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File: 128 KB, 589x656, boys and girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16128657 No.16128657 [Reply] [Original]

What is the cause of this disparity? Confidence? Are girls distracted by boys? Are they harassed or told they can't do it?

>> No.16128694

This issue is similar to weightlifting: boys are encouraged to do more physical work than girls so boys tend to grow up stronger even though girls can naturally become incredibly strong as well. Nevertheless the strongest men will be stronger than the strongest women but in average daily life effort can close the gap.

>> No.16128698

Men have upper body strength and height, women do not. Women are also incredibly handicapped by hormone fluctuations and different skeleton/bone density. Men will always be better at sport, until we start modifying genes or something.

>> No.16128703

Could somebody explain this graph to me? I'm unfamiliar with this type. Nothing is labeled. What does the arrow being left of the bar mean?

>> No.16128824

Women do seem to be better at long distance open water swimming. They also might have an edge in some other endurance sports but there's not enough data to really know.
What should have happened if the powers that be wanted the general public to be interested in women's sports is to design sports that play to women's strengths and at least acknowledge their weaknesses. The insistence on the hoop for women's basketball being the same height as for men's basketball is stupid. Fans like fast pace attacks on the basket, including dunks. Netball could probably be made interesting with a few changes so it doesn't look like something put on by a middle school and has a better pace.

>> No.16128830

I love these threads. God bless the autustic mods who keep them running for centuries.

Men have bigger brains than women and the brain tissues are more dense. They also have a lot more frontal cortical tissues, designed for calculating the interrelational valences of symbolic objects. The male brain is much, much better adapted for the manipulation of abstract ideas than women's brains are. Math doesn't make sense to them unless it's practical math attached to actual objects.

>> No.16128835

>daily life effort can close the gap.
If "daily life effort" includes hormone intervention, maybe. Untrained men shitclown trained women.

What is the age range here? Women benefit very heavily from extremely early modern female puberty.

Once boys hit puberty the gap opens up and never closes.

>> No.16128841

If only I could understand the chart

>> No.16128857

>Untrained men shitclown trained women.
Absolutely not. Women, like men, can squat 2x bodyweight in a year of training. Have you seen crossfit? No way you can keep up with female athletes unless you're training hard as well. In Judo yes you can wrestle her down like a rapist but you can't outrun a female amateur if you're a couch potato.
As for upper body strength: see how easily little girls do handstands and hanging on rings and bars. You being better at push-ups and bench press does not make you more athletic than a little girl.

>> No.16128881

I don't know what the chart is showing but I know where the libshits will run with this "finding".

They will posit the confidence causes better performance.
They will then try to create programs to instill confidence in the hopes that it will lead to better performance.
They won't see the outcomes change and will spend a couple decades spinning their wheels getting nothing done and wasting everyone's time and money.

My chadly wisdom tells me performing well causes more confidence and not the reverse.
Where's my government grant?

>> No.16129144
File: 272 KB, 790x2175, full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the full graph, with far less homosexuality than OP displayed with his cropping of the image.

>> No.16129435

>Absolutely not
Absolutely. Get a gym girl instead of creeping on them.

>> No.16129466
File: 186 KB, 845x912, women in STEM inequality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more patriarchal a country is, the more women they have in STEM

>> No.16129563
File: 62 KB, 1056x697, PISA 2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the graph you should actually care about. The drops are more significant than the gender mean difference.
Also, the difference in reading scores is much higher in favor of girls, but nobody is asking about a gender gap in literature.

>> No.16129601

>You being better at push-ups and bench press does not make you more athletic than a little girl
I weigh 85 kg, deadlift well above twice that, and can run 400 m sprints all the time. Most women just sit around, eat food, and take dick passively in missionary. They don't do anything, even if they're toned.