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File: 51 KB, 560x340, 1583952355.1997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16083947 No.16083947 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16083953

that picture is just a computer graphic, there are no genuine images of "covid-19" because it never existed, it was just a media fabrication, same as "swine flu" in 2009 was.

>> No.16084019

Covid-19 is the disease, SARS-CoV-2 is the virus. Please get your terminology right.

>> No.16084021

Do not trust science

>> No.16084024

That you can't know the truth of important events. You can only know what you are told.

>> No.16084028
File: 69 KB, 224x254, corona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a preprogramed drone, cannot update his info. here check this out:
what about picrel anon?

>> No.16084111

That same exact picture is used for HIV

>> No.16084114

I learned that in a situation like this, or any situation really, we simply follow these steps:
1. see what your favourite peer-group online is saying about the situation
2. adopt their opinions
3. collect some memes, out of context charts, talking points and other evidence that appears to support your adopted opinions
4. engage in arguments online with people who do not share your opinions exactly, deploying your selected evidence as needed
5. reject any information that might contradict your opinions
6. go to step 3

>> No.16084116

Imagine jumping through all of those hoops when you could have just:
trusted the science.

>> No.16084160

i believe those steps also apply to those that profess the trusting of the science

>> No.16084167

made you look kek. you were itching to find anything wrong with it. admit it.

>> No.16084174
File: 1.35 MB, 1264x850, simple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear the kids learn off of ppt slides, these days.

>> No.16084260

Don't give antivaxx retards a choice. We gave them the vaccine for free. We told them it's fine if they don't take it. And yet they cried that they were being forced and everything was so terrible. I'd say, make their mental image reality. They will cry all the same, but we would get the benefit of a fully vaccinated society.

>> No.16084261

>for free.
yeah but not really tho

>> No.16084286

I had to pay nothing. My bank account would read the exact same number regardless of my decision to take the vaccine or not.

>> No.16084299

you're not serious about that are you?

>> No.16084306
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x1080, Ω.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You deserve all the pain, misery and suffering this world has to offer. You will get what you deserve, all of it.

>> No.16084308

Avoiding the igg4 class switch is a lifesaver

>> No.16084313

No, it's true. Although, I didn't get a taxi ride to the vaccine centre, but it was "free" since I have a yearly subscription for the public transport. So, I had no marginal cost, but you could argue that someone else would have had to pay for the bus ticket.

>> No.16084317

See how mad some people are despite not being forced to take the vaccine? I'd say force them. They will be violently butthurt either way, so might as well have them butthurt and vaccinated.

>> No.16084333

this is a picture of a deteriorated culture of monkey kidney cells

>> No.16084337

Wrong. Funny, but wrong.

>> No.16084341

you can't really be this retarded anon. imagine getting held at gun point, empties your wallet, gives you a sticker
>hey I got a free sticker!

>> No.16084343

No one held me at gunpoint though.

>> No.16084345

yeah try not paying your taxes

>> No.16084346

Not paying taxes is a criminal offence. Not taking the vaccine isn't.

>> No.16084347

>Not paying taxes is a criminal offence.
yes exactly. how are you missing the point? let me be more clear:
the price for the vaxx comes from your taxes. instead of doing other quality of life improvements for you, those money go to cover the cost of you taking the vaxx. that in not free you fucking turd
from all the fucking points you could have chosen to make pro vaxx you went for the most retarded one, you are fail

>> No.16084353

I would not have paid less taxes if I had refused the vaccine. Do you understand the concept of marginal cost?

>> No.16084357

>I would not have paid less taxes if I had refused the vaccine.
yeah exactly that's what makes your argument gorilla retarded. someone else decided you ALL pay the vaxx, if you take it or not is not that relevant since you paid for it, by force, without having a choice.
thus, it is not free you fucking moron. free shit doesn't exist. I fucking swear you're either trolling either a blithering idiot

>> No.16084362

so, what is in the picture?

>> No.16084363

>free shit doesn't exist.
For individuals it does. If you walk out of your house and step on the sidewalk, it costs you nothing.
>BuT sOmEoNe HaD tO pay FoR iT oNcE
Doesn't matter for the point here that it costs you nothing to go outside.

>> No.16084367

Coronaviruses. 4chan offers google image search which brings you to some articles that explain the picture.

>> No.16084368

>if they take it out of my taxes it's free
the mind boggles

>> No.16084374

>what are marginal costs?
Retard, that's like 7th grade econ class. Did you graduate from high school?

>> No.16084388

When the fed prints money to pay the budget the federal government can't afford does your quality of life decrease?

>> No.16084392

coronavirus = deteriorated culture of monkey kidney cells

>> No.16084396

Property taxes pay for maintenance. You are paying if you own or rent property.

>> No.16084403

I would be so much happy if I could remove every little piece of your skin with a dull knife while you can't do anything because all your muscles nerves have being cut.

>> No.16084406
File: 261 KB, 640x613, theleft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16084413
File: 322 KB, 1576x2358, amkd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Violence is the supreme authority that decides who is a criminal and who is lawful.

>> No.16084437

>marginal costs
in 2021 US already bought like 200 million doses, if not more. you have no real standing, you're clueless

>> No.16084539

Also the evidence that it leaked from a mistake.It seems attractive.

>> No.16085826


>> No.16085841
File: 762 KB, 607x609, IMG_6384.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16085844

>You are paying if you own or rent property.
You are also paying if you don't use it. So the use is free for you. You don't pay per use. The marginal cost is zero.

>> No.16085865

That's why we should use violence against antivaxxers next time. They are already crying as if we used violence, so at this point what difference does it make?