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16083295 No.16083295[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How true is this, scientifically?

>> No.16083325

It's completely dumb. Some species have very high rate of homosexuality because it is advantageous. It helps create bonds inside a group and you don't waste resource for searching for a suitable partner.

Also, with the current technology, LGBTQ are completely able to transmit their genes.

In the state of nature, LGBTQ women would probably have been raped as every other women anyway, so their genes would never be removed too.

>> No.16083332

pure consciousness has no sex or gender.

>> No.16083351

>nature's way
Natural selection isn't nature "deciding" to favor some traits over others. LGBTQ is just a random dysfunction like any other.

>> No.16083397

More than likely its a response genetically to prevent overpopulation when there is a massive amount of resources for many generations, that's why so many rich countries are full of faggots and poor ones where people starve are not

>> No.16083412 [DELETED] 

if you're genuinely concerned about overpopulation why haven't you killed yourself?

>> No.16083418

I am not at all concerned about it

I think that homosexuality is caused by multiple generations having access to an abundance of resources, low stress, and low pressure from environment, like that experiment they did with putting a ton of rats into an enclosure where they could be lazy.

After after a couple generations the rats started becoming homosexual

Pretty sure that shows its a response to keep the population from growing too fast and causing a collapse as the population rockets past carrying capacity.

>> No.16083767

Thats why all homosexuals should be genocided

>> No.16083790

killing off useless eater genetic dead ends so they don't waste as much resources and cause as much pollution before they die is a good idea. just imagine the massive carbon footprint of faggots constantly flying around the world to go the next pride parade

>> No.16083792
File: 295 KB, 1713x1032, neurowarfare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a misdirect or an idea created by superficial people. In reality if you can turn people into this or that by selective or non-local means (and the tech has long existed to do so), what you're actually seeing a domestication / selective breeding program. To prune the tree of life you must first prune the branches of the mind. It's bidirectional, but this is the easiest way. People are too... eh, to figure this out. So it shall be.

>> No.16083794

lgbt is an emergent cultural phenomena that has absolutely nothing to do with genetics.
like any other irrational suicide cult.

>> No.16083831

More on this? How else can we figure more of this stuff out?

>> No.16083882

Hard to describe the process concisely, it's more a manner of thinking. I used to post about it on here all the time and was even telling people on /ck/ that soi was poison back in like 2014 (lol). Been a long time. My own health failed and my body was turned into an inescapable and omnipresent torture chamber, and since everywhere I went it was there, that made the entire world a torture chamber. This initiates a certain course of events and an unraveling of preconceived notions and, where you gradually deconstruct things and trace out the genesis and order of the modern world. You just learn to think about everything, and it gradually fills in.

The list in that post is the abridged version. Like I left out a lot, and I didn't even get into synergisms between toxins, sensitization / priming, and other more "exotic" aspects like ELF infrasound.

Just look into everything. For me I already kind of didn't trust anything and knew there was something wrong with the world, you can feel it. I looked up prescription rug side effects when they were putting people on antidepressants etc in high school, tried to dissuade them. I started reading ingredient labels on food ~17. The rest is history. It eventually becomes obvious that everything is part of a "maim and drain" paradigm, and that the world is toxic and broken by design We basically live in a giant beehive, run on the wheel and make the honey, and then they take the honey. That's it. Milennia ago certain types domesticated animals and learned to grow crops, and they applied the same mindset to the humans around them. They became like livestock, chainless slaves.. Coincidence and amoral opportunism theorists fall by the wayside after a certain point because this dislike the sensation of being seen as disposable farm animals surrounded by people who were tricked and brainwashed as well, and will offer up their children the same way.

Then you have to kind of separate, to an extent.

>> No.16083884

Homosexuality is just a genetic malfunction. It's an inadvertent byproduct of selection on the genetics of sex hormones.

>> No.16083887

Explain to me how would a gay gene survive natural selection, considering that its possessors have significant less desire to reproduce.

>> No.16083888

Oh, sorry I thought I was in the soi thread.

Nonlocality basically comes down to a few aspects.

-Sensory and electromagnetic entrainment.
These are encompassed by the fields of bioelectromagnetics and magnetobiology. It also gets into subliminals, infrasound, psychic driving, acoustic and photic entrainment, etc.

