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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 224 KB, 1000x1114, Chanda-Prescod-Weinstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16168270 No.16168270 [Reply] [Original]

Who is your favorite scientist?

>> No.16168288 [DELETED] 
File: 206 KB, 900x1200, soyence samples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16168327
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For me, it's Pasteur

>> No.16168386


>> No.16168397

Louis Pasteur was a lying fraud who tortured animals for fun.

>> No.16168403

Based choice.

>> No.16168407

Probably Richard Feynman or Carl Sagan. Not because of their great scientific contributions, but because they were cool as fuck. Ranked purely by greatness I'd say someone like Darwin, Newton, or Aristotle.

>> No.16168409

Germaphobia is a disease

>> No.16168416
File: 818 KB, 600x818, Koch_Hedwig_Japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably Robert Koch. Discovered the cause of tuberculosis and was a weeaboo.

>> No.16168424 [DELETED] 
File: 424 KB, 2500x1666, rts13gxc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16168467
File: 137 KB, 1920x1080, Why Does E=mc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16168515

Neil Smokin deGrasse Tyson

>> No.16168534 [DELETED] 


>> No.16169155

Woodward for his autistically super clean molecule structure drawing ability.
Sanger for being down to earth excelent experimentalist.
Darwin for his writting ability coupled with focus and clear reasoning.

>> No.16169220

Ed Witten and Terrence Tao are the one who can cure all the psuedo scientists and frauds posted in this thread, including OP pic.

>> No.16169232
File: 108 KB, 1030x579, Nikola-Tesla-1030x579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Tesla count?

>> No.16169463 [DELETED] 

No, Twum is the only scientist that matters. All others are mere facsimiles and imitators

>> No.16169641

What I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall in a room where these four are having a conversation.

>> No.16169842
File: 238 KB, 1109x1154, Christiaan-huygens4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16170079


>> No.16170887 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16170911

the first would assert her dominance over the other three. she is not a good physicist but she is highly aggressive and unstable

>> No.16171009

twum wouldn't let that little bitch dominate her

>> No.16171028

Left or right doesn't matter, people with chud phenotype always have extremist ideas.

>> No.16171598
File: 127 KB, 800x1085, Trofim_Lysenko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trofim Lysenko
Laid the groundwork for making science subservient to political necessity. Without which, we would not have a climatic crisis.

>> No.16171600

literally who

>> No.16171605

>children inheriting characteristics built by parents in their lifetime.
based af. Russians were ahead of the curve. the westoid tranny soientists now revisiting this idea like it's something groundbreaking they invented.

>> No.16171610

>the westoid tranny soientists now revisiting this idea like it's something groundbreaking they invented.
are you talking about the "generational trauma" bullshit?

>> No.16171630


>> No.16171632

/scipol/ meme akin to Jacob Barnett, but now with racism

>> No.16171697

whats wrong about racism?

>> No.16171703

Racism is skub and /pol/ is cancer.

>> No.16171722
File: 249 KB, 1307x1488, antiracist man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16171728 [DELETED] 

gb2 stormfront

>> No.16172811

How come you can't explain whats wrong with racism?
I sure hope you're not just irrationally bigoted against people who look out for their own kind. Not everyone is as self centered as you are, some people care about their families and their race, not just themselves.

>> No.16172914

>some people care about their families
>and their race
lol no what a bitch
Anyway, fuck off back to pol where you belong, election tourist permanewfag.

>> No.16173495

Since you can't explain whats wrong with racism, how come you presume that racism is an irrational belief?
Is your dislike for racism something thats strictly an emotional urge for you?
Your race is your extended family, why do you hate them? Why do you favor outsiders over your own kind?

>> No.16173646
File: 68 KB, 500x415, Carl Sagan smoke weed everyday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who is your favorite scientist?

>> No.16173651
File: 34 KB, 531x517, hardcore piercing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whats wrong with racism
what an edgelord, kek

>> No.16173972

>Your race is your extended family
Literal sub-70 IQ take.

>> No.16174022

Damn I wanna face fuck her so bad. I want to have her suck it all the way down and have her nose touching my pubic bone while her eyes looking up at me that'll be so hot. Imagine face fucking her while asking her physics questions that'll be so hot.

