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File: 317 KB, 1080x970, Screenshot_20240411-085840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16124104 No.16124104 [Reply] [Original]

New cultist cope just dropped

>> No.16124110

It dropped yesterday that we only have 2 years. For serious this time.

>> No.16124113

They act like that's a bad thing.
You could raise the sea levels by something like 450 feet and nothing of value would be lost

>> No.16124114 [DELETED] 

Trust me I'm trying to work out how to 'do' mentally. It's tricky. There's nothing I can do.

I was there around the start, like a brother to you. Michael.

>> No.16124115

But think about heckin NYC's shoreline!

>> No.16124119

Wouldn't have to worry about a shoreline in that case, because it'd all be submerged like it should be.

>> No.16124120 [DELETED] 

I don't need a hand in it. Just fix the waste problem in the machine dept. And I'll be the perfect support.

You may not be in any trouble. One of the pains is I can't think. I have to stumble on shit. I can't even articulate of choose the preferred vocabulary when typing. I'm so restricted. But trust me I know all especially when processed from mind directly.

>> No.16124121 [DELETED] 
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I went the way of the grandfather. Think of the WAY of the patriarch and follow my command.

>> No.16124306

at least they've learned that when they make inevitably wrong apocalyptic predictions for the near term it can come back to bite them. this way they can milk the grift for a solid 75 years

>> No.16124314

Oh no… not Florida… anyway…

>> No.16124452

So surely scientists are shorting the real estate markets in those states, right?

>> No.16124614

the world got by before with no ice on it

>> No.16124750

>So surely scientists are shorting the real estate markets in those states, right?
Insurance companies are. The Florida insurance market has collapsed.

>> No.16124752

No, they continue to moon. After all, falling sea levels are a key indicator of climate change.

>> No.16124768

that's mostly due to scam roofing companies that are forcing insurance companies to buy roofs every 3 years

>> No.16124812

oh no not Miami but anyway

>> No.16125123

How much hydroelectric power can we extract from rising seas?

>> No.16125126

No, it assumes 75 years of a single trend, so as soon as the trend changes, the model is invalid.

>> No.16125195

In the next 2,000 years, sea level is predicted to rise by 2–3 m (6+1⁄2–10 ft) if the temperature increase peaks at its current 1.5 °C (2.7 °F), It would rise by 2–6 m (6+1⁄2–19+1⁄2 ft) if it peaks at 2 °C (3.6 °F) and by 19–22 m (62+1⁄2–72 ft) if it peaks at 5 °C (9.0 °F).

>> No.16125198

If the temperature rise stops at 2 °C (3.6 °F) or at 5 °C (9.0 °F), the sea level would still continue to rise for about 10,000 years. In the first case it will reach 8–13 m (26–42+1⁄2 ft) above pre-industrial level, and in the second 28–37 m (92–121+1⁄2 ft).[53]

>> No.16125241

Hey faggot I don't want those fucking coastal freaks immigrating into my land.
Californians and New Yorkers can stay in their shitholes

>> No.16126338 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 1500x500, stonetoss zings soyence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy vey the world is coming to an end
>your only choice is to give soiyence all your money to prevent certain death
common scam amongst the mentally ill messiah complex narcissists

>> No.16126926 [DELETED] 

>never let a crisis go to waste
can easily become
>there isn't a crisis for me to take advantage of so lets invent a fake one for that purpose

>> No.16126949
File: 119 KB, 964x701, all melt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the absolute worst case scenario for North America where every bit of ice on Earth has melted. Florida, Louisiana, and the Atlantic seaboard would all be fucked but most of the country would be left intact. A few stinky west coast cities would get cleaned out.

>> No.16128022 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 602x498, burpd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sea level isn't rising

>> No.16128046

Funny that they feel the need to point out the 'present day shoreline', goes to show how stupid they think you are and if you believe any of this shit, then that's exactly what you are.

