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File: 1.29 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20240510_075543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16168815 No.16168815 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>forced to listen to lecture by department every Friday
>mfw it's about the climate
>Desflourane is like driving across the country a couple of times in terms of CO2.
>just use sevo and a lower flow.
>Recycling i.v. tubes and shit
>Just do a tiva instead
>Don't draw up emergency medicine beforehand to avoid tossing it
They literally don't give a shit about patients. They'd prefer to get rid of anaesthesia all together and go back to giving patients a stick to bite on. Made from recycled wood of course.

>> No.16168821

remember anons when they say reduce carbon they mean that you are the carbon they want to reduce

>> No.16168834

As if doctors ever did care. If it wasn't for the juicy income nobody would do it. Only psychopaths do it.

>> No.16168864

Name ahy job anyone would do if it wasn't for the money

>> No.16168865

Glavset and Discovery Institute advocacy

>> No.16168866
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>go back to giving patients a stick to bite on
I cant wait to pass down my "bitin' bit".


>> No.16168867

master baiter.

>> No.16168884

As if being a good doctor required caring

>> No.16168914

Half the country perceives it as good medicine.

Literally what they think a "doctor" is, and why MD/PhD on twitter is a joke.

>Doctor is the person in charge of forcing others what to do. (replace Doctor with anythingbof authority)
This is the operational line of code they read.

The cab vote to make murder legal...they'll kill you to make it their right to kill them.

>> No.16168929

Jannitor of thid board

>> No.16168932

>Be me
>not a medfag
>refuse all motorized transport, partly out of environmental concern (unless absolute emergency)
>ride bicycle most of the time as its almost peak efficiency and health benefits, rarely walk
>regularly get hit by cagers failing to follow traffic rules
>sometimes go to the ER because of the cagers
I can only imagine the audacity some cager aneastheologist needs to have to drive his obese ass to the hospital in a motorcar every dax only to explain to me the tubus is going to be from the last guy because environment.
Thankfully this hasnt happened yet. Hospitals in my area seem not to spare any expense. I only have a rough idea about the pile of trash each of my stays in hospitals has probably produced and it's probably a sad sight. Still: If all humans only ever emitted GHG and produced waste during stays in the hospital we'd be golden.

>> No.16168938
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>each of my stays
Be so known youre given your own call sign so the team knows what to expect.

>> No.16169141
File: 3.93 MB, 270x480, circumcision room.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They'd prefer to get rid of anaesthesia all together and go back to giving patients a stick to bite on.
They already don't give anesthesia to babies getting circumcised.


>> No.16169181

genital mutilation of unconsenting minors
>worries about the anaesthesia out of all things

>> No.16169183

unironically need to fucking stop doing this to kids.

>> No.16169216
File: 955 KB, 576x1024, nurse responds to circumcision disgust.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16169218
File: 3.56 MB, 5240x2116, forced circumcision in america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes the parents don't even consent

>> No.16169240

I see stickers saying this in my town sometimes :)
Unfortunately you can't do that until people stop believing the mafia family doing it to your populace is the "oppressed"
Count your jewish blessings

>> No.16169250

seggs w/ women (female)

>> No.16169267
File: 27 KB, 975x491, should circumcisions be routine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unfortunately you can't do that until people stop believing the mafia family doing it to your populace is the "oppressed"
Zoomers might be finally waking up to circumcision being a scam.

>> No.16169285

even if you think people should be circumsized, why wouldn't you wait until your kid is like, 16 or something, and let them choose?

>> No.16169288

Cunning linguist

>> No.16169300

>As if being a good doctor required caring
It does

>> No.16169306

You are in a cult.

>> No.16169412

Just like cagers. Thats fine with me.

