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16127708 No.16127708 [Reply] [Original]

What books are the cognitive elite reading, past and present?
What books that theorize on creating the new cognitive elite? If no such books exist, who is writing them? What are your conjectures?

>> No.16127721 [DELETED] 
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>hey social media, check me out, I'm sooooooo smart!!!
>look at how intellectual I'm being everyone!!!!

>> No.16127744

Over the decades, as it had always existed through history, hereditary is a way of developing cognitive elites. The modern hereditary approach is simple: It's difficult to enter elite institutions. But once you get in, your new peer group are also with those who entered such elite institutions. That means, in terms of hereditary, you are surrounded by *that* specific gene pool. People may or may not mate with such gene pools, but when they do, those traits are mixed and passed on to their children, who also are surrounded with similar peer groups at school. From a realpolitik perspective, you would want elite institutions as a means of accumulating cognitive elites. Geography also plays a role here with the help of money: you could move to more exclusive parts of the world, namely, to places with large concentrations of cognitive elites.

Beyond elite institutions and geography and its effects of hereditary, I believe there are certain approaches to epistemology that may help developing new cognitive elites. There exists bad epistemology and good epistemology, and it's as simple as whether such epistemologies replicate themselves into the minds of people: good epistemology has rapid replication and is hard to kill because it is extremely helpful to people; bad epistemology has low replication because it easily kills itself and causes the people it influences to kill themselves.

Beyond that, are there other means of developing new cognitive elites?

>> No.16127764

For what it's worth, in terms of schooling, I personally don't want my children to become rote doctors, rote lawyers, rote engineers, etc. I would rather have them take fields that deal bold predictions; none of this career-planning route. What genes for this?

>> No.16128293


>> No.16128321 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16128933

>What books are the cognitive elite reading
lurk more

>> No.16129367
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>googles harvard reading list
>clicks first link
>"Detransition, Baby"
Cognitive Decline. Confucius would never allow this. Han Feizi would behead those responsible.
This is so odd. The US runs the *largest* eugenics program in the complete history of the Anthropocene, under the guise of high-skilled immigration. Yet, it's so-called elite universities peddle some sort of psychobabble bullshit, marketed for women. Where are today's elite institutions? Using logic, I would have guessed that today's elite institutions are mega corporations. But that would be false: Google, Microsoft, Apple, and other internet-based companies are also infected by psychobabble. Even industrial companies, be it Shell to Cat; or financial companies like Goldman Sachs to Visa; or MIC companies like Boeing to Honeywell have gallons full of psychobabble. So, elite institutions are not found in today's mega corporations either, despite such corporations being in the *best* possible position to do so: they have the money, reputation, and resources necessary to hire world-class people. So where could these elite institutions be?

I think the answer are actually what composes elite institutions in the first place: the people. Such people are unequally distributed among all institutions and all businesses, all over the world. The unifying aspect here is the internet, namely forums, and possibly discuck (I will never make an account). Think DPR and Ross Ulbricht. But even such forums today are either paid shills or some sort of YouTube H(c)u(ck)stle culture or TickRot obsessions or Pod(cuck)casts (shilling their cuck supplements). Solutions?

>> No.16129374

>The US runs the *largest* eugenics program in the complete history of the Anthropocene, under the guise of high-skilled immigration
Yeah the eugenics program is so effective yet every one of their imports immediately and irreversibly goes hard-negative fertility (the higher the IQ, the more extreme!) AND they get tens of millions of 78-IQ imports illegally at the same time.

On paper they claim to be running a brain drain but the demographics show exactly the opposite

>> No.16129375
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>> No.16129384

>the cognitive elite are reading books written by rabble-rousing demagogues
what did he mean by this?

