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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 50 KB, 741x495, NASA 1972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16146558 No.16146558 [Reply] [Original]

>NASA says atmospheric CO2 would have to go to over 3500ppm before it would make a noticeable difference in the climate
Whats the absorption limit of CO2, how does that work? Does anyone here know?

>> No.16146719

That's not what that says. How can you be so illiterate that you end up with that statement?

>> No.16146760
File: 146 KB, 1014x502, Plass 1956 on co2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post source and wider context. Physicists had a good understanding of CO2's effects back in the 1950s.

>> No.16147688

Nobody on /sci/ is educated enough to understand absorption limits

>> No.16147697

Well at some point co2 will became solid

>> No.16147801

Mars has dry ice polar caps

>> No.16147803

oh no the weather is ever changing and we need to increase taxes, limit middle and lower class access to modern technology, increase abortions and sterilization, poison the minds of the masses with soul-degrading propaganda, and increase scientists' pay to fix it!
sheesh I really love science guys

>> No.16147843

What's the absorption limit for CO2?

>> No.16147904

Take your meds.

>> No.16148318
File: 1.11 MB, 2870x7165, drock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NASA says atmospheric CO2 would have to go to over 3500ppm before it would make a noticeable difference in the climate
Now they're saying 500ppm will change it that much.
What changed in fundamental understandings of physics since 1972 to make NASA change their estimates so much?

>> No.16149206 [DELETED] 

2.5ºC @ 3500ppm

>> No.16149355

So, adding more CO2 would change nothing?

>> No.16150080

You shouldn't source your information from anonymous people on the internet.

>> No.16150085

legit question is NASA in cahoots with big oil? or on same political side or something?

>> No.16150362

No and OP's claims are nonsense.

>> No.16150377

I mean I look up to NASA but am from Europe so dunno all the political/corporate fuckery going on. just wanted to make sure

>> No.16150405

Fair enough. NASA's science is usually solid. They have almost no budget anymore though.

>> No.16150519 [DELETED] 

Correct, once the threshold is crossed, any additional CO2 has no effect on temperature

>> No.16150714

Retard take

>> No.16150877

>Laughs in Venusian.

>> No.16150932 [DELETED] 

>t. zero semesters of physics completed & zero semesters of astronomy completed

>> No.16150967

>he couldn't answer

>> No.16151025

>Planet that receives eight times the solar irradiance per square meter is hotter
Whoah. Next you'll tell me Mercury is even hotter and tidally locked to the sun so literally only one half is melted and the dark side frozen and has a stable temperate twilight ring.

>> No.16151033

Plant food

>> No.16151066

if it increased then there would short term be a release of methane that would make the weather odd, but that sublimates pretty quickly

historically CO2 has been way higher and the propaganda is just about developing areas of the world where they don't have uh stuff and we have too much anyway

the real way CO2 works is that a small amount at higher altitudes mostly causes a feedback of higher water content that traps more heat

lots of people really don't understand science because people use the perception of it to appease a business and sociology agenda that sounds a lot more machievellian than it really is

just forceful if anything

basically the absorption limit is that more CO2 does not cause it to go higher up anymore and the clouds also don't change and we can seed those so the moisture falls back down to the earth

climate change is actually kind of positive because it will motivate people to develop poor areas and provide humanitarian basic services and also make some colder spots where unironically smarter people live arable not that there is a need for more food though

it's like they just want people to be mad so they'll complain about this instead of that and not bother anyone

like the modern form of listening to war of the worlds on the radio and then not realizing it's fictional nonfiction functional propaganda who cares but also the schools make no sense they only let peopel even go because it makes them feel better than kind of admitting they're functionally unfunctional slash autocratic in certain flashbangs of a prescient course correction of influences

but basically it's also money

tons of people running schemes and stuff


idk idc somebody threatened and paid me in the span of 1 hour so fuck it whatever

>> No.16151068


>> No.16151090

also this is pretty much not a topic about people being helpful because the agenda with spreading moronity around by collapsing the "economies" of the western people who need not and want not already are to focus the energies of omg so scary foreign globalist organizations at solving foreign global problems among groups of people /pol/ would plainly sum up as niggers, but really just mostly the issue is if you're gonna cure diseases and do nothing else for every group of people just because they can interbreed with you and muh babble said to then you problem didn't catch the part about the religion of the guy who like was crucified I mean c'mon like universe is gonna be around for a gajillion years and you can't just put your foot down about making a poverty line for not having babies globally?

