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1609896 No.1609896 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think the human species will become extinct? if so, how?

>> No.1609918
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Timescale, this question has none.

Of course we go extinct eventually. I think we'll kick it when some rock from space comes to kick our ass. On a longer time scale, the sun eventually eats us. I'd love it if we survive the death of our star, but I have my doubts. If we do, I hope we remember to bring at least some of the life from this planet with us when we go. It may be a lonely galaxy, at least as far as complex, multicellular lifeforms go.

>> No.1609930
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overexuberant anal rape
the only logical conclusion to realizing we can't leave our solar system.

>> No.1609948

How to defend from gamma ray burst?

>> No.1609951
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>> No.1609954

suns still got a ways before it kills us all. Assuming our civilization has no setbacks i honestly do not see why we can not leave the solar system by the time we have to.

Even if we do it by making massive colony ships, materials by then should be sufficiently advanced to allow reasonable construction and durability.

As i see it provided we suffer no catastrophic setbacks and need to invent the wheel all over again we should casually expand to populate the galaxy.

>> No.1609965

Not really a question of if, but of when. Asteroid, gamma ray, complete isolation, republicans. All are perfectly fine 'doomsday' scenarios that we will eventually have to either over come or come to terms with.

But on a long enough timelime the survival rate for everything drops to zero, so, yeah.

>> No.1609971


Once we spread out sufficienty localized issues cant fuck us over.

Eventually the universe dies but we could just find a new universe, or fuck, make our own new universe.

>> No.1609976
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You are reading this post in the voice of House.

OP is a dumbass, and he obviously asked this question without even thinking about the answer for more than two seconds. Yes, idiot, the human species will become extinct. How, though? You're really asking how? You have no imagination whatsoever, do you? I think you might just be retarded. We could nuke the planet and leave no piece of land habitable, we could be hit by a giant god damn space rock, we could be hit by a gamma ray burst (could happen.)

>> No.1609979

or just produce massive amounts of apple pie from scratch

>> No.1609984

>implying making apple pie out of nothing is as easy as making an entire new universe

first requires you break laws of the universe you are in. Second doesnt.

>> No.1609986

I don't think so, because I think God's providence will prevent it from happening.

>> No.1609988

Or just get shoes that fit and win the lottery everyday

>> No.1609992

Here is the real question.

What sort of catastrophes could hawking have foreseen in his vision, that we are capable of stopping within 100 years if we put our minds to it, but which will utterly wipe us out if we don't?

>> No.1609995

Rogue black hole fucks our entire solar system.
We could escape that NP.

>> No.1610006

Humans will evolve to the point where we are no longer humans. We will have become a new species that will be incapable of producing fertile offspring with current homo sapiens, therefore humans will be extinct.

>> No.1610009

I would say it's absolutely certain that humanity will eventually become extinct. Even if our civilization survives the death of our solar system, we will have evolved (or engineered ourselves) into something so far different than what we are today that we would no longer be functionally human.

>> No.1610019

Evolution minded.

>> No.1610021

>What sort of catastrophes could hawking have foreseen in his vision, that we are capable of stopping within 100 years if we put our minds to it, but which will utterly wipe us out if we don't?


>> No.1610024

This operates under the assumption that our capabilities will increase exponentially. It is quite possible we will eventually reach a point when we can go no further and this point could be before we are able to leave the solar system. If it is physically impossible to even develop a way to leave or solar system then we are fucked.

>> No.1610038

Oh come on, religion hasn't meant shit in the civilized world for at least the last 200 years

>> No.1610042

We have already shot things outside of the solar system. Or are you implying there is some force we can not escape, that will hold us back? If i recall there were some anomalies observed as our early space probes got further and further out.

All we really need is the ability to build a massive colony ship with a self contained biosphere, radiation shielding, and a clean power source that can last for thousands of years.

Then we can just cruise along at say, .1c and we are good to go.

>> No.1610043

YAY, technicalities.

So true...

>> No.1610050

lol wut? that is why they didn't add "god" into the pledge of alliance in the 1950's

>> No.1610054
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That's Pseudo-extinction, which doesn't really count.

Over-population and the Holocene Extinction-Event coinciding. I'm full aware on how out of date my graph is, I'm too lazy to update it.

