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16126886 No.16126886 [Reply] [Original]

based NASA

>> No.16126889

Holy shit, this is real

>furry dp
People high neuroticism do this to themselves. They can't keep their mouth shut.

>> No.16126892
File: 56 KB, 749x405, Screenshot 2024-04-13 at 3.04.42 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even redditfags don't like this piece of work

She probably got that position because she's a woman anyway. More qualified and intelligent men can take that job.

>> No.16126895

Women moment

>> No.16127125

What sort of girl has balls and dick

>> No.16127131
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>> No.16127133

Good. Homo.

>> No.16127145


>> No.16127150

What a way to ruin your future.

>> No.16127155

it's just like with the basilisk thing. people are retarded that way

>> No.16127165

>someone with less power than me told me to suck their dick? I clearly must destroy their lives
I get it, I suppose it sucks for your ego if that happens, but destroying her life by fucking firing her is hardly a just or humane response. if anything he's as idiot as she is, just with more power. there's nothing cool or funny in the story, it's just two primitive people doing primitive shit

>> No.16127175

No, it's more like:
>Someone is representing our organization online while acting like a foul-mouthed buffoon who openly disrespects people within our organization? I clearly do not want them working for us.
That's why you don't put your real name on social media or talk about the company you work for. As soon as you start doing those things, you're representing that company publicly and they will get rid of you if you're making them look bad.

>> No.16127182

this is not that tho. and it's not a civilized way of fixing the issue. you could take it out of her pay, have some coercive action and see what happens. if she continues then you fire her. because she's clearly retarded and won't stop.
they way it's been handled allows for no fucking mistakes, which in turn translates to people going along with horrible putrid foul shit just to make sure they get a chance or don't fuck things up.
it's a primitive chimp retarded way of dealing with a solution, that senior monkey should be ashamed of acting like that in response. he fully abused his fucking power for a petty shit. I hate weak people like that

>> No.16127185

>>16127182 me
humans are not robots, humans fuck up. not allowing for benign fuckups like that just takes away from your humanity. you took away her future for fucking words, once. I don't want to live in a world like this so I disagree with their solution.

>> No.16127187
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she later apologized and got her internship back btw. there is no justice

>> No.16127189

Well i disagree with reddit

>> No.16127197

>you could take it out of her pay
Interns aren't paid.
>have some coercive action and see what happens. if she continues then you fire her. because she's clearly retarded and won't stop.
She was only just hired. Every job I've ever had involved some probationary period (usually 90 or 120 days, sometimes as long as 6-12 months) wherein an employee is subject to much higher scrutiny. If someone you just hired fucks up badly, it's much easier to just let them go and try again. It's not until you've been with a company for a while that you get treated with the benefit of the doubt because you're much harder to replace at that point. But someone who was just hired yesterday that you've invested barely any time or money into training is very easy to let go, and she was probably just replaced by the next in line candidate so they wouldn't even have to redo the interview process or anything like that.

tl;dr - If a new hire is a dumb cunt you can just send her home and take the next candidate in line who isn't a dumb cunt. Far less risk involved compared to giving second chances.

>> No.16127201

Oh no, the employer demands the upholding of morals and exemplary behaviour from their employees?!?! Those heckin racist, sexist, homophobic chuds!!

>> No.16127202

>you took away her future for fucking words, once.
Twice. He responded to her first tweet and asked her to watch her language. She could have clicked on his profile, seen who he was, apologized, and moved on. Instead she escalated it further by telling him to suck her dick. Do you really want someone who responds to criticism with instant, unthinking, disproportionate escalation working for you?

>> No.16127217

>She could have clicked on his profile
nah, it would have been really retarded if she continued after finding out who he was. that whole "language" bullshit is fully on fucking him and his small fucking petty world. the internet is not his fucking lab.
he could have introduced himself without expecting people to magically check who he is. "hello I'm so and so from NASA and we don't tolerate this behavior because it ruins our internal values" whatever the fuck. if she would have pissed him off after that sure, she's clearly an idiot. she was just fucking happy and some old fossil is saying "Language."

>> No.16127222

You sound like you're still in high school and have never had a job. You'll understand when you're older and have some life experience. Hopefully you'll understand before something similar happens to you.