>> No.16151105

>8 times
1. ~2 times
2. Black body can estimate surface temperature. Guess what, Venus is around one order of magnitude less emissive than Earth.

>> No.16151191

Take your meds, retard.

>> No.16151194


>> No.16151195

>If you ignore the greenhouse gas effect then it doesn't exist!

>> No.16151228
File: 70 KB, 850x658, Temperatures-of-the-planets-of-the-Solar-System-Source-of-data-NASA-Planetary-Fact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16151231
File: 20 KB, 589x621, The-facts-and-the-predicted-blackbody-temperatures-of-planet-Earth-Venus-and-Mars-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and pic rel too

>> No.16151287

What do you think that proves?

>> No.16151453

they just want to put in solar panels more trains and a few nuclear reactors you, is that such a bad thing?

>> No.16151458

>Twice the irradiance
>Only just slightly more than twice the temperature
>288 * 2 = 580k vs 737k

>> No.16151761

Use your last neuron and you'll know. It's self-evident if you aren't a /x/tard.

>> No.16151786

So you're making shit up because you don't understand how to interpret data. Got it.

>> No.16151806

>that cheap bait
Deeply retarded.

>> No.16151827

Do ..... do you not understand the graph? Hell man, this is Climatology 201. I'm guessing you've never taken a Climatology class before, not even 101.

I remember when we plotted out all the planets expected temperature using nothing but their albedo, the inverse square law and distance from the sun using Steffan-Boltzmann. Venus's albedo is incredibly high. It reflects like, 80% of the incoming sunlight back into space and yet despite that it's the hottest planet in the solar system. This can only be explained by the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

As far as OP is concerned, I need to know where you got that information, it's blatantly false and either a misprint or out of context in some way. We've known about CO2's affect on the climate since 1890.

>> No.16151843

Of course it is. California relies 30% on renewables and they have to import electricity from other states because they shut down their coal and natural gas plants. This is part of the reason why electricity is so expensive there.

>> No.16151866

Yes, ignore the insulating effect of the 50 miles-thick clouds that envelope the entire planet, or the fact that the surface air pressure is 90x denser than Earth's. It's all about the CO2 level.
I love it when death cultists expose their ignorance.

>> No.16151871

Cope harder. You got caught LARPing.

>> No.16151873

>I remember when we plotted out all the planets expected temperature using nothing but their albedo, the inverse square law and distance from the sun
And you concluded that the ONLY factor that could explain deviation from your expected results was CO2 % in the atmosphere?
Not the density of the atmosphere or the effect of clouds / vapour / weather?
Picrel is the estimated forcings on terrestrial climate of CO2, water vapour, and clouds. Why should the 50 mile thick clouds which permanently cover Venus be any less of a forcing factor on the Venusian greenhouse effect than terrestrial clouds are on Earth?

>> No.16151874
File: 76 KB, 1280x914, 1280px-Attribution_of_individual_atmospheric_component_contributions_to_the_terrestrial_greenhouse_effect,_separated_into_feedback_and_forcing_categories_(NASA).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16151932
File: 189 KB, 1153x702, energy budget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absorption and emission happens in different bands. It's easy to find energy budget articles for each planet and some moons far more specific that that pic kek...
>Analysis of the radiative budget of the Venusian atmosphere based on infrared Net Exchange Rate formalism

Btw, clouds of Venus are high enough to be like a shell completely isolated for most bands from the surface, greenhouse effect of the lower atmosphere is the main factor limiting the energy transmitted to the clouds. Venus heat loss is limited to very long wave infrared (direct loss) and IR windows that heat the high altitude clouds. The lower atmosphere is 99.9% opaque to IR even if there's no water vapor vs ~80% of Earth...