>> No.16174694

this bitch is hideous.

>> No.16174702

Has Rufo checked this bitch for plagiarism?

>> No.16175023 [DELETED] 

unfortunate result of race mixing. mixed race people are always ugly

>> No.16175024

The only non-meme scientist ITT. Absolute state of pop/sci/ chuds in this board

>> No.16175154
File: 77 KB, 734x448, Franklin_Inventions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who is your favorite scientist?

Benjamin Franklin

>> No.16175178
File: 665 KB, 760x566, ndg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my 2 favorite scientists taking a selfie with my favorite president.

>> No.16176278

>tortured animals
experimenting on animals is based

>> No.16176784
File: 91 KB, 768x275, Screenshot .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Over time, the UNH scientist [Chanda] has escalated her grievances into increasingly dubious accusations of scholarly misconduct, misogyny, and homophobia, as well as entirely unsubstantiated remarks about sexual harassment.
>Additionally, Quillette has obtained copies of complaints against Prescod-Weinstein recently submitted to UNH by three other scholars. Among these materials is a database cataloguing over 50,000 of the tweets that Prescod-Weinstein posted during the five-year period ending in September 2023.
>Taken together, the sources reviewed by Quillette cover dozens of vilification campaigns waged by Prescod-Weinstein, beginning in 2015 and continuing to the present day.
>In some cases, these attacks were rooted in contentious social-justice issues playing out in the fields of astronomy and physics.
>But others seem to have been sparked by nothing more than glancing social-media disagreements, jokes, minor rebukes, or a targeted individual’s failure to take what Prescod-Weinstein deemed to be suitable notice of her accomplishments.
>While most of Prescod-Weinstein’s documented targets are scientists, others include a reporter, an art-history researcher, an early childhood educator,
>and the collective fan base of Taylor Swift, which Prescod-Weinstein has publicly suggested shares common features with white supremacists.
>She calls The New York Times “trash,” the Wall Street Journal “racist,” and the United States “christofascist.” Indeed, a scan of her tweets indicates that she views almost every major institution in American society as being governed by “fascists.”
>That includes X itself,
>despite the fact that Prescod-Weinstein tweets, on average, more than 50 times per day.
This chick is a fucking joke, holy shit. All that Jewish blood did was make her a prolific slanderer.

>> No.16177662

who was the harvard dishonesty researcher that was caught falsifying her data?

>> No.16177688

Still no explanation for why it's bad.

>> No.16178119

Francesca Gino

>> No.16178128
File: 173 KB, 1070x1078, why so angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go live more, you traumatized, bitter, sad person. Seek help

>> No.16178169

born to be jacked

>> No.16178697

Hey retard, here's a hint, you don't choose your race.

>> No.16178713

People don't choose to be paranoid schizophrenics, but we still tend to avoid them in the name of personal safety.

>> No.16178726

That would still depend on the individual schizophrenic and mental health is inherently different from race, so your analogy fails on two fronts.

>> No.16178730

Still no explanation for why it's bad. Just monkeys flinging shit lmao.

>> No.16178734

Imagine you're bleeding out on the street. The hospital that's treating you intentionally gives you inferior service because you are of your particular race and they don't want to race resources on your race. You die as a result. Clear enough for you?

>> No.16178740

Oh okay, so bad for interiors but not for me. The morality of racism is subjective in the absolute. Thank you for your clarification.

>> No.16178742

>That would still depend on the individual schizophrenic
And yet you would still behave differently around someone if you knew they were schizophrenic, and treat claims they make differently, out of a natural sense of self-preservation, especially if you didn't know them well or at all.
>mental health is inherently different from race
Different, but analogous. Neither are chosen, both impact the person, both SHOULD impact how you approach that person when you don't know them well or at all.

>> No.16178743

Oh you don't care until it happens to you because you're an NPC lacking in basic imagination and/or empathy neurons. Thank you for the clarification.

>> No.16178749

>And yet you would still behave differently around someone if you knew they were schizophrenic
You don't know shit about me. Don't assume how I'd behave.
>but analogous
>both impact the person
You don't demonstrate HOW they impact the person. Both your examples break down on the general level and are still case-by-case for how we treat the person.

