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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 284 KB, 1943x1230, rice enjoyers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16141752 No.16141752[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Good news everyone, rice, which is possibly the world's most important agricultural crop, not only grows better under CO2 enhanced atmospheric conditions, it also becomes more disease resistant when atmospheric CO2 is increased.

>Effects of elevated CO2 on resistant and susceptible rice cultivar and its primary host, brown planthopper


>The elevated CO2 (eCO2) has positive response on plant growth and negative response on insect pests. As a contemplation, the feeding pattern of the brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål on susceptible and resistant rice cultivars and their growth rates exposed to eCO2 conditions were analyzed. The eCO2 treatment showed significant differences in percentage of emergence and rice biomass that were consistent across the rice cultivars, when compared to the ambient conditions. Similarly, increase in carbon and decrese in nitrogen ratio of leaves and alterations in defensive peroxidase enzyme levels were observed, but was non‐linear among the cultivars tested. Lower survivorship and nutritional indices of N. lugens were observed in conditions of eCO2 levels over ambient conditions. Results were nonlinear in manner. We conclude that the plant carbon accumulation increased due to eCO2, causing physiological changes that decreased nitrogen content. Similarly, eCO2 increased insect feeding, and did alter other variables such as their biology or reproduction.

>> No.16141754
File: 1.09 MB, 1x1, 41598_2021_Article_87992.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres a copy of the PDF for anyone who'd like to go over the figures

>> No.16142921

People who don't want the atmosphere to be enhanced with additional CO2 are people who hate nature and who hate all living creatures

>> No.16143095

this is more good news about the environment so inevitably the people who claim that they're environmentalists will get angry at it.

>> No.16143135
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>> No.16143138

that's ricist

>> No.16143189


In the next 1-10 years science will GMO plants to uptake much more CO2 than before. This will result in MASSIVE increase in yields of all enhanced plants, faster growing timber as well as food crops. This along with extensive replanting of forest with GMO super trees will negate all human generated CO2 and then some. This was always the plan and will only be made public once the climate hoax fails completely which has already begun. Ironically Golden Rice is a model for such an advancement. Screencap it.

>> No.16143232

CO2 is plant food

>> No.16143285


>> No.16143362

Theres no need for "roundup ready" plants or for glyphosate in higher CO2 environments because the plants are robust enough to resist predation and disease.

>> No.16143813

New astroturf thread?

>> No.16144461

Its over insect bros

>> No.16144933
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>CO2 makes plants healthier
okay, yes. Everyone knows that, sherlock.

>> No.16145788
File: 249 KB, 1500x1000, Rice-University-tout-110723-059ebe212cb1411cb8fc9cb086762bb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this study conducted at Rice University?

>> No.16145910
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>> No.16146528

lmao, probably

>> No.16147667
File: 89 KB, 610x390, mfw rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western science: lets see how we can use our brains to improve the world, lets cure cancer and invent space travel.

Eastern science: lets see how we can use our brains to get more rice

>> No.16148259

fungusisters, does this affect us too?

>> No.16149152

Yes, plants in CO2 enhanced atmospheres are more disease resistant

>> No.16149197

Unfortunately CO2 increases causes temperature rises which cause heat and water stress to the plants. You can't look at the variable in isolation.
I wonder if they plan a FACE follow up study.

>> No.16150702

>CO2 increases causes temperature rises
no it doesn't
>which cause heat and water stress to the plants.
plants growing in high CO2 environments require less water than plants growing in low CO2 environments

>> No.16150835

Rice is C3 photosynthesis meaning it thrives with 10% CO2 concentration.

>> No.16151059

decreased nitrogen content (protein) and moar bugs

>> No.16152328

All plants do better in higher CO2 environments, at 400ppm they're on the brink of starvation

>> No.16152345


>> No.16152576

In practice, atmospheric CO2 is not the limiting factor in plant growth. Making farmlands hotter and drier will decrease yields despute more CO2 being available from the atmosphere.

>> No.16153552
File: 114 KB, 1500x500, stonetoss zings soyence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh soiyentism religion doomsday scenario
Plants in high CO2 environments require less water than otherwise

>> No.16154246

>oh no, adding CO2 to the atmosphere is making agriculture more productive and food more plentiful!!!!