-Developmental alteration
Injections delivered during key developmental windows, ie all throughout infancy, as theya re now. Look up pfizer;s improvac for the potential. The immune system and early brain development are deeply linked. This has all been studied.

-Brain alteration in development by direct means
Prescription drugs, malnutrition, poison food, poison water, etc.

-Cultural aspects and media
Early childhood development is well studied. Alter family structure and daycare ./ schooling accordingly. HAve parents plopping their kids down in front of kids shows meant to hypnotize and implants weird shit in their mind.

That's the crude form. I used to be quite complete and wells tructured about all this but between a lack of tangible ROI and persistent vampiric negative feedback I've stopped bothering and reallocated those aspects of myself and my use of time and energy towards more fruitful / less frustrating endeavors.

Copy pasting eg:
There are three primary purposes for a vaccination program.
1) Behavior modification and selective intelligence reducton.
2) Population management. That is average lifespan, disease incidence, and fertiliity management.
3) Leverage and psychosocial control. Establish a pretext to inject everyone with whatever you want, essentially whenever you want. Apply the agricultural model to human beings to keep them within your control, and your domain. Clip their wings, band them, brand them, tag them, herd them, whatever it takes. Create solidarity by inducing and normalizing sickness. Nanomachines / RF sensitive gene insertion to use their bodies as storage devices, transceivers, computation devices.

>> No.16083890

the dude who's ass they fucked proceeds to shit in a woman's cunt. it's a sacred homo ritual, that's how they stay in the gene pool but it's a secret

>> No.16083891
File: 1.71 MB, 2352x1949, s-test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know what to make of Steiner overall, but he was talking about this in the late 1800's.

>> No.16083966
File: 252 KB, 1920x1080, 8e87617b0cb0b57ec084a5840e0b8c53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahrimanics doing ahrimanic things.
Some people just don't want the simulation to end gracefully and is pulling every trick conceivable to keep ascension at bay.
All will be vain in the end.

>> No.16084029
File: 130 KB, 825x1000, Narcissus_Caravaggio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tsmt. homosexuality is a symptom of npd, fags are people who are only attracted to people who are similar to themselves.

>> No.16084041

imagine having that photo saved on your computer.

>> No.16084047

Damn, it all really starts the second we are born, huh?

I'm still trying to catch up on reworking the thoughts I have about food everyday, but it gets harder and harder the more they try to push these poisonous ingredients into everything we eat. Despite this, is there anything we can do to unfuck ourselves from every physical and mental destruction they've brought upon us, aside from eating the right foods and staying away from both bad foods and media?

>> No.16084048

Imagine being emotionally triggered by that image. The picture wouldn't upset you if you didn't presume that it reflected poorly on yourself.

>> No.16084050

>is there anything we can do
yeah, turn amish

>> No.16084052

I'm not the one infatuated with it, nor do I have it on my computer, nor do I post it on social media. and I also don't defend it.
touchy subject for you anon? want to talk about it?
>no you don't understand, it's daily in my attention because I am ok with it, but don't you dare say anything bad about it!

>> No.16084059

It starts prior to conception. All of your mother's eggs are formed around the second trimester of fetal development, and her experiences and exposures in life will alter her germ line accordingly. Likewise with your father. Add to this manmade EMF exposure during development in utero, prescription drugs, microplastics and other poisons, ultrasounds and other braindead iatrogenic procedures done by golem doctors... yeah.

My plain advice is there comes a certain point where you see and know the gist of it, you realize that there's something fundamentally wrong with this place and the majority of people so that they won't help change things, so you have to exercise a degree of "spirit over matter". Which is distinct from "mind" over matter, given that the physical body and the mind together form the psychophysical proxy in the world your "I" (pure awareness and intention, below even the core self, the you behind you) uses to experience through. This allows you top get outside of your own body and mind, and realize the effects your mental activity, beliefs, and intentions have on the world, and the state of your own body. It works, it's unfortunate it took me a decade or two of torture to just let go and accept it.

You don't have control over the media, 90% of people are essentially asleep at the wheel and incapable of thought beyond reacting to sensory stimuli (they don't think), you can't get them to use their will for anything productive by convincing them directly. This is why you see most change in the world is done by master manipulators who create illusions to channel and tap into the base animal impulses of "The masses". What are you even supposed to use something like that for, is that a game you'd even want to play? So exempt yourself and instead of looping and spinning your wheels dealing with Agent Smith who just wants to drain your time and energy, find something that actually works for you, though that's not what anyone wants to hear.

