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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1617025 No.1617025 [Reply] [Original]

Long story short, I have to take a math course in college that will cover "quadratic, polynomial and radical equations, linear functions and their graphs, systems of linear equations, functions and their properties and triangles and trigonometric functions. Activities will include solving problems and using appropriate technological tools."

How hard is all this stuff? Is there somewhere I can go that will give me extra help in learning these things? I assume that I'll be given good enough resources to learn from the college itself, but is there anywhere I can go that can better help prepare me.

>> No.1617030

Classes usually start with the assumption that you do not know the things the class is going to teach you. This is not always the case, but its a safe bet.

I would feel it out before deciding its going to be an issue, it may end up being your easiest class.

>> No.1617044


Thats good to know. Its not that I was ever "that" bad at math, but I've never had anything that seemed as complicated as that before

>> No.1617046

Sounds pretty easy, even if you arent mathematically inclined. If you want, im sure khan academy has videos on the subject. Its always nice to learn about them before you actually learn about them

>> No.1617074


Thanks for the info, I'll check out the site and see what I can learn

>> No.1617196

>quadratic, polynomial and radical equations, linear functions and their graphs, systems of linear equations, functions and their properties and triangles and trigonometric functions.

Easy. Do the homework, ask questions as they arise. This stuff was sleep-in-class tier easy at a college level.

>Activities will include solving problems and using appropriate technological tools.

pfft read: we will teach you how to use your calculator if it is too hard for you. Any respectable graphing calculator can do these types of problems for you.

>How hard is all this stuff? Is there somewhere I can go that will give me extra help in learning these things?

If you find yourself falling behind i am sure that the college has study groups or tutors. Most colleges have work/study programs which pair you up.

Oh and i was an Architecture major not a Math major.

>> No.1617229

OP, the course sounds like a review of high school math, so it should be pretty easy. You will be fine with the material your instructor provides you. Just YouTube the topics and you will probably be able to find them, or look it up on Khan Academy.