>> No.16154502

All I know is that real science will always confirm me in doing what I want and what I already do.

>> No.16155380

This is what gretafags are actually crying about

>> No.16156093

When CO2 ends up making agriculture productive enough the value of farmland is going to plummet and a lot of it will return to being wilderness. Nature will thrive and be healthier than any human has ever witnessed, this is what the environmentalists are trying to prevent

>> No.16156148

rice releases more methane than beef but they never mention this for some strange reason

>> No.16156156 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 447x360, jove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if there's a way to bypass the subscription requirement on this website? https://www.jove.com/
99% of the videos there require you to be a member of a school that has subscribed to Jove, and you need a school email and proof you belong to said school.
There's things I really want to watch on there, and I haven't found any way to bypass it for years.

>> No.16157183
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>> No.16158216

The more productive adding CO2 to the atmosphere makes agriculture, the cheaper biofuels will become, which in turn will eventually stop more CO2 from being added to the atmosphere.
Theres a fun equation in figuring out where the inflection points are

>> No.16159262

Retard take

>> No.16159265

>On a per acre basis, rice produces the most calories at 14 million per acre. This means an acre produces enough rice to feed 19 people for a year at 2000 calories per day.


>> No.16159272

And since you're going to whine about cows giving you more protein

>> No.16159760
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>> No.16159779

Unfortunately plants are not the only thing that wants to live on this planet.
In addition to that plants have hostorically adapted to the availability of CO2 and variation of the density of stomata has been recorded to be proportional to availability of CO2 for evolutionary periods.
This means, given time on an evolutionary scale, plants will adapt and regress to their comfy zone.
Unfortunately the changes we are causing are not happening on a evolutionary timescale because what we are releasing on a single day took ages of unimpeded growth and deposition in the absence of lignine consuming microorganisms to form.
On top of that photosynthesis in most plants during our period is thylakoid limited. At this point the derivate of the response curve is already quite low and once its in Pi regeneration limited CO2 concentration ranges the derivative is literally 0.
But sadly all explaining is in vain when the recipient is either numb or doesn't want to know but rather justify their own actions or agitate.

>> No.16159791

This is one of the examples of the already mentioned >>16159779 numb people. Fauna in our age, conversely to what some wannabe environmentalists like to pretend, does hardly fix any carbon past it reaching it's full potential for a given environment. A point after which it will remain in an equilibrium of release through decay and uptake.
Even if we experienced the conditions that lead to the original formation of fossile carbon formation again (god beware), it would still be delusional to believe this process could halt let alone reverse accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere, as earths surface is limited and the surface needed to absorb the current man made emission would need to be 400 times that.
But again: Dumb people don't even understand how excel or calculators work and have no intuition either. Discrepancies this large should cause a normal functioning humans intuition to prompt for investigation.

>> No.16159794

How is this bitch, a magazine, or nationalism relevant ? Please explain.

>> No.16160267
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Methane isn't any more a significant greenhouse gas than CO2 is. Water vapor is responsible for virtually all of the meager greenhouse effect on Earth.

>> No.16160662

Looks sound to me.

>> No.16160924

Look up photosynthetic efficiency

>> No.16160986

This is obviously wrong. Plants currently existing are way too close to running into photoinhibition for any such point to lie on the near side from that point.
Besides the whole argument obviously being moot since it fails to demonstrate how a reduction in emission would stop emission. Anon here just suddenly jumps that gap.

>> No.16162307

rice needs water. global warming means increasing heat and drought. Let's see that rice grown in droughts. bye bye

>> No.16162397

plants require less moisture to function in higher CO2 environments because of the way stomata work, so they're less susceptible to drought when atmospheric CO2 is higher than it is currently.
if high atmospheric CO2 was going to end all life on earth then all life on earth would've ended ages ago because atmospheric CO2 in the current era is just about as low as it ever has been in past several billion years.

>> No.16163532

How come the people who claim to be concerned about the environment get upset when they find out that CO2 is good for plants and good for nature?
Shouldn't they be happy to learn about that if they're concerned about the environment?

>> No.16163973

>How come the people who claim to be concerned about the environment get upset when people use half truths to lie to truly ignorant people

>> No.16164258


>> No.16164720

CO2 is good for plants, why does that upset you so much?

