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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16115170 No.16115170 [Reply] [Original]

Game of Life (by John Conway)
Aurora 4x
Dyson Sphere Program
Kerbal Space Program
Children of a Dead Earth
Dwarf Fortress
Shenzhen I/O
Outer Wilds

Did I miss anything?

>> No.16115173

As a turbo virgin I say: Kerbal Space Program + MSFS2020 + Xplane 12 + Train simulator

>> No.16115184

Opus Magnum, Infinifactory and TIS-100 are also pretty gud

>> No.16115189

Those are baby tier compared to Spacechem and Shenzhen.

>> No.16115196

Never heard of those, are they on Steam?

>> No.16115197

Shenmue II
Rage of Mages
The Sims 1
Shadows of a Memory
Golden Sun

>> No.16115198

Yes theyre easier, but being less constrained also lets you be a little more creative.

>> No.16115200

oxygen not included

>> No.16115203

Those have nothing to do with math and science.

>> No.16115207

Good one, forgot about it.

>> No.16115357


>> No.16115362
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>Did I miss anything?

>> No.16115365

its shit

>> No.16115371

What’s that?

>> No.16115414

Portal is required playing to be able to participate in the perennial bait threads
AntiChamber as well, of course

>> No.16115421

Antichamber was such a mediocre game.

>> No.16115424

Elite Dangerous (for an accurate galaxy map to travel around)
Space Engine (for an accurate Universe map to travel around)

>> No.16115427

Did KSP2 ever get updated to not being shit?

>> No.16115438

ED is gorgeous to look at but fucking hell, for such a gigantic galaxy to explore there sure is fuck-all to actually do in it.
>Crew/Cargo transport missions
>Fly in a straight line for 20 minutes to get to this isolated base, then jump and fly in a straight line for 40 minutes to get to a different isolated base.
>Discovery missions
>Spend an hour chaining your way through fuel stars and pulsars so you can spend sixty seconds staring at a planet model
>Mining missions
>Shoot at a bunch of rocks that don't shoot back
>Bounty missions
>Shoot at a bunch of ships that don't shoot back

>> No.16115443

Is KSP still spyware?

>> No.16115806

There are a bunch of reactor models like this, they are pretty fun to play around with.

>> No.16115809

>Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor Simulator. Tutorial.
turbo autism

>> No.16115829

It's interesting and a valuable learning experience.
DCS is also great

>> No.16115836

>valuable learning experience.
unless you survive nuclear war and have high power demands I think most of them fail safe.

>> No.16115842
File: 124 KB, 400x400, RP-1-Logo-400px (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the ultimate KSP experiance, real engines, real weights, real solar system, real hard.
You learn about a lot of cool engines and how hard space actually is.

You have always been able to delete the launcher and just run the exe.

>> No.16115948

>be an adult chronologically and physically
>still playing children's game like a baby
its worth noting here that until about 1980 or so, the modern clinical term "arrested psychological development" was not in use because they older clinical term "retarded psychological development" was still being used. it was only after the term "retarded" had become stigmatized that the psychological/psychiatric community developed the term "arrested psychological development" as a substitute.

>> No.16115959

>>still playing children's game like a baby
yeah they should play big boy games by droning people on the other side of the earth, innit

>> No.16115974

Earth->Earth->Jupiter gravity assists gets me anywhere very cheaply. Thank god he put a massive planet close to earth.

>> No.16115982
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>> No.16116052

Yer ma's tits are for babies and I play with them too

>> No.16117189

>You have always been able to delete the launcher and just run the exe.

>> No.16117193

Nice chemistry puzzle game anon.

>> No.16117296
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>> No.16117467

Haven't played that for years. Has it changed much in the updates?

>> No.16117518
File: 131 KB, 1338x1385, iss sim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ISS Docking Simulator

>> No.16117565

We are all on KSP 2 now.

>> No.16117568

tried it few months ago and bugged af. panels wouldn't unfold, obstructed by invisible bullshit. ladders wouldn't extend and that kind of crap

>> No.16117618
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Crazy Machines
World of Goo

>> No.16117653

it's very easy, when do I get my astronaut license?

>> No.16117669 [DELETED] 

video games are for low IQs and immature minds

>> No.16117670

If you've seen the recent additions to the astronaut corps, you know why it had to be made so easy.

>> No.16117688

Space Engineers
Pajama Sam's Sock Factory

>> No.16117909

Go to the folder you installed KSP into and just run the exe file.

>> No.16118059

don't listen to that other anon
KSP 2 is shit rn
KSP 1 is pretty good with mods

>> No.16118071

They look like they really will keep working on it long term. It runs much faster apparently and finally has heat and science. I’d continue to be patient though, next major update (colonies) is the real test

>> No.16118159

So is it like TIS-100?
Is it still a gimped version of KSP1?

