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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 168 KB, 1342x638, IMG_0068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16129561 No.16129561 [Reply] [Original]

Good /sci/ tubers who do not drink human semen.
>pic unrelated

>> No.16129567

I like Mathologer. Definitely works hard to be accessible, but it's good entertainment.

>> No.16129657

What does /sci/ think of popular ones like 3blue1brown?

>> No.16129696


>> No.16129700

eigenvalue theorem is cringe

>> No.16129714

Does he imply his one part brownoid gene is better than 3 his white genes. He is truly a leftist scum.

>> No.16129745
File: 52 KB, 480x360, IMG_0775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don videos are always comfy. It's always better when it's a real scientist and not some cringe soiance communicator.

>> No.16130210

Dude looks so uncanny. Would be better if he didn't facefag and just did voiceover

>> No.16130219

this guy looks like a creep in a trench coat. I watched a couple of videos and never again because I was so uncomfortable.

>> No.16130243
File: 536 KB, 1014x1054, sci approved youtuber chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16130385

> styropyro and Eric are pop sci
Confirmed retard

>> No.16130432

Veritasium should be to extreme lower left. He claims to be a physicist with a fagass PhD in physics education. The topic of his thesis was 'Designing Effective Multimedia for Physics Education', which is pretty much a degree given by some faggy university for making videos

>> No.16130436

Are you prepared to give a presentation of the properties of an electron?

>> No.16130640

Lots of inaccurate positions.
blackpenredpen should be way lower on the y axis.
MITOCW should be higher.
Tibees should be lower.
Lex Fridman should be a bit higher, more than Vsauce at least.
NileRed should be higher and further to the right.
Richard E Borcherds should be added top right.

>> No.16130710

Those are deaccent:
Ollie Brown

>> No.16130730

he glows.
I remember at the start of the "flatten the curve" covid shit he immediately released a video about exponential infection that 100% supported the mainstream narrative. Nevermind that anyone paying the slightest bit of attention (and who had some intelligence) could see the factors that were heavily skewing the numbers.
Did he talk about how the way data is collected can heavily skew results? Of course not. He talked about muh exponentials, muh falling off the cliff, muh healthcare system will "collapse" (whatever tf that means). Fucking glownigger cocksucking piece of shit I hope he drowns in his bathtub.

>> No.16130904

OP said “who doesn’t drink human semen.” Eigenchris admits he does and Grant is also a faggot.

>> No.16132518

Thought emporium is based for sure.

>> No.16132519