>> No.16084061

>you can't get them to use their will for anything productive by convincing them directly.
the dissonance must be fucking insane anon, how the fuck are you still able to type. holy shit your brains are fucking fried

>> No.16084073

I ran out of characters and can't really condense things down to the key points I want to make at the moment. I was pretty bitter and disgusted about how I cast pearls before swine and sunk time and energy into people and palces that didn't deserve it, believing in rpple effects or other indirect ROI.

This is a good example of a time and energy vampire >>16084061
People like this are in a mode where they're looking for something to react to (loosh farm concept), so they go through and parse your post sentence by sentence, not realizing that sentences are all connected and prior sentences will modify the meaning of those that come after it. So he ignored the 90% (which just means "a lot") statement that came before it, and chose to react to that sentence. This is supposed to draw me into a script where I'm clarifying and then if he plays it right, eventually defending myself and continuing to give while receiving nothing as he layers on the deliberate misinterpretations, characterizations, accusations, laoded quations, and narratives. This is the giver taker paradigm. It's part of the design of this place, and it's there to keep you wasting your time and running on the wheel.

>> No.16084076

you religious philosopher /pol/tards are the most narcissistic free will abusing dissonant brainlets that have ever wasted my time on any social media. you are a quite particular breed of braindamage, you all suffer from the same weirdly unique mental disease.

>> No.16084078

It's called real world experience. Try it sometime.

>> No.16084080

shit world you live in, I'll give you that bro, no joke.

>> No.16084088

The pattern begins unfolding. The poster just reacts to me and banters or insults. Any reasonable person would watch them and start thinking how weird it is, like there's no one there. They don't mention what they did or where they got results, they don't state that they've "proved you wrong"., they don't provide anything of substance. Just hollow reactions. There's no one there. It's the empty man.

Don't engage with these types. It's agent Smith trying to drain your time and energy,

>> No.16084092

Thanks for the reply, I'll sleep on these thoughts tonight and try to put them into practice tomorrow. It's one of the biggest challenges that I hope I can overcome.

>> No.16084095

Line by line deconstruction is one of the worst things I have noticed about online dialogue. It is the sort of things kids see other kids doing and they think it is a good idea. I remember picking this up very early on in forums.
It manifests in the sperlord/debatebro podcasting as well. They need language to be like their materialism. Everything has to be a digestible atom even while there is no model or context for the simplification. A reduction of things to sound bite, a pale imitation of memes and iconography.
It is even more absurd in a place like this. The person on the other side could be anyone, in any mood, at any time and it may not even be the same person between posts to boot! And yet these fags think there is some common context for abstraction. The funniest part is they will never face the tisms who post their n-post copy paste archives with solid debate flows. Because they know they are only sharpening the stick.
So the very times where such approach is plausible, they are too cowardly to do it.

>> No.16084119

it's perfectly fine to notice when someone is not consistent in their ideas. contradictory views are always red flags. tells a lot about their internal states and worldview.

>> No.16084157

Not at all, mr low effort poster.

Maybe you should get your own fertility levels above extinction rate, since right now the only thing "nature" is selecting for is 67IQ Africans.

>> No.16084298

Not true since those are all memes, not genes given anyone can put on a dress and talk like a fag.

>> No.16084305

A fag couple gets with a lesbian couple on a Rosie O'Donnell family cruise or whatever and they swap genetics so that the lesbos can be pregnant together with the understanding that one of the lesbian's kids goes to the fags.

>> No.16084311

You know you don't have to explicitly save the pictures to post them to 4chan, you can just post the URL and upload straight from the internet, right?

Also you know that the picture has to be saved to your computer before you can look at it, right?

>> No.16084660

>Don't judge my words on the basis of what the words mean, judge them on the basis of me being right about everything and the words just being frosting on the cake of my infallible opinion.

>> No.16085270

>I can kiss myself in the mirror, but only on the lips

>> No.16086091
File: 87 KB, 680x680, NPC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what he looks like btw

>> No.16086093

His family photo album
:^| :^| |^:}
>:^|* |^:)!

>> No.16086096
File: 103 KB, 893x900, 5cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
