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File: 231 KB, 1080x1350, Snapinsta.app_436350545_1634656477318863_908308856145528487_n_1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16170883 No.16170883 [Reply] [Original]

Is NASA retarded or some shit?

>> No.16170895

they're just looking for new excuses to waste other people's money

>> No.16170918
File: 9 KB, 217x188, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the holiest of fucks is this?

>> No.16170930

An AI-generated image

>> No.16170934

The real reason we haven't been back to the moon since 1969.

NASA is government funded.

>> No.16170969

These are just clickbait soience news. They always exaggerate shit with unrealistic dates to excite their midwit readers.

>> No.16170973

>AI generated article
>AI generated image
>zero effort OP
should be banned for posting this shit

>> No.16170983

You may not like it, but this is what lunar maglev looks like.

>> No.16171014
File: 65 KB, 640x429, IMG_1262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could have done this a long time ago. Bush Sr, no matter what, was going to spend trillions of tax dollars on some sort of grand industrial escapade to colonize a dusty wasteland. He gave us the option for it to be space, the moon and mars, but we said “no”, we laughed at him, so it got spent on research into demolishing skyscrapers and invading middle eastern shit holes instead. Instead of Space Station Freedom we got FOB Freedom. And for the last 30 years the Chinese copied all of our tech and caught up so now we have to compete with them instead of just comfy inter-planetary domination.


>> No.16171034
File: 41 KB, 371x361, 898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're gonna build a railway on the moon where no one can use it just to show off to the Chinese

Is America even a real place? What the fuck is wrong with these guys?

>> No.16171045

Whitey is on the Moon while the people who make public transit into garbage are busy trying to figure out why the hallway chirps.

>> No.16171053

>will use magnetic levitation
>pic shows rails not mag lev

>game changer
>tech is over 50 years old at this point

yep, retarded

>> No.16171055

diversity, equity and inclusion

only white men and japanese men should be allowed to work with this tech

>> No.16171567
File: 254 KB, 1024x1024, ^_^.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a high-tech moon rail that you just don't understand.

>> No.16171579



>> No.16171587
File: 130 KB, 900x700, space-1999-eagle-transporter-scene-1-matthew-drinkall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ready for use in 2030s , lol

Anyway I wonder what the economics of this are vs wheeled vehicles or moon ships that can fly over the surface. Railroads are expensive to maintain because of the miles of trackway. A flying vehicle like they used in space 1999 might be cheaper and faster.

>> No.16171847

Must be something going on. They can't be this retarded.

>> No.16171930

Why is no one talking about this incredible invention by NASA? Game changer

>> No.16171944

>sourceless info
>AI generated image
>20 replies

>> No.16172072

learn to read

>> No.16172101

USAtards can't even do proper high speed train system on their lands.

This project will succeed as the chinese will do it.

>> No.16172126
File: 146 KB, 1440x1080, travel tube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The interesting part is how the Moon environment differs from Earth. The lack of atmosphere makes a hyperloop type system possible without even requiring a tunnel. The lack of life and rain means two of the main sources of maintenance needs are eliminated. Moonquakes exist but are rare. There's no atmosphere to protect the system from meteoroids but those too are rare. The main issue probably would be thermal expansion/contraction and the abrasiveness of lunar regolith. Without an atmosphere, not much regolith would get stirred up by passing vehicles so maybe it wouldn't be all that much of an issue especially with a contactless maglev.
Space:1999 did have a transit tunnel, though IIRC it was only used between parts of the base and not used for long distance travel.

>> No.16172131

Never going to happen. Like I always say, you retards can't do basic maths. There is an equation made around a century ago. It's called THE ROCKET EQUATION and you will never lift magnets and bullshit needed to build a train on the Moon. You won't do it, Russians won't do it, Chinks won't do it, it's not happening. It's called MATH, I'm sorry you've never heard of it but it blocks your path anyways.

>> No.16172136

Incorrect. Motion from the train will stir up lunar regolith which is highly abrasive and highly damaging to all known machines. Think about sand from the Middle East but worse. The US Military's #1 maintenance enemy in the last few decades have been sand.



Now imagine a 60-200+mph lunar bullet train speeding along the surface of the Moon. How much dust do you suppose that could kick up? In the low gravity how long will it take the dust to settle back down? There are a great deal of variables you have ignored. It's never going to happen.

>> No.16172145


>> No.16172146

SABRE engine entered the game

>> No.16172147

>we haven't been back to the moon since 1972

>> No.16172173

>the tatva India
>26 replies

>> No.16172186

Charged particles certainly could be an issue but perhaps that could be ameliorated by paving the ground under the path. Obviously that's an added expense but the power of magnetism rapidly diminishes with distance so it probably wouldn't need to be very wide. And keep in mind that there's no air to get charged so the amount of particles in question would itself be small.

>> No.16172190

>AI-generated headline

>> No.16172195

Good morning sirs!

>> No.16172207


>> No.16172464
File: 453 KB, 1347x1035, schaler_float_graphic_2021_ph_i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't you kinds ever bother to do minimal research before posting garbage? FFS

>FLOAT — Flexible Levitation on a Track

>> No.16172533

>Americans will build high-speed rail on the Moon before they'll build it in America