>> No.16164882
File: 209 KB, 600x600, Liebigs-Law-of-Minimum-600x600-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of seeing this stupid lie everywhere. CO2 will not increase plant growth outside of highly controlled conditions.

The law of the minimum governs plant growth. It states that growth is limited by the most scarce factor. Adding CO2 to the atmosphere is like building a barrel with one stave taller then the rest and the "CO2 is plant food" crowd insists that it will make the barrel hold more water. It won't.




>> No.16165426

CO2 is good for plants, why does that upset you so much? Do you hate plants and want to starve them to death? Can you show us on the doll where the plants touched you?

>> No.16165938

Why are you illiterate and stupid? Isn't one bad enough?

>> No.16166477

Can you show us on the doll where the plants touched you?

>> No.16166705

Can you show us where on any of those pages it says "except for carbon dioxide because it's magic"?

>> No.16166894

The global warming hysterics' ignorance of science is what powers their belief in global warming

>> No.16167888

This, Mars would have a massive greenhouse effect if CO2 were a greenhouse gas and Mars has no measurable greenhouse effect, Mars' average temperature is the same as it's planetary thermal equilibrium temperature despite Mars having hundreds of times more CO2 in it's atmosphere than Earth does

>> No.16168560

Don't worry, NASA will soon fix that by lying about the average surface temperature on Mars

>> No.16169591
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>> No.16169610

Holy shit the stupidity. Have fun existing during the carboniferous. Geeee I wonder WHY no human evolved during the carboniferous.

>> No.16170475

because mammals didn't exist yet

>> No.16170575 [DELETED] 

Liebig's Law of the Minimum primarily focuses on essential nutrients,rather than environmental factors like carbon dioxide.

>> No.16170602

and WHY do you think that was ?
Thanks for proving the point.

>> No.16170634

Unless you believe that the photosynthesis of all plants in the world is inhibited by factors other than carbon dioxide, then the Libby's minimum principle cannot deny the significance of more carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. Even if the growth of plants in the world is inhibited for various reasons, sufficient carbon dioxide can unleash the maximum potential of plants when subjected to growth inhibition.
By the way, did you know that most of the world's photosynthesis is driven by marine plankton rather than cacti from the Sahara Desert? In fact, the photosynthesis of plants worldwide increases synchronously with the rise of carbon dioxide.

>> No.16170838

>Unless you believe that the photosynthesis of all plants in the world is inhibited by factors other than carbon dioxide
Stopped reading there. It is. Learn about the topic before you decide to make shit up.

>> No.16170839


>> No.16170891
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>> No.16170894

So you made it up.

>> No.16171589 [DELETED] 

You are the person who believes that the increase in carbon dioxide will not increase plant yield, not me, right?By the way, the bucket model is a shit, because Liebig's law of the minimum only points out that the most scarce resources have the highest marginal effects, rather than simply relying on plant yields similar to the least available nutrients in the soil. Plants always have a tendency to recombine resource allocation and seek solutions that rely more on another nutrient when one nutrient is inhibited.

>> No.16171593

You are the person who believes that the growth of carbon dioxide will not increase plant yield, not me, right?
By the way, the bucket model is shit, because Liebig's law of the minimum only points out that the most scarce resources have the highest marginal effects, rather than simply equating plant yield to the most scarce nutrients in the soil. Plants always have a tendency to recombine resource allocation and seek solutions that rely more on another nutrient when one nutrient is inhibited

>> No.16172785

Plants evolved for a billion years to survive on random chance in wilderness settings, they don't need to be treated like princesses to survive in a natural environment, they are very robust creatures

>> No.16172951

>out that the most scarce resources have the highest marginal effects, rather than simply equating plant yield to the most scarce nutrients in the soil.
That's exactly what it means. Your article does not refute that. From your own article

>Researchers that studied hundreds of plant species between 1980 and 2017 found that most unfertilized terrestrial ecosystems are becoming deficient in nutrients, particularly nitrogen. They attributed this decrease in nutrients to global changes, including rising temperatures and CO2 levels.