>> No.16127226

No, you are wrong, this is not the fault of the nasa dude, but the fact that all these faggot kids have been raised up without getting punched in the mouth for their shitty faggot behaviour, so they think they can keep acting like faggots until something like this happens

>> No.16127228

>insult boss
>get fired

>> No.16127231

>t. girl with dick and balls

>> No.16127232

bro he acted like every burger police abuse video. he fully escalated by the way he handled it.
>respec my autoritah!

>> No.16127233

>t. bootlicking faggot
weak piece of shit

>> No.16127234
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Maybe you shouldn't apply for a job that demands you do what they want, then

>> No.16127237

>never display emotion
that leads to fucking dystopia because of the weaknesses and power trips of some old farts. you're fucking idiots if you see that as fucking based. NASA is based, but for completely different reasons than this one.

>> No.16127241

You have to be 18 or older to use this website.

>> No.16127259

Being a self-absorbed narcissist making retarded twitter posts is the worst possible way you could "display emotions"

>> No.16127260

And remember, you are free to display emotions, but so are they, and as it just so happens their emotion is to fire you for displaying emotions of a retarded faggot

>> No.16127262

funny you mention this word since the dude was all like "don't you even know who's speaking to you bitch????" lmao you can't make this shit up

>> No.16127350

Who the fuck tells their boss to go suck their dick and balls and gets to keep their job? Jesus chrisr man some of you "scientists" have no fucking social antennaes. The anti-social incel autist meme is real

>> No.16127358

who tf is him tho? it's not like you get hired at SpaceX and Elon Musk is telling you to watch your language. sure if you go to SpaceX and have no clue who Elon is that's on you.
but that dude ain't no Elon Musk nobody heard of his ass

>> No.16127361

if she had said nigger would you support her being fired?

>> No.16127362

It's only one anon who's clearly 16 years old and going through his idealistic phase of thinking public perception of a person should never impact anything.

>> No.16127365

dude didn't introduced himself as speaking on behalf of NASA, he escalated the situation like a frustrated narcissistic prick that he is

>> No.16127367

answer the question tho

>> No.16127368

Homer felt bad about her losing her internship and got her a job at an aerospace company instead.

>> No.16127369

It doesn't matter who he is. If you publicly post profanities you deserve to lose your job, especially if you mention your employer in the same fucking post. You represent the company you work for and you ought behave as such.

>> No.16127370

I believe he was in the right of saying something but he did it in the wrong way.
you stupid motherfuckers think in binary, you don't fucking see shades. that is staple dimwit behavior.

>> No.16127382

He doesn't work for NASA and he didn't get her fired. He tried to do damage control for her with NASA but the agency decided on its own to fire her. Just because the NSC oversees NASA doesn't give members power to make personnel decisions for the agency.

>> No.16127387

This is cringe actually

>> No.16127389

I don't think he did anything wrong, she should have learned some self-control and proper public behavior well before college. How she acted was grossly inappropriate.

>> No.16127396

the whole world selects for cocksucking first and foremost, fuck skillz, motherfucker you better learn how to suck cock. that's what really fucking matters, learn to spread your cheeks when some retard "boss" wants to fuck your ass. skills don't matter

>> No.16127398

Literally in the exact same source you posted:
>But it turns out that Naomi didn't lose her internship because of her language in the tweet at all.

>> No.16127401

Interns are the bottom rung of the ladder and in no position to demand others suck their dick and balls. She should have waited until she was at least a team lead to make such a demand.

>> No.16127404

okayy so why did she lose it?

>> No.16127409

It's necessary to present yourself in a professional manner and not to be unnecessarily aggressive, abrasive, and offensive toward others. Why would you want an abrasive, vulgar person who aggressively attacks anyone who presents simple criticism toward them? Further, why would you want such a person publicly representing your organization?

>> No.16127410

*Why would you want TO EMPLOY an abrasive...

>> No.16127413

she wasn't at fucking work yelling in a NASA hangar streaming it on twitch or something. she had a natural human emotion in public. she wasn't particularly foul.
>everyone shut the fuck up I got accepted at NASA!
that's the most benign "foul" shit you could say as a normal human being. pretty sure everyone's farts at NASA smell at least as foul as her's. hate this piece of shit fake posturing hiding the need to have power trips like that

>> No.16127433

That's literally the opposite of benign lol. You must retarded.

>> No.16127435

She made a vulgar statement while representing a public organization. Like it or not, when you say you work for a company anything you then say in that same moment reflects on that company. But she didn't stop there, when politely asked to watch her language she doubled down on the vulgarity and turned it into a direct attack, all without taking even ONE SECOND to check who she was talking to. I wouldn't want someone that flippantly reactive and abrasive to work for me.

