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16104823 No.16104823 [Reply] [Original]

See https://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/wordpress/?p=13895#comment-245376

Despite having zero background in number theory let alone math, theoretical physicist Sabine Hossenfelder claims Inter-Universal Teichmüller Theory is wrong, stating
>Next time I really want to insult someone I’ll call them “ignorant of inter-universal Teichmüller theory” and that will certainly do the job.

Why is this hubris so common among physicists? How can this be explained, scientifically speaking?

>> No.16104834

You know who else was full of Hubris? Adolf Hitler

>> No.16104840

>"Western deification, electioneering, and surpression of reason based on Christianity and Judaism"
What did Mochizuki mean by this?

>> No.16104850
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>> No.16104861

Mathematics, once called the queen of the sciences and frequently portrayed as an example of true, objective knowledge, is now a laughing stock because of this retarded dispute. And the worst part of it all is that we deserved it

>> No.16104865

The only thing retarded here is the two-bit physicist pretending to have a say in the debate.

>> No.16104872

Unless you get this shit sorted out definitively and quickly, then not only physicists but everyone else will be laughing at you too

>> No.16104874

Can someone tell me why a mathematics theory is causing discussion of Jews, Nazis, and dualism?

>> No.16104914

Do some research...

>> No.16104917
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>Why is this hubris so common among physicists?

>> No.16104922

Now filter by specialty (that is, effectively remove applied "mathematicians" from that section) and you'll see Anabelian Geometry is at the very top

>> No.16104940

She's just a failed postdoc making a YouTube career out of being a parody of herself. I doubt she even really believes in superdetermism.

>> No.16104951

wtf I love mochizuki now

>> No.16105085

number theory is the least interesting area of math

>> No.16105089

IUTT is interesting, though

>> No.16105167

Imagine if a male physicist had a bobbing head einstein phone and pretended someone was calling him

>> No.16105170

>Why is this hubris so common among physicists?
She is the same about physics. She doesn't understand string theory, so she hates it. This is just the mathematical equivalent.

>> No.16105220

>string theory
Isn't it ironic that the linked article is written by Peter Woit, someone just as clueless on the matter as Sabine? He even likens the situation to string theory in spite of knowing fuck all about it. The commenters are even worse lol. Even Scholze called Mochizuki's counter-argument to Joshi's preprints extremely robust and those retards are crying over what it means to "sum up local inequalities at each prime number of a number field" as if their knowledge on physics permits them to read papers on anabelian geometry.

>> No.16105242

apparently Mochizuki called out Joshi not knowing shit about IUTT.
Holy shit is there anyone more based than this man in contemporary academia?
my god the man has character, not an ass licking overly political correct soiboy you normall expect.
mochizuki is my idol now.

>> No.16105257

ever since mochizuki pointed out the 9/11 connection i cant stop laughing kek. The thought of joshi deliberately putting the central theorem as theorem 9.11 is fucking hilarious

>> No.16105263

>I hope Oberwolfach, he and the other organizers are aware that the number theory community is watching this, and nobody is amused, to put it mildly.
>Given the public attention that this guy is drawing with his inflammatory bullying with the mathematical community at large, and given how little sense that report makes (and how much at stakes there is with these claims!), it is clear to many in the community that Oberwolfach and the organizers should do something to distance themselves from this person.
>Accepting that nonsense as a report is a terrible testament of low standards of academic quality. And for an institutions like Oberwolfach, where reputation is pretty much everything, that’s a very dangerous move.
>I trust somebody will do something about this!
They're unironically trying to cancel a mathematician for being mean kek

>> No.16105271

niggers that can't contribute anything love to do the policing.
cancel Mochizuki and he'll has more time to finish his IUTT kek.

>> No.16105272

>unironic string theory apologist

string theory was a laughing stock among nearly all physicists back when i went to college almost a decade ago, even more nowadays. shit's like astrology for physicists and string theorists keep coping deeper and deeper.

>> No.16105274

You never made it past a bachelor's degree so your opinion is irrelevant

>> No.16105275

Can't wait for her video on this! It will surely be just as illuminating as her videos on climate change and autism!