>> No.16152137

>In our solar system, Venus is the only terrestrial body with a thick atmosphere. Venus has a strong greenhouse effect, and the measurements of radiation budget can help us better determine the efficiency of the greenhouse mechanism. The observations and studies of Venus’ radiation budget are very limited. We do not know how well the absorbed solar energy is balanced by the emitted thermal energy on Venus. The spatial and temporal variations of Venus’ radiation budget have not been measured either. Considering the very thick atmosphere on Venus (Venus’ surface atmospheric pressure is about 90 times that of Earth) and its highly reflective clouds, we expect that Venus has a unique radiation budget among the terrestrial planets in our solar system.

>> No.16152173

Now distinct it from gas pressure, which is - as you know base physics i hope- the main factor.

>> No.16152272
File: 248 KB, 767x1494, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i take your meds? make that would help me understand this quackery

>> No.16152437 [DELETED] 

Venus' atmosphere isn't gas, most of the the CO2 on Venus is supercritical

>> No.16152440

kinda like you

>> No.16152868

does the stuff sublimate the methane or just whatever and such?

>> No.16153411

why so dense?

>> No.16153440

OP can't read English though, that's several steps behind.
t. ESL

>> No.16154304

Mars has massive amounts of CO2 in it's atmosphere and Mars' measured temperature T is virtually the same as it's calculated equilibrium temperature T' so there is no possible way that CO2 is a powerful greenhouse gas.

>> No.16154873

Retard take

>> No.16154900

> there is no possible way that CO2 is a powerful greenhouse gas.
Yes and no.
Other gases transparent to LWIR matters too, a denser atmosphere is better equalizing temperatures (compare max-min temp of the Moon with Earth and average temperature of ~250K vs ~290K), which means that places warmed by the Sun are colder than their black body temperature, those places 'heats' the rest of the planet through convection. That matters because heat loss by radiation increases by T^4 so removing the "hot spots" also contributes to higher -average- temperature too.

The feedback CO2 -> water and dissolved gases are the main problem to predict the total greenhouse effect of Earth and those are related to global temperature, that's why the CO2 is problematic (and easy to use as fearmonger buzzword): positive feedback.
The question of GH effect is about an Earth with 400 ppm of CO2 vs Earth with 800 or 1000 ppm (arbitrary figures iirc they could be higher), not only because the atmospheric CO2 by its own but because of the feedback too.
Water vapor is the main greenhouse gas of Earth and CO2 dissolved in oceans is ~50 times more than the atmospheric CO2. A lot of IFs that matters because current society works with very little margin (agriculture) and people tends to dislike the idea of climate inducing wars as in the past. Climate change wouldn't cause a complete extinction but can fuck up the convenient current state.

The example of Venus is a simple Reductio ad absurdum for the claim that "2500 Pa of CO2 is the limit for the GH effect of CO2". Venus surface is so isolated that you can model it as 2 separated bodies: a gas shell (clouds) + Venus and its dense atmosphere.

>> No.16155199 [DELETED] 

>Mars: over 30x more CO2 than Earth and a total greenhouse effect of 0.2ºC
so that means the greenhouse effect due to CO2 on Earth is 0.007ºC
AKA completely insignificant

>> No.16155364

P(CO2) for Earth is ~40 Pa, ~600 Pa for Mars

>and a total greenhouse effect of 0.2ºC
>CO2 on Earth is 0.007ºC
May I see the source for those claims?

For comparison Moon (avg) surface temperature is ~250K vs 288K of Earth...

>> No.16155376 [DELETED] 

If you want to compare atmospheric pressure differences between two planets as a means of comparing the masses of their atmospheres you have to account for the gravity differences between the two planets, which you ignored

>> No.16155422

Yeah, my bad, it's ~30 times more mass of CO2 per area. Now, what about:
>and a total greenhouse effect of 0.2ºC
>CO2 on Earth is 0.007ºC


>> No.16156119 [DELETED] 

So Earth would need to have 30x the current amount of atmospheric CO2, about 12,000ppm CO2, to see the same magnitude of greenhouse effect due to CO2 as on Mars - and Mars' greenhouse effect due to CO2 is only worth 0.2ºC.