>> No.16118230
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cool game.
I'm surprised they didn't put it at a reddit meme coordinate, like 69 420 lmao xD
collision with the car makes the similar fail as if you dock with the ISS wrong. When you try docking it from the left side of the car, the CAD model of the car disappears.
when you try to go back on earth it gimbal locks and the earth disappears or you get a failure because you are stranded too far away.
when you succeed, you are given a link to a hidden YouTube video and the comments are cancer.

>> No.16119041
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>> No.16119091

RedShell was added after TakeTwo bought the game, and removed shortly after when customers raised a stink. That was like 5 or 6 years ago, so no it's not spyware. They made a news post about it on Steam when they removed it, if you want to go dig it up.
It does still use Unity Analytics to report anonymized in-game data and computer ID, but that's normal stuff for most games these days, and you can opt out if you prefer.

As the other anon said, you can just run the game from the .exe in it's folder,
KSP has always been DRM free. You can just copy the entire game folder and have multiple installs if you want. Very useful for maintaining different mod sets if you want to go back and forth between say RP-1 and stock KSP.

>> No.16119098

What space flight sim has the most accurate mechanics?

>> No.16119122
File: 34 KB, 612x384, 2001108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Powder Toy has a few models that are fun to play with, including a Chernobyl style RBMK1000.

>> No.16119425


>> No.16119487

>Game of Life (by John Conway)
Wow, what an amazing video game. Seriously, OP, kill yourself.

>> No.16119740
File: 66 KB, 800x420, juego_corere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else play Core War? Has /sci/, /g/ or /v/ ever had a Core War thread? Most warriors are small enough to share in a single post if anyone wants to play.

>> No.16119769
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So how good is this really? And really how accurate is it? For example, would designs in this game be actually applicable in reality, or does it take generous liberties and only the basics are rendered realistically?

>> No.16120190

All the Pandemic games are pretty /sci/ if you can forgive some minor flaws in vector magnitude.

>> No.16120253 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16120263

why punish yourself like that anon?

>> No.16120315

This actually looks cool as hell. I'm not a programmer, but I may take a crack at this.

>> No.16120976
File: 19 KB, 579x298, dwarf-vs-imp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not a programmer
Don't worry, it uses a very simplified assembly language with only 19 instructions. The simplest warriors only use a few of them, so you don't even need to learn everything to start playing.
Once you get good you can make more complex warriors that scan for opponents, lay traps, self-replicate, spawn minion programs and so on.

>> No.16120980

Baba is you

Literally based game about programming

>> No.16121204

This is a fun game, if a bit infuriating.
I've wanted a survival game to have more accurate and involved simulation with stuff like circuit design. That could be a ton of fun.

>> No.16121252

Huh. So this is what circumcisions are for.

>> No.16121256

there is no intelligent life in this universe, this is a scourge -

only thing left here is the onahole .. .

>> No.16122361

How much has it changed in the last 8 years or so? Are the missions any better?

>> No.16122365

Literally any Zachtronics game is /sci/ approved.

>> No.16122811
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I don't play career mode, but from what I know, the vanilla missions are pretty bland. I prefer to play science mode with mods since you have progression but you also get the freedom that comes with sandbox mode.

>> No.16122813
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Juno: New Origins

>> No.16123010

Game developed by trannies, not interested

>> No.16123018


>> No.16123042

Not really possible to do I think. They should've implemented rigid body physics so wonky rockets never happened. KSP should of been KSP1 but you make rockets 100km long. That's never gonna happen due to hardware limitations.

>> No.16123057

Has poor missile AI, so you cant make them very accurate. Flak modules don't work due to a bug that causes shrapnel to get deleted to quick to be useful. Nukes and lasers have a cap on their ability to vaporize so they aren't very good. And all turreted weapons have a hard coded "wobble" so they have appalling accuracy at ranges beyond 200km. Oh and remote control masses are hard coded so you can't make guided projectiles smaller than the 10kg range.

Beyond that and a few other things, its quite nice. Gets you thinking about material properties. Just a shame the game's abandoned and was only developed by 1 guy.

>> No.16123288
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>> No.16123293
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Zoomies don't know


>> No.16123330

It ended development 2 or 3 years ago. Mods have continued to improve it though.
KSP2 is slowly coming along, but it's still got a ways to go before I can recommend it over KSP1.


>> No.16123360

Half life? I admit science-wise it is quite silly but it's fun and there are a couple of concepts here and there. Portal, too.
And plague, inc.

>> No.16123750

I will never own a house, have a high-paying job or have a wife and children.
Give me a goal to work towards and I'll stop wasting my time on video games.
And no, dying for Israel in some Arab country is not a goal.