>> No.16127436

I think it's a culture thing.

>> No.16127454

>I'm unable to keep a job
>Is it me?
>No, it's employers who have an -ism
You're going to have a miserable life and constantly be upset about how everything is unfair to you.
This is where you lie about your life and make up a bunch of crap to deny how fucked up it is due to your own actions.

>> No.16127460

>you need to suck cock for money
I'm not a slut like you

>> No.16127464

You'll grow out of this edgy vulgarity soon enough, I'm sure.

>> No.16127467

why are you offended on 4chan anon?

>> No.16127470

Where did I say I'm offended?

>> No.16127471

NASA has not done anything for 40 years. Not surprising they shunned someone who expressed genuine excitement.

>> No.16127473

what do you mean, you literally called it "edgy vulgarity" who fucking talks like that you boomer

>> No.16127478

I don't have to be personally offended to acknowledge how vulgar you're being.

>> No.16127479
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why do burgers feel the need to keep an online diary for everyone to read?

>> No.16127495

so then, no NASA for me?

>> No.16127534

Where do you think you are sir

>> No.16127547

I hate women, but this made me sad.

>> No.16127567

based october sky guy

>> No.16127574

Let's be real, no NASA for anybody here. Might be able to get on with SpinLaunch until they run out of money.

>> No.16127613

The article is RIGHT THERE

>> No.16127620

Old news Hickam made sure xhe still got the position and is xhis friend or whatever, old man is just another twitterfag now

>> No.16127628

am NASA simp but too retarded for it lol

>> No.16127629

If these are your (intentionally public on social media) expressions of emotion upon something good happening to you, you should be fucking curbstomped.
>try to help someone fucking things up for themselves at a company you manage and have a storied history with
>explain why you are trying to help them
>end up helping them in the end
>some furry faggot kike on /sci/ seethes about it because you're le white male
Eat shit retard.

>> No.16127663

>Eat shit retard.

>> No.16127858

>"I learned she had lost her offer for an internship with NASA.This I had nothing to do with nor could I since I do not hire and fire at the agency or have any say on employment whatsoever. As it turned out, it was due to the NASA hashtag her friends used that called the agency's attention to it long after my comments were gone," Hickam wrote in a blog post Tuesday.

>Hickam also shared that he is "certain she deserves a position in the aerospace industry and I'm doing all I can to secure her one that will be better than she lost," and has "talked to the folks that had to do with her internship and made absolutely certain that there will be no black mark on her record."

>> No.16128304

I did some digging and the supposed "girl" seems to be a tranny and a diversity hire

>> No.16128311


>> No.16128377

who's he tho, I suppose he's known amongst rocket nerds?

>> No.16128647

See: >>16126886

>> No.16128675

I asked in the sense of what has he done, as an engineer, projects he worked on that kind of thing. not what job he has now. says there he's an engineer, must have done something in that domain in his earlier life isn't it? retard

>> No.16128704

>says there he's an engineer
Where? Not in any of the text I quoted.

>> No.16128705

how fucking gorilla retard are you tho? it's in the fucking OP picrel, you quoted OP you lazy ass moron you didn't even read the bottom part

>> No.16128714

Okay, but who cares? Him being on the council is what's relevant.

>> No.16128717

I was curious what he done as engineer. NASA engineers usually work on cool shit.

>> No.16128728

I don't know, go look him up if you want to know.

>> No.16128740

>Hickam served six years in the U.S. Army[8] and was honorably discharged at the rank of captain in 1970.[9][10] He served in the Vietnam War in 1967 and 1968 as a first lieutenant and combat engineer with C Company, 704th Maintenance Battalion, 4th Infantry Division.[11][8] He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal, Army Commendation Medal, and Army Meritorious Unit Commendation ribbon.[12]
>Following his separation from the service, Hickam worked as an engineer for the United States Army Aviation and Missile Command from 1971 to 1978, assigned to Huntsville.[8] Between 1978 and 1981, he was an engineer for the 7th Army Training Command in Germany.[13]
>Hickam began employment with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration at Marshall Space Flight Center in 1981 as an aerospace engineer. His specialties included training astronauts in regard to science payloads and extra-vehicular activities (EVA). Additionally, Hickam assisted at the Neutral Buoyancy Simulator as a diver where astronaut crews trained for numerous Spacelab and Space Shuttle missions, including the Hubble Space Telescope deployment, the first two Hubble repair missions, Spacelab-J (with the first Japanese astronauts), and the Solar Max repair mission.[3][14] Prior to his retirement from NASA in 1998, Hickam was the payload training manager for the International Space Station program.[14]

dude has seen and done some shit.

