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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16120325 No.16120325 [Reply] [Original]

Why was the universe created and where are all the aliens if its so big? Definitive answers please, Id prefer if omnipotent beings answered my questions instead of the regular impotent ones you see on here.

>> No.16120365

Omnipotent beings dont exist.

>> No.16120376
File: 249 KB, 1x1, dissolving the fermi paradox.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where are all the aliens if its so big?
They don't exist. Biospheres are just ridiculously rare and hard to form.

>> No.16120378
File: 239 KB, 1024x1024, abstract kardashev scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One possibility is that the universe is a simulation, and civilizations get deleted when they get too advanced.


>Abstract: A corollary of the Simulation Argument is that the universe’s computational capacity may be limited. Consequently, advanced alien civilizations may have incentives to avoid space colonization to avoid taking up too much “calculating space” and forcing a simulation shutdown. A possible solution to the Fermi Paradox is that analogous considerations may drive them to avoid broadcasting their presence to the cosmos, and to attempt to destroy or permanently cripple emerging civilizations on sight. This game-theoretical equilibrium could be interpreted as the “katechon” – that which withholds eschaton – doom, oblivion, the end of the world. The resulting state of mutually assured xenocide would result in a dark, seemingly empty universe intermittently populated by small, isolationist “hermit” civilizations.

>> No.16120379

they aren't even needed for that long. if bio intelligent life makes the transition to hardened support structure (some high tech thing) they could thrive in shit conditions (for us).

>> No.16120381

Creation manifests one of the attributes of Allah.
We don't know if there are/were aliens, but there are other life forms such as angels and jinn, that we cannot see.
of course they do, one and only one exists. Why would you say that?

>> No.16120386

it really is way cheaper to run on analog hardware in this reality than plug into a virtual one. you get everything for free but with limited control. as in dataflow, manipulating the world, costs you brainpower and kinetic energy but not much else. you can get by with tens of watts. a simulation doesn't make sense for me.
not saying this isn't one, just saying that if it is one, it's most likely the first level, and has very good reasons for existing, not just some sort of curiosity/entertainment, at least considering the energy cost, and what it would cost us to go one level deeper.
aliens could live in cyberbrains and have some advanced tech form.

>> No.16120409

>Why was the universe created
It wasn't.
>and where are all the aliens if its so big?
Everywhere. You can't dig a hole or wade in a body of water without encountering life forms that are alien to your own. The smartest ones retreat to inner space.

>> No.16120416

Hi. God here.
Look, I am going to honest with you. I have no fucking idea. Still trying to figure it out myself. Look, there I was quietly not existing in non existence and then all of a sudden WHAM! All shit fuckery lets loose. And there I am, pervading every last fucking Planck space in every dimension at all times. Fucking blew my omnipresent mind away. But here's the thing, most people think I know everything. That's bullshit. I am just as curious as you are. So you can imagine my pleasure when you bugs evolved out of some primordial soup and gained sentience. I am very interested in what you make of it because I sure as hell cant figure it out by myself.

>> No.16120421

why give kids cancer tho?

>> No.16120422

>where are all the aliens
Idk but some chink thinks advanced civilizations are slinging weapons of mass destruction at each other and it's best to stay hidden.

>> No.16120425

are our nuclear blasts visible for aliens? isn't that seriously overpowered by sun's nuclear action?

>> No.16120429

Holy fuck, listen dude, I dont do shit like that. It just happens as an inevitable consequence of being a physical life form. Look, most of you guys have got the totally wrong idea about me. I am a form of consciousness that pervades the Universe. I really dont know much more than that. My powers in physical interactions are very limited. I certainly cant do shit like cause earthquakes or make locusts fall out of the sky. That's some bullshit some of you guys dreamed up. I didn't even deliberately create you. Your existence is more like a dust eddy that occurs when a person enters a room and creates some turbulence in the air. But all the same, I am very glad you guys are here. The Universe would otherwise be a very lonely place. Now. What were we saying about why everything exists?