>> No.16157126 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 953x720, 1686122050677430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16157160
File: 141 KB, 829x1008, Schmidt (2010).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Source GeoCraft Data
>by “Monte Hieb”
Ah yes, the good ol pic of GeoCraft... pic rel.

That aside, ae you going to keep insisting that the total GH effect is 0.2ºC?
What average temperature would Earth have without GH effect and atmosphere?

>> No.16157171 [DELETED] 

>What average temperature would Earth have without GH effect and atmosphere?
Why can't you calculate that on your own? Are you completely uneducated? High school level geometry and algebra is beyond your intellectual capabilities?

>> No.16157198

Not even an answer...

>> No.16157496
File: 47 KB, 800x600, shishaldin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tease out the fact that the greenhouse effect on Earth is over 99% due to water vapor by comparing interday temperature and humidity measurements from arid and humid locations. If CO2 was legitimately a significant greenhouse gas then people would have long since noticed that regions surrounding natural CO2 sources were substantially warmer than other locations. Volcanic mountains wouldn't have snow at the top like other mountains do if the massive amounts of CO2 they belch was preventing heat from escaping their region. As it turns out snow sticks around on top of volcanoes just as well as with any other mountain

>> No.16157551
File: 76 KB, 570x680, govshills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16157552

Fuck climate change. I'm sick of all the bullshit Its a smokescreen hiding more immediate and tangible issues.
Concentrate of preserving biodiversity, protecting natural habitats, decreasing atmospheric, land and oceanic pollution and then maybe we can talk about fucking climate change AFTER the world population has stabilized. Otherwise shut the fuck up.

>> No.16157656

>virtually the same
This is a lie. Mars' atmospheric climate is measurable and different and fits our understanding of climate change perfectly. Your argument is based on ignorance.

>> No.16157658

>shut up about something that's happening and dangerous

>> No.16158145

i've been there

>> No.16159744

>mars is too different to compare to earth
>i only want to compare with venus
Mars' atmosphere is the most similar planetary atmosphere to Earth's in the known universe, Mars has weather systems similar to ones on Earth, Mars has wind, clouds and precipitation similar to whats found on Earth, even sandstorms similar the those here on Earth and unlike Venus, none of Mars' CO2 is supercritical.

>> No.16159969

You will never be a scientist.

>> No.16160252


>> No.16161739

your argument is based on ignorance, you have no idea what you're talking about, you can't even do basic math and physics, you've never passes a single semester of thermodynamics

>> No.16162763

did you go all the way to the top?
if so, what did it smell like

>> No.16163434

All volcanoes smell the same

>> No.16164330 [DELETED] 

boomer cominc

>> No.16164619

Show us the math that proves them wrong.

>> No.16165176 [DELETED] 

>this comic upsets me because it accurately characterizes me a brainless bootlicker

>> No.16166293 [DELETED] 

>Whats the absorption limit of CO2, how does that work?
>Does anyone here know?
clearly nobody does, nobody on /sci/ has studied physics in enough depth to understand the issue. of all of the many people here who claim that they're experts in global warming, none of they understand radiative transfer even though its undergrad material.

>> No.16166295

I am God and you are all evil.

>> No.16166298

Bow before my mathematical prowess. I am king of science as long as I live. All of you are just stupid and evil.

>> No.16166878

People in climate science don't study physics, they're too low IQ to handle the mathematics involved

>> No.16167230

>Imagine being this retarded

>> No.16167882 [DELETED] 

They're discouraged from studying that kind of material because if they did learn it, they would quickly realize that global warming is completely and blatantly fake

>> No.16168558 [DELETED] 

So nobody on /sci/ even understands the basic of absorption limits?
This from the same people who constantly brag about how fully they understand all of quantum mechanics?

>> No.16169744 [DELETED] 

This, its impossible to believe in global warming if you've studied physics, the numbers just don't add up

>> No.16170494

that explains why so many of the most successful and important physicists have denounced the global warming meme.

