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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16112193 No.16112193 [Reply] [Original]

why is it considered unscientific and illogical to notice patterns? what would you do if i used a.i to create millions of images that had hidden messages in them, for some agenda, then called you a schizo for noticing the patterns? how do you scientifically differentiate and evaluate real patterns/trends from false ones?

>> No.16112203

>why is it considered unscientific and illogical to notice patterns?
it isn't. it's only unscientific and illogical if you latch onto a perceived pattern and don't
>scientifically differentiate and evaluate real patterns/trends from false ones

>> No.16112213

I think the problem is when there's faulty generalisation from a small number of samples

>> No.16112226

Because it never works.

>> No.16112288

Because if you notice patterns, you notice psychiatrist eliminate people. Therefore psychiatrist calls your logic illogical and try to erase EVERY pattern from your head, so you won't be talking about them eliminating people.

>> No.16112298

I think the problem is always one of noticing wrong patterns. For example if you create lots of images with some kind of border. An AI would extend this pattern to the real world.

>> No.16112322
File: 53 KB, 1000x1000, head-shoulders-menthol-fresh-anti-dandruff-2in1-shampoo-360-ml-519525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

patterns totally work.

>> No.16112327
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>> No.16113103
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Some patterns are OK to notice while noticing others is strongly discouraged

>> No.16114371
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pattern recognition is an evolved feature of all intelligent creatures

>> No.16114380

Conspiracy is unverifiable and that's why people who get paid to act dumb pretend that on a scale of 0-100% there's never any conspiracy anywhere.

>> No.16114387

I noticed the pattern that people "noticing patterns" online tend to be 85 IQ schizoids (doesn't apply to this of course)

>> No.16114397


>> No.16114399

AI literally work on pattern recognition. The problem is when you notice the baddy bad patterns declared so by the people that rule you.

>> No.16114406

>Jewish Kabbalah is a set of esoteric teachings meant to explain the relationship between the unchanging, eternal God—the mysterious Ein Sof (אֵין סוֹף, 'The Infinite')—and the mortal, finite universe (God's creation).
It's perfect.

>> No.16114557

>i have zero self awareness

>> No.16114765

Please tell me about the elites and how you're so good at pattern recognition anon

>> No.16114772

post nose

>> No.16114779
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>> No.16114782

>it's the joooos
Truly a gifted pattern seeker

>> No.16114808

>if x behaviour is so bad, why is it advantageous in a very specific hypothetical scenario?

>> No.16115999
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>> No.16116012

The issue isn't noticing patterns, it's overfitting from too few data points and making spurious interpolations based on the results.

>> No.16116021

post nose

>> No.16116034

In my experience, overfitting problems occur when you can't be satisfied with anything other than a greater overarching theory.
Most discoveries seem to be made under the latching from a "spirit" of things into minor details.
Intelligence gets too comfortable with a greater pattern and then starts telling you how your "spirit is cured" after they just administered penicillin.
This is how you make people dumber.
Which is funny, because smarter people don't tend to store information like 1:1 data to data, word-for-word, they store chunks and if there's anything missing infer the rest. You eventually loop back to fundamentals at the peak of studying a concept or idea.

The rise of 'scientism' tells me the "spirit is cured" thing happens adjacent not just a decrease in apparent intelligence, but a trifecta of vague expansiveness that doubts or never loops back to elementary things, the downturn of actual intelligence beyond memorisation and employee-creating education (along with institutionalism), and the general drive to react to this with "oh yeah I know this one it's the evil people".

>> No.16117632 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16118126 [DELETED] 

pmt this, doctors are almost completely unnecessary

>> No.16118611
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>> No.16120042 [DELETED] 

>why is it considered unscientific and illogical to notice patterns?
because jews don't like it when you notice, so they try to use their media monopoly to try and make it illegal to notice.

>> No.16120503 [DELETED] 
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What would the president say about all this?

>> No.16121624 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16122924

>why is it considered unscientific and illogical to notice patterns?
because jews don't like it when you notice, so they try to use their media monopoly to try and make it illegal to notice.

>> No.16122944

>Cite sources to feign credibility
>Your own sources don't even say what you claim they say
I'm noticing a pattern of anti-Semites being disingenuous liars

>> No.16123790 [DELETED] 


>> No.16123813
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I think this is correct. Obviously the OP is about Jews. Jews are undoubtedly, measurably, "annoying" if you adhere to certain ideas. That is they are hugely overrepresented -- in a manner not explained by alleged merit alone -- in stuff like historical marxism, the rise of things like critical race theory, transgenderism, pathologizing nationalism in gentiles, or even in stuff like onlyfans, pornography, tinder, bumble, match etc.. They are also extremely wealthy, and powerful (e.g. https://rudermanfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Jewish-Vote-Ruderman-Program.pdf )
Once you notice this -- which again in not arguable -- one begins to overfit. You look too hard for the slimy jew at the center of whatever you don't like, and you will almost always find one but also tend to ignore or be too lenient to the gentiles involved.