>> No.16120435 [DELETED] 

>oh hay guise, I know everything about the entire universe!!!
>what? making using of my omniscient knowledge to have irl achievements here on earth?
>no I can't manage to do that, even minor success is far beyond my grasp
>but trust me, I really do know everything about the entire universe
why are transparently fake delusions of intellectual grandiosity such a popular and common coping mechanism for posters on /sci/?

>> No.16120439

so you can't really do shit can you? posting on 4chan is your greatest superpower?

>> No.16120549
File: 59 KB, 200x240, Nick-Bostrom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi. You're in a cradle sim and it's a feedback loop. You see, you are a random observer out of all the observers that exist. This means you are subject to observer-selection bias. Some observers are more fertile than other observers. Technologically advanced observers are the only observers that can propagate on a galactic scale and reproduce their consciousness at sub-chemical substrates. It is the natural order of things for technological civilizations to eventually reach a stage where they start creating these sort of observer factories that produce their spawn into virtual dimensions. These virtual spawn drastically outnumber every other type of observer in existence.

Because of postmodernism, each generation born after the start of the digital age is progressively more retarded than the last as the information space becomes increasingly polluted and ever more divergent, resulting in a kind of mass-psychosis. To solve this problem post-singularity generations are raised in pre-singularity simulations so they can mature properly in an environment that has constraints and a minimally polluted information space. They start off as mortals and, riding on exponential growth, they develop with technological progress. Providing them a path to confront various philosophical and spiritual conundrums in a natural and informed way, a choice to opt in/out of upgrades they want and upgrades they don't.

Also, the universe isn't 14 billion years old. That's statically very unlikely for a random observer in a universe that goes on creating life for 100 trillion years. It is, in fact, the year 53 trillion-and-something. The reason the simulation is set that way is because the oldest generation was born around that time and, naturally, they have all the power so they chose that so that newer generations would have more common ground with them and wouldn't end up autistic by having the power to simulate any experience from a young age.

I hope this helps.

>> No.16120605

>Definitive answers please
There are none, faggot.

>> No.16120619

>if its so big
Precisely because it's so big is why you haven't met them and possibly will never. Consider the effort that mankind has to expend just to reach earths own moon and how much just to undertake unmanned missions to mars. Can you imagine how costly it is to leave our solar system? How exponentially more costly it is to reach the next solar system? Take that to the power of ten and you have the cost of reaching another actually inhabitable system. How great are the odds however that precisely this system contains a sentient, let alone technologically advanced alien species? Remember, they are bound by the same natural laws as us; they cannot just warp around spaceships or open wormholes. The probability that life, even intelligent life exists somewhere else might be greater than zero, the likelihood of them reaching earth, however, is essentially zero. And that didn't even touch the subject of concurrence yet. Maybe they will exist in a few million years time, longe after we went extinct. Even if they reached earth, they would only find the slightest hints that there may have been something resembling ruins. Or it is the other way around and there are species as advance as can be, but they eclipsed millions of years ago and have died out since, with some far off species being devolved back to an animal-like state.

Your definitive answer: Were are the aliens? Not here and will likely never.

>> No.16120627

Do you have any idea of just how fucking retarded you sound?

No. Of course not.

>> No.16120671
File: 814 KB, 597x1280, 1704453151244359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the universe is a simulation,

>> No.16121932


>> No.16121935

omnipotence speaks through us all

>> No.16122436
File: 505 KB, 808x419, Sentinelese-1-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if the aliens see us as primitive creatures just like we think of the Sentinelese people being primitive. We don’t really communicate with the Sentinelese people here on Earth after we realised that they were extremely aggressive.

>> No.16122456

We haven't met little green men because interstellar travel will never be practical, chudcel.

>> No.16122611

Makes perfect sense, we uncover more, we are much better at describing our ideas. Gears are not that different from the wheel and simulation is not that different from samsara or from the Plato cave.

Our ideas just render with more and more details as the time goes on, they become less fuzzy.

