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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 58 KB, 986x457, article_river_fa25a800eb1011ee9d745dacbd73239d-fig.2-Mortlity-Rates_by_age-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16121398 No.16121398 [Reply] [Original]

>However, some excess cancer mortalities were observed in 2021 after mass vaccination with the first and second vaccine doses, and significant excess mortalities were observed for all cancers and some specific types of cancer after mass vaccination with the third dose in 2022.


RIP Vaxxies

We tried to warn you.

>> No.16121413

Initial series + 3 boosters
Enjoy coofing to death unvaxxed chuds

>> No.16122036 [DELETED] 

vaxxie holocaust best day of my life

>> No.16122927
File: 160 KB, 1051x1016, He died of cancer March 19th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16123789 [DELETED] 

>I'm gonna booooooooosACK

>> No.16124720 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16124736

Meme journal for people to pad their resumes and/or publish schizo stuff under the most loose peer review standard imaginable

>> No.16124738

This. Literally paid for by oil companies.

>> No.16124975

So what you're saying is.. the paragon of science in (((peer review))) is easily manipulated and untrustworthy. Remind me again why I should trust (((peer reviewed))) papers regarding the vaccine's safety and efficacy?

>> No.16124984

>older people more likely to get vaccinated
>older people more likely to get cancer
simple as

>> No.16125024

>Its peer-review process involves asking experts to review a given article in a few days, which results in its peer reviews taking much less time than those of most other journals do.
Sounds about right. Also apparently it's considered a predatory journal.

>> No.16125280

Correlation doesn't equate causation. Thanks to Covid a lot of people went to the doctor less often. Also alot of cancer treatments were delayed. So some people had to wait longer for their treatment or operstion and other people took longer to notice they have cancer.
Both are not helping cancer death rates

>> No.16125979

>age adjusted

>> No.16126356 [DELETED] 

theres no such thing as good peer review, peer reviewers are all midwits

>> No.16127661 [DELETED] 
File: 1.75 MB, 1x1, Evaluation of the DNA content in mRNA vaccine vials with quantitative PCR_FINAL_20231019.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16128436 [DELETED] 

>peer review
science isn't a democracy, reality isn't a democracy. the idea of peer review is the idea that reality can be determined by a committee (a soviet) which is clearly an insane idea

>> No.16128467
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The statistical anomalies of some age groups having reduced mortality while most others have excess mortality a couple of standard deviations from the mean is pretty interesting. My wild guess for the younger age groups is that it's due to less automobile travel during that time but people in their 60s is a bit of a mystery. Perhaps that's the age group most likely to get killed by medical error on medical procedures that are recommended for them but weren't really necessary. With the pandemic, those elective procedures were tabled, reducing the opportunity for medical error deaths?

>> No.16129729 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16130687 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16131191 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16131210

Two more weeks, vaxxie mass death soon, anti-vaxxie bros win the internet argument and go back to cooming in socks

>> No.16131368


A quick look at the overall casualties from the CV19 vax reveal an unparalleled medical disaster. Dowd explains:

“I went before Senator Ron Johnson in February to talk about the ‘pandemic scorecard,’ which is abysmal.

Ever since the CV19 vaccine came on, we have had 1.1 million Americans die excessively, 4 million permanently disabled and another 28 million injured. It’s 33 million people who have been negatively affected now.

The question you have to ask is why are these institutions not screaming from the rooftops? I think the reason why is, it’s all because of the (deadly) vaccine. It’s all circular, and I think it’s a joke at this point.”


>> No.16131374

One big problem Dowd has spotted is an explosion of cancers and, yes, you cannot get the truth about this either. Dowd says:

“The fact that people will not even say that cancers are on the rise is pretty comical to me. Doctors were reporting it anecdotally, and now we have the data to prove it. This is where we are...

In 2022, I said that ‘60,000 millennials died excessively between March of 2021 and February of 2022. That was a Vietnam War.’ That tweet went viral, and Reuters and AP fact checked me and said no, our experts say that’s not true.

Now, even the establishment is saying there is excessive all-cause mortality. So, we are now in a stage where cancers are not rising. They are now denying that. The lies are just unreal.”

>> No.16131434

but everyone across the board was more likely to have gotten cancer in 2022 compared to just 3 years ago
in fact, the only people who didn't were the extremely elderly

>> No.16131574

Is that why 4chan has dwindling numbers?
Sure showed those vaxxies.

