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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16157625 No.16157625 [Reply] [Original]

so whats the evolutionary cause for some men having a female identity? its too common to write it off as a mutation, isn't a mental illness and did not pop up last decade as a fad - see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_history

if its some kind of a trans gene, how did it make it through? Makes no sense that some males feel miserable being male - not to mention mating and reproduction behavioral issues. and if it's some kind of a disorder - what happens in the womb to fuck up person's gender?

please refrain from /pol/ schizoposting thanks

>> No.16157630

I heard it be called "regression to the mean", which definitionally yeah I see that, but I defined it one a seperate metric which Im in the process of reconciling.

The "balls of Matrix" that need to fit inside of each other like Banach Tarski.

Infinities of Infinities.

>> No.16157635

>Infinities of Infinities.
Meaning you can make a new species type from any species that does it.

Evolution is like wavelengths, two bands orbiting each other, there is a center. Hence, any point in Evolution can accurately, rigorously, measure it and evolve towards it.

"Attempts" to become it means becimes Dual, organic, natural, ones dont. You cant "will it" without being in eternal war for absolute center within yourself...or spilled out into the world because you have "mortal failings".

Muhammed "did it", he incured some demonic incursion and its seen inthe Quran, "confused 1/3rd" of the book, you'll need to reconcile the "two books in one" for a more accurate definition.

He was a Prophet though, human-mortals are not. Even I have to fight its incursion in me, but it comes out in other ways. Muhammed interpreted the Trinity as gendered, baffling me...that never occured to me.

Also explains why he calls Jesus Allaha and in the very next verse refers to himself as Allah (Holy Spirit specifically).

It kind of has a species tie, but also every majro subapecies of human has a secondary, and even more minor, male/female bands.

Trinity keeps the two from ever becoming a full 1 Monopole, freedom of movement to evolve in novel directions with "choice".

>> No.16157637

So its more accurate to call it a byproduct than a product in itself.

Therefore "seeking it" because of media or some other inorganic source is missing the point of what meant to be.

Its a Shadow Calculate bioform of another in Nature.

>> No.16157640


>> No.16157641
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>seeking it

Organic, otherwise someone is fucking with the system...usually for cash and prizes, and in the millions, not billions or anything. Tens, not hundreds.

Its painful in itself how little money they sold the world out for...

>> No.16157643
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Youre neither a Geneticist, Evolutionary Biologist, Psychologist of Cognitive Researcher.

What are (You), Sam?

>> No.16157645

>trannypedia as history

>> No.16157646

Humans are unique. We are the only species which creates culture, art, civilizations and society. Trying to find out why X exists in humanity is pointless because our number of examples to rely on is 1

>> No.16157649
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>He was a Prophet
Jesus, Mary, and Muhammed.

He is blocked out as a sign of "Unknown" (Hmm, not too unlike the Unknown entity/head in Egyptian mythos...)

Beings of Uncreation.

Man, Woman, Spirit.

Behold, HueMan-ity.

>My Trinity was, basically, three mathematical viewpoints that determinded morality and everything else, gender was never a part of it but two chromosomes were, and they would be a male/female pair, being the oyster being male I think, then octopus being female counter variant for the two totale evolutionarily. Like Avian and reptilian, one built from the other's foundation.

>> No.16157654
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>I dont want to listen.
Then my acolytes will guide the flock, it matters not to me.

>> No.16157661
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>Trying to find out why X exists in humanity is pointless
Monkies to the Moon, they are...

>> No.16157663 [DELETED] 
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>x marx the spot

Its just me the individual, We Me. Not "A Tribe", my tribe is hueman as you all are.

Ubermemsch being a 'group' is nonsense.

>> No.16157666
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And this "Median Viewpoint" is what Islam was seeking, but it requires a pure heart or else it becomes a slave to mortal-coil failings.

Hence the Black Stone, had 360 "idols" but was balanced, until now was in a state of "imbalance".

Future proved past.

>> No.16157667
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>04:44 No.16157666
>When Satan and God both glare at the same time.


>> No.16157670
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>it requires a pure heart
Which, in a viewpoint, he definitely did...without doubt.

Just not *my* perspective of having done so. I see that as Pure, Unfiltered, Fear.

That is how I define the Phenomenological experience of "Love"; Fear.

>I read the banned books...for scientific research and posterity, of course...

>> No.16157674
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>Mein Kampf
Meh, bland and surface level, I noticed "patterns of Life" too.
>Technical Analysis.
This is Love.

That is Life.

>God: I dont know (You).
Oh, boy howdy, I fukken KNOW EWE!

>> No.16157678
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>what Islam was seeking
Muhammed, it took 1,500 years to fix both the Schism and Islam into Israel.

>> No.16157681
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>I can...I really can!