>> No.16169447

It absolutely doesn't

>> No.16170708

In my experience its nurses who need to be and are caring in nature.
Yooooo medfags. Question: Suppose I tore some ligaments and detached muscles as the same site. The surgeon put an implant in to reposition the joint and sutured the ligaments. No mention of the muscle insertions. Shouldn't it be impossible for the muscles to reattach when completely detached, as they shorten and wont just magically stretch out as needed to reattach ? Is the situation any different if the muscles are mostly detached bur not entirely ? Would that somehow enable the muscle to complete its attachement again ?
Maybe I'm just still in denial regarding how fucked I am.

>> No.16170830

Why would a doctor that doesnt care about you give you good treatment? Absolutely why?
Fear of lawsuits might stop him doing something too obvious, but thats the bottom line, the doctor will do nasty things to you as long as its not too obvious.
Like, you could imagine a radiation specialist playing loose with the radiation just to fuck with you. Side effects are inevitable anyway, surgeries are not complete cures

>> No.16170844

From what it sounds like your cult makes you weak and the car cult is wrecking your shit. This mind virus has convinced you to forego power and speed for a dubious sense of health and sacrifice to the environment. Basically a degenerate form of Christcuckery.

>> No.16171453

Thats odd. Since it rather seems like the average motorists physical weakness is only rivaled by the weakness of their senses. Look at them, they are typically lazy, addicted to comfort, overweight, easily defeated emotionally and physically and have very low levels of absolute strength and cardiovascular fitness.

>> No.16171467

kek. i assume you've never interacted with a nurse.

>> No.16172396

I wonder if any human rights advocacy groups have been called anti-semitic for fighting this

>> No.16172640
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does it makes sens to start med school at 37? do you have any advice to give to an oldfag like me

>> No.16172659

Academic scientist. We are paid like absolute shit.

>> No.16173765

>the person who is responsible for me not dying while in surgery is on 4chan

its over

>> No.16173790

You get paid?

I pay to do science...you get money for it?!

>> No.16173793

doctors who don't care just try to milk their patients for as much money doing the minimum work possible

>> No.16173808
File: 47 KB, 423x725, images (11) (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank God we put love first in medicine in Amerixa.

Vax...and vax boldly!

>> No.16173831

nah it's just you have to listen to people who have found the way to quit 24/7 and doing cozy desk job

>> No.16174054

I hate that "saving the climate" is used as a front for being a cheap mofo

>> No.16174123

>They give you a random lecture
>MAN WHAT THE FUCK, THEY ARE FORCING ME TO DO THIS SHIT! THINK OF LE PATIENTS, even though I don't give a shit about patients REEEE

Fuck off you stupid wagie. Your job is nothing but tubing windpipes and turn a knob.

>> No.16174125

What are you doing it for? No, it doesn't. It's a customer service job, you deal with retards all the time, and when you have something serious there is absolutely no room for error, you may chastise you for making mistakes. Medicine is not for normal people, it's for psychos.

>t. doctor now NEET.

>> No.16174528

>What are you doing it for?
boredom also, the ability to work past 60, not having a boss and never having to worry about being jobless

>> No.16174592

Keeping productive people alive uses more CO2 than anything

>> No.16174673

dude really.
I always suspected it but never cared too much to look up how exactly ...
Eventually I was going to go under anaesthesia and finally got confirmation 'yep, they drop you first and just get things done in time I guess'.
Then again I dont like plastic toobs enough to be wanting to deep throat them so thanks anaesthesiologists for doing whatever you do to get me from anaesthesia room to wake up room like its time travel.

>> No.16174711

Prime teen pussy tester

>> No.16174713

How did you go from doctor to neet?

>> No.16174738

probably like most: reach pension age

>> No.16174888

>third world residency
>Work for $3 the hour, 80h a week
>Have to juggle 3 patients at the same time on the 2sqmt consultation room
>administrators don't give a fuck, blame all the problem on whoever is on call, constant harrassment.
>get burnout and quit
>have to fake depression or I have to give back every cent they paid me until now because "im a student and my wages are a scholarship".
I'm not doing any of that shit again. Anyways, doctor work is recognizing shit and remember the solution. I find no satisfaction in something this rote, while my peers pretend to collect pokemon with every disease they see, or look forward to perform life-risking procedures on people.