Btw that's probably not covid deaths for anons, the system is literally targeting those anons nowadays and poisoning them.
They did this to assange.
They do it to all dissenters nowadays.

You impacted their profits.
So you must die.

So having the vaccine or not is irrelevant. It's checkmate just to purge people.

>> No.16132428 [DELETED] 


>> No.16132545 [DELETED] 

>>>/pol/ with your alt med schozo bullshit

>> No.16133276
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Where's the increase?

>> No.16133340

>OMG you're heckin persecutin me
>I'm literally Assange even though the only evidence I can muster is shitty articles from predatory journals peer reviewed in 2 days and conspiracy websites
Why must you faggots always confuse persecution with not accepting you're bullshit beliefs?
Oh yeah I know why. It's because anti vaxxers backed themselves into a corner, and now the vaxxed MUST be dying off en masse or they'll look like a bunch of cultist idiots.

Literally just 2 more weeks.

>> No.16133342

666 was all over the vaccine. In the news articles, in the upvotes for redit posts (6666 comments). God has also been ass raping me with apparitions, this started in 2020 with the Vax rollout. I'm Jewish, we've got a really serious problem bud, and it's the ass raping murderer in the sky

>> No.16134136 [DELETED] 

/sci/'s daily post rate is off quite a bit over the past few years. where did they all go? into their graves dead of the clotshot?

>> No.16134589

That junkie from germany who got over 270 vaccines still got covid...

>> No.16134737

>>However, some excess cancer mortalities were observed in 2021 after mass vaccination with the first and second vaccine doses, and significant excess mortalities were observed for all cancers and some specific types of cancer after mass vaccination with the third dose in 2022
>Excess mortality around 2 to 5 percent with the highest one reaching 10 percent.
Not a smoking gun.

>> No.16135539

yes it is

>> No.16136628

fake news, that story never happened
>nooo, its true because a junkie and msm says it is!!!!

>> No.16137937 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 772x690, 7bfc398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16138035

vaccination status?
covid history?

>> No.16138875 [DELETED] 


>> No.16139736

good video

>> No.16141219

how come ppl in their late 60s aren't affected?

>> No.16141235
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vaxxies aren't human at this point so really it doesn't matter

>> No.16142695

what'd i miss?

>> No.16143526
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>> No.16144681
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>> No.16145962

you highlighted the wrong line

>> No.16145984
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>> No.16146027

He's just saying it's a dogshit journal. So yes, it's especially susceptible to everything you're describing. Journals like cureus will publish anything that resembles an appropriate paper if you pay them and it fits their agendas (whatever they might be).

>> No.16146425

Prove it, both of you

>> No.16146444
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>> No.16147639

Probably made it twice as expensive for no good reason

>> No.16148303

Is it still over the counter in any countries or did it get locked down globally?

>> No.16149224

>these people who say the world population needs to be reduced by 90% want me to take an untested, potentially deadly injection for a nonexistent viral epidemic
how low does your IQ need to be to fall for that?

>> No.16149406
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>> No.16149428

>3+ years of crying about muh bakseens

>> No.16150740

vaxisters, i don't feel so good

>> No.16152245

The only reason the paper triggers you is that you're a vaxxxxie and you don't want to admit that you were dumb enough to get tricked into suicide by the covid hoax. You have low IQ, you wouldn't have been tricked so easily if you weren't dumb

>> No.16153324


t. vaxmaxxie who just went along to get along, so doesn't comprehend why anyone could still want justice for what was done to them and their loved ones

thinks all the people dying and getting ill around them are just a coincidence

>> No.16154158
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>> No.16155284

people who think "per capita" is racist will fall for that trick

>> No.16155290

don't pay attention to the science, goy

>> No.16156113

sure hope so, the only good vaxxxxxie is a dead one

>> No.16156120

do you think these people existed in 1950 saying shit like
>he is still complaining about hitler

>> No.16157176
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>> No.16158290

people who are too narcissistic to admit they were wrong are people that are incapable of learning

>> No.16159750

It's hard to find this source.
Help, Anon?

>> No.16160295

lots of those on /sci/

>> No.16161759
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>> No.16162802

why only 3 boosters? you're supposed to have gotten 9. why are you trying to murder grandma?