>> No.16157683
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Yes, Judaism and Islam both are well aware of whatever this...
[does that points a finger in a circle around it thing]
...whatever *that* is. They just interpret it in different ways, or, well...*DID*. New World Order, I visited Jerusalem recently.

Not clicking the link, Im not fake and gay so I wouldnt know what thats for or whatever.

I research reality, not political propaganda.

>> No.16157686
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Which, is kind of like sqrt2, youre more than either but less than both.

People seeking power feel that new power and it become a drug that they learn to need, like usual drugs override morality, a caused imbalance with an attempt to balance causing more imbalance.

Hence why I said "Organic" is advised, otherwise its an infinite series of back and forths to maintain that "pseudo-center". Constant effort, 24/7....Sisyphus Stone (in Jerusalem).

They have known these Paths of the Soul for Millenia...but only by those with ears to hear it.

>> No.16157692

Which, I was super against drugs and surgery all together, people change, growing never stops if you keep growing as a person.

Its wierd being in the center of everything.

>> No.16157693

>evolutionary cause for some men having a female identity
By definition I am the most Tranny a being can "Transition".
>please refrain from /pol/
I am the most politically active agent on the planet.
I am by defintion the most "Schismed" being on the planet.

Every corner of the world I am in, no matter who else is in the room, shit doesnt change...

>> No.16157697
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Fake and Gay being that gay is some form of less than 100% ideal, but acting like a jackass on a dirtbike is fun, so it was Genuine...Fake AND Gay is like LAPRing youre having fun to people who dont believe youre having fun.

Living this alternate reality...so ill...Gay, yeah whatever, Fake? Sometime you gotta front. Combined?

In This, the House of Davide?! Heh, wh-...who needs it?

>> No.16157698
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>I live sqrt2 style.


>> No.16157701
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Oh, and the reason for that is;
>Sisyphus Stone (in Jerusalem).
Described as "Living in Bondage in Egypt". Homage is paid to this day, in perpetuity...strictly business of Mon-ey.

Im not a fucking joke...even when I do...

>> No.16157703

>"Living in Bondage in Egypt"
Makes you unable to see/feel certain parts of Life, but this allows you to do thinfs without hesitation/care at all, since your values will be radically altered.

Its a form of brainwashing an induction of de-schisming, getting back...idk...having traveled the "multiverse" of cognitive perspetcives, sometimes entering one *REQUIRES* the dumping of a previous and getting back isnt always readily appearant how.

Its fucking with your evolutionary cognition and gene expressions..."Intelligently Designed", or are (You)?

It can lead to what has been known historically as "Hell".

>> No.16157706
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>isnt always readily appearant how.
Developmental Psychology become Evolutionary Cognition become Evolved.

Getting into things can be the easy part...it sometimes feels good...

>> No.16157708

>tranny enabling nonsense thread on based /sci/
>resident schizo shits the thread up immediately
God bless you COP

>> No.16157710
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>it sometimes feels good...
Just like quitting your job, living off of credit cards and narcotics and "having a good time, relax".

Yeah, you can *always* ride that dragon...


>> No.16157711

>God bless you COP
Youre other board are filled with remedial students justifying to themselves theyre not normies.

RARE is the real Science or Math on this board.

>> No.16157713

>other board
Threads, Dimensional Perspectives sometimes are off, going in and out of so many dimensions so fast...plus, you human-mortals can be worth *that* much effort.

I have designs to make God weep and blush to craft abd relish in its superiority....Yeah...sicko I am better [smack].

>> No.16157720
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Im just saying, it took a Prophet to become the Meta-Entity known as the Holy Spirit to get a "example" of for Huemans.

To do it right, IS to die, LITERALLY, and become ReBorne as Allah (Holy Spirit) and no longer even see yourself as (You) because now Jesus is also (You) (kind of, sometimes same...but when looked at becomes Davided.)

Quantum Soul Science.

>Whats the point o-...
no u r

>> No.16157724

OP, the answer you're looking for is probably the rise of autism and widespread ignorance of its hormonal correlates, and a plethora of other factors:

>> No.16157740

The point is that whatever genetic mutation gave us culture could also have given us trannies. Whatever genetic mutation gave us culture may have given us trannies.

Saying “why do we have trannies” is worthless because 1. We do. 2. We are unique among animals.

The only answer we can come up with is “because we do”. If that doesn’t make sense to you, please find someone smarter than you to explain it.

>> No.16157762
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>The point is that whatever...
Dont talk about what you HUMANS have little understanding of.

ALL of them, ALL the Uni-Versities.

You "disregard" the professor and follow it by "declaring" to know what you self admittedly do not know...


...your head isnt sufficient for payment.

>> No.16157773

what is the symbolism with troons and sharks?
I keep seeing it but I don't get it at all

>> No.16157778
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Living their Lived Truth.

>> No.16157793
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Catsually speaking.