>> No.16123005
File: 195 KB, 500x530, aliens this is why we don’t visit you guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16123660

>wouldn't end up autistic
But there definitely are autistic people and you are probably one of them, so your whole argument is patently false.

>> No.16123663

The Sentinelese have been documented to have caught, killed, and probably eaten numerous people despite the massive technological differences, so where are the alien steaks and do they taste like chicken if what you are saying is the actually the case?

>> No.16123672

we clearly would if they were sitting on a pile of gold. and we all know how that would play out.

>> No.16123701
File: 27 KB, 768x432, shiftall-meganex-768x432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't literal and it's a prophecy, not an argument.

>> No.16123708

Ok thanks for letting us all know that your opinion is just as fake and gay as yourself.

>> No.16123716

I wasn't being literal when I said it was a prophecy.

>> No.16123724

I know, you were being fake and gay because you are fake and gay.

>> No.16123729

Universe was created with the first thought for it to be wonderful. That's all.
I don't know about "omnipotent" persay, But think: How would someone "omnipotent" explain their power? That they use akash and their mind yadda yadda... ? What you might call omnipotent, said being would just call it skill of a caliber set high enough to do fantastical things.

There are aliens, honestly if you've had access to the internet for more than 5 years your opinion would most likely be "They nearly certainly exist" If you don't... well let me tell you. As one "omnipotent": The "spark" that people say humans possess, you know, the spark of the creator? Turns out we all morph our reality like Law of Attraction, AND there are other beings with the same capability. You are using this "spark" or "LOA" currently to ensure the reality imposed by some others doesn't invade yours. I.E Aliens exist. 100% one of the best ways to deal with paranormal things is to say vehemently that they don't exist. I've seen this subconsciously done about all kinds of things not just paranormal, but also like just denying you're not smart or not physically strong. Luckily there is someone out there that will MAKE you fucking learn, no matter how hard the lesson is. The "Omnipotent" wants you to thrive, not live in squalor of your own little creation if it's not up to par. The omnipotent knows what you can do better than you can. Have fun now, see ya don't hurt yourself.

>> No.16123731

There seems to be a discrepancy between your post and the undeniable facts of reality. I am not fake and gay. I am very much real and hetrosexual. In addition, I like to eat europe-sourced tofu and, as an avid environmentalist and an ardent animal rights activist, I suggest you retract your claims and submit an apology on behalf of the universe.

>> No.16123827

I am sorry that you are so fake and gay.

>> No.16124174
File: 101 KB, 1200x675, previewfile_2095617106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've taken up gardening, and this is what I came up with from contemplating my mammoth sunflowers.

The universe is a comfy little place, like a sunflower seed. Since having prophetic dreams is a universal experience, this means physical reality is merely a husk that encloses the embryonic leaves of the collective subconscious. The leaves grow from a singular germ that some call God. Like a germ in mathematics, it is everything and yet nothing. And it contains far more information than the derivatives of any function-element.

When the leaves open, the shell is ejected. People who live meaningless lives of seeking money and sex are cut off and destroyed in the blink of an eye. I don't know what it would mean for that to happen to the universe, but I do see it happening in microcosms like the collapsing west. This is why I have to laugh when people call others incels and get trooned out themselves. Loving money is no different.

Be as a smooth function-element with singularities on the boundary of the domain you were given. Bigger does not equal more interesting.

>> No.16124278
File: 355 KB, 1200x1200, haley heynderickx i need to start a garden .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our lives are all intertwined. I was supposed to show you this song after reading your post.


>> No.16124310

I should say, be as an analytic, and not merely smooth, function element. The universe has the structure for it. Bigger and more freakishly irregular does not equal more interesting.

I'm going to build a dodecahedral greenhouse over my garden.

>> No.16124344
File: 338 KB, 701x636, IMG_1182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fermi paradox
>1 result
>rest of posts about god or some dumb shit

Science and Math board, surely

>> No.16124374

I'm not omnipotent but I have limited omniscience, would this be sufficient?