>> No.16178750

I mean you really championed the subjectivity of it. Read your post again and tell me you didn't. I'll be waiting for an objective reason why racism is bad.

>> No.16178751

Okay I didn't.

>> No.16178754

>You don't know shit about me. Don't assume how I'd behave.
Okay, so you just have no sense of self-preservation and would approach any stranger exactly the same way even if you've been explicitly told they suffer from a debilitating mental illness that makes them a danger to themselves and others?

>> No.16178759

Why do you always think only in generalities? Let me say it a third time since you can't read: it depends on the individual case and what symptoms they show that dictate how we go about dealing with that person.

>> No.16178761

Still waiting on the objective reason why it's bad.

>> No.16178763

You got it.

>> No.16178765

Where is it?

>> No.16178768

The post giving an example showing that it's immoral to cause someone to die because of their race.

>> No.16178777

So your only reason is morality, a subjective abstraction?

>> No.16178782

Can you point me to an experiment that will prove the absolute laws of morality?

>> No.16178783

I can't tell if you're just being disingenuous or if you're actually this stupid. We're not talking about some clinical setting where you get access to a complete medical history and can debate for a few hours about the man's behavioral tendencies before choosing a correct course of action in how to interact with him. We're talking about some guy you come across out in the world and the only thing you know about him is that he has a dangerous mental illness.

>> No.16178798
File: 201 KB, 1280x1370, Not Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me. While I'm not famous or even highly cited, I'm still my own favorite scientist.

>> No.16178812

I'm still waiting. Where can I find info on objective morality?

>> No.16179196
File: 459 KB, 1070x1078, 1715851630992608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

racism will win

>> No.16179201

Myself and those who called out covid jabs for being rushed garbage.

>> No.16179235

you don't choose to be ugly either but nothing wrong with making fun of uggos

>> No.16179237

but the immorality here isn't the race part, it's the causing someone to die part. Denying someone medical treatment because they're a chud would be just as bad

>> No.16179295

Twum never did any of that.

>> No.16179892

Still waiting on the evidence proving objective morality.

>> No.16180870

we are waiting

>> No.16180894

haha i was gonna add myself too. i did some genetics grant work and measured roley poleys morphology. couple papers.

>> No.16180911 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 1024x1024, OIG3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orkimedes, the invertor of the Telliporta.
[Picture generated by Copilot, as you can see that shit is retarded AF.]

>> No.16180913

The gods have spoken, Twum is the indisputable greatest scientist of all time

>> No.16180923
File: 364 KB, 112x112, pepone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing wrong with racism. Only morons are not racist.

>> No.16181461

Why hasn't that anon provided proof that morality is an objective abstraction?

>> No.16182076

^bumping the thread one last time so he can post his proof of morality's objective abstraction.

>> No.16182086

>this thread triggers me
why not just hide it instead of turning yourself into a little bitch? do you enjoy being angry and upset all the time?

>> No.16183077 [DELETED] 

nice headcannon but that never happened

>> No.16183091
File: 585 KB, 1440x1168, 1672685375133907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask for a legitimate and objective reason explaining why racism is bad
>get subjective morality-based feelings and damage control instead of an objective reason
Anon, everyone loses from time to time, but it's not good to bitch and moan when you do.

>> No.16183979

>^bumping the thread one last time so he can post his proof of morality's objective abstraction.

>> No.16183980 [DELETED] 

You suck and your papers should all be retracted

>> No.16184571

Racism has pros and cons. If one group actually is significantly different than another, then it could be useful to create social norms and heuristics on how to deal with that group. The downside is that it can lead to false positives, such as assuming a black nerd is retarded and violent just because ghetto blacks are more likely to be. Or that dark skinned Brahmins are the same as Africans simply based on color.

Ideologies like religion have tried to extend the concept of the in-group to be larger and larger, so as to reduce inter-group violence and increase cooperation. Christianity especially is known for its values of charity, mercy, forgiveness, salvation. These try to give people second chances and reduce the incidence of blood feuds between groups, leading to a 'brotherhood of man.' In this sense they try to make the meaningful difference between people based on values or culture, rather than physical appearance. In terms of game theory this strategy worked better for multiethnic empires, as memes spread much faster than genes.

