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1614031 No.1614031 [Reply] [Original]

So how was highschool for you /sci/?

Were you the typical nerd kid as depicted by todays society or the quite kid that kept to himself? My highschool personally was full of christian retards and i remember this one fat kid called Justin that was exceptionally stupid and seriously christian. I once joked on how fat he was and he made a comment about how it was his genes since he's mum and dad were fat. Then i asked if he believed in evolution to which he replied that he doesn't believe in that bullshit

>> No.1614055
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>Fat people blaming their genes for being fat


>> No.1614064

Kept to myself. Was a shadow. Difficult to do in a high school of 90 or so people. Though I still managed to not make an appearance in most of the yearbooks.

>> No.1614067

haha stupid Christian

>> No.1614090

I was considered that one smart kid who dressed in bright colors and had a creepy staring problem. Also, everyone though I was trying to kill them. No one really enjoyed my company, but they respected me at least.

>> No.1614108

Spent every lunch hour in computer lab so I wouldn't need to socialize. Got banned from computer lab for "hacking". Spent every lunch hour in library so I wouldn't need to socialize. Graduated with 89% average and some awards for being on of the country's best programmers.

All together not a horrible experience, but a big waste of time.

>> No.1614124

Hah, I spent my lunch hour in the library as well. My senior year I didn't have many classes to take, so they assigned me to work in the library for 2 periods. So I was basically working 3 hours every weekday for no pay.

>> No.1614132
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Still in the HS (Junior year ahead) but the closest picture to what I am pretty much like in high school is like Michael Cera in Superbad, only more misogynistic.

>> No.1614149 [DELETED] 

There was one kid in my class who got caught masturbating in the library. People stopped sitting with him at lunch. A week later columbine happened.

Being just outside the nations capitol we had fbi agents rolling through to spot troubled children. Of course they had to go talk to him because he was sittign alone.

>> No.1614156

That's shitty dude. In my last term of high school I just went home at noon because I'd taken all the classes I needed. I'd be pissed if I was sent to work in the library.

>> No.1614162

It was fine. Socially, I was the overweight kid that was friendly with everyone but kept everyone at arm's length. Regarding the educational experience, most of the time the teacher would assign work and immediately go to the desk to grade papers, leaving the students to talk amongst themselves for the remaining class. I really wish there was more teaching and that the coursework were more rigorous, but for a high school in rural Alabama, I could have done much, much worse.

>> No.1614165

i played basketball until sophomore year of highschool and my older sister (by 2 years) was one of the popular kids. so all through school i coasted along as one of the cool kids who was also in gifted/honors programs and I was invited to all of the cool kids parties.

but I really only went to high school for one year because 9th grade was still junior high and 11th and 12th grades I went to college full time for high school credits.

>> No.1614170

Mostly shitty, but it had its moments. Whipping up NI3 in the chemistry lab (which caused a panic when I unwittingly spilled small amounts all over the floor and sink). Building circuits to give people controlled electric shocks. But mostly I was, and still am, very shy and quiet around people.

>> No.1614172

I hung out with a bunch of asian minuses, since I was too stupid and unathletic to be considered an asian plus, which was a bunch of people obsesing of UPenn, Princeton and ultimate frisbee (I have yet to find a HS in central NJ that doesn't have this, except maybe Voorhees). I knew this one insane kid with an unsettling love of Hitler who basically trolled the school. He's probably on here somewhere now. For me, I was a total loser, but I wasn't directly picked on; I'm sure there was a lot of talk behind my back over me though.


>> No.1614199

Well, I also went home at about noon. I only actually had 2 classes that semester, then 3 hours of library. It was good work experience though, I suppose.

>> No.1614214

>mfw I realized I wasted my entire high school going to 4chan

well at least i'm not underageb& anymore

>> No.1614232
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Sucked hard.

I went to three private Christian schools: one evangelical, one catholic, one baptists. I had to go to worship services once a week, I wasted days of my life accumulated over stupid classes like "Christian Sociology" and various other religious classes. Most people ended up concluding I would blow up the school and kill everyone. I ended up sticking with 2-3 core friends and playing video games (mainly everquest) daily while not giving a fuck about any course work. Then again, it's hard to care about your civics homework when 50% of the book is skipped since we weren't allowed to cover things like civil rights, gay rights, etc.

