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1612994 No.1612994 [Reply] [Original]

Penumbra - Draft

“?” said father. “!” mother replied; and life began...

Mother had bore a hot daughter named pressure; and alike mother, she was all-loving - mother also bore a cold son named space; and alike father, he was all-searching.

Space asked “Where are you sister?” to which pressure replied “I’m here!” and she bravely burst through her mother to reach him - for a brief moment she turned cold as Space had surrounded her and she began to twist and turn as they intertwined.

>> No.1613007

yall mutherfukas MAD as hell

>> No.1613044

um wattt

>> No.1613057

How have you not found the courage to kill yourself yet?

>> No.1613102

Space asked “Where are you sister?” to which Pressure replied “I’m here!” and she bravely burst through her mother to reach him - for a brief moment she turned cold as Space had surrounded her and she began to twist and turn as they intertwined creating a massive surge of energy that spread and forced them away from each other. Space shouted “Sister, where are you going?” and Pressure painfully replied, “I’ll never leave you brother!” and she bore a daughter named gravity which stopped them from falling apart. Gravity alike her mother was all-loving, and she threw Space and Pressure into a vortex-like frenzy as they both tried to reach each other. As their love for their daughter became stronger, they became closer to one another – eventually crashing at high speeds. In the process they had bore a son named light.

>> No.1613178

Space and Pressure were now one, permanently attached to one another, the holster to both their children: light and gravity.


Light said, “Where are you sister?” to which Gravity replied, “I’m here!” and they both crashed into one another causing a massive eruption through pressure which expanded through space – creating trillions of daughters called matter; who alike their mother were all-loving. Matter began to pull pressure, space, light and gravity towards them, creating huge balls of water and fire through pressure which combined with each other over and over in a chaotic binary attraction; sometimes the fire would over-power the water, and other times the water would over-power the fire; in rare occasions the attraction would create solid rocks named planets. The planets would tumble through the chaos - some picking up parts of fire and others parts of water.

>> No.1613200


>> No.1613208

whoever wins, we lose

>> No.1613220

i don't get what you mean by "we"

>> No.1613232

This obviously isn't the real Aether.

>> No.1613248

You poser.

>> No.1613272
File: 26 KB, 640x480, aether.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posing as me guys I am the real Aether.

>> No.1613318

Eventually the planets broke free from the chaos and drifted into space; and the water eventually dried up from the masculine-power of the balls of fire; it’s reminisce lay around the rock-planets; and the rocks were clamped unto the balls of fire in a binary-like attraction. The force from their first mother and father still remained, causing them to spin around one another. The masculinity of the rock prevented the planets from crashing into the balls of flame, and the femininity of the water prevented the planets from flying away.

>> No.1613362

tell me if there is Oil inside of any of the other planets in our solar system, or a product generated through oil.