Since there are genetic differences between ethnic groups, and that may explain some percentage of the variance in behavior, it's not entirely baseless to be 'racist' to some degree. However it's possible for culture and upbringing to supercede genetic predispositions in large part. Perhaps the more reasonable future position will be to recognize there are average differences, not expect perfect equality of outcomes, but still give people a chance to prove their merit.

>> No.16185229

Is more like 50% ugly AF, 25% ugly, 12.5% below average, 6.25% average, 3.125% above average, 1.0625% pretty, and so on.

>> No.16185258

midwit spotted

>> No.16185732

Rupert Sheldrake

History will vindicate him.

>> No.16187045
File: 189 KB, 1001x1000, 1654734043189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the holy trio of /sci/

>> No.16187059 [DELETED] 

Black hole cunt, lab tech nigger, and what's the third?

>> No.16187247

>Terrence Tao

>> No.16188501
File: 650 KB, 910x815, 1653008288636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noobs don't know about ghost tits nance

>> No.16188556

Can't say I've ever seen this posted here before.

>> No.16188559

Why does her nose look so flattened?

>> No.16188906

Why does every interaction with media need to be described as consuming/consumption? Why not:
>We don't exist to be leered at"
>to be pleasant to your eyes
>to be sexy
>to be enjoyable
literally anything else.

>> No.16188910

>we don't exist to be leered at
>that's why I did a sexy photoshoot to show off my body to millions of people

>> No.16188956

You either don't visit much or you're a newfag. That image was getting posted constantly for a year or two.

>> No.16189036

living? James Steele. Did a meta-analysis of exercise studies and sifted through data. Showed that the only thing that really matters in exercise is intensity and that more than 1 set is not required when reaching failure. Results are remarkably consistent when you account for hitting failure. Before this, most studies did not equate proximity to failure, but when controlling for intensity by only searching studies that had subjects reaching failure you find maximal potential muscle building benefit. All other factors of exercise performance are essentially irrelevant. Also did some research on lifting and how it pertains to "cardio". Showed that AMPK was maximally stimulated when reaching failure, meaning that you get maximal non-specific aerobic benefit from reaching failure as well as vascular adaptation. Other "cardio" benefits are activity specific. So if you wanted to be a runner then you would train for running by running and wouldn't just expect to be able to be good without training for it, but running itself does not provide any specific magic benefit as a superior form of general "cardio" training. This dude, James Fischer, and their colleagues trimmed off 99% of all the exercise industry horseshit in 2 studies even though industry fags refuse to acknowledge it because it would destroy their profit structure.

He's literally the
>"Personal trainers HATE him! Get ripped in 1/10th the time with this ONE simple trick"
guy except for real. (1/10th the time spent exercising, not calendar days from starting training until you're ripped) I have the utmost respect for this guy despite his terrible physique due to shit genetics.

Dead? Tesla, because he was cool and single handedly launched us 100 years into the future.

>> No.16189038
File: 33 KB, 256x256, 1000127150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot picrel

>> No.16189705
File: 1.47 MB, 770x839, 1701984817790708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16190685

Her tits are made out of dark matter

>> No.16191860

>noobs b&
based jannie

>> No.16192370

>that's why I did a sexy photoshoot to show off my body
she'd be more attractive in hijab

>> No.16192377

She's trying to be sexy regardless of your opinion on her success in doing so.

>> No.16192985
File: 30 KB, 200x250, William_Shockley,_Stanford_University.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

William Shockley
William Luther Pierce
Joseph Fourier
Isaac Newton
James Clerk Maxwell
James Dewey Watson

>> No.16193138

Shes fat

Has there ever been any studies done on the obesity problem amongst scientists? It seems to be particularly bad amongst females in astronomy and physics. Go into any astro department in any university and most of the females seem to have emotional eating disorders.

>> No.16193709

Bill Nye, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Greta Thunderberg and Jack Horkeheimer. And those black girls that invented the Pythagorean theorem

>> No.16194731

No Carl Sagan? Sure hope you're not antisemitic

>> No.16194845
File: 211 KB, 1054x1251, GB4rAl0XcAI1iIK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Racism", 'racial-prejudice', however you wish to refer to it, is a survival mechanism. Pic related.

