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16172481 No.16172481 [Reply] [Original]

Russia has found vast oil and gas reserves in the Antarctic, much of it in areas claimed by the UK.

Reserves totalling 511bn barrels of oil – about 10 times the North Sea’s entire 50-year output – have been reported to Moscow by Russian research ships, according to evidence given to the Commons Environment Audit Committee (EAC) last week.

It follows a series of surveys by the Alexander Karpinsky vessel, operated by Rosgeo – the Russian agency charged with finding mineral reserves for commercial exploitation.


>> No.16172482
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>> No.16172658
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Antarctica now? Fucking oil, fucking cancer, they'll ruin everything for that fucking substance, fuck

>> No.16172671
File: 18 KB, 320x225, researchers-reveal-the-subsurface-landscape-and-history-of-antarctica-s-eastern-ice-sheet-1701087886451_320~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah no that entire continent belongs to the United States. Everyone else can go fly a kite.

>> No.16172678

>entire world against you except random cunts like iran and china
>let everyone know where a fuckton of oil is
why is russia letting this info out?? you'd think they'd keep it secret for strategic purposes surely

>> No.16172684

becuase it's a lie
there were no dinosaurs in Antarctica
it's too cold

>> No.16172689
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>> No.16172721
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>> No.16172725

If the rest of the world is fighting over oil in Antarctica, they can't be united against you.

>> No.16172793
File: 79 KB, 543x466, potatojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-b-but muh peak oil!!!
>what about muh peak oil!!!!!
looks like real scientists and engineers are a lot more knowledgeable about the oil supply than envrio green whackos are

>> No.16173494

They're the only ones with the technical capabilities in arctic operations to take advantage.

>> No.16173500

Has it occurred to you that the Russian government is dumb as fuck? (like the past few years have proven)

>> No.16173618

the peak oil prediction was for peak oil production. and I remember the paper leaning heavily on $ per barrel as the key metric. and he's been right so far.

>> No.16173644
File: 842 KB, 2000x1337, antarctica emperor penguins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there were no dinosaurs in Antarctica
>it's too cold
Agreed. Just like it is too cold for birds, AMIRITE?

>> No.16173657

Lmao all the expertise that created and maintained Russia's Arctic fossil fuel exploitation is all Western or at least non-Russian.
Its why sanctions have been enough to stop Russia's new LNG facility.

>> No.16173716

>about 10 times the North Sea’s entire 50-year output
Sounds like a lot,until you realize it's not due to exponential growth

>> No.16174469

You mean the Argentine-Chilean-Brazillian territory?

>> No.16174473

Falklands were occupied by Britain before Argentina existed.

>> No.16174493

There were occupied by the Spanish territory that later would become Argentina before the British took them over by military force.

>> No.16174496

Russia and the Soviet Union before them have long been the world leader in nuclear powered ice breakers.

>> No.16174582

That was only after pumping knowhow from naive Norwegian companies hoping to work the Stackman fields.

>> No.16174597

Your daily reminder: Ukraine is losing.

>> No.16174610

Actually it was first occupied by the French

>> No.16174659

not a valid source of information

>> No.16174778

Some day you're going to realize this isn't a good thing, and at this rate, yes, it'll be the hard way.

>> No.16175820
