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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1615534 No.1615534 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys,

Went away for a while. Does /sci/ still suck?

>> No.1615541

>Does /sci/ still suck?
Whether it sucks or not is an opinion. It is still summer and there are still troll threads about pseudoscience or religion.

>> No.1615545

It's been good for a while now, actually.

>> No.1615539

Still 2 religion threads on front page at all times.

And aether is still here.

>> No.1615547

Yes. You may resume your inactivity.

>> No.1615550

aether has been pretty active on /sci/ lately.

>> No.1615552


>> No.1615555

A namefag/tripfag who spams /sci/ with pseudoscience. Types like an underaged an he fails at trolling.

>> No.1615558

>underaged an
>underage and
Sorry for the typos.

>> No.1615561

We've been getting a lot of tripfags lately eh?

>> No.1615564

And each is more retarded than the last

>> No.1615569

Why does everyone hate tripfags?
We're still about just as anonymous.

>> No.1615571

Canadian detected.

>> No.1615578

No, you're fine for you contribute positively and beneficially.

>> No.1615585

I tripfag so I can actually have a proper conversation, discussion, or argument on here. Much easier if you dont have 3 other people with the name "Anonymous" pretending to be you

and actually I haven't seen Aether for the past two days. Maybe he got bored of trolling /sci/, and went to go troll /fit/ or something?

>> No.1615581

Aren't you the vampire chick?

>> No.1615592

only the engineers barah

>> No.1615593

Fair point. Yeah, I hope he's gone; that guy is weird.

>> No.1615596

The worst part about aether is that he also comes on at night. I see him on /b/ every now and then.

>> No.1615604


>> No.1615615

The two biggest reasons I have to dislike tripfags are this:
1. A good part of the people who decide to tripfag are of the sort that are prone to attention whoring. Not all, but a lot.
2. Tripfags feel that they have to maintain an image. If an anon is losing an argument, they can just walk away. Tripfags will often continue arguing, even if they're wrong, in an attempt to save face.

There are appropriate times to adopt a temporary trip, but most people use them because they want to be known. I just feel that kind of shit belongs on forums, not imageboards.

Namefagging is fine in my opinion, because to me it indicates that they are comfortable being vulnerable to impersonation and not taking shit too seriously.

>> No.1615633


Semi-Guilty of #2. That being said, I'd never back down from an argument, whether I was a trip/namefag or not, untill I was either proven wrong, or they were proven wrong, untill the thread 404s, or untill we both come to an agreement that it's going nowhere and we should both just stop wasting effort.

>> No.1615655

>I tripfag so I can actually have a proper conversation, discussion, or argument on here. Much easier if you dont have 3 other people with the name "Anonymous" pretending to be you
You have inspired me to start tripcoding. Obviously I will be shitstormed and be accused of whoring, but I don't mind.

>> No.1615661

/sci/ being shitty may be an opinion, but /sci/ having all sorts of anti-factual pseudo-information unrelated to science is a fact.

>> No.1615678


He's still here, asleep now, supposedly. I tried fucking with him in a thread just a couple of hours ago.

And to answer OP's question, yes. We need mods. Badly.

>> No.1615698

Agreed. Has anyone here written to Moot about getting mods on /sci/?

>> No.1615717

aether gave his tripcode to anonymous, and multiple anons have therefore taken over his name

attention-whoring and at the same time being clueless of how much nobody cares about them. also, sparkles = free energy

bullshit. I trip'd once for a couple months, and it didn't really do shit as far as make threads more readable.

anons attempt to save face too. and often tripfags will walk away to "save face" (not be known for fruitless arguments with retards)

you mean janitors. and not really. retard and troll threads dont stop legit threads, and at the same time satisfy the retards and trolls, hence net gain.

>> No.1615718

over 9000 ppl. we've had multiple threads where we ended up basically spamming him. what's he care about a bunch of whiny nerds?

>> No.1615723

Contact moot at moot@4chan.org.