>> No.16105277

>STIDF trying to make the best out of this situation

>> No.16105278


>> No.16105279


>> No.16105285

Post your Thesis... NOW

>> No.16105291

Nobody cares what retards are laughing at. You have zero influence on the progess of math research. Go on and laugh over your lack of knowledge

>> No.16105324


You assume everyone lives in a shithole country like the US. Sorry retard, I'm already past the point where I had to choose between pretending to do "work" as a particle physicist, pretending to be a theoretical physicist by making shit up in n-dimensional copelandscapes, or actually getting shit done.

>> No.16105336

>everyone else will be laughing at you too
why should three of the best mathematicians in the world care about what you, Sabine, Woit or the other normies think?

>> No.16105357

This post reeks of cope, my god. I'm sorry you were never let into a master's let alone PhD program.

>> No.16105375

If coping helps you sleep at night. Go back to watching michio kaku or whoever's peddling borderline scifi slop nowadays, but one day you're gonna have to deal with the fact that the bazinga man writing about made up unprovable universes is just wrong.

>> No.16105378

It was your childhood dream to become a physicist and you fucked it all up, how does it feel, knowing that even Michio Kaku is a more accomplished physicist than you?

>> No.16105394

At what point are we going to admit that Mathematics is a LARP?

>> No.16105398

math is based and I'm a math retard.

>> No.16105402

Michio Kaku did fuck all with his genius, initiative, and opportunity though. The fuck up of Kaku is far more of a defeat than the average /sci/ poster. Imagine if Caesar didn't cross the Rubicon, if Hitler didn't invade Poland, or if Hunter Biden never smoked crack. Michio Kaku faced destiny and turned it down to push goyslop of the mind.

>> No.16105405

isn't it obvious?

>> No.16105416

I think he refused to go into sciencing weapons

>> No.16105430

Yes, yes, you are very intelligent. Answer to question for lazy people like me?

>> No.16105476

jesus christ

>> No.16105751
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Already blocked on YT a long time ago.

>Why is this hubris so common among physicists?
When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

>> No.16105758

What in the ever living fuck is IUTT?

I googled it, and it sounds retarded from my 5 seconds of superficial reading. I'm assuming that if people believe it that there's something I'm missing which makes it compelling?

>> No.16105769

you need like 160+ IQ to even start to read it.
don't attempt.

>> No.16105779
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Mochizuki's Interuniversal Teichmuller Theory:
>Theorem: I'm right and you're wrong
>Proof: 5000 pages of buzzwords
>Corollary: KYS fucktard
>Proof: exercise

>> No.16105870

how did you get that impression? she is not implying that it's wrong.

>> No.16105871

he looks like a spaz here

>> No.16105905

it means that his 4chan gold pass arrived. welcome home, mochi

>> No.16105922

>What in the ever living fuck is IUTT?
A fallacy scavenger hunt.

>> No.16105925

I hate this word. There is "community" outside the exact few people you choose to work with. Where was the "community" when we were not successful? As soon as we are, all of a sudden every Ed.D wants to be associated with you as part of a community, while also policing you based on some group you've never willingly joined.

>> No.16105932

>I have zero formal education in math but skimming 3 pages of IUTT I conclude it's schizo garbage
That's modern /sci/ for you

>> No.16105934

What the fuck?

>> No.16106070

You could say the same about perfectoid space theory.

>> No.16106082

>>number theory is the least interesting area of math
that's very true

>> No.16106104

>The key prerequisite for IUT is Mochizuki's mono-anabelian geometry and its reconstruction results, which allows to retrieve various scheme-theoretic objects associated to a hyperbolic curve over a number field from the knowledge of its fundamental group, or of certain Galois groups. IUT applies algorithmic results of mono-anabelian geometry to reconstruct relevant schemes after applying arithmetic deformations to them; a key role is played by three rigidities established in Mochizuki's etale theta theory. Roughly speaking, arithmetic deformations change the multiplication of a given ring, and the task is to measure how much the addition is changed.[23] Infrastructure for deformation procedures is decoded by certain links between so called Hodge theaters, such as a theta-link and a log-link.[24]
>These Hodge theaters use two main symmetries of IUT: multiplicative arithmetic and additive geometric. On one hand, Hodge theaters generalize such classical objects in number theory as the adeles and ideles in relation to their global elements. On the other hand, they generalize certain structures appearing in the previous Hodge-Arakelov theory of Mochizuki. The links between theaters are not compatible with ring or scheme structures and are performed outside conventional arithmetic geometry. However, they are compatible with certain group structures, and absolute Galois groups as well as certain types of topological groups play a fundamental role in IUT. Considerations of multiradiality, a generalization of functoriality, imply that three mild indeterminacies have to be introduced.[24]
I only recognize common english words. is this what math nerds do?