>Griffin’s work also found that the temperature response of nitrogen fixation is independent from the temperature response of photosynthesis, which involves enzymes made with nitrogen. Higher temperatures can make these enzymes less efficient. Rubisco is the key enzyme that helps turn carbon dioxide into carbohydrates in photosynthesis, but as temperatures go up, it “relaxes” and the shape of its pocket that holds the CO2 gets less precise. Consequently, one fifth of the time, the enzyme winds up fixing oxygen instead of carbon dioxide, lowering the efficiency of photosynthesis and wasting the plant’s resources. With an even greater temperature increase, Rubisco can completely deactivate.

>Warmer winters and a longer growing season also help the pests, pathogens, and invasive species that harm vegetation. During longer growing seasons, more generations of pests can reproduce as warmer temperatures speed up insect life cycles, and more pests and pathogens survive over warm winters. Rising temperatures are also driving some insects to invade new territories, sometimes with devastating effects for the local plants.

>Higher temperatures and an increase in moisture also make crops more vulnerable. Weeds, many of which thrive in heat and elevated CO2, already cause about 34 percent of crop losses; insects cause 18 percent of losses, and disease 16 percent. Climate change will likely magnify these losses.

>> No.16172955

>Many crops start to experience stress at temperatures above 32° to 35°C, although this depends on crop type and water availability. Models show that each degree of added warmth can cause a 3 to 7 percent loss in the yields of some important crops, such as corn and basedbeans.

>In addition, an increase in temperature speeds up the plant lifecycle so that as the plant matures more quickly, it has less time for photosynthesis, and consequently produces fewer grains and smaller yields.

>Climate change will bring more frequent and severe extreme weather events, including extreme precipitation, wind disturbance, heat waves, and drought. Extreme precipitation events can disturb plant growth, particularly in recently burned forests, and make plants more vulnerable to flooding and soils to erosion. More frequent high winds can stress tree stands.

>Climate change is also expected to bring more combined heat waves and droughts, which would likely offset any benefits from the carbon fertilization effect. While crop yields often decrease during hot growing seasons, the combination of heat and dryness could cause maize yields to fall by 20 percent in some parts of the US, and 40 percent in Eastern Europe and southeast Africa. In addition, the combination of heat and water scarcity may reduce crop yields in places like the northern US, Canada, and Ukraine, where crop yields are projected to increase because of warmer temperatures.

>> No.16172956

>Climate change is also expected to bring more combined heat waves and droughts, which would likely offset any benefits from the carbon fertilization effect. While crop yields often decrease during hot growing seasons, the combination of heat and dryness could cause maize yields to fall by 20 percent in some parts of the US, and 40 percent in Eastern Europe and southeast Africa. In addition, the combination of heat and water scarcity may reduce crop yields in places like the northern US, Canada, and Ukraine, where crop yields are projected to increase because of warmer temperatures.

While some crop yields may increase, rising CO2 levels affect the level of important nutrients in crops. With elevated CO2, protein concentrations in grains of wheat, rice and barley, and in potato tubers decreased by 10 to 15 percent in one study. Crops also lose important minerals including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc. A 2018 study of rice varieties found that while elevated CO2 concentrations increased vitamin E, they resulted in decreases in vitamins B1, B2, B5 and B9.

>And, counterintuitively, the CO2-fueled increase in plant growth may result in less carbon storage in soil. Recent research found that plants have to draw more nutrients from the soil to keep up with the added growth triggered by carbon fertilization. This stimulates microbial activity, which ends up releasing CO2 into the atmosphere that might otherwise have stayed in the soil. The findings challenge the long-held belief that as plants grow more due to increased CO2, the additional biomass would turn into organic matter and soils could increase their carbon storage.

It helps if you actually read your sources.

>> No.16173228 [DELETED] 

>Believing that the productivity of plants will not increase the growth of carbon dioxide
>Proved to be incorrect
>Attempting to drag people into the shit of climate change trivialities
you are fucking a gay,The article acknowledges a fact: that plant growth increases with the rise of carbon dioxide, while all other trivial matters aim to offset the optimism this impression brings to people.
But adding up other trivial matters cannot offset the fact of global photosynthesis growth. This means that unless the total carbon emissions of all humans exceed the maximum potential of plant photosynthesis rate, it is a wrong argument to simply assume that the world's carbon dioxide emissions will continue to increase.
Recent data has shown that the growth rate of global carbon dioxide emissions has crossed the inflection point, while photosynthesis continues to grow, and the dynamic equilibrium point will arrive.