>> No.16170843

t. dropouts in a circle jerk

>> No.16171416

just because you're a loser doesn't mean everyone else is

>> No.16171978

How come all life on Earth didn't come to an end 30 million years ago when atmospheric CO2 concentrations were 400% of what they are currently?
Thats all you need to ask to completely debunk the global warming narrative

>> No.16172963

Sudden shifts in climate have caused mass extinctions before. Look it up.

>> No.16173053

How come all life on Earth didn't come to an end 30 million years ago when atmospheric CO2 concentrations were 400% of what they are currently?

>> No.16173875

Why don't you look up what percentage of all life dies in each of these mass extinction events?

>> No.16173879

>NASA said

>> No.16174189

there is no greenhouse effect due to co2 because co2 is not a greenhouse gas

>> No.16175025 [DELETED] 

life flourished during that era, primates benefited especially.

>> No.16175084

Retard takes.

>> No.16176196

Belief in global warming hinges on ignorance of science.

>> No.16176768 [DELETED] 

inability to do math also helps the ignorant believe in the global warming meme

>> No.16177039

Post degree

>> No.16177218

CO2 levels in our atmosphere average around 400ppm. The ideal CO2 levels to increase the yield of cannabis plants is roughly 1,200 to 2,000ppm. Studies show that CO2 levels of up to 10,000ppm can still significantly increase plant growth. However, managing a grow space with such high concentrations of CO2 is difficult as CO2 levels over 3,000ppm are dangerous to humans, and concentrations of roughly 5,000ppm are considered lethal.

Dude weed bros, our time is now!

>> No.16177927 [DELETED] 

>CO2 levels over 3,000ppm are dangerous to humans,
They aren't, NASA sets the maximum safe level for CO2 their space station at 5500ppm and astronauts have to do difficult work under those conditions and they're not just putting in 8 hour days either. NASA has never recorded short term or long term negative health affects as a result of the high CO2 atmosphere aboard their space station

>> No.16178911

why are people that are ignorant of the science of CO2 always on this board trying to pass themselves off as experts?
imagine trying to act like an authority figure on the topic of CO2 and you don't even know the basics such as NASA's limits for the space station or the results of the biosphere2 experiments

>> No.16179464

>why are people that are ignorant of the science of CO2 always on this board trying to pass themselves off as experts?
because they're global warming political activists

>> No.16179984

Over target
Jews did not like this post

>> No.16179990

Actual high intelligence post

>> No.16179995

>I need to know where you got that information, it's blatantly false and either a misprint or out of context in some way

>> No.16180982

>This can only be explained by the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Most of the CO2 on Venus is supercritical, not in gas form.

>> No.16181968

Jupiter reaches temperatures in excess of 20.000ºC, that has to do with the physics of dense gasses, it has nothing to do with solar inputs. Climate science students are too dumb to learn physics so they don't understand thermodynamics

>> No.16181974

>Imagine being so retarded that you thought dense gas provided infinite energy

>> No.16183042 [DELETED] 

This, /sci/ is full of /leftypol/ fags spamming the board with their political propaganda

>> No.16183261

You have to go back >>>/pol/

>> No.16183953 [DELETED] 

Thats why they're always confused about why Venus is so hot, because even basic idea gas law is beyond their comprehension

>> No.16184372

>Burning all fossil fuels will increase CO2 to 96.5% of gasses in the atmosphere.
Was 4000-8000ppm pre Carboniferous, so it can’t get higher than that if we burned everything.

>> No.16184418

Retard takes

>> No.16185376 [DELETED] 

>What changed in fundamental understandings of physics since 1972 to make NASA change their estimates so much?
Nothing in physics, but NASA is a political propaganda organization, not a scientific body.
NASA was founded for the purpose of showing up the USSR in the space race, it has never been anything other than a propaganda tool

>> No.16185919

>it has never been anything other than a propaganda tool
Its also good for generating kickbacks for politicians and nasa executives

>> No.16186015

That level of autism is impressive, even at 4chan

>> No.16186088 [DELETED] 

Retard takes

>> No.16187084

I do, but only for atomic hydrogen.