>> No.16106129

They have played us all for absolute fools

>> No.16106175

I recognize a few of these concepts from grad level math courses I've taken (admittedly in a real analysis focused area, not really abstract algebra) but it still seems like schizo-babble.

>> No.16106353

fuck off schizo shit eater

>> No.16106417

You go to the doctor and he's more stupid than you. Happens a lot.

>> No.16106572

Fuck, she's so dumb

>> No.16106583

kys namefag

>> No.16106670

>Despite having zero background in number theory
Who cares? Youtuber saying something without any clue is the norm, same here.

>> No.16107085

>Roughly speaking, arithmetic deformations change the multiplication of a given ring, and the task is to measure how much the addition is changed.
Sounds pretty useful as an analogue to homomorphic encryption, although for one, I doubt this is in any way the whole story for IUT, the only algebraic geometry I am familiar with is the limited required for singular learning theory, and I dropped out of my PhD so my IQ is very low.

>> No.16107448


>> No.16107529


>> No.16107561


>> No.16107621
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>Despite having zero background in number theory let alone math

PLEASE show me the modern Theoretical Physicist that has ZERO background in math.

Dude, I am simple Aerospace Engineer and even I have BS is Mathematics... Theoretical Physicists and Mathematicians are almost indistinguishable.

>> No.16107624

Go on and tell me all about the applications of anabelian geometry in theoretical physics

>> No.16107634

I've been in a few hep th lectures and they suck at math lol

>> No.16107840

he's right

>> No.16107991

You gotta admit it is a funny comment.

>> No.16108719
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>Why is this hubris so common among physicists?
You lecture us on hubris when the IUTT dude has a literal "Have I been assassinated yet?" web page?

>> No.16108835

IUTT is original and has actual substance. Woit and Hossenfelder have never produced anything on that league.

>> No.16109215

Is she suffering from dementia or something? She seems off lately

>> No.16109224

How did we get to this point where any criticism, no matter how slight, of anyones theories causes scientists have melt downs? 80 years ago if Sabine if would have talked shit to Einstein, he would have just said "who?". Now if Sabine is like "I feel the the first sentence in paragraph 4 may not be technically correct" you get 80 academics on Reddit calling for Youtube to shut her account down.

>> No.16109226

They shouldn't. Which is why its hilarious they sit around seething about it.

>> No.16109227


>> No.16109228

ChatGPT wrote that word salad.

>> No.16109230

Lol. You will def bait some people with this one.

>> No.16109231

She's fallen into the trap of saying what she thinks her audience wants to hear, instead of saying what she actually thinks.

>> No.16109534

That's what you get when a generation of feral midwits grows up believing that the way to reduce their probability of ever being in the wrong is to cling for dear life upon "scientific consensus"

>> No.16109674
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IT'S UP!!!
also why'd she go all Bri'ish in this intro? like way more than usual


>> No.16109803
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Meanwhile /ourguy/ is debunking relativity.

>> No.16110223


>> No.16110577

shit video as usual. she knows fuck all about quatum mechanics and is also clueless on why we want quantum internet

>> No.16110862

Mochizuki = Nippon Jomon master race math chad /pol/itician. BTFO pathetic physics bloggers and could probably do their work with one finger if their barbs ever goaded him to pivot to their field for laughs - "physics is too hard for physicists".

>> No.16111553
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This makes me want to donate a copy of this to my university's library, just to have such based-ness on the shelf keeping all the Springers company.

>> No.16111627

I hope a Jew finds a real proof for the ABC conjecture.