>> No.1610063

yup, the "civilized world" stuff was a subtle side blow to the USA

>> No.1610097

2500 - Population 18 billion.
2500 - Nuclear War, civilization has its metaphorical legs broken. War and famine kill tens of millions every year for decades.
3000 - Population 7 billion. Most people live in relative squaller. Humanity had spent its nonrenewable resources in a veritable sprint of development, all of which were lost after the fall of civilization. Without all the easily accessible resources that humanity once had civilization never achieves what it once had.
4000 - Population 2 billion. Humanity lives on but remains eternally stagnant technologically. Some knowledge from millenia ago lives on in story, the truths of cosmology reduced to mere mythology. Society appears as a combination of the middle ages and a motley mix of the past technologies that don't require much knowledge to pass down nor resources to produce.
50,000 - Population 1 person. An ice age reduces the habitability of Earth further, destroying the remanents of civilization and pushing humanity to the brink. Without Earth's past biodiviersity humanity cannot sustain itself with the hunter gatherer tactics it had evolved so well to do. Humanity dwindles until only a young woman and a man are left at the southern tip of Africa. The woman dies of disease. One week later, the last man bleeds to death at the bottom of the cliff he had jumped off.

>> No.1610104

tell that to the Neanderthal.

>> No.1610120

I'll name a few examples to contradict that.
1.) Mussolini partnering with the Catholic church in the 20th century.
2.) Hitler eradicating 6 million Jews in Europe.
3.) Palestinian and Arab conflict.

>> No.1610123
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>> No.1610157

Contradict what?

>> No.1610161

We're their modern descendants (except Africans).

>> No.1610169

There are no traces of Neanderthal DNA within modern homo sapiens. If homo sapiens interbreed with Neanderthal then no offspring survived to this day. We, or the environment, wiped their genetic footprint from the face of the Earth.

>> No.1610172

Much the same way we are predecessors to a future species.

>> No.1610194

samefag shameless bump

>> No.1610329

>There are no traces of Neanderthal DNA within modern homo sapiens.

where the hell have you been the last 4 months? that is no longer the prevalent opinion in the science community; they sequenced the neanderthal genome and there is a 1-4% overlap with currently living humans which means there was almost certainly interbreeding.

>> No.1610362


Which means that Neanderthals are not a separate species from Homo Sapience.

If they were, interbreeding would not produce living fertile offspring.

>> No.1610373

>Which means that Neanderthals are not a separate species from Homo Sapience.

which, in turn, depends on your definition of species. we classify donkeys and horses as separate species even though some mules are fertile.

>> No.1610396

As homosexuality is slowly gaining ground in the worlds view of acceptance, humanity will slowly fade. In cali there is serious motions to give homosexuals the right to marry. eventhough this was against the voters voice (75% no), it is still being carried. soon, homosexuality will be the new in thing for for teenagers or rebels against society, you know, those who just want to be different. logistically it will spread through our community like the virus it is. soon, the worlds orphans will be taken in by homos,they will grow up seeing this and spread this culture throughout the world. eventually the population of homosexuals will reach 50% as the gays will not rest until it does. when this happens, people in jail will willingly accept homosexuality as a way of releasing sexual tension as they will be desensitized to it. upon their release they will find partners of the same sex as they would have become adjusted to the lifestyle change. Soon children will take this lifestyle on. it will become as widespread as drugs or sex in our society and be the new it thing that will make them feel popular. because nature is against homosexuality and refutes homosexuals the right to mate, the human population will slowly dwindle away. when the difference becomes noticable, it will be too late as the future generations will have perpetuated these standards. as there becomes a new movement for heterosexuality to take the lead again, the children will refuse as they will be surrounded by homosexuals and not want to stand out.
tl;dr homos will be the end of you