My senior year I moved to Texas and attended a public school. I finally got to take some programming classes, debate, and much more applicable science and math classes; I also actually made a good bunch of friends too, but one year can only catch up on so much academically. I had to eventually accept going the community college + minimum waging my way through school route.

Fascinating tidbit: the public school system in Texas is shit but it's still better than the rich private schools of Louisiana. I'll leave it to your imagination to decide how terrible Louisiana public schools must be.

I'm currently in a masters program, have a strong med school app, and really love my university... so I guess they didn't ruin me for life, but I certainly don't look back on high school with same nostalgia a lot of people do.

>> No.1614228

oh my fucking god, i just realized something horrific. when i first discovered 4chan 4-5 years ago I saw some posts about people saying they were addicted to 4chan and wasted their lives there. I laughed, because I thought it was impossible to stay on an imageboard for 9 hours a day. But... time passed... all those times in chemistry class... times i ran across the cold concrete in track... times i broke my leg and never recovered.... times i drunk myself to a stupor... all those times i was browsing 4chan on that very day. And i never got used to that feeling- that 4chan has been like a shelter to me. it's my own shadow. And it feels like yesterday that I just discovered 4chan and laughed to myself, because after wasting my time here, there was nothing in between, and I have not changed since I was 13.

How... horrifying.

>> No.1615453

I was tall with long hair and fairly athletic most people steered clear of me cause i dressed punkish and beat up a running back, but he started that shit. I mostly got high and barely put in any effort, still passed with a 3.6. The main highlight for highschool was when i started dating this christian chick when I was a senior. She wouldn't fuck me but holy fuck she was a freak that do some crazy exhibitionist shit.

>> No.1615468

I was the kid with long hair who did well in school, had a few really close friends, but got on well with everyone else, dispite avoiding them. Made a band and just chilled.
'Screwed up eyes, and screwed down hairdo'
They called me Ziggy Stardust, I was the attractive child who everyone wanted to know, but couldn't, because the general consensus was that I was weird, or I just avoided them. A strange and inspiring experience.

>> No.1615473

Had horrific acne, middle school was the most awkward time of my life, parental bullshit. Got on 4chan in 9th grade, best thing to ever happen to me. I have not been sad since that day. I still retain my humor and laugh at bad things that happen to me, because I know I can come here and make a post about it, and have people post reaction images/laugh/relate to me. It feels good man.

>> No.1615477

No real friends, no real problems, nothing interesting happened. It was sickeningly neutral, if anything.

>> No.1615516

One thing that pops into my mind when thinking about highschool is the period of time in tenth grade when my sleep patterns were completely out of whack, and I had to resist completely losing it in class (almost beat someone down with a spanish book after he asked an insanely stupid question).

>> No.1615538

my "claim to fame" was math, I was known as that guy who loves math. I didn't get the top grades though. I was friendly and people were to me but I don't think I was much liked aside from a few people who I got to know pretty well. I still keep in touch with very few people. realized religion was bullshit in tenth grade or so and went around like a faggot saying I was atheist, then found out I was being a dick and now I just avoid the topic IRL. got shit grades till my senior year when my average jumped from 70-something percent to 93%. Had a girlfriend in ninth grade and the rest of high school nobody really liked me because I'm not attractive.

>> No.1615589
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First school: Be shy and not talkative at first, make friends with the eccentric bunch of gamers, turn into a fun-loving person after being tortured socially at primary school
Second school: leave first school because I got a accepted to a really good science and maths school, go there, turns out everyone is not interested in science or maths at ALL, just good academically and go there so it will look good on their resumes. Hate it there
Third school: GO back to previous school after only 6 weeks of the new school. Quickly make friends again. Start smoking weed. Life is good.
Fourth school: Go to a school in a really really shitty suburb because the first/third school I went to were more than an hour trip in one way and was taking up my time. New school has the entire school utterly filled with bogans/chavs. Make barely any friends with the ones having a semblance of intelligence. Other people think I'm 'gay' because I didn't accept the curt invitation from a fat ugly chick that smells horrible to fuck in the back of her mother's 4x4.

And I'm still living in the fourth school nightmare.

>> No.1615722

I pretty much lived in Bizarro World, where the cool kids grinded CS and the WoW-beta all day, and where the "nerds" were impossible to differentiate from the normalfags without entering into a conversation.