>> No.16123920

M8 you can literally check the sources and see what an egregious misrepresentation this is. They've conflated 1% with "income over $100,000" and accordingly inflated the proportion of Jews in that bracket by 1800%. Project that, cunt.

>> No.16124901 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 1024x715, jidf payscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh 6 zogillion %

>> No.16125422

So which mental deficiency are you admitting to here? An inability to follow a link and read a table? Or an inability to do maths?

>> No.16125432

JIDF has apparently been defunct since 2014 so how did you obtain a "secret document" from 2020? Furthermore, it never was an official organisation but one man's pet project. You really think they're going to pay people $5000 a month to shitpost when there are people doing it for free?

I guess pointing all that out makes me JIDF so let me just say that I oppose Israel's illegal occupation of Gaza and support the Palestinian right to self-determination.

>> No.16125437

Further furthermore, the JIDF was, apparently, virulently anti-Islam and derided Obama as a Muslim so if the guy hadn't been Jewish you probably would've loved him

>> No.16126103 [DELETED] 

>hey goy, jidf doesn't exist

>> No.16126796 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16127633

Didn't contemplation, as Newton did, was a pattern recognition? after that he worked on inventing math methods and theory on reproducing and working with it?

Can't we say that AI pattern recognition is more of a contemplating side then scientific?

>> No.16128433 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16128531

I can certainly find no evidence that they have existed in the past ten years. But of course, absence of evidence is just evidence of a cover-up to a conspiracy theorist. You find it comforting to believe that people who disagree with you on a Chilean alpaca shearing forum are motivated by thousands of dollars per month rather than you just saying something retarded, and so that is what you are determined to believe no matter what.

>> No.16128534 [DELETED] 

Why delete half the thread when the other half is the same shit

>> No.16128537

Maybe a shitposter deleting his own post and generating their own "evidence of a cover-up" to strengthen belief in the conspiracy theory?

>> No.16128601 [DELETED] 


>> No.16129191

It's called pattern recognition, sweaty ;^)

>> No.16129911 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16130036

So do you mean to imply that all Kenyans are Muslim by birth or is this just entirely irrelevant to the conversation?
Anyway, way to carry on the JIDF's good work.

>> No.16130842 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16131715

Take your meds. Im sure your family is worried about you.
>how do you scientifically differentiate and evaluate real patterns/trends from false ones?
By asking about it from a healthy person.

>> No.16131778

>t. can kicker
How do you differentiate real healthy and apparently healthy?

>> No.16132438 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 453x111, obama birth certificate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16132459

Got me.

>> No.16132820

Wow, I guess the JIDF is still around after all, because I don't think anyone else suffers from Obama Derangement Syndrome this bad

>> No.16132834

This, once you've found factually correct patterns you'll tend to overfit and ignore outliers.

>> No.16132836

Guess what?

>> No.16132850

Clearly not you then retard, or anyone you think is.

>> No.16134053 [DELETED] 

Why does it upset you so much that Obama was born in Kenya? I sure hope you're not a filthy anti-Kenyan racist xenophobe

>> No.16134058

Why lie would bother me

>> No.16134061

What if they, hear me out here, walked.

>> No.16134266

The only thing that upsets me here is the tenacity with which you spam complete red herrings even after eating a ban and having it explained to you thrice over how your obsession is completely irrelevant to anything. But I guess a pattern is forming.

>> No.16135184

what if they were carried by friendly dolphins

>> No.16135443

Why don't they realize that the Americas are connected?

>> No.16136462

how can you be considered antisemitic for noticing patterns if noticing patterns is antisemitic? only antisemites would notice your pattern of noticing patterns

>> No.16137101

Theres no such thing as antisemitism, jews only imagine that there is because they're genetically prone to schizophrenia

>> No.16137290

i.e. overactive pattern finding

>> No.16138341 [DELETED] 

AKA insanity

>> No.16138592

why is it considered unscientific and illogical to notice patterns?

>> No.16138985
File: 100 KB, 427x640, soyence schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there you go again imagining nonexistent antisemitism

>> No.16139217
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Get lost, you cockroach.

>> No.16139923
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>> No.16140405

You're very poor at noticing patterns >>16112193