>> No.16173249

>Believing that the productivity of plants will not increase the growth of carbon dioxide
>Proved to be incorrect
>Attempting to drag people into the shit of climate change trivialities
you are fucking a gay,The article acknowledges a fact: that plant growth increases with the rise of carbon dioxide, while all other trivial matters aim to offset the optimism this impression brings to people.
But adding up other trivial matters cannot offset the fact of global photosynthesis growth. This means that unless the total carbon emissions of all humans exceed the maximum potential of plant photosynthesis rate, it is a wrong argument to simply assume that the world's carbon dioxide emissions will continue to increase.
Recent data has shown that the growth rate of global carbon dioxide emissions per capita has crossed the inflection point, while photosynthesis continues to grow, and the dynamic equilibrium point will arrive.

>> No.16173259

Cope harder, retard. You got BTFO by your own source because you couldn't be fucked to read it. I'm not going to keep going through your sources because you've made it clear that you can't even put in the modicum of work required to read them, let alone understand them.

>> No.16173291

>You got BTFO by your own source because you couldn't be fucked to read it.
Not even at all. What an ugly roar. Your binary system is for idiots like you, and if you are smart enough, you will extract the parts you agree with from the viewpoints you disagree with.

>> No.16173425

>fat people are hoarding all the carbon
>the rice can't flourish
do we start killing the fats?

>> No.16173873

>and if you are smart enough, you will extract the parts you agree with from the viewpoints you disagree with.
That's called selection bias and it doesn't make you any less wrong. You are a moron and you will never be a scientist.

>> No.16173904

>That's called selection bias and it doesn't make you any less wrong.
Did you even use your brain? I have never denied any other facts, I just saw an idiot talking nonsense that "CO2 will not increase plant growth outside of highly controlled conditions.". You are really shooting at scarecrows, and using catchphrases like "selective bias" will not automatically make you smarter, let alone completely using them in the wrong situation. The remaining arguments are reserved for you and your climate change fags to use and masturbating each other, and it has never had any relation to the viewpoint I advocate for.

>> No.16173953

You are denying and deflecting from facts. The very facts that were in the source that you yourself posted. Cope, seethe, and dilate.

>> No.16174000

Who cares tho, we can have anti-greenhouses to grow old style crops or eat meat

>> No.16174017

So you have a lot of C02 to use up, what do you do if plants can eat it and you could grow more of them? You figure out what grows and let the plant eat it, like devil's ivy if you're desperate or you cultivate the land properly!

Why can't we cultivate the land properly and use the C02? It's like fuckers just love hearing the sound of their own voices and keyboards instead of picking up some damn shovels

>> No.16174027

adapt or die, too bad

>> No.16174402

some people like to eat cows more than they like to eat fish and since the earth has an abundance of resources and ample space, we produce both as well as a lot of other things in order to make life a pleasant experience.

>> No.16174424

Retard takes.

>> No.16175212

I don't see why that fact that increasing atmospheric CO2 is good for plants makes so many people upset. Why would that bother them? Do they hate nature or something?

>> No.16175396

Because you're lying so you can justify refusing to change your behavior.

See >>16164882

>> No.16176268
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you're lying so you can justify refusing to acknowledge and address your narcissistic savior complex. you want nature to be seen as suffering and dying so that you can justify selfishly making demands on other people

>> No.16176847
File: 301 KB, 850x859, World-annual-paddy-rice-production-by-geographic-regions-from-1961-to-2018-statistical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rice is doing great because of all the CO2 in the atmosphere. We need those fatsos to eat all the massive excess of rice that we've got

>> No.16176967

Take your meds.

>> No.16177695

Your desire to control other people's behavior and your desire to give yourself the authority to change other people's behavior is part of "the god complex"
Ernest Jones, in 1913, was the first to construe extreme narcissism, which he called the "God-complex", as a character flaw. He described people with God-complex as being aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. He observed that these people had a high need for uniqueness.

>> No.16177781

Take your meds.