You might not be able to choose your race, but you can certainly choose your personal actions. Turns out that individuals of particular races choose undesirable actions at a higher rate.

>> No.16194847

Firstly, racism is wrong because when people believe it, it usually results in harm to people. Ranging from the relatively trivial harms of cruel jokes and offensive stereotypes to the catastrophic harms of things like apartheid and genocide. It would therefore be better in general if no one were racist.

And then it’s also wrong because it is factually inaccurate. A belief in the innate superiority of any racial or ethnic group is not scientifically supported; and even the definitions and divisions of racial and ethnic groups that we use are often not scientifically supported.

>> No.16194850
File: 183 KB, 1330x1022, GC7pmjKXQAAMl0V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16196404
File: 139 KB, 800x1200, E77Ydy-XEAExaTP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate whites
>because they're racist

>> No.16196475

Still subjective morality. Please post proof that racism is objectively wrong.

>> No.16197252
File: 94 KB, 656x960, trot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racism is wrong because when people believe it, it usually results in harm to people
Thats exactly wrong, banning racism has caused hundreds of millions of deaths over the past century, racists have caused none. Banning racism is a key component of communism because communists want people to reserve all of their loyalty strictly for their communists totalitarian masters rather than for their own kin.

>> No.16197277

nothing lol. others just ragebait you. of course they know racism is good.((()))

>> No.16198331

Semite nations are the most criminal, Israel ranks higher than some subsaharan nations. So middle easterners are even worse than blacks in terms of criminality

>> No.16198578

You hate whites because they're racist.
I hate whites because I'm racist.
We are not the same.

>> No.16198581

Karl Marx (Das Kapital is a purely scientific work, go cry about it)

>> No.16198583

It's only natural for a Subhuman to hate his superiors. He has an inherent feeling that he's been cheated by life that there is a race that so utterly dominates him and his history that all he can muster is awe and hate.

>> No.16198584

>you can certainly choose your personal actions

Can you? Is everyone qualified enough to exercise free will?

>> No.16198589

Quadroon spotted

>> No.16198592

He invented Death? Holy fuck.

>> No.16198595

This perfectly defines shitskin hatred for whites.

>> No.16198599

>He is smart!!!! Greatest Scientist Ever!!!

Understanding what others have done is not what makes you a scientist. A scientist contributes his own verse in the powerful play of life.

>> No.16198816

This perfectly defines the gentile's hatred for the Chosen people.

>> No.16198820
File: 81 KB, 2138x300, graphviz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chritnopher nolan

>> No.16198998

I'm a secular Jew. All my jewish ancestry ever gave me is mental problems and acid reflux. Oh, and they circumcised my dick too.

>> No.16199269

well everyone is on a ladder and if that anon gave the idea that you can choose said personal actions, then I'm sure he can.
you on the other hand are just trying to argue for the argument's sake and probing nothing.
Here's a question for you, if you are doing well off and live a state of life that you are satisfied by, then notice a deprived young animal on the street that is close to death, what would you actions be?

>> No.16199906
File: 63 KB, 850x400, Twain on soyence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16200372

Also peanut butter science man

>> No.16200375

He counts the most. He didn't just talk schizo babble, he said "watch this" and made useful shit out of it.

>> No.16201484

Same was true of Edison and the Wright brothers and many others of their era. We don't have anyone like that around today, we only have the schizophasiacs spewing their baby babble

>> No.16202118


>> No.16202123

Whites aren't racist, thats the problem with them and why they'll soon be extinct. Every other race is massively racist.

>> No.16202553
File: 374 KB, 2000x1200, 1717020731667003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me :3

>> No.16203438

good pic

>> No.16205023
File: 314 KB, 1500x600, ChageMakerSeries+Banner+(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Janny tried to delete the evidence of Twum being the greatest scientist because janny is a filthy disgusting racist

>> No.16205981

newfag summerfag

>> No.16205983

Chocolate Einstein?

>> No.16206002

Bootel, now

>> No.16206093
File: 636 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20240404_140412_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My heart belongs to.....