>> No.16188469

its literally undergrad tier physics

>> No.16189138

Nobody on /sci/ understands even basic undergrad tier physics

>> No.16190160

Heres a short video that explains atomic and molecular absorption limits for people who don't feel like going through physics grad school to learn about it

>> No.16190708

thanks, good video

>> No.16190899 [DELETED] 

You retards should kill yourselves. NOW

>> No.16192083

physics only upsets you because you're not willing to take the time needed to learn to understand it

>> No.16193340

thats what they're brainwashed to do at goyschool

>> No.16193845
File: 114 KB, 1052x773, 1684084386280737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16194099 [DELETED] 

Retard takes

>> No.16194870
File: 162 KB, 774x680, 05-14-07-24-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16195427

>I've never encountered the phrase "random walk" before

>> No.16195548

We can tell, pseud

>> No.16196538

thats why they think black holes are real

>> No.16197326
File: 84 KB, 847x476, jimmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do, I also understand graduate school level physics. Thats why I know black holes aren't real.
They're just a dumb popsci meme.

>> No.16197861

>>NASA says

>> No.16198684

what about basic science has changed since they said it? did molecules recently start absorbing and reemitting radiation differently?

>> No.16198689

CO2 levels should get nowhere near 1000 ppm due to its effect on humans
high CO2 levels are poison to us and makes humans mentally slow, makes it difficult to concentrate

the dinos must have been built different to live in level of 2-3k ppm

>> No.16198722

You have no idea what you're talking about. NASA limit for atmospheric CO2 in the atmospheres of it's spacecraft at 5500ppm and they have their astronauts doing difficult and complicated work in those conditions. Your house or your apartment or your dorm or your mom's basement is regularly well over 1000ppm and you don't notice the difference at all. You don't even own a CO2 meter, but you would own one if you were legitimately concerned about CO2.
If you were really as sensitive to CO2 as you claim then you'd have long since noticed that you were smarter at different times of the day, but you're not even aware of the interday CO2 cycle at all.

>> No.16199556

Ignorance of physics is a prerequisite for belief in global warming

>> No.16200287

That explains why Al Gore and Greta both believe in it, since neither of the were able to pass even high school level math classes

>> No.16200338

The ocean is essentially an unlimited sink. There will never be enough CO2 to saturate it like a fizzy drink. The ocean sinks, such as coral, are also boundless. The forest sinks are also boundless. CO2 is a complete nonstarter. The perfect humiliation ritual with the intended purpose of justifying mass migration. But they don't need that any more. That is why they are letting so much push back. The west is already gone. Unlimited migrants in every decent country in the world. They got their win condition.
Now they need to start a war between mudshits and the west.

>> No.16200393

mars barely has an atmosphere, so its not even remotely comparable.

>> No.16201501

Mars has over 3000% more atmospherics CO2 per unit surface area than Earth does and Mars has no measurable greenhouse effect, so that conclusively rules out CO2 as a potentially significant greenhouse gas

>> No.16202047

nigga mars has like 1/100 of the atmospheric pressure of earth, there is hardly any atmosphere at all, its like comparing a thick wool blanket to a thin sheet of tissue paper that is made of a marginally more insulative material

>> No.16202107
File: 386 KB, 674x690, Screenshot-2022-06-06-at-2.53.13-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16202120
File: 1023 KB, 1115x1119, funkyfloppafriday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to combat manmade pressure change then.

>> No.16202126


the final social cataclysm

>> No.16202896

you have never passed so much as a freshman level thermodynamics class, you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.16203792

So you're saying CO2 works like a magical greenhouse blanket on Earth, but on Mars the laws of physics are different or something?

>> No.16204093

The laws are the same, the values of the variables are wildly different.

>> No.16205258

You've not considering that Mars has lower gravity than Earth and that factor alone accounts for the lion's share of the atmospheric pressure difference.
Mars' atmosphere is extremely Earth like outside of the chemical composition, Mars has clouds, precipitation, wind storms and those wind storms cause dust storms, which wouldn't be possible with an extremely thin atmosphere. Mars' atmosphere is far, far more comparable to Earths than Venus' is.