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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1609551 No.1609551 [Reply] [Original]


Why the fuck is anyone but scientists going to college?

Why can't all the fucking retards develop an apprenticeship program for all their careers instead of clogging up our learning institutions with worthless degrees.

I'm looking at you basic level programmers, graphic artist/designers, anything considered in the 'arts' and fucking nurses.

Your the reason my tuition goes up because of all the worthless courses you take which you will never use or remember by the time you get a job.

Leave the higher learning for the people who actually LEARN something.

>> No.1609557

Because arrogant fucks like you forced everyone to have a degree to do the most simple of everyday jobs

>> No.1609573


moar like corporations/institutions don't want to pay for institutions.

Thats why they subsidize college! Workers and Government pick up the bill and the corporations continue laughing all the way to the bank

>> No.1609592

I've often wondered the same thing about scientists.

>> No.1609598


Some go to college so they don't express themselves as poorly as the OP does.

>> No.1609600


Once you get math and the basic understanding of things out of the way, you could probably just dive into research with training along the way.

Could probably achieve a Masters degree in 4 years if we didn't have so many retarded hurdles to jump through

>> No.1609609

>Your the reason my tuition goes up
>Your the reason

And YOU'RE a fucking faggot. Nice education dickface.

>> No.1609611

>implying college improves individual expression

>> No.1609616


no one likes a grammar whore

>> No.1609628

Believe me, they're more popular than people who don't understand things the rest of us learned in first grade. Why don't you shut up and let those of us with triple digit IQs take over from here?

>> No.1609633


And retards ruin the world.

>> No.1609641

Its like you actually think proper english exists. Some languages have regulatory boards that standardize things and make them official. But not english. If i decide that apostrophes are stupid and i don't want to capitalize anything but the first letter of a sentence, then i am violating only convention, no rule or law.

Enjoy being a sheep.

>> No.1609642


>thinks grammar on a message board is related to IQ

>> No.1609643


>> No.1609650

The trolling is so thick in the air you could cut it with a knife

>> No.1609651
File: 8 KB, 320x229, bushhappy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working towards MBA
>job pays for 2/3 of tuition expenses
>look back longingly at days when I had trouble deciding between science and business college
>wonder If I made the right decision after all
>look at bank statement
>my face

>> No.1609661

Would've been better if OP was a tripfag, but 6/10 anyways.

>> No.1609685

Agreed. As a poli sci major, it annoys me when I see people in art and philosophy when they could be studying the exact same thing in their spare time while pursuing a noble degree in poli sci. Poli sci and the other sciences need to band together and address this nonsense!

>> No.1609766

>Implying poly-sci is science.

>> No.1609784
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>> No.1609825

Fuck academia, graduating in the fall, then I'm going for full time practical work. Screw this "everyone has to become a scientist" mentality causing the economic and educational crisis that has erupted in America.

Diploma mills are shitting out thousands of unqualified graduates a year all because of enormous social pressures and mommy and daddy wants little johnny to be a rocket scientist for nasa bullshit, which doesn't help the economy, but rather hurts it because of all the huge disparity between college graduates and available jobs. so they are begging to take even a mcdonald's burger flipping job which they are overqualified for, and the cycle continues.

And before /sci/ trolls inevitably descend on me for not getting a post-doctorate with $100,000+ in debt, I've already gotten 3 full-time position offers, so fuck you all.

Tradeskills and apprenticeships are just as important as scientific endeavours. Without a trained workforce, well, you see the shit that is happening in America: Outsourcing everywhere, overqualified applicants everywhere, etc.

Fuck American academia, fuck it to hell.

>> No.1609843


Faggot, if you graduate with debt then just move out of the country. America is shit anyways. Why would you EVER pay back student loan debt, you dumb fucking pussy.

>> No.1609849


The state paid for my education, I owe nothing to the system and graduated with a bit in savings.

>> No.1609860


Yeah, I got scholarships and grants all 8 years, next year my friend and I are skipping country. He has $88000 in debt and I have $10000

We are moving to Mongolia and are going to work in a hospital in the capital.

Feels good man.

>> No.1609891
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>> No.1609894


>> No.1609905


whenever a business says that it can't fill a science job, it really means that it can't fill it for a low enough price.

>> No.1609914

[...] You[']r[e] the reason my tuition goes up [...]

dumb fuck. Learn English then go to university.
It's called university, by the way.

>> No.1609922


you realize that all the countries better than america have even harder immigration requirements than here, right?

if you are moving from a country that isn't in the EU then for example norway is essentially impossible without marrying or having family there, and to get a job in sweden without citizenship your employer has to prove that no swedish citizen could do the job you are being hired for.

>> No.1609936

>> Nurses don't need a higher education

Have fun sticking that IV in yourself and administering the correct dosage

>> No.1609952

You don't need higher education for that

>> No.1609973

Things can't be that bad
My parents have jobs so that's a good enough reason for me not to believe all the pessimism

>> No.1609985


you realize that drug addicts can do that while fucked on any drug imaginable right?