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File: 551 KB, 1100x730, 1709935888864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16084808 No.16084808 [Reply] [Original]

Is this normal, scientifically speaking?

>> No.16084809 [DELETED] 


>> No.16084813

Nah, we're fucked.

>> No.16084814

Nope. Global warming + El Niño. It will go down, not all the way to the minimum and chuds will say that global warming is a hoax. Then, it will go up even further for the next big El Niño and chuds will claim it's just the weather/has always been like this.

>> No.16084851

good news at last
i can't wait

>> No.16085819

>60°S — 60°N
I fucking hate climate soientists

>> No.16085836

>the global warming institute
fake af
trusting the global warming institute to tell you the truth about the global temperature is like asking a used car salesman "should i buy this car?"

>> No.16086162

if you're asking if this is what was supposed to happen, then yes, predicitons were made as soon as we saw that El niño was happening

If you're asking if it was supposed to happen naturally, then the answer is no, el niño happened multiple times in the past, but a high surge in temperatures last decades caused by the past 80 years of human activities made it so that the 2024 temperatures are record breaking

>> No.16086173

>60°S — 60°N
you fucking retard, even the artic circles are closer to the equator than the 60° circles

the surface above the 60° circle is 21.5 million km2, so total not taken in consideration is 43 mil km2... out of the 510millions km2.

your argument really sounds like:
>muh scientists only took 92% of the earth for their study! how am i supposed to believe that correlates to the entire earth?? only 92% baka my head


>> No.16086227 [DELETED] 

>you fucking retard, even the artic circles are closer to the equator than the 60° circles
Lol. See pic rel.
>the surface above the 60° circle is 21.5 million km2, so total not taken in consideration is 43 mil km2... out of the 510millions km2.
Except OP graph is about sea water, not total surface area of Earth.

Your anger is cute though. It reveals more than you know.

>> No.16086230
File: 65 KB, 600x300, World_location_map_(equirectangular_180).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>16086173 #
>you fucking retard, even the artic circles are closer to the equator than the 60° circles
Lol. See pic rel.
>the surface above the 60° circle is 21.5 million km2, so total not taken in consideration is 43 mil km2... out of the 510millions km2.
Except OP graph is about sea water, not total surface area of Earth.

Your anger is cute though. It reveals more than you know.

>> No.16086233

it's ideal if anything. warmer temperatures mean more of the suns energy is being trapped and can be harnessed

>> No.16086251
File: 206 KB, 1088x833, 20240319_095907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

16 Mars everyone.

>> No.16086357

>Imagine being this retarded

>> No.16086362

Not an argument.

>> No.16086376

Why would I waste my time arguing with a retard?

>> No.16086388
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 1707688296062644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Climate Change Institute
Random question: If tomorrow morning for whatever reason everyone in the world decided that global warming wasn't a problem and no one should be pissing themselves about it anymore what would happen to the "Climate Change Institute" and everyone who works there?

>> No.16086392

>it's hot in the fucking Sahara
k, keep me posted

>> No.16086405

>Spain is Sahara

>> No.16086408

>weather is climate when it suits my agenda

>> No.16086432

Scientifically speaking, no, that is not a normal distribution.

>> No.16086456

No, thinking cow farts will cause the earth to food is not normal.

>> No.16086491

temperatures are going to drop sharply next week, we expect light freezings again

>> No.16086505

lots of people in here who just couldn't care less what the evidence shows.

>> No.16086506

Your pissy admission of defeat is acknowledged.

>> No.16086517

I acknowledge your concession.

>> No.16086724

My concession is that you're a retard. Since my stance never changed it's actually your concession, retard.

>> No.16086767

In climate science, a tipping point is a critical threshold that, when crossed, leads to large, accelerating and often irreversible changes in the climate system.

>> No.16086812

this gotta be ragebait bc ain't no way you are this retarded

>> No.16086873

I believe that the climate is in fact changing, as it always has and always will, but mankind's contribution to it is vastly exaggerated. It's being exploited for political reasons, and as a red herring for people to argue about instead of all the other ways we are actually fucking up the environment.

>> No.16087363

You know how science work right? If you think scientists are exaggerated co2 contributions to climate change then prove, no scientist will say ever say they are 100% sure its man-made.

>> No.16087366

>Except OP graph is about sea water, not total surface area of Earth.
Most water beyond 60° is frozen, so the surface temperature is exactly the freezing point of water.

>> No.16087391

Yes, it's normal. Climate has always changed. This is perfectly natural and has nothing do with policy. Stop noticing things. Fuck you, racist.

>> No.16087518

>If tomorrow morning for whatever reason everyone in the world decided that global warming wasn't a problem
So nothing's changed then?
>what would happen to the "Climate Change Institute" and everyone who works there?
nothing. people have a morbid fascination. watching the world turn into a shithole in real time is like watching their neighbor's house burn down to most people.

>> No.16088722

No. The ocean is about be gigafucked in a few years... Well, more fucked than it already is by pollution and over fishing.

>> No.16088940

Good. Fuck Florida.

>> No.16089473

This reminds me of how I told climate scientist that ocean is one big smoothener for warming, and it's not only getting warmer, but it's "floods" more, because of increased percipration.