>> No.16128752
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>Homer Hickam, a former NASA engineer, current member of the National Space Council, and inspiration for the movie October Sky, which was based on his memoir Rocket Boys, happened to see the tweet. "I'm a Vietnam vet and not at all offended by the F-word," Hickam explained later in a blog post which has apparently been taken down but is still archived here. "However, when I saw NASA and the word used together, it occurred to me that this young person might get in trouble if NASA saw it." And so, he tweeted her a one-word warning: "Language."

>> No.16128758

>Once Hickam explained who he was, Naomi H may have realized she'd made an error. (Since then, she appears to have made her Twitter account private.) Unfortunately, some of her well-meaning friends apparently jumped in to defend her. Hickam merely notes that they "said a lot of unkind things," although, if their everyday use of language is similar to hers, it seems likely their comments were equally profane. But--and here's the dumbest part of this very dumb story--they used the hashtag #NASA in their messages to Hickam.
>It may well be that up until that moment no NASA official was aware of the exchange. But NASA employees do pay attention to the #NASA hashtag, as one might expect. They saw the conversation. And, according to Hickam's blog post, they decided to revoke Naomi H's internship because of it. Hickam goes out of his way to note that he had nothing to with this--and could not have had anything to do with it because he has no direct involvement in hiring or firing. He also writes that the young woman reached out to him with what he terms an unnecessary apology. He says he apologized in turn and, after speaking to Naomi H and reviewing her résumé?, has concluded that she deserves a good job in aerospace and is working to help her get one. He also says he contacted NASA to make sure there is no black mark on her record. He even says she can re-apply for an internship if she wants.

>> No.16128822

I really wish I could read the friends' replies.

>> No.16129290

I bet all those Apollo-era NASA guys were cursing like sailors when the mics were off.

>> No.16129314
File: 473 KB, 1500x1000, gene-kranz-nasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading the flight transcripts, there are some words censored with a comment to the crew from the flight director reminding them they were on an open mic. There are also a few times where the say they're muting the radio and going to tape.

>> No.16129342

Are you people fucking retarded? This shit is ANCIENT

>> No.16129345



>> No.16129361


Also, Gene Cernan was a nervous nelly during Apollo 10 and he was indeed cursing a blue streak, flip through the transcript.. Son of a bitch this, shit that, goddamnit the other thing. At one point he's working through the checklist somewhere in the middle and he says "Jesus Christ, they'll kill us yet." And then his worst nightmare comes true when they briefly lose control of Snoopy during staging while Tom coolly gets them out of gimbal lock. The two are miscommunicating somewhat. I was always kind of amazed that Gene Cernan got one more mission based on what I read from the transcripts and that mishap. Also he had a horrible time during his Gemini EVA, called it his EVA from hell, suit all fogged up, struggling terribly just to move around.


>> No.16129369

October Sky is a good movie, there I said it.

>> No.16129566

>In May 2013, Hickam opposed a zero tolerance policy at Bartow High School which resulted in the expulsion of a student whose science experiment had caused a small explosion.
makes the whole twitter deal even more ironic, in a sense.

>> No.16129642

>Interns aren't paid.
We don't need any input from old timey retards who have clearly been left behind and don't know how current century internships work.

>> No.16129737

Employment retaliation is illegal for something that is legally protected like freedom of speech.

>> No.16129739

Firing people is not an emotion, retard, I bet you think its just a display of emotion to murder someone who calls you the n word too.

>> No.16129741

Of course it is benign, how exactly do you think someone got hurt by someone else saying fuck?

>> No.16129768

>Even redditfags don't like this piece of work
You people always think you're so different.

>> No.16130748

A >girl

>> No.16130772

Cool, I'm sure you'll be able to prosecute it

>> No.16130811

Not even close to being true.

>> No.16131949

>but that dude ain't no Elon Musk nobody heard of his ass
There was literally a movie about him retard

>> No.16131982

sure but it's a boomer movie and "she" is a zoomer furry

>> No.16131989

Isnt NASA like reddit headquarters? Dont they know space isnt real.

>> No.16132003

has a decent imdb rating. might watch it