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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1610817 No.1610817 [Reply] [Original]

Ask a drunk physicist anything physics related.

Note: I am much smater them most of you (a few exceptions), so dont get all fuckign butt-hurt if I fucking act accordingly. I will try an keep my ego at bay....LMAO

>> No.1610823

Subtle. But we've seen your kind before. Many, many times.

>> No.1610822

what do you think mathematics' relationship with the universe is?

>> No.1610831

Math is the "mesh" that binds space-time together

>> No.1610835


Smarter than us, go the fuck to bed.

>> No.1610836

Not yet you haven't. I'm posting new here.

>> No.1610841
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Im gonna go to CVS to buy a pizza, Will be back in 15min, to answer questions.

FYI: I have worked at most US Labs as well as CERN. Currently I work at CERN. I am en experimental particle physicist. And am working on my Phd.

>> No.1610842
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>> No.1610843

You're a pretentious moron. You'll fit right in.

>> No.1610844

Fuck off, Troll.

>> No.1610848

This is what's wrong with individuals who post on 4chan.org/sci. They cannot differentiate between the universal modeling language - a product of humans - and traits of the universe.

Math is the purest language there is, capable of representing anything with conscision, but it is nothing more.

>> No.1610858

>assuming that "math" wasn't already existent before the Big Bang.
It's not so much a language as it is a set of invisible "law"s that cause the existence of the universe to be. Imagine, if you will, the circuits inside a calculator that allow for it to make the calculations. That's what math is.

>> No.1610860

No it is something more. Our notation system is the language. Math is the framework of logic itself. It has innate laws. It is its own universe for us to explore.

>> No.1610861

>drinking at home
>probably alone
>posting on 4chan

Law of Conservation of Abilities and Feats at work here.

>> No.1610862


No individual on 4chan.org/sci is capable of holding a debate on the philosophy of mathematics. Shit is hard.

>> No.1610864

I must agree with the pretentious moron. The closer we look at the finest structure of the universe itself, the more it appears to be made of nothing but pure math.

>> No.1610865

explain why the category of coherent sheaves over an algebraic variety is equivalent (in a derived sense) to the category of Lagrangians in a symplectic manifold. start with CY 3folds if you need to.

>> No.1610869

Pythagoras: "The study of geometry is the study of the eternally existent".

>> No.1610870

I say it's because God willed it.

>> No.1610871

im one of the exceptions :)

how many labs do you need to go to to get your phD?

mathematical physicist here : )

experimentalist fag

>> No.1610876 [DELETED] 

The manifold intersect upon the Lagranian parabolas and the hypotenuse is the syzygy with most time in the space-time Hawkings radiation Oort cloud.

>> No.1610877


That might have to do with the fact that we're looking at these frameworks through the monocle of mathematics. Or pince-nez, even.

>> No.1610880

The manifold intersect upon the Lagranian parabolas and the hypotenuse is the syzygy with most time in the space-time Hawkings radiation Oort cloud.

>> No.1610881


way to guess gibberish. maybe >>1610871

>> No.1610882


How do magnets work?

>> No.1610886
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>> No.1610890


no idea, maybe in about 6 months ill be there, I just switched from p-chem to math-phys, so I've got alot of catching up to do!, I'm studying linear and complex analysis, haven't started working with abstract algebra's and manifolds yet

>> No.1610895

You got a while. I was asking about the mirror symmetry conjecture, which is the central unsolved problem in string theory.

I win the thread though.

>> No.1610900


also op was totally a troll

>> No.1610903

by switched i mean, double majoring, still getting both degrees (& a math minor) in 3 years : )

you still win the thread though..

also, op is a fag

>> No.1610916
File: 28 KB, 600x450, albert-einstein2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking great, U come back and someone is pretending to be me.....thanks.

Math has no realtionship to the universe per say. Math is what we use to understand it, but that doenst mean it is fundemental from the perspective of the universe. Math is like language, a tool humans use to try and help humans, nothign more.

