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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16145661 No.16145661 [Reply] [Original]

>year of our lord 2030 minus 6
>we still use boiling water to make electricity
>we still use binary for computation
>we still have no permanent moon colonies
>we still refuse genome editing technology to unlock humanity's full potential

>> No.16145667

>computers have killed humanity
>colonies on every moon
>genes obsolete

>> No.16145670
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>> No.16145674

>boiling water to make electricity

I'm sick of you people always complaining about this like it's a bad thing.
Water expands by a factor of 1600 when turned into steam. Invent something better if you so smaht.

>> No.16145679

>>we still use boiling water to make electricity
what's the efficiency again?

>> No.16145681

pelitier devices?

>> No.16145682

way shit efficiency

>> No.16145692

Steam isn’t real

>> No.16145749

Last time someone invented something better the FBI killed him and took all his research.

>> No.16145752

prove it

>> No.16145756

Boiled mercury is about 30% more efficient than water at turning turbines. There must be something better still. Midwits simply accept and don't think to innovate. OP is simply asking us to rake our minds and consider an alternative. I believe further improvement or a different technology altogether is possible.

>> No.16145758

>Boiled mercury is about 30% more efficient than water at turning turbines.
that seems like a fuckload of extra captured energy. why isn't it used?

>> No.16145759

1.most electricity comes from grounded jet engines
2. So? Also flash memory doesn't. Flash memory is fucking horrifying
3. This sucks
4. It fucking sucks. Although we could basically solve the organ shortage by growing clones without brains. The modifications to not make brains are trivial and parents have raised brainless meatbags. No one has the balls to do this because 'bioethics'

>> No.16145789

>There are still asshole science deniers in power across the world and in first world countries their insane doctrines are still respected

>> No.16145814

>science deniers
only when they can afford to

>> No.16145944


>> No.16146086
File: 290 KB, 1280x1532, poll-gene-editing-babies-2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we still refuse genome editing technology to unlock humanity's full potential
This is why India will become a superpower

>> No.16146105
File: 432 KB, 1000x1323, olympics+on+moon+2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soience is always promising pie in the sky as an excuse for demanding gibes
and soience never delivers on it's ridiculous promises
they've been at it like this for well over half a century

>> No.16146106

not all science is compatible with poorfags. they gotta work not enjoy life lmao