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File: 357 KB, 800x1162, RobertFuddBewusstsein17Jh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16154242 No.16154242[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The ultimate question that will answer everything and render all religions useless: What kind of process determines why my consciousness is placed in this particular body at this point in time?

>> No.16154243

Who or what decided that your "soul" was put in your body, where it was before you were born?

>> No.16154266

tranny thread

>> No.16154267

Where else would it be?

>> No.16154271
File: 731 KB, 1080x2448, Screenshot_20240326-200341_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>render all religions useless
Funny way of saying "validating and affirming scientifically".

Your perspective of reality is the (You) you think you are, because it dictates your values, your beliefs and assuptions and implies all the gaps in your vision.

Alter the perspective...Be ReBorne.

>> No.16154274
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Religions use a very specific measure for growth.

Some are very harsh, others easy but not very good. Optimal is specific, not broad. Expanding on all in best but most struggle to even get one down.

Uni-Measue being the one to which all other are first derived off of.

>> No.16154277
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Or, hierarchy of expressions.

First Borne.

Its down the the Order Of Creation itself.

>> No.16154280
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>Splitting hairs.


>> No.16154286

Because the body creates an information field which through some yet to be identified mechanism induces consciousness

>> No.16154292
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The meta-concepts are the bird that exists outside of the bird, into the tree.

The bee outside the bee, into the fly.

Not just where Life 'is: but 'where it should/can be'.

>> No.16154295
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Ive probably seen the original.

I talked to the lead researcher there doing his PhD, I have a book of what he calls "PhD thesis" work. Private viewing, after hours tea.

Wow...I am on another planet.

>> No.16154306
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You can be the Bee.

Or the the thing LARPing as a Bee.

>> No.16154310
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>What kind of process determines why my consciousness
Depends what you put it through.

What Meta-Shape do you wish to become?

Something Wholy. Or something...else?

>> No.16154313
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Speak...and the Path forms.

We will make a Design worthy of Heaven for (You).

>> No.16154318
File: 6 KB, 199x253, images - 2022-10-01T030929.614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is fine. I like this perspective.

>> No.16154410
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Make God weep in its Validity.

Too beautiful to survive...too horrific to ever have been made...

The Lost Gospels.

>> No.16154423
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>I just want you to love me like the reeeest!!!!
>One Truck Of Acceptance later...

>> No.16154425
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He who controls the Soul...controls God and Satan combined.

Defining "Original Sin", the very essence they two Life off of.


>> No.16154445
File: 22 KB, 669x459, 20240317_214828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I said "Dont change the rules in the Book!!"
>[Pulls a super-hyperdinensional matrice.]
I didnt.

Cute'n Heck too.

>> No.16154459

>I didnt.

Genetics stays the same...but a Monster can be formed.

Monster; Mon, Moon, Silver, Whamen...Frankenstein...hmm..

Fourth of Four, that would imply there needing a Fifth since Third of Three isnt a woman.

Hmm...Designs of the Soul, Species Building...I guess my time as "Nation Builder" has come to an end, Empire isnt much of challenge because of that...

>> No.16154460

Everytime you blink your consciousness dies and transfers to another person but you will never know it because perception is entirely in the piece of meat.

>> No.16154468
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>Everytime you blink your consciousness dies and transfers to another person
Yes............thats exactly what will happen.

Come, payment is made after, to ensure work is completed. Science isnt free!

>> No.16154472
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>Why are we on some abandoned Societ bloc military installation?

>> No.16154500
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Which, yes, I do have a connection to an active Soviet agent...by name, specifically Soviet.

The Wars ended for Huemans...

>> No.16154504
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...but not everything is Heuman.

Even in Death...War must continue, unending.

>> No.16154510
File: 5 KB, 348x145, images - 2022-10-08T183556.784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...a perfect parasite, inside SHIELD...

>> No.16154518
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The pinnacle of Evolution being a hot-potato who's sole purpose in existence is to usurp you in every way possible and by violent force if necessary.

>> No.16154525

I think you have it backwards. You mean why does your body configuration give rise to your particular consciousness?

>> No.16154536

So this is the new "cult of passion" containment thread?

>> No.16154538

>What kind of process determines why my consciousness is placed in this particular body at this point in time?
your dad fucked your mom that's what

>> No.16154542
File: 90 KB, 720x720, 2023-04-14_05.37.15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The is /sxi/.

I am the Professor Dr. Priest Q. Shaman.

>> No.16154564
File: 1.86 MB, 2448x1080, Screenshot_20240501-164758_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>active Soviet agent.
My first encounter with a Soviet was in Ukraine, its Biological, like Nazi. Some year and a half before the war. Unmistakable.

Complimentary gene expressions, counter balances, "if; then" on an evolutionary matrice.

>> No.16154582

Visited the Communist nation of Laos recently. Generally speaking, like India, all of their food will give you food poisoning. Majority of the business owners and cops were shifty and untrustworthy/bribeable.

Fancy or barf, you pick.

>> No.16154584

>Majority of the business owners and cops were shifty and untrustworthy/bribeable.
For Lao, not India, just tbe food for the two.

Foreign food or ye be warned. Doxicycline prevents it..but then youre eating shit or something, so...idk..

>> No.16154596


>> No.16154617
File: 124 KB, 1024x641, 25484611364_21e5e513eb_b-283146153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nature seems creepy, how in the fucking hell it knows what a bird looks like? How do they evolve those type of genes? Same with the snake caterpillar, how does the body know what its trying to mimic?

>> No.16154627
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morphogenic resonance

>> No.16154709
File: 1.91 MB, 1080x2448, Screenshot_20240501-181829_Camera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nature seems creepy
You should see what creeps Nature out.

I like it. Reminds me of me. More alien than alien, not one step removed, two at least, like plant to human understanding.


>> No.16154724

>The ultimate question that will answer everything and render all religions useless: What kind of process determines why my consciousness is placed in this particular body at this point in time?
It's a retarded question. It's precisely the body and its worldly circumstances that color consciousness and give it the particular form associated with the individual.

>> No.16154878

I hope this is not a AI designed for a youpoop content. again.

>> No.16155157
File: 859 KB, 1575x886, watchmen If only you knew how bad things really are.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If God is real and if nothing is truly random we can only deduce that life may very well be some sort of sentence that you must complete, literally a life sentence, some have sentences worse than others. We must be here on this planet to learn a lesson.


>> No.16155289
File: 170 KB, 1280x1024, thumb-1920-469388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop thinking so much about how you look. Work on your mind and transcend beyond the realm of superficiality. I’m sure that this is the struggle that you must overcome. Be strong! Use your mind.

>> No.16155291

religion vs science thread

>> No.16155303

designed by its predators