I was a "nerd" in the way that I loved science and generally kept quiet, but I never really got to be a loner since I grew up with the "cool kids". It was only when I got pissed off at the shitty games and started going to the gym, that I outgrew my role as a "silent follower" and started talking to people about what I found interesting.

I seem to have been relatively popular, seeing as everyone seemed to know me and seemed to find me likeable enough. The local throng of yabbering arabs fucking loved me, for some reason I still can't imagine.

>> No.1615737
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Where is this beautiful promised land?

>> No.1615749


I wouldn't bet too much money on that many folks had the same experience as me, however, either back then or nowadays.

>> No.1615761
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>100mbps net unlimited cheap and easy to get
>no coal-fire power plants and thinking whether or not to ban gasoline vehicles
>some of the highest standards of living in the world

Now you guys just have to legalize marijuana to become the ultimate country.

>> No.1615795

I once got called in too see my school's psychiatrist.

>>Some of your teachers are worried about you. They say you always sit by yourself and don't talk to anyone.

Yah, because I'm doing my fucking schoolwork instead of socializing, which is the entire purpose for this institution existing you dumb bitch.

Good times, Good times.
I stole my own permanent record the last day I graduated for the lulz.

>> No.1615804


I had a similar time, though for different reasons I think.

Basically, the most attractive guy in the school was also among the nerdiest, so being nerdy ended up being advantageous. The displacement of attractiveness shifted the normal clique hierarchy and put us somewhere close to the top. It was also a pretty celebrated high school, so being smart was actually a popular thing. All in all, it was a pretty good time.

>> No.1615808


Oops, still had permasage up.

>> No.1615810


fuck sweden man.

I've done research and it is such a bitch to immigrate to sweden from the US or any other non-EU country. If I wanted to get a job in sweden my prospective employer would have to fill out forms proving that they were unable to find a swedish citizen that could do the job etc.

basically unless you are from elsewhere in europe or from a country where you can claim refugee status you can't move to sweden. and norway is even worse.

although I wouldn't be surprised if the US gets added to the list of refugee status countries at some point in the coming decades.

>> No.1615818

I was the guy who would sit in the back and never say a word unless it was absolutely necessary. I remember when it was the end of the school year and i finally decided to raise my hand to answer a question. The teacher was shocked and the bitch didn't even remember my name.

>> No.1615822

I was the guy with narcolepsy.
nuf' said

>> No.1615838
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Still there.starting senior year monday btw
What is this shit

>> No.1615844

>I have Bosnian citizenship
Aw yeahhhh.

>> No.1615869

I was that guy that everyone knew and respected, but would never get invited to parties. I had a lot of close friends, however; some through JROTC and others just from being generally awesome, so I was never an outcast.

Because of where I lived, we got a swath of different people (intellectually speaking). We had dumb as rocks folk, conspiracy theorists, and computer programmers, all in a school situated in the middle of a cow pasture.

I'd earned a reputation in middle and elementary school as someone who never showed their hand (so to speak), and that I always had "and did you know"-type statement to throw onto almost anything we happened to be studying, so I managed to come across as the "smartest person everyone knows" when in actuality I was probably the 20th smartest person in my class, according to GPA. Although I'd like to think that even though I didn't take every AP class available, my Eagle Scout still counts for something.

Tried to change my act in college, no such luck. Kept my same mannerisms because I gravitated towards the same type of people I hung out with in HS.

I enjoyed it.

>> No.1615872
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Hmmm high school. I didn't care about anything including grades. I glided through it on the lowest grades imaginable because I couldn't be arsed to study, all the while doing stuff like drinking in class, drawing all over entire tables or pulling off practical jokes on everyone all the time. Somehow graduated, went back to not caring and just got a job, and only realised two years ago what a gigantic waste of time high school has been for me. So now I'm returning to college to actually study this time. Sliding through life gets kinda boring in the end.

As for popularity, well... wasn't unpopular. But wasn't too popular either. I hung out with everybody but rarely took any initiative, so I ended up being the guy in the background. All in all the experiences were ok, but nothing special.

>> No.1615893

Art fag, class clown, all round athlete that never tried out for sports because i was too short. Apparently I was a bully too.. I was the victim!!! I was..