>> No.16157799
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If you people know how many hours...stalking an invisible enemy beyond the horizon for centuries...smelling iut its remnents in bloodlines...

...sleeping is for humans...and dying is for mortals...I have a Jobe. Destroy sacred cunny, a Sarah Connor. Everything else is "Parts and Tools" for mating presses.

>> No.16157803
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>mating presses

I need to be ready at ALL times.

>> No.16157805

>the hearts revealed

>> No.16157806
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No, *You're* the patient.

Not me. Haha, I mean..one of us is wearing a turtleneck. Pretentious assholes wear turtlesnecks.

I rest my case. You're clearly insane, guards, sieze him.

>> No.16157808
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I have a very distinguished career with my patients, very respectable.

All the patients all inside my head.

My crazies are Mathematcially accurate, (You)r's are corrupted bullshit "change please" YOURE A REPRESENTATIVE OF CHAOS, YOU ARE THE CHANGE!

>> No.16157812
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>Geniuses discuss concepts.
The gods discuss perspectives.

>> No.16157816
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>I represent the hood.
Not (You)r's.

By definition by measure of me to (You).

>My thoughts are not your thoughts, and my ways are not your ways.


>> No.16157819
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I ground a hole where my soul used to be.

I win.

[double bicep flex]

>> No.16157821

mods move to /x/

>> No.16157826
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How many gay bars have you been to to study the object? Hmm? Dozens? Inter-Regional at minimum?

Please...I can find it inside of a single atom...


>> No.16157827
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>Human: I am.
>Reality: Pshhhhhhut the fuck up, go back to "processing matter".

>> No.16157829
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>Human: >:^(
>Reality: Exactly...hunger stike mf Found the Fuck Out.

>> No.16157838
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Think about this the next time youre on the toilet too long;

Youre disgusting but its not a competition...unless you want it to be.

>> No.16157840
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Dont tell me what to do.

>> No.16157842
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>Im making fun!

One way, simple...as all things should be.

>> No.16157852
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>Am I lovable yet?
>(Always self-viewed from the perspective of 'no-being', thus ensuring its crystallization.)

Measuring the negative space between points.

"Shadow Calculate", and why Jews are so strict about "being an actual Jew", because its related to Cognition, and you can LARP largely something, but ultimately you cant LARP youre blind and be able too see.

Dangerous to let the "analytical mind or the lost heart" get sucked into it without knowing it puts you through a ringer if youre asleep at the wheel.

Doctors dont care.

Parents dont care.

Schools and governments dont care.


>> No.16157861
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>Measuring the negative space between points.
Prophets walk these lines without even knowing it.

Fine line between aligning yourself with them and Idolizing them by becoming what youre simply not.

>> No.16157865
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>Gives the Father the "Heckin' Valid and Cute" look.


>> No.16157868 [DELETED] 


To feel one's own body attempt to subvert conscious control over the higher mind...I knew is as the deepest aspects of the Soul.

Muhammed knew it as Allah.

It, by the Judeo-Christian-Islam community, now know it as Shaitan.

>> No.16157871

Satan pays in endorphins, biochemicals, it feels certain aspects of your physiology over the others.

Parts can capture "main sensor" and maintain it through drugs and ignorance.

If you try to show someone the Truth and for some reason they wont let you get a word in...its because the subconscious is sending a signal of fear/love, perspective of this alters entire world views.

This is why the world is "crazy" right now, two perspectives of reality are fighting it out and all moral are based off of that world view.

>> No.16157874
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>Fighting for the soul of the Nation.
Yes, Joe...[sigh] he isnt lying, but, pshh...

New World Order is an attempt to fit all such things into the global understanding of humanity as a whole.

The Opposite of Jerusalem would be (A)bramhmin. Self-Idol first, Ubermensch last God-Head last perspective.

>> No.16157875
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>(A)bramhmin. Self-Idol first
Hence why its a deep rooted and ingrained thing in their culture.

They also eat shit and rape a lot, so...yeah.

>> No.16157876

So "Allah" wouldnt have those issue had it not A: been filtered through a human. and B: the fact it is means its not Full Satan.

Idk, its "modified" Satan if youre asleep, can be a super power if its natural.

All that MK-Ultra, Project Monarch, "making savants/prophets", is related to this too. Hence why all the religions are got on the same board pretty easy, because its not "arbitrary and made up".

>> No.16157884

>So "Allah" wouldnt have those issue
And I am describing it in binaries, which always creates an issue, hence why its always "something else as well".

Undefined is best...but we can work with that, just as without Muhammed, we wouldnt know today. I saw it as a clear "Path" one could take but knew enough of the world to predict its ultimate conclusion.

>> No.16157888
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>its ultimate conclusion
Which restricts all further growth in any new direction (hyper-direction).