>> No.1610416

As homosexuality is slowly gaining ground in the worlds view of acceptance, humanity will slowly fade. In cali there is serious motions to give homosexuals the right to marry. eventhough this was against the voters voice (75% no), it is still being carried. soon, homosexuality will be the new in thing for for teenagers or rebels against society, you know, those who just want to be different. logistically it will spread through our community like the virus it is. soon, the worlds orphans will be taken in by homos,they will grow up seeing this and spread this culture throughout the world. eventually the population of homosexuals will reach 50% as the gays will not rest until it does. when this happens, people in jail will willingly accept homosexuality as a way of releasing sexual tension as they will be desensitized to it. upon their release they will find partners of the same sex as they would have become adjusted to the lifestyle change. Soon children will take this lifestyle on. it will become as widespread as drugs or sex in our society and be the new it thing that will make them feel popular. because nature is against homosexuality and refutes homosexuals the right to mate, the human population will slowly dwindle away. when the difference becomes noticable, it will be too late as the future generations will have perpetuated these standards. as there becomes a new movement for heterosexuality to take the lead again, the children will refuse as they will be surrounded by homosexuals and not want to stand out.
>tl;dr homos will be the end of you

>> No.1610815


>> No.1610833

you honestly believe that natural selection won't take care of itself? Do you forget that we're an intelligent species with brains and technology? If homosex somehow overwhelms our straight population, we'll manufacture a way to keep our population steady.

You have to be trolling. No one is this short sighted.

>> No.1610867

>mon visage when you basically summed up what is happening and will continue happening for years to come
>mon visage when the next president will be a woman

Looks like I just killed myself...

>> No.1610891

>If homosex somehow overwhelms our straight population, we'll manufacture a way to keep our population steady.
Bokanovsky groups. With preconditioning.

>> No.1610898


>implying that we're an intelligent species with brains and technology

>> No.1610914

That would fuck us over. Without variation we wouldnt have the small chance of bearing a super-genius that takes us to the next technological/scientific level. Variation is the key to progress.

>> No.1611130

we can't even survive our own planets upheavals and burps. I have little doubt of our doom.

nothing will take the wind out of your sails like the sun belching out a *minor* flare at just the wrong moment though.

>> No.1611141
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yeesh. sour lot tonight.

still....taken out by a puff of plasma?
i don't feel so great and smart now. the tools...they do nothing.

>> No.1611168

I don't know what weapons will be fought with in WW3, but I know WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones.

>> No.1611170

Umm, Sorry to throw this out her. But it has been proven that Red Hair was carried as a gene amongest Neanderthals. How do we know they did not produce successful offspring? Fuck you, I carry the red hair gene(but dont have red hair). I would prefer to be a Neanderthal than a Negro. Neanderthals at least showed signs of developing conscious thought as well as being more respectable than Negros.

>> No.1611172

you've watched Knowing a few times too many. Shit won't happen.

If we ain't meteored or nuclear wared to extinction in the coming 100 years we'll be imprevious to natural extinction events for the following few billion years.

>> No.1611173

Two ways:
1) We evolve to something that can no longer be called human.
2) We exhaust the resources of our tiny planet or fail to find a new inhabitable solar system before the sun dies, resulting in our extinction. Given the amount of funding NASA has presently, this is pretty feasible.

Then there's all the various disaster scenarios, like gamma ray bursts, a mad genius, a supermassive nuclear war, judgment day, aliens, grey goo, the LHC, asteroids, etc.

>> No.1611205


I seriously hate that quote so fucking much. There weren't any "world wars" prior to the first one, so why the FUCK would anyone think that humanity would be able to fight another global war before they develop something moar than fucking sticks/stones/swords/SHIT?

>> No.1611267

1.) We experience the 'revolution of man' in the next 100 years. It can can either of 3 ways:
Either We kill ourselves with nuclear war, corporatocracy etc. OR we get killed by natural events such as asteroid or gamma rays. OR We finally realise we're all human, and collaborate for the greater good (Fat chance).
2.) If we survive, we can become a type 1 civilization, http://mkaku.org/home/?page_id=246
3.) If we are not destroyed by natural disasters and reach type 2, we are immortal. We have enough knowledge and technology to control our planets and our genes: If our stars about to blown up, we move. If we are susceptible to HIV, we genetically engineer our immune systems differently. Our energy is polutionless, our travel is frictionless. We have removed or countered the mechanisms of ageing and have the knowledge and sense to not overpopulate, with the help of perfect contreception.
It's a nice picture. Just have to survive until then.

>> No.1611333