>> No.16206381
File: 131 KB, 500x728, Arnim-Zola-Marvel-Comics-Captain-America.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr. Arnim Zola

>> No.16206386


>> No.16207263
File: 310 KB, 884x720, Astronomer_Alan_Hale_at_the_Cosmic_Carnival_held_at_Cottonwood_Mall_in_Albuquerque_on_Sept._10th,_2005_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16207846

What's her OnlyFans?

>> No.16208112


>> No.16208597

She's a good girl. Her brains draw attention, not just the pussy.

>> No.16208603

>She's a good girl.
Don't lie, I can see that tattoo.

>> No.16208630

All the girls in her church group get that tattoo

>> No.16208637

What does the turkey mean?

>> No.16208652

The turkey is a wise, noble bird. It out-smarts almost all of the best hunters. And, Wild Turkey 101 is best bang for the buck of Kentucky bourbon. It's clearly the best tattoo anyone could receive.

>> No.16208666
File: 19 KB, 500x367, vg6rn[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means she gobbles cock.

>> No.16208697
File: 210 KB, 455x549, 1f25d5e874da16088106f82c3fc30869-704073056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16209194
File: 38 KB, 420x314, dog laughing with assburger who didn't get the joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ghost tits nance

>> No.16210349

what sort of hideous creature is that?

>> No.16210367


>> No.16210377


>> No.16210409
File: 845 KB, 800x1200, Alyssa-Carson-7065-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More of a scientist than anyone here.

>> No.16210533

Social media influencer? Based on the current state of science, she probably is the most sciencie of anyone in this thread.

>> No.16210884

PhD student now apparently, so yes for sure.

>> No.16212199

she is jewish

>> No.16212320

She is Jewish(you)

>> No.16212651

the brotha that found out the atrazine was making the frogs gay

>> No.16216831

>making the frogs gay

>> No.16216910 [DELETED] 

Antiscientific retard

>> No.16216918 [DELETED] 

>Firstly, racism is wrong because when people believe it, it usually results in harm to people.
Fucking LOL, literally "You're not allowed to acknowledge reality if it hurts the feefees of the ethnic groups I worship :("

>And then it’s also wrong because it is factually inaccurate.
What would you accept as proof of a given race being superior? How do you define superiority? Try to defy your nature and not be snake.

>> No.16216925 [DELETED] 

>and even the definitions and divisions of racial and ethnic groups that we use are often not scientifically supported.
Impartial partitioning of genetic data results in clusters that map almost 1:1 to traditional racial divisions. Stop lying.

>> No.16218702
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>> No.16218759

She's utterly delusional.

>> No.16218790
File: 76 KB, 587x599, 587px-Teller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That crazy Hungarian guy that wanted to make huge bombs.

>> No.16219154
File: 57 KB, 665x461, images (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does /sci/ feel about their personal support roles

>> No.16220952

what was deleted?

>> No.16221216
File: 32 KB, 154x154, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ugliest woman alive, I love her seething

>> No.16221251

Not him but I did that and it made me more racist. Give up your gay ass neoliberal religion, it's nonsense.

>> No.16221253

Also that said, you should be kind to everyone on a personal level regardless of race, although it pays to be wary of some. Except anti racists, they're fucking subhumans and should die.

>> No.16221257

According to modern neuroscience you don't choose anything. What's your point? That it isn't technically your fault that you were born a faggot?

>> No.16221312

Sounds like an argument for monoethnic societies

>> No.16221711

gb2 jail

>> No.16221824

>we don't exist for consumption
she doesn't

>> No.16221847

you're a fucking idiot

>> No.16222449

>the ugliest woman alive, I love her seething
She could Angry Fuck me

>> No.16223663
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>> No.16224522

Germans are at peace when seething. She looks great.

>> No.16226061
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>> No.16227791

>Sure hope you're not antisemitic
whats wrong with antisemitism?

>> No.16227800

A poast so clowning God ignores the faggots at cern

>> No.16229146

Nothing, antisemitism is based

>> No.16230580

upvoted for bill noye the soiyence goy

>> No.16230667

How many times did you save your shitty thread from dying fucktard?

>> No.16231799

he was jewish, not Hungarian

>> No.16231839

von Helmholtz or Purkinje.