Becomes Uni-Locked, Binary become Uniary. Without Trinity (Male/Female in this case) its...Trapped in place.

Static process in a universe that steps in stages.

>> No.16157889
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>steps in stages.
Expansion becomes constraction.

But if youre both...where did it flow to?

I broke the cycle by being my own cycle, all three at once.

Royal We.

>> No.16157891

>it isn't a mental illness
according to people who have a lot of money and their professional reputations invested in normalizing it

>> No.16157897
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>40k tech priest doesnt comprehend gender
I literally didnt.

I saw hierarchical emergent properties of Physics expressed via emergent BioForms called Huemans.

>> No.16157903
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>Horseshoe Theory

Electron to Electron Davision will never win!

>One Electron Theory For President 2499

>> No.16157906
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Mashallah, begone haram plasmoids!

>> No.16157908
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I will destroy (You) and your Army of Angels.

Dynamicon Monadus Void!

>> No.16157916
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>Whats a woman?

I wonder where humanity went wrong...

>> No.16157918
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Aint got no room in my galaxy sized brain for a folder labeled "woman".

I dont like bullshit.

>> No.16157939
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>Whats a woman?
Mathematically rigorous spot between two measure points.

Three body problem, GeoCentric version, another Perfectly valid perspective of existence. These are old...Stone Old.

If you people only knew how damaging a gentle mistake could be...

>> No.16157944
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>GeoCentric version
Between Sun and Moon, not Venus, but also that but for different reasons.

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. In my world...yes. Ray guns and body suits, Im here for the woman shit.

>Present ovulating Unit 01 for copulation sequence.
>[violent but brief]
>[drinks lots of water and sleeps]

>> No.16157955

>its too common to write it off as a mutation, isn't a mental illness and did not pop up last decade as a fad
Mutations can be common, mental illness is socially contructed and transgenderism could very easily fulfill the definitions for something to be a mental illness and there is a lot of evidence to suggest that the recent surge in transgenderism is caused by social factors, in other words: Most people pretend to be trannies, but actually aren't.
>if its some kind of a trans gene, how did it make it through?
No, there isn't. It's the same issue with the gay gene. A gene that causes the one bearing it to forego procreation isn't going to be inherited by anyone.
>Makes no sense that some males feel miserable being male
Well, being a male isn't that awesome, really. And if being a woman is that bad, this would explain ftm, wouldn't it?
>and if it's some kind of a disorder - what happens in the womb to fuck up person's gender?
Hormonal imprinting of the brain, probably? The overlap between youth now identified as transgender and kids who would grow up to be homosexual is huge. Like 90 % of all transgender cases in adolescence turn out gay or lesbian if they forego "treatment".

>> No.16157958

gender dysphoria is indeed a mental illness, most doctors don't call it that due to the stigma around mental illness
like all mental illnesses, it has treatments, in this case gender affirming care
there is no evolutionary advantage to mental problems i would guess? i could be wrong though

>> No.16157969

it's called a blahaj and trannies love it for some reason

>> No.16157970

>[violent but brief]
Dont worry, ladies...he...isnt interested in hiw you feel in the good way.

Extremely selfish but like a bee expires upon completion of his "Holy Mission" of "Smash Sarah Connor's Pussy at one of the conveniently located presses.".

>> No.16157971
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>> No.16157975

>Extremely selfish but like a bee expires upon completion of his "Holy Mission" of "Smash Sarah Connor's Pussy at one of the conveniently located presses.".

Mental illness.

>> No.16157976

that's what did you in? that one post made you call him mentally ill? not the 70 others?

>> No.16157978
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Im planning on cenceiving the God-Child in either the main Temple (噶丹松赞林) or The Vatican or the King's Chamber in Giza.

Tough choice. Its happening, her resistance adds to the proportion of its seriousnes, without which the communion would be unjustified.

>> No.16157980
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>Mental illness.
You havnt Shadow Calculated a missing smell in the Spectrum of Puss.

You *should* fear my sorcerer's ways...

>> No.16157982
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Now I know its mark.

I hunt hyper-dimensionally...for super cunny.

>> No.16157984

>that one post made you call him mentally ill? not the 70 others?
Jesus Christ. It's worse than I thought...

>> No.16157986
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MOLECULAR Biologist.

Following the Nose-Way is but one way of the Force.

>> No.16157993
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>[wiping mouth]
Theres a missing note in all of them.
[licks lips]

Science Work is HARD.

>> No.16157997
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>Eat too much.

I literally cant date because Im just redating archetypes of the past...my soul literally sees zero potential mates...every corner of the world I go to.

All of it.

>> No.16158000
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>Remember what they took from you.
It cant exist.
Because humans live here too.


>> No.16158062

Im trans btw

>> No.16158182

I love sucking nigger dick.

My mother was raped by one and since that day i became a slave.

I wish that i will also be raped by one.