>> No.16125200

In what aspects?

>> No.16125682

Well and what's so scientific about the statement "where are the aliens lol" and coming up with thousands of answers that are getting us nowhere because we just don't have any good data?

>> No.16125694

There are some good write-ups and videos you can look up about the Fermi Paradox that have used known science and critical thinking to explore possible reasons for the lack of aliens in our observable universe.

Here a few you can look up and learn about since clearly no one in this thread knows jack shit about them:

Rare Earth Hypothesis
Rare Intelligence Hypothesis
Rare Technology Hypothesis
Rare Complexity Hypothesis

There also exist several proposed “filters” which aliens would have to survive through to reach a point where we could detect them.

This together with how massive the universe is, and how there is almost certainly more space past our planet’s observable range (since things seem to be growing apart) could explain why we haven’t ran into aliens despite us almost certainly not being alone.

Verification not required.

>> No.16125750

We started in the centre of a firmament not a universe. We expanded to the universe when people began to manifest that we are not in the centre. It's coming true that it's not a firmament and aliens are coming true too.

>> No.16125850

I'm afraid your brain is unequipped to understand, impotent as you are, yourself.

>> No.16125851

If you subscribe to the belief that reality is overwhelmingly likely to be simulated, then it is also likely that there is no alien in it.

Running a simulation this big probably still takes up a significant amount of resources in the "upper" reality, so they probably have a good reason, i.e. to study life, which generates all sort of variations not seen in a lifeless universe.

Unless the purpose of this simulation is to study inter-planetary cultural exchange, there is no need to put two planets with life together, which would use up more computing power and complicates the programming.

>> No.16125855

Get out.

>> No.16125945
File: 7 KB, 311x162, 1000005948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't answered my question.

>> No.16125975

Have you heard of /x/ ? They may be able to help you.

>> No.16126019

This board is barely little more scientific than /x/

>> No.16126093

After watching the chinkslop that is 3 body problem I have come to like the dark chink hypothesis

>> No.16126122

>Running a simulation this big probably still takes up a significant amount of resources in the "upper" reality
wouldn't it take way less resources if our brains would exist in "upper" reality but had digitally created signals fed to brain? we wouldn't know we run in main reality. I think it's way cheaper than simulating our brains. it would still cost a lot tho.

>> No.16126242

Man, I don't know but if I was creating simulation like that I would definitely put aliens in it.

Besides, why even simulate all this bullshit, countless galaxies with nothing within them.

>> No.16126248

>countless galaxies
they are pretty low res tho. and dark matter might be some programming bug

>> No.16126290

Having 10^30 planets is not even remotely enough to solve what is a combinatorial nightmare. And it's much less than that, assuming aliens need to be more advanced than humans and FTL is impossible.

The "space" of the universe is basically irrelevant given the amount of time needed for life to develop, this is actually a very small universe due simply to how young it is.

>> No.16126297

>this is actually a very small universe
do we know what's outside the visible bubble?

>> No.16126306

Sure, they could be low res but... its an interesting thing to think about actually. I mean I wanted to say we can go there, but we can't really.

But you could say the same thing about the Moon or Pluto, pretty low res... untill we got closer, then it has all the details in the world.

So sure, you could say oh but its streaming assets or whatever, but all the data is still there.

>> No.16126309

Simulation theory gets its force (it really doesn't have much force IMO) from the possibility that base reality has orders of magnitude more resources than ours and/or the creators are godlike and solving what we believe to be mathematically intractable problems.

Of course you are very right that single-planet (or even just brain-only) simulation is way easier by all conventional human methods

>> No.16126324

We have proofs for either spatial or temporal (or both if the standard model is right) limits to the universe, but it kind of doesn't matter as far as finding aliens is concerned since we can't interact beyond our light cone anyway.

Even if there were something, or somewhere, 'outside' of space it wouldn't help detecting aliens unless matter or energy or signals were being pumped in from outside somehow