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16143333 No.16143333 [Reply] [Original]

Where are all the Aliens !?

>> No.16143389
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The fact we haven't even detected transmissions yet proves there's no intelligent life in the galaxy. We'd be able to at least detect chatter. It took the first stars billions of years to create the elements needed for life. It also took us billions of years to develop intelligence so it's probably the same for everyone else.

Humans will be like the fish that walked onto water and diverged into reptiles, mammals, dinosaurs, synapsids, amphibians, etc. except all on different planets. We'll bring animals and plants with us that will also diverge. That will be the alien life

>> No.16143402

It took 4.5 billion years for Earth to develop radio technology and we've only been using it for about 120 years. It's unlikely anyone else is out there transmitting detectable radio signals in this narrow time window.

>> No.16143408

If I was an extra-terrestrial I would only listen for Ω-Rays (maximal energy capacity for Light). As there would only be one organic source for this in the Universe and planet Earth is the opposite end of the (beyond visible) universe.

Anything else is "industrialized civilization at best".

>> No.16143416

We'd be able to detect at least something if there were aliens. Literally anything, not just radio waves. Yet there is absolute silence on all fronts of our search. We might not be alone in the galaxy but we're the only intelligent life. Other intelligent life must be in other galaxies or on other ends of the universe. You also have to think about how lucky it was for us have existed long enough to become intelligent.

>> No.16143423

Maybe the ayys built Dyson Spheres which block their radio transmissions

>> No.16143426

>Dyson Spheres
The equivalent to a 100' long sword to a bronze age peasant.

The energy needed to build planets worth of technology to encapsulate a fucking star?!?!

Just BUILD a better planet and fuel it with another planet, call it a "gas tank planet". Utterly counter-logical on a scale beyond comprehension.

>> No.16143432
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Use Organic Lateral Fusion in plants to produce higher elements using sunlight, use element as fuel. Would be super dope if it could make the Helium for space travel or whatev.
[hands in pockets, kicks a pebble]

The Nova Shere or idk, if you want or whatever.

>> No.16143433
File: 15 KB, 530x357, 3f888636ffc77e8542a93b1da73fd29f--wild-wolf-black-wolves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where are the aliens.
All around you.

>> No.16143483

>We'd be able to detect at least something if there were aliens. Literally anything
Or what if we're still at the beginning of our search and our ability to detect them is very limited?
Consider that in our solar system, the moons of the gas giants far outnumber the small rocky planets. The same is likely true for other solar systems, moons should vastly outnumber planets, with a statistical likelihood of moons with life outnumbering planets with life.
But so far, we don't have a single confirmed exomoon detection. Just some exomoon candidates

>> No.16143515

In your ass, probing.

>> No.16143559

>We'd be able to detect at least something if there were aliens
Not necessarily.

>> No.16143561

Radio transmissions are blocked by interstellar dust. Our broadband radio transmissions literally do not even reach Alpha Centauri, and narrowband transmissions would only practically be picked up if you were the intended target, and a handful of those have been received from space.

>> No.16144781

this, desu baka senpai.
We think of ourselves at emitting tons of signals into space and loudly broadcasting our presence, yet in reality we are basically invisible to any potential nearby ayy lmaos.
If they are more than about 100 light years away, and something about earth catches their attention, they still might look at earth and go "Oh, there's some photosynthesis there, whatever, boring" and move on

>> No.16144836

The ayys likely build their "dyson sphere" out of energy fields so there's no need to encase the star with physical matter to capture its energy. They can then convert the waste heat to matter so there is nothing for us to detect. A million year old technological civilization will do things we can't even imagine, as we will someday if our own civilization doesn't collapse.

>> No.16144841

>energy fields that collect energy from a star the same way solar panels built from matter would do
That's quite a leap. Complete fantasy technology that's magic for all intents and purposes, where you have no idea how it would work

>> No.16144847

I mean...if you can manufacture solar systems.....why wouldnt you just make a holodeck planet powered by a planet sized fusion reactor or something? The whole operation is at a scale beyond reason, people dont live on 1,000 square miles of untouched forest.

Its like....a poor man's idea of a rich person's goals who would "buy a thousand pizzas a day".

>> No.16144856

They need the entire output of their star to power the matrioshka brain to run their holodeck program. Simulating a planet takes a lot of juice since people will want to live in multiple different kinds of virtual worlds. Also a star doesn't require as much maintenance and upkeep as a giant fusion reactor would.

>> No.16145635


>> No.16146115
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>Where are all the Aliens !?
On their own planets, asking the same question.

>> No.16146122

>Radio transmissions are blocked by interstellar dust
Not just interstellar dust.
We forgot that stars (such as the sun) are huge EM emitters, drowning out any potential signals unless the source is very close.

>> No.16146149

You can extract information regardless of signal disruption levels

>> No.16146415

>Complete fantasy technology that's magic for all intents and purposes
This is required for any sufficiently advanced technology

>> No.16146440

There are an infinite number of ways intelligent alien life forms can exist. We are also in one of those infinite worlds, but we cannot see any others because our consciousness is so specialized and local to Earth. We wouldn't be able to observe alien life even if it was in our face.

While it might be true that we're alone in this universe, there's proof that aliens exist in the multiverse. These aliens would just be us, in a slightly different timeline, with the ability to travel across space and time throughout the multiverse. Instead of 5 fingers, may 3? Something like that.

>> No.16146449
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Inside of you.

>> No.16146530

they don't exist. we are alone

>> No.16146708


My personal theory is that interstellar travel on a scale necessary for colonization is impossible. If advanced Alien civilizations do exist, their members are very few in number and confined to a small region in Space. They are nearly immortal and lead utterly hedonistic lives with every whim of theirs catered to by advanced machines.

>> No.16146915

chilling at their underwater bases