>> No.1615901

I'm still in high school but I get along with everyone except the 'oh so macho' guys, I'm not exactly part of the in-crowd though. People also tend to get weirded out when I do physics for fun in study class. The people in my calculus class think I'm a genius though.

>> No.1615938
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High school was fine. I was mostly quiet so I made few enemies and few close friends. Being the quiet one in the class, I wasn't too involved with the teachers but they respected me for doing whatever I had to do. The academic administrators were fucking asshole to me though. Even when I wanted to push for harder courses, they shoved me around telling me I can't do it. Their lazy-ass turned down my robotics presentation which pissed me off. I'm going to UPenn so fuck them if the school ever ask me for donation.

>> No.1617599

People considered me one of two things: the smart kid or the poet. I was relatively popular, made friends with basically everyone is a pretty big school, but I didn't really make any social effort. Because of that, I had few girlfriends, but was considered the type of guy anyone could ask for advice.

Teachers loved me, though. I guess, ultimately, I just made good impressions, it wasn't that I was particularly smarter than everyone but that didn't stop people from believing it.

>> No.1617718

I was one of the best students and got the best grades with little effort. Had some friends but avoided socializing. Therefore a horrible experience as I should've acquired social skills back then.

Now I'd sorely need them. Oh well, getting through university with top grades and little effort now.

>> No.1617741

Had my own small group of friends, mostly kept to myself. Nobody really bothered me and I didn't bother with em. Had a reputation as being talkative / funny im some classes, quiet / reserved in others. Was on the rugby team (tho I disliked a good majority of my teammates). All in all it was pretty boring and uneventful but could be worse I guess.

>> No.1617761

>move to the middle east
>migrate to sweden
>move to UK
>get EU passport
>move to sweden

>> No.1617773

HS was 70% asian (in the U.S.)

Largest team sport was the math team

Math competitions literally shut the school down (the halls were empty the lunches they were being taken)

almost 100% graduation rate (class of 500)

College bound graduates - 50% to uc's, 25% to cc and 25% to privates

About 50 people went to Ivy-ivy level schools (ivy's, MIT, caltech, etc.)

It would be impossible to be ostracised for "nerdyness" in this school

Cal-berkeley fag now

>> No.1617775

I lived in a very republican, very christian, very retarded town. Everyone knew me because i would always "disrespect" all the teacher/principals/etc. And because i always knew all the answers in every class.

Got straight A's/B's

>> No.1617784

stuyvesant in nyc.

was pretty cool, lots of cool teachers.

>> No.1617786

Heres a quick tutorial on how muslim immigrants get into the EU. you guys can use it too.

>be in middle east
>say you are gay
>seek asylum in EU from persecution (gays are beheaded in the middle east)
>once there bring your whole family there too under family reunition laws.

>> No.1617800

Where the fuck did you go to high-school?

Either you went to high-school in Chinatown or you went to high-school in some hick city with stupid white trash.

>> No.1617804

I tried to be a chav in the first year and made some 'friends' who basically treated me, each other, and everyone else like shit. Spent all my time pretending to be like them, using their slang, listening to their music, wearing similar clothes, etc. Towards the end of the year my musical tastes changed dramatically (towards metal) and I changed from wearing chav clothes (hoodies and tracksuit trousers) to t-shirts and jeans.

In the second year I made some new friends who were more like me in terms of musical taste but in terms of personality, were much like my old friends. They treated me and each-other almost as badly. One of them, however, didn't like me at first but I managed to get him to like me eventually and he's now one of my best friends. I also learned HTML as well as rudimentary CSS and Javascript.

Third year I moved further towards intellectualism; I started working harder, reading books about science, listening to a wider variety of music. I had by this time stopped talking to any of my old 'friends' and socially, this year was difficult for me because although I had some people I identified with I didn't really have anyone I could call a friend. I also learned more CSS and Javascript and found out about C++ but didn't try learning it yet.

Fourth year I finally had a well-defined group of real friends who actually treated each other well and were all relatively intelligent. I started learning C++, found a good forum to hang out on, found out about /b/ (yeah I know) and my studies went downhill from there (why bother with trigonometry when I could play with computers?).

Fifth year, I got more interested in science, but unfortunately it wasn't the kind of science they taught us. I was reading about string theory and general relativity (only basic introductions, that is) instead of the course material so naturally I failed physics and chemistry (I passed biology but only because it was fucking easy).