>> No.16129391
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True. However, I would hazard a conjecture that dysgenics is a non-problem on two fronts. First, is that intelligence is power-law based: one Newton is perhaps worth more than all future Africans combined. Second, genes follow the epistemological approach: good genes are replicated while bad genes just kill themselves, over the long run.
As for the fertility equation, I am of two minds: it doesn't matter because of the fact that intelligence is power-law based. Yet, it absolutely matters because fertility maximizes the probabilities of birthing a billion Newtons. What are some solutions to making the cognitive elite birth more children? I mean, they already do birth a lot of children (can't find the graph right now, but it's a U-shaped graph showing that low-income = high birth rates, mid-income = stagnate birth rates, high-income = high birth rates), but that doesn't excuse the rather low birth rates compared to their wealth. Books on this?

>> No.16129405

>intelligence is power-law based
Even if true this isn't relevant to the demographic annihilation that the burgers are running.
>good genes are replicated while bad genes just kill themselves
The problem is your theory is exactly and completely disproven by the reality we find ourselves in. The people reproducing are not simply "low income" they are low IQ, low inhibition, even low fucking facial symmetry. Furthermore, the last decade has shown that birth rates continue to decline even as the population *grows poorer*, and the rate of the decline continues to accelerate. If there did exist some "elite" they managed to sterilize themselves splendidly.

Unless the "elite" repeal all the laws they have against artificial wombs immediately you're going to see any chance of someone who can do skilled labor, much less a +6 sigma Newton, emerging anywhere vanish for several dark centuries to come.

>> No.16129425
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Do what you will.

>> No.16129434

/sci/ shitposts interspersed with really weird smut

>> No.16129553
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>Yeah the eugenics program is so effective yet every one of their imports immediately and irreversibly goes hard-negative fertility
That's too much of an exaggeration. But supposing it's true, under a realpolitik perspective, the US is in a much better position.
>High-IQ immigrants live in their shithole country
>Despite being at the top, they want a better life, but their shithole country does not yet possess the political will nor mass concentration of intelligence to increase the standards of living
>The US has a better standard of living than most countries in the world
>US businesses and government pay a massive premium for high-IQ immigrants to move into the US
>High-IQ immigrants move to the US for money, excellence, and better living standards
>High-IQ immigrants move to places wealthier portions of the US.
>Then they have children, surrounded by children birthed by neighboring high-IQ American parents.
>From a realpolitik perspective: not only did the shithole country lose their high-IQ workforce to the US, the shithole country lost all *future* generations of high-IQ workforce to the US
However, the US is in a relative decline. The cognitive elites will be fine: their intelligence is valued by any number of countries. Mega corporations are also fine because they will simply open up shop at low-tax countries. Hence, the rising growth and acceptance of Nomad Capitalist: people who country hop for better positions in life. Books on this type of game theory?

>> No.16129663

>good genes are replicated while bad genes just kill themselves
lmfao can't believe I'm reading this in /sci/ of all places

>> No.16129677

>if demagogy works, it's because everybody is retarded, not because its message is partially/totally true!

>> No.16129952

>The US runs the *largest* eugenics program in the complete history of the Anthropocene, under the guise of high-skilled immigration.
That worked well until about 1970, that is when stagnation set in. It is not clear how the high skilled immigrants end up but judging by California, things are not going well.

>> No.16129969

herbert marcuse, paulo freire, hegel, and the like

>> No.16130207

this is not the cognitive elite, it's the fake academia elite of parasites.

>> No.16130236

where are you getting these pictures from nigga

>> No.16130291

dysgenic selection pressures still erode the genetics of the elite, hence ever poorer governments

use free market genetic engineering eugenics to solve the problem; select the trait not the individual and moral issues go away

>> No.16130294

and leftist scum will continue to steal from the rich to feed the dysgenic masses

>> No.16130347

>speaks of dysgenics on 4chan

>> No.16130350

There's books on game theory and books on the extreme fertility crisis. There aren't many which can marry the two since on evopsych this is completely and totally inexplicable and irrational.