>> No.16124276

Portal/Portal 2 are great simply for the fun projectile-physics problem-solving.

>> No.16124318

is there any game made by Zachtronics that isn't "/sci/-approved"
a little sad they closed up shop.

>> No.16124557
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>but conservation of momentum requires...
>trollolololollolololololo o o o o ohh

>> No.16124620

I guess the visual novel they did? That one was kinda lame.

>> No.16124771
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>> No.16124795


>> No.16125042
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Recommended reading:

https://poa . st/objects/ca8a0d76-19dd-412a-95c1-fdbc81cb775e

Build robust platforms, create media, convert millions, win everything.

Building robust platforms is a TECHNICAL problem. Effective media creation is an artistic problem. Converting millions is done via said media, and with millions of fanatical White men everything is possible, including a White army or a religious revival, depending on the contingent facts of future history.


https://poa . st/objects/3d7c931c-6859-42fa-add3-e569bad20c4e


https://poa . st/objects/d94ae40f-d69f-4231-9e76-c141aae2d84d


https://poa . st/objects/17d20ece-903a-40e3-8389-b1c310ce84f9
It's more productive to undermine faith in the pig system than anything else. Convince everyone you can not to join the military, not to support kike initiatives like the mRNA shots, climate change, tranny psychosis and SJW show trials of thought criminals. Point out all their lies and how life gets worse the more we kowtow to niggers and faggots (if not in those words).

And hammer home that the stolen election means the entire government is illegitimate and deserves no cooperation, respect or support.


https://poa . st/objects/ad4cb16f-c78d-4268-9673-1d24b3132fbf
So long as someone regards the jew power configuration as a trusted installer you can't reach them.

The critical path is break faith in the system, enlighten with the truth.


https://poa . st/objects/b91cc477-45bd-4c60-9049-2a8e5a4e4e8f

>> No.16125160

How retarded do you think I am? Fuck off, neo nazi.

>> No.16125162

>neo nazi
What makes you call someone that?

>> No.16125166

>"So long as someone regards the jew power configuration as a trusted installer you can't reach them."
You tell me.

>> No.16125168
File: 172 KB, 586x595, Israel jews AIPAC laws Jake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stating a fact doesn't make anyone a neo nazi. It is a fact that jewish power has total control over the whole political system. Until that changes, people wil not have any type of political representation.

See with your own eyes all US politicians on both parties voicing their never ending loyalty to Israel:

Texas Officials Forcing Hurricane Victims to Pledge Loyalty to Israel to Receive Funding

Texas Elementary School Speech Pathologist Lost Her Job for Refusing to Sign Pro-Israel Oath

In Arizona, all 4 Republicans whose candidacies unsettled Jews have lost

"More than 95% of AIPAC-backed candidates won their election last night!"

AIPAC gets everyone:



The US budget is Israel-centric and Jew-centric:

"Cynthia McKinney: US Lawmakers Forced to Sign Pledge to Support Israel"

The Israel lobby is seeking loyalty oaths in America

>> No.16125170
File: 361 KB, 1170x1644, Trump University Israel zionist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The Lobby: USA", where an undercover journalist infiltrates AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee) and proves how zionist Jews commit crimes WITH FULL IMPUNITY against American citizens on American soil (following direct orders from Israeli officials) for the political benefit of Israel:

Consolidated Appropriations Bill Includes Nearly $5 Billion for Israel - June 2022

"Jim Traficant: Israel has used America as a Whore"

Senator Joe Lieberman brags about Chabad building a worldwide network bigger than the CIA:

The NSA sends all its raw data to Israel, including information pertaining to Americans worldwide including those living in America:

Jewish Orthodox woman is the head of the NSA cyber security section:

Proof that Israel uses the US Military to fight its wars and that US Armed Forces are nothing but cannon fodder for Israel:

How and why zionists (Jew and Gentile zionists alike) are always traitors/enemy combatants:

>> No.16125211

What's your definition of "approved"? Aurora 4x is good, but it's far from scientific and could use a couple of QoL updates.

>> No.16125715

It doesn't have to be "scientific". Spacechem isn't scientific.

>> No.16126316

Can you at least go underwater now? The thing that annoyed me most about the original release was that you had oceans with floors, but no way to explore them.

>> No.16126321

>viral marketing thread

>> No.16126406

You could always go underwater but it took some fiddling and/or mods to do it because most parts are buoyant. There's even a submarine briefly in that trailer for Parallax.

>> No.16126458

>it took some fiddling
I spent well over an hour on it and the thing would always break up whenever you go under.

>> No.16126471

the main trick is using the ore tanks as ballasts since they are very heavy when they're full, you may have to clip a lot of them into each other to make it heavy enough to sink


>> No.16126751

Spore :D

>> No.16126844