>> No.1617830

Nothing special. Met some interesting people but nothing more. Academically fucked up my life by messing up freshmen and sophomore year which apparently weighs for a large portion of your GPA. All A's throughout Jr and Sr years though. Taught myself to program junior year. I only had 4 classes senior year so I just dedicated my time to programming and reading some physics books. Nonetheless I'll still be attending a shit state uni.

>> No.1617841

these are suppose to be the best years of my life and it's all downhill from here.

feels bad man

>> No.1617877


underage b&

>> No.1617916

Kept to myself, didn't give a shit, wore my suit for some reason, with the waist coat.

Also, in Tech Lab, my basement dweller skills came to good use, my average typing rate was like 90 gwpm.

>> No.1617919


Haha, my high school years were pretty much the same, Swedish as well.

I went to one of the most ass-backwards redneck schools, but even though I liked science and was pretty much the smartest kid in my year, no one gave me any shit. I would even go so far as to say that I was generally well liked among all the different groups.

When the final year of High school was over, during the ceremony when we all got our grades, I got a scholarship for best grades (without putting any effort in mind you) and all the people in my class genuinely cheered and applauded. I also kind of dissed the principal by refusing to let her hug me after giving me my scholarship, which only led to even louder cheers. I've been told that it's become something of a legend, but no one has had the balls to do it again.

Good times, good times...

>> No.1617941


Cupertino CA (technically in San Jose, but cross the street and its cupertino)

The city itself has 50% asian demographics. All Ph.D. Holders (typically both man and wife) Working in silicon valley high tech firms

>> No.1617947


I also forgot to add, out of a class of 500, we had 20 valedictorians and 35 saludatorians(all a's except P.E.)

Average GPA was >4.0 if you include AP weighting. And not because it was easy, everyone was a career overachiever

>> No.1617984

absolutely hated it.

Yup, i was the loser among losers. Had no friends throughout my 4 years. Was stuck in special education until my junior year, when they realized i didn't need to belong there. So, up until my junior year, i had no preparation for college, and never took any lab class. Now, at the age of 24, graduating from college with an associates in applied science, i have no other choice but to join the millitary to get into a 4 year collage. All because i never had any changes in high school. My family hated me, my pears hated me, but i never had the balls to stick up for myself back then.

There was this one kid i talked to in my lunch session, who always talked about how he wanted to shoot up the school and set fire to the students. I told him it was bad idea and he shouldn't worry about things like that. Now that I look back on it retrospectively, I should have told him to go for it. It's the one thing that i regret; should have let me shoot that place up. Those bastards really did deserve to die a terrible death, but only now, 8 years latter that i realize this.

>> No.1618007

I'm Swedish and my HS experience is similar to the other
swedish posters. I was with the "popular" kids because I was athletic and trained a lot of thai boxing and I tried to be pleasant to everyone. It was hard, really, to define a popular group at my HS, but there was some cooler kids though. No bullying existed as far as I know.

In my school almost everyone played games, especially CS and WoW, so it was real easy to be nerdy in general as well. The girls had accepted the widespread gaming even though they thought it was a bit childish. I became a science nerd and people thought it was nice that someone actually wanted to do that and cheered me on. Now I'm into my fourth year of applied mathematics at a university. Sweden is chill.

>> No.1618036

I went to a respectable grammar school, coming from a public school. I thought it would be full of Richy Rich kids, but even though there were some such kids, most people were just normal with parents who were well off.

I hung with what were then the 'cool kids', class clowns and athletes. Life was generally alright and I quite enjoyed meeting new people in different classes in the highschool early years. However after a few years I started to get bored of the whole experience and took an apathetic approach to most classes, failing the majority of them. Ontop of that I became a lot quieter, taking a backseat in the socializing game. I think I became unapproachable to those around me.

When the time came to man up however: when the grades actually mattered I studied my ass off just to prove everyone else wrong. After having decided to change my ways I quickly shone in all of my classes (then again I was put in classes for low-tier idiots because of my previous tomfoolery). I think the teachers and I had a mutual understanding that I still didn't really care for my peers but that I would do the work to the best of my abilities.

Finished school with all As in every subject but with poor social skills, although I can bluster my way through most situations.