>> No.16232636

Fritz Haber

>> No.16233492


>> No.16233583


>> No.16233598

Rosalyn Franklin got a raw deal

>> No.16233731

Actually she didn't at all. That idea is just pushed for political reasons.
She wasn't awarded the nobel prize because she was dead, and the prize is never awarded posthumously.
Also the prize was awarded for the mathematical model which predicted the exact angles of every bond in DNA, which was developed entirely by Crick. It was not awarded to its siater paper which rosalind wrote, because, while important, Franklin's findings did not present a mathematical model for the exact angle of every bond in the molecule.

>> No.16233732


>> No.16233876
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>> No.16233886

Let me guess, you're one of those narcissistic schizoid "people" who think that germ theory is wrong?

>> No.16233912

NTA, but even if you believe in germ theory it's plain to see that Pasteur's quest (and that of those who followed him) to demonize and destroy all bacteria was immeasurably stupid and harmful. It took nearly 100 years for people to realize that bacteria can be beneficial and killing them all with antibiotics literally everywhere (from antibiotic medications prescribed for every illness to antibacterial soap at every sink) is a horrible idea.

>> No.16233946

>even if you believe in germ theory
You don't "believe" in facts, they are true regardless of whether or not you want them to be.
>it's plain to see that Pasteur's quest (and that of those who followed him) to demonize and destroy all bacteria was immeasurably stupid and harmful. It took nearly 100 years for people to realize that bacteria can be beneficial and killing them all with antibiotics literally everywhere (from antibiotic medications prescribed for every illness to antibacterial soap at every sink) is a horrible idea.
Sure, some bacteria are beneficial. But quite a lot of them aren't, and those ones are the reason why we take sanitation seriously.
Antibacterial soap is stupid, but it's not because having a bunch of bacteria on your hands is a good thing, it's because it will inevitably cause antibiotic resistance. Prescribing antibiotics for infections that aren't bacterial in nature is also stupid, for the same reason. Antibiotics should only be used when necessary (such as for bacterial infections or, for example, in hospital settings where things need to be sterile).

>> No.16233979

Bacteria don't infect people, they just often proliferate in environments that are harmful to humans. If you stumble on the corpse of an animal and find it full of maggots, do you blame the maggots for killing the animal or do you understand that maggots simply thrive on dead animal tissue and they were introduced after the fact? Same with bacteria; there's bacteria that proliferates in the presence of fecal matter, but it's the fecal matter that's harmful to you, not the bacteria that's eating it. The benefit of hygiene isn't destroying bacteria, it's removing toxic substances like shit and piss and dirt and whatever else. You can find every supposedly pathogenic bacteria crawling all over humans inside and out at all times, but they never cause any problems. That some of them grow in population when something is wrong with you is not a sign that bacteria have caused you harm or infected you, they're just proliferating in response to a change in your body that's bad for you and good for them.

>> No.16234003

NTA, but you're a literal retard of the most dangerous kind

>> No.16234712

craziest response in this thread.

>> No.16235469

are they standing behind the niggers and the pedophile?

>> No.16235577

umm... that's.... wow...

>> No.16236670

should have got a nose job too

>> No.16236683

Lol don’t rely on technicalities to negate her work, Sucking and Dick would have been so lost without her input

>> No.16237497

women can't do science

>> No.16237511
File: 267 KB, 593x519, 1705613469051319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like that picture inherently thinks everyone is the same, and there is many more text and art that take that though as a baseline, is there a name for this cult of thinking ?

>> No.16237524
File: 109 KB, 855x929, americum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women can't do science

>> No.16237550

John Doyle. not only is he a gigachad with multiple sports world records and 3pl8 bench but he basically founded an entire field of control theory.

>> No.16237571

>You don't "believe" in facts, they are true regardless of whether or not you want them to be
how can you type this out, wait for captcha, solve the captcha, press post and not stop yourself from posting this utter cringe

>> No.16238358

>my facts are the real inarguable truth
>your facts are just dumb opinions

>> No.16239785

Popular fallacy amongst immature low IQ emotional basket cases

>> No.16240636

>210 replies
>only 4 mentions of Twum
/sci/ had fallen