howard/dp/0470183454/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF
8&s=books&qid=1282261993&sr=8-1 )

I've been getting by with the 8th ed but my professor decided to actually assign graded homework from the sections this semester. If you guys have this that'd be amazing and much appreciated.

>> No.1624597

UW fag?

>> No.1624619

Nope, Vanderbilt, though I have a good friend at UW.

>captcha: friend, bromian

>> No.1624707

I'm at UW :O

>> No.1625309
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I need the following:
Organic Chemistry, 6 Edition by Vollhardt
Linear Algebra and Its Applications 3rd update by Lay

>> No.1626920


>> No.1626945
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>> No.1627052

i am /r/ing the invite code for demonoid,thanks.

>> No.1627156
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"Inquiry In Action: Biology" for Campbell's Biology Book

>> No.1627167


don't ask.

Its the whole freaking textbook. Its under a different name for....some reason. Hey look, I didn't upload it okay

>> No.1627168

I forget to put in my email...

>> No.1627329

anyone have griffiths quantum or electrodynamics?

>> No.1628115 [DELETED] 


>> No.1628412


sent you one

>> No.1628467

Anyone have:
Digital Principles & Design

Object Oriented Data Structures Using Java

Regional Geography of US & Canada

Experiencing World's Religions

>> No.1629342

Does anyone have a link to Gilbert Strang - Introduction to Linear Algebra, 4th Edition ?

>> No.1629400

ESSENTIAL CALCULUS STEWART, 1st, 06, CENGAGE, 9781111020996 (1-111-02099-X)

My uni wants $173 for it, fuck.

>> No.1629422

Damn, copy and paste fail.

ESSENTIAL CALCULUS+EWA(3) BNDL, STEWART, 1st, 06, CENGAGE, 9781111020996 (1-111-02099-X)

>> No.1629671

Anyone happen to have descriptive inorganic chemistry, by Geoffrey Rayner-Canham, Tina Overton?

>> No.1629679

ITT: too cheap to buy the required course textbooks.

>> No.1629686

How do people even use e-books? I mean I guess I can understand reading novels with a kinda, but TEXT BOOKS?

>> No.1629689


>> No.1629753

no shit. if you're this poor you should have worked harder to get a scholarship OR be getting financial aid.

use abebooks.com bro.

>> No.1629791
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so you know, that Folland book is a gigantic heaping pile of shit. Almost all of the questions are just rote calculation (not theory) and, seriously, who writes a multidimensional calc book with a total of only 5 pretty pictures.


>> No.1630625
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Anyone got this one?

Never heard of it before this.

>> No.1630627


Forgot to add the name of the book for without the picture.

Introduction to Programming with Greenfoot: Object-Oriented Programming in Java with Games and Simulations

Maybe someone has a book which could possibly teach the same things.