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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16110709 No.16110709 [Reply] [Original]

>be me in EE
>have signals and systems
>have electromagnetism
>supposed to be hard courses

>acing tests while hardly reviewing (reading the book in a few minutes)
>calcing convolution integrals
>using duality principle

shouldn't i be challenged in EE? is RF gonna be harder? Anons, I'm sleeping all through college what do?

>> No.16110711

me but not larping

>> No.16110714
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how's it been so far

>given a pset
>suppposedly one of the harder psets (using convolution, fourier transform) also electromagnetism (laplace equation)

>given a week to solve

mfw, im finished after two hours

im a pretty average dude, so i guess EE/signals and systems isn't really hard??

>> No.16110724


>> No.16110745

My experience shows that RF related lectures (Electrodynamics, Antennas, RF circuits, RF measurement, Radar etc.) are not any harder than the electromagnetic theory lecture you see in undergrad. However 90% of EE students gets filtered by EM theory. So RF has a 125-130 IQ threshold.
Again the experience shows that the dumbest EE students go with digital design, embedded systems. The midwit ones do power engineering, analog design, digital communications, control systems etc. The smartest ones (comparable to an average physics student in my opinion) do RF or solid state physics. Solid state physics is harder than RF due to extensive quantum physics knowledge that is required.

>> No.16110748

Wrong. The smartest ones do finance or software engineering lmao.

>> No.16110752

>Solid state physics is harder than RF due to extensive quantum physics knowledge that is required.
I like this dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIEH4-P2nyQ

>> No.16110758

depends where you go to school, what your foundations are like, what your IQ is.. etc. if you find it easy to get through an engineering degree count yourself blessed instead of rubbing it in other people's faces

>> No.16110814

you may be of above average intelligence, your school may have an easier than average curriculum, maybe both, maybe something else, maybe youll get to solid-state physics and shit the bed, who knows.
i once took a course that my school called “waves and heat”, which was basically introductory thermodynamics and introductory optics crammed into one course. many students struggled, but i was fortunate enough to be one of the best in the class. the next semester i TA’d for the same course, taught by a different professor. we went at a much slower pace, and i realized towards the end of the semester that we werent getting to the optics portion at all. literally 50% of the material in that course, slashed. students did much better that time around.
the point of this story is that you may be smart, but you also could just be getting lucky. so try to stay humble, little frog. youre not gonna be good at everything.
>The smartest ones… do RF or solid state physics.
based, im in solid-state.

>> No.16110923

im thinking of switching to
finance with compsci and math
i think thats more bigbrain with using algorithms + neural networks + whatever the fuck to be rich af
>think quant, investment bank, finance consulting
is this. agood idea anons?

>> No.16110937
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>I get good grades
Wow, what a great achievement

>> No.16110978
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It got dumbed down so lil niggas are not left behind. Work on side projects, if you can't do shit you are being scammed.

>> No.16111004

>"rich af" aka $200-400k/year if youre lucky
>just enough to pay for your $5k/mo 1 br goybox that is within reasonable commuting distance of your 80 hour/week wage cage
those types of jobs are gay and retarded fyi