>> No.16128091

>if you believe any of this shit
Depends on what you mean. The map only shows what the coast would look like if all ice melted. It doesn't make any judgements about the probability of such a thing happening or why it could happen, it's just an elevation map with sea level adjusted for the amount of water that would be in the oceans if all the ice melted.
Obviously National Geographic has an agenda in making the map but that doesn't make it any less factual in what it shows. If it was titled 'This is what Earth will look like in 50 years if we don't eat bugs and live in fifteen minute cities' then that would be something to criticize. As it is presented, there's little to get upset about since it is just a graphic presentation of facts.

>> No.16128097
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>shut up goy, this blatant political propaganda isn't really blatant political propaganda

>> No.16128100

It's funny how you spend all your effort trying to deny reality, and yet you call us Orwellian.

>> No.16128543

>What are tides

>> No.16128544

It's wonderfully Orwellian, isn't it?

>> No.16129400 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 646x1024, Hansen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 1988 the same scyentists predicted that Manhattan would be under water by now. Instead there has been no change in sea level in the past 36 years

>> No.16129401
File: 204 KB, 2176x1098, Climate Narratives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today, I will remind them.

>> No.16129407

If they're so concerned about rising sea levels from melting glaciers, why don't they just scoop up the water, freeze it, and dump it back into the glaciers? We've had electric refrigeration for over 100 years at this point.

>> No.16129644

Pretty sure that's the weather doing that.

>> No.16129646

What exactly are you reminding people of? How time works? That science is used to predict shit based on trends? That sea levels have been increasing for well over a century and that rate of increase has been accelerating?

>> No.16130176

That the extrapolation is ridiculous and unrealistic.

>> No.16130196

>The Florida insurance market has collapsed.

>> No.16130911 [DELETED] 
File: 162 KB, 846x1074, 1571488694201352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love the based insurance industry

>> No.16130930


And from right here, you can see the initial bots being turned on. The thread is now manipulated and the pro climate-change "users" start commenting

>> No.16130937
File: 182 KB, 928x523, waterworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO, those stupid idiots don't even know what is a woman.

>> No.16130938

There is no increase at all you stupid ignorant moron.

>> No.16130955

Would be good bait if you weren't serious.

>> No.16131029
File: 95 KB, 1272x898, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That the extrapolation is ridiculous and unrealistic.
Agreed. It slowing down is included in the model's future range. Complete nonsense.

Even if rises only stayed at current rates observed since satellites have been a thing, despite the rate increasing over the past 200 years, we'd still see sea levels climb over .38 meters this century. The range given goes as low as .3 meters. Complete horseshit.

>There is no increase at all you stupid ignorant moron.
Are you dumb or blind?

>> No.16131037

>My grass grew half an inch yesterday and half an inch today, by the end of the week it'll be 6 feet tall!

>> No.16131103

If you want to put the chart in terms of grass growth then it would be more like
>My grass grew half an inch yesterday and more than half and inch today. By the end of the day after tomorrow, it will have grown at least another inch and a half and at most 2 feet and a couple inches.

Also, obviously, assuming grass will randomly stop growing is dumb. Mow your lawn, dipshit.

>> No.16131124

You seem like an intelligent, educated and reasonable dude. Why are you bothering to enter into any good faith discussion with these retards?

I used to be like you, posting well thought out reasonable comments and even trying to correct fallacious thinking, like I was trying to be a benevolent educator on subjects I knew a lot about. But it soon became obvious that a lot of these people posting here dont want to learn anything. They are close minded contrarian trailer trash and just want to spout their worthless ignorant opinions. Maybe it makes them feel better, perhaps because no one in real life would pay their peasant blabbering any attention.

So I just lurk now, only to make posts like this and try to save the few rational people who still use this board the bother of learning the same lesson I did. But the way this board is becoming swamped by chat bots I doubt I will be doing that for much longer. Soon it will just be "argue bots" and trailer trash talking schizo blabber and shitting on each other. It's mostly like that now and it will only get worse.

>> No.16131127

Sea level rising is the least of our concern if billions brown people start migrating north. Are you willing to risk it or is it just that you dont care?

>> No.16131188

>Sea level rising is the least of our concern if billions brown people start migrating north
...why do you think people migrate?