>> No.16163426

None of the people who bragged about getting the meme vaccine in 2021 kept up on their boosters.

>> No.16163520
File: 108 KB, 742x909, 2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it so high in the US but in Germany it isn't? Here's a cancer statistic from 2022

>> No.16164278


>> No.16165183

Probably different categorization standards, plus ppl in Germany avoid their government healthcare as much as possible because they've all realized how trash it is.

>> No.16166299

>ppl in Germany avoid their government healthcare as much as possible because they've all realized how trash it is.
Same is true in the UK, nobody here wants to let NHS touch them, doing so is presumed to be suicidal

>> No.16166867

Thats what it was like in the USSR too. There were a few good hospitals in Moscow to care for the political bosses and everyone else got garbage

>> No.16167875


>> No.16168556

Medical care was available in the USSR, but you had to be prepared to pay a substantial bribe to get it. The doctors were able to extort massive amounts because you couldn't just leave the country to get cheaper care elsewhere

>> No.16169738
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and now he is dead from cancer

>> No.16170939

base albeit

>> No.16171813

Is there a version of that which includes 2023 data?

>> No.16172973
File: 64 KB, 720x405, dark whites stole my bike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They changed the way they tabulate those statistics in order to hide that data. Its just like how the FBI includes hispanic and black crime in with whites to try and disguise the truth about racial crime statistics

>> No.16174194

jews still kvetch about "we was slaves in egypt"
their whole culture is one big victim complex

>> No.16174268


>> No.16174296

>thinks all the people dying and getting ill around them are just a coincidence
I literally haven't noticed anyone dying around me, that's a situation that only seems to happen to schizophrenics on the internet who claim their entire family, their friends, the entire town they lived in, their dog and their pet budgie all died one week after getting the vaxx.

>> No.16175217

the vaccine has killed and continues to do in great numbers of people, seeing that happen around you only upsets you because you made to low IQ decision to take an untested experimental medication for a nonexistent viral epidemic

>> No.16175317

Why did China confine their country for so long if the epidemic never existed?

>> No.16175379

Weird because I don't know anyone who has, despite schizos claiming the mass die off is coming in just two more weeks

>> No.16175382

What are your igg4 levels?

>> No.16175403

cancer mortality rates went higher due to covid, we (cancer patients) are especially vulnerable to it since many of the treatmetns we get nuke our immune system (like chemo)
the vaccine didn't cause those deaths, and those people were diagnosed before covid (like me)

>> No.16175404

andrew bridgen is alive

>> No.16175406

you are retarded

>> No.16175407

are you a bot?

>> No.16175409

Why do you keep making the same threads over and over again? Haven't you had enough attention already?
I get it, you didn't get vaccinated, you are very smart and youwill continue living your happy and lovely life while I am the sheep because I got vaccinated. In two weeks I will suddenly die of cancer or heart attack or blood clot etc. Why do you keep repeating the same shit?

>> No.16175473

out of curiosity why is it considered trash? is it the waiting times or time quality of medical care and which ones exactly?

>> No.16175502

>plus ppl in Germany avoid their government healthcare as much as possible because they've all realized how trash it is.
what are you talking about? there is no other option but government healthcare here, private hospitals have to accept government standards and insurance too
only advantage to private insurance is paying less if you are young and make like 100k
t german

>> No.16175544

Why did China never mandate taking their vaccine?

>> No.16175545

vaccines are mandated for all government workers in china

>> No.16175667

can you imagine dying at 76 and seeing all the memories flash before your eyes?
his first chimper ..his first football match .. his first chicken wing.. first kiss etc

>> No.16175707

>While public authorities have mandated lockdowns and mandatory mass testing for areas with infection, there has not been any rule to making vaccination mandatory
Thanks for the link proving me right

>> No.16175732

tell me

>> No.16175786

they are mandatory for government workers, which is most of chinks
that and the fact china just doesn't care enough to provide it for free

>> No.16176514

Its a wikipedia link and wikipedia is fake news, all that you've proved is that you're low IQ enough to trust wikipedia

>> No.16177589
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>> No.16178098

thats good though, its only killing the people who were dumb enough to fall for the vax scam

>> No.16178257

wikipedia link you gave proved the opposite. sorry!
wikipedia is based when it agrees with what I want

>> No.16178993

> its only killing the people who were dumb enough to fall for the vax scam
Trump's 1488D chess magic at work