>> No.16178830

>200 pounds of rice per person annually
1 pound of rice is 1700 calories, so that one crop provides more than half the calorie needs for the entire planet.
And ppl still shill the idea that "oh no theres too many ppl we're all gonna starve to death.
Rice is only the 3rd largest crop globally, wheat and corn are larger

>> No.16178858

>He wants everyone to be vegan

>> No.16179364

>And ppl still shill the idea that "oh no theres too many ppl we're all gonna starve to death.
they believe that only because they can't do math

>> No.16180175


>> No.16180421

The amount of people that the Earth can support is not solely dependent on how much food can be raised. The higher the population the more strain is put in ecosystem services which provide and estimated 33 trillion dollars worth of services and sustain the natural environment.


>> No.16181040


>> No.16181406


>> No.16181989

>strain is put in ecosystem
life on earth has survived every condition its been put through for over a billion years, its not fragile. co2 has no effect on the ecosystem other than making plants grow faster and use water more efficiently

>> No.16182739

You are a retard.

>> No.16183026

Its amazing they produce all that and still import rice from california

>> No.16183265

They also export rice to California. If you look at the imports and exports of most countries you will see very similar lists. People make money shipping out the same good that other people make money shipping in. Don't try to make sense of the economy.

>> No.16183555

>They also export rice to California.
not a significant amount compared to what California exports

>> No.16183573

So? If they import more than the export then why export? If they export mort than they import then why import? It would make more sense to export only your excess and import only what you need, so why do we do it? Because sending the exact same goods back and forth makes some guy some money. The entire economy is like that. Lots of things that don't make any sense whatsoever being carried out by people who are trying to hoard paper.

>> No.16184999

The only rice that California imports is fancy foreign brand name foreign imports that are sold to foreigners that have immigrated to California. A lot of the time its rice that was originally exported from the USA.

>> No.16185464

in 50 years science will change and we will extra burn oil and coal to generate co2.
Newspaper will be full of low co2 warning and how humanity will end if we dont rise it.

>> No.16185932

Hope thats how it turns out, I'd really like to see nature performing at maximum efficiency with 1500-2000ppm. As it currently stands it'll be centuries before 4 digit CO2 will be achieved,

>> No.16186095

Retard takes

>> No.16187103
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>> No.16188478

This is good news, it will reduce the need for pesticides

>> No.16188550

I really hate the climate argument. The well is not just poisoned but it's filled with pure fluorine.
I find it kinda white pilling that nature helps clean up co2. Does that mean we should just infinitely add more? No that's fucking stupid. We should try out best to not put foreign gasses into the air we breathe

>> No.16189128

>Does that mean we should just infinitely add more? No that's fucking stupid
whats stupid is irrationally presuming that there is infinite carbon on earth to be added. also presuming the co2 has any negative properties when theres only evidence that it has a positive effect on the environment

>> No.16190156

>i have no argument so i'll just resort to name calling
you're as much as admitting that you're wrong

>> No.16190442

Retard takes

>> No.16190709

Year 2030: super co2 plants show signs of inteliigence
Year 2045: plants declare war on humans billions must die

>> No.16192073
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>> No.16192116

The early green movement (1990s) was against illegal immigration.

>> No.16193333
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what changed?

>> No.16193423

>People who don't want the atmosphere to be enhanced with additional CO2 are people who hate nature and who hate all living creatures

>Similarly, eCO2 increased insect feeding, and did alter other variables such as their biology or reproduction.

Yes, if you're supportive of bugs eating our crops, go for it. This study sounds dangerously supportive of "look, co2 increases insects, so we should eat them!"

>> No.16193862
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>> No.16193866

This shit thread was at the ass end of page 10 and you had to bump it. Fucking faggot

>> No.16194094

They do that to keep the thread up for as long as possible. They think they're fighting globalism by spreading misinformation.

>> No.16194096


>> No.16194971

thats a government propaganda agency, not a legitimate scientific organization.

>> No.16195105

Take your meds

>> No.16195464
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Its worth noting that plants cool the planet because they capture and store solar energy without reemitting it at any wavelength. Some of this energy can be stored for up to a billion years or more before its rereleased. Adding CO2 to the atmosphere amplifies the rate at which plants can capture solar energy because CO2 is plant food.
Thats why adding CO2 to the atmosphere has resulted in a cooling trend rather than the warming one that popsci goyslop soiyence predicts.

>> No.16195546

That's not how any of that works.