>> No.16131195

High taxation. Dictator rulers. Liberals leaders. Etc. have you ever actually talked to a brown immigrant? I'm talking people from Egypt, Palestine, Nigeria, Kenya, etc. I can tell the answer is no. They aren't moving due to flooding retard.

>> No.16132340 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 596x1280, catholics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The move because jewish run, soros funded NGOs come to their country, encourage them to move, do all the paperwork for them, and promise them endless gibes when they get there

>> No.16132371

Bold of you to suggest nobody has ever migrated due to changes in the environment.

>Liberal leaders
>Egypt, Palestine, Nigeria, Kenya, etc
Excuse me?

>> No.16132391

They all migrate for gibs

>> No.16132410

I'm being genuine here. Have you ever talked to a single migrant? You have no fucking idea what you're talking about dude.

>> No.16132437

You forget to mention white women.

>> No.16132455 [DELETED] 

(((white))) women

>> No.16132481
File: 2.82 MB, 640x360, eat_the_bugs_mex.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the solution? Eat bugs!

>> No.16132488

>Have you ever talked to a single migrant?
Yes. Yes I have. I can't imagine not talking to one unless you're in the middle of fucking nowhere.

>They all migrate for gibs
People migrate for a host of reasons.

For example, their giant city literally running out of water.

If you're worried about people flooding wherever the fuck you live from the south, maybe start paying more attention to climate change. Lord knows I don't want Floridians fleeing north as their shit floods, but it's gonna happen.

>> No.16132492

Bugs are about as environmentally friendly as chicken, but more difficult to produce at scale.

Nobody in the history of ever has suggested eating bugs is a necessary or productive solution to anything.

That said, obviously people do eat bugs, and bug adjacent shit like shellfish, and you are free to. It's not gonna kill you and quite popular with tons of people. Not really my thing.

>> No.16132503

You sound immensely sheltered and gay. Should be no surprise you welcome a flood of young male immigrants.

>> No.16132505

Do we have any real proof of rising sea levels? Most of it can be explained in other ways. The shore line hasn't ever changed in my city since I was a kid. I've been watching.

>> No.16132571

Please keep me out of your fantasies about gays, immigrants, and young men.

>> No.16132573

Na they only migrate to be near whites. That's the science sweetie.

>> No.16132645

He said, sweating, while taking another length of arab cock up his anus.

>> No.16133569 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16133735

I'm American. Our Arabs live north of us. They'll flee into Canada if anywhere.

>> No.16133754

>Yes. Yes I have
Your phrasing indicates you're lying, as does your lack of specific example.

>> No.16133935


>> No.16133940

None of the predictions that they have made have ever come true.
If science has predictive power then """climate science""" isn't science, its just something that dishonestly uses the word "science" in it's name to confuse people and trick into thinking its legitimately scientific

>> No.16134123

Geographical expressions really

>> No.16135207
File: 127 KB, 1088x1105, speilmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16136407

theres a million pics like that. global warming shills have been lying and making exaggerated claims about disasters in the future which never come true for the past 40 years and they've always been wrong

>> No.16136410

Nobody ever claimed there would be flooding by 2000's.

>> No.16137865 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16138585 [DELETED] 

see >>16129400

>> No.16139019

womp WOMPPPP if it sinks, it sinks. people have been crying about global warming for the past 2 decades yet dont do anything about it

>> No.16139108

Holy shit nuke the poles now

>> No.16139139

What did the Poles ever do to you?

>> No.16139171
File: 824 KB, 266x199, asn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking ukrainians, always wanting to exterminate the Poles.

>> No.16139225

>0.38 meters in a century...
So we have a century building a 1 meter dam...
Dutch made that in the middle ages.

0.38 Meters in a Century!!
Dont You Hear!?!?
0.38 METERS A CENTURY!!1!1!!

>> No.16139236

>Dutch made that in the middle ages.
Obviously you are not smart enough to be Dutch because if you were then you would know that a further increase of already existing dikes and dunes is so very costly and so disruptive in so many ways that it's becoming an option to give land back to the rivers and the sea.

>> No.16139354
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>> No.16139387

The Great Lakes don't swell at all?

>> No.16139393

If you zoom in you can see they do, just not much.