Yes, smarter then you. I will go to bed after I read a book or two and finsh my pizza!

>> No.1610926


Okay, too much. Subtle troll leaves ONE spelling error per post. You had several from the get-go, and now "U"? Back to troll school.

>> No.1610922
File: 34 KB, 450x599, 450px-Albert_Einstein_1947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed. You area smart Anon!

Nope, I was at a bar with friends, just got droped off.

Not that hard, but I understand what you mean.

>> No.1610930
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This is basic EM. The magnet is nothing but the SR effect of the Electronic. This is basic physics. If you actually have a question I can try an answer, but "how do they work" is way too vague, and kinda fagggy. You an engineer? or just a troll?

>> No.1610934

now stfu

>> No.1610936


If you think you can sidestep the entire issue by saying "formal language, LOL" you're not addressing the problem at hand. Why? We use maths to define a formal language.

>> No.1610939
File: 51 KB, 324x456, albert-einstein_on-bicycle3_19043720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What issue?

>"formal language, LOL"

That was not me, you were talking to someone else. I have no fukcing idea what you are taling about?

>> No.1610941

> I am much smater them most of you

how do you know this?

>> No.1610944


My point is describing maths as a language is no sanctuary because that reduces the problem to linguistics, and we're not particularly good at linguistics.

>> No.1610948
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not a troll, just pretty drunk, and not chinkgin speliing. Either ask a question/contribute to the conversation of fuck off. You are just wasting yoru time in this thread.

>> No.1610959
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Ohh ic, and that is a good point. I will try an clarify.

So "math" is just a means to an ends. Humans use it to try and describe shit, similar to lanuage or art or most fucking things.

If your question is is the universe "knows" or "reconginzes" math, the answer is no. Math is just somthing that humnas use to try and help humans, nothing more, it is just as "pure" as language or art. In that it is not pure at all. At least from the perspective of the universe.

ACTUALLY WTF is your question?

>> No.1610962


I wasn't asking a question, I was criticising your answer. Only a fool would expect a physics student to appreciate maths.

>> No.1610964

Bullshit. Tell a mathematician or a number theorist that.

"Number rules the universe." -- Pythagoras

>> No.1610970
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what answer? seriosuly, wtf are you talkig about man?

>> No.1610971

That's like asking an art major what the most important thing is the world is.

>> No.1610990
File: 56 KB, 345x487, 1267426885348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO, I have a degree in mathematics as well, undergrad. So i understand what you mean. Still though, to imagine that the uniserve works "directly" in an sense we can "understand" is fucking laughable.

Im sure the businees majors think the univsere has inherit "business principles" as well as the "artist" and "medical doctors". Humans try an personify the universe with traits and merits that they know or are part of there understanding, it is just human behvaior.

It is all irrelevant though. While math may be more "pure" or "fundemental" then all other of man "constructs", to think it is more then just a "construct" is a fucking lapse in logic.

LMAO, troll harder nigga! I anit that drunk!

>> No.1611018
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>> No.1611034
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Well /sci/. i kinda wished there were some actual physic questions.....Owell....have fun...

>> No.1611036

what does quantum theory look like? The actual mathematics.

>> No.1611042
File: 130 KB, 768x1024, 1267914725670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quantum theory

Ohh, you mean Quantum mech or Quantum Field theory?

>> No.1611055

What's the difference? can you give me an example of both?

>> No.1611057

317 is a prime, not because we think so, or because our minds are shaped in one way rather than another, but because it is so, because mathematical reality is built that way.

"Nature is an imitation of number." -- Pythagoras

>> No.1611064

What do you think of Planck's constant?

>> No.1611078

How does it feel to need disinhibiting chemicals to fit in socially?
Seriously, I want to know.

>> No.1611087

I'm your only friend I'm not your only friend But I'm a little glowing friend But really I'm not actually your friend But I am

>> No.1611089

Great, you found that the system obeys its own rules. How does this relate to reality?

>> No.1611094

Feels good man.

>> No.1611099


>> No.1611138