I don't know wtf you mean by 'realpolitik', but if it predicts that there wouldn't be a severe drop in IQ and fertility among burgers and the rest of the first world then it is a falsified theory. Revise it first.

A technological solution seems to be the only and best way out. I'd rather not have to rely on schizos growing dozens of genius kids in vats in their basements but that would be better than what we're seeing now.

>> No.16130895
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From a hentai board, but unironically.
>absurdres original -simple_background

>dysgenic selection pressures still erode the genetics of the elite, hence ever poorer governments
This would be probabilistically true if elites mated with those of lower quality. But from here, I am always reminded of the Chinese Dynasties that analyzed pedigrees and then arranged marriages in such a way so as to increase the probabilities of producing scholars—up until the Tang Dynasty which used imperial examinations (what we would consider SATs) as means of selecting better scholars as ministers. We could learn from this: instead of "love at first sight" as propagated in US entertainment, take a look at her prefrontal cortex, her mother's and father's prefrontal cortexes, and her grandparents too. But I think the general principle is even simpler: if you want doctors, marry doctors; if you want MIT or Stanford children; then marry those who went to MIT or Stanford; or just simply marry someone of equal merit, but *never* below. If elites are marrying into weaker genes, they were never elites to begin with. As a side note, any books on Mendel's Law, but not on genes but on epistemology?

>> No.16130902

>hay goy, buy these books from the jewish publishing industry, they're totally good to read and not ZOG propaganda and brainwashing, so give the jewish publishers all your money, goy

>> No.16130916
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>A technological solution seems to be the only and best way out.
I would conjecture that the solution is cultural and partially economical (political economy). The answer perhaps starts with American farmers in the 1700s. Why did American farmers have a lot of children? It was because children were free labor, to the extent that such children helped the farm: more children meant tilled fields, which means more food sold, which means more money, which means, eventually, those farmers would send their children to the cities to gain higher education.

Does such an incentive to have more children exist today's America? Probably not: majority of children don't work until they are eighteen and out of highschool, and I would argue that most children don't go to work until their mid 20s. I want you to contrast that with the 1700s American farmers who had their children working the fields starting at age five. I also want you to *realize* the brilliance of starting work at a young age: by the time that five-year-old kid turns 20-years-old, he now has *fifteen* years of work experience—we only see this type of experience with people in their 40s, let alone people in their *20s*. I'm sure there are other factors, such as woman's suffrage and inflation, but those hold different equations for this topic.

So where is the cultural solution for the fertility crisis? I'm not too sure. Reduce the working age, maybe? Take a look at massive households (eight to twelve in one household). Notice how they are relatively wealthier because they had more income-producing bodies.

>> No.16130931

>if demagogy works, it's because everybody is retarded

>> No.16130990


If you want to be a smart person you learn latin and read in latin, because latin instantly filters out anyone with an IQ beneath 80 and all anglos. Smarter-er people also learn greek, which is itself useless, but nobody with an IQ lower than 120 knows greek unless they are actually greek.

>> No.16130996

>Just let a fully mechanized species whose IQ and education doesn't peak until more than two decades after birth use child labor bro
>After all I heard the reason people had kids as subsistence farmers was to get more farmhands to help feed... more subsistence farmers? No other reasons.
If you want a 'cultural solution' for Americas implosion and otherwise irreversible intellectual cratering, it looks like shariah law 3.0 (or maybe worse) and nobody is interested in that.

I'm more of a 'let the incels and techbros 3D print artificial wombs in their basements and hard-carry us into a new golden age' kind of solution guy myself.

>> No.16131237

maybe that is true for the urban drone soi types but you should have more faith in the rural population and technicians.

>> No.16131242

even better, just be born in Europe and use your local language to communicate in a way that can't be understood by anglophones and all globalist traitors and kikes

>> No.16131283

Probably something related to their scientific field and classics.

>> No.16131293

Current ones i don't think they read anything,they are born winners.
90% of them are completely turned to hedonism.