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1607593 No.1607593 [Reply] [Original]

hey, iv been told on a forum of googles ceneoring of a planet Nibiru


is the video i just watched

so can anyone tell me why its been removed or what is the story behind it


pic unrelated

>> No.1607612

this is new to me

>> No.1607627

Weird. I'm gonna read moar about this.

>> No.1607635

read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nibiru_collision

but it dont say why its been removed

>> No.1607640

Well, this caught my interest.

>> No.1607658

Sure is samefag in here.

>> No.1607664

5S, as in 5 seconds, not 58.

>> No.1607666

It seems to be a claim of this planetary object crashing into Earth in 2012.


Nothing terribly conclusive, however. That must mean that the terrorists are using this planet to bomb America!

>> No.1607675

ITT: The Nancy Lieder nutcase club.

>> No.1607738

Everyone suddenly started comparing random events that "will end life on earth" to the 2012 date. The fucks with people.... WHY?! Nothing was said that 2012 will be the end of humanity.

>> No.1607827
File: 364 KB, 813x800, The Annu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Technically speaking no, but rather a foretold Maya calender whom ended in December 21 at 11:11 am. Then, they mixed ancient Babylonian, no I refrain, Sumerian mythological/religious beliefs regarding aliens, since these stone age people believed that the Gods came from another world and created them to be slaves, with Indian Hindu myths, the old ones written in Sanskrit.

Basically, some dude transladed these sumerian tablets and after a while some picked them up and were amzed to see similarities with "aliens" and God.

So, they bullshited something, really bullshitted.

Still, it`s a good read.

>> No.1607834

Nibiru's supposed to be some kind of jupiter sized planet that's going to crash into the Earth or come near it in 2012.

Which is complete bullshit because we'd be able to see it right now if that were the case.

>> No.1607845


Not, the the tables spoke that the planets crashed into earth millions of years ago, forming our moon. Then, as our world evolved, so did theirs until the age of man when the planet was close enough to travel to earth, 300 were tasked to mine it for gold, a rare resource and used experimentation to create man, a hybrid of alien and a indigenous specie.

This is what the sumerians actually believed. of course this is lie since Nasa would have observed this planet`s aproach long time ago, they and anyone with a telescope.

>> No.1607908

It's not a lie, it's a fable, a story. It might not be a truthful story, but it's not really accurate to call it a lie.

>> No.1607918

My take on this:
The closest star to us is Alpha Centauri, located about 4.37 light years away, and is not on a . Nibiru is NOT in orbit around that star, so it must be further away than that.
Even if it was on collision course with us, it wouldn't get here any time soon.

>> No.1607938
File: 44 KB, 375x500, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face when I wake up on January 1st, 2013, and the world hasn't ended, and everything is as it should be before departing for my job at a capital investment firm where I get to use my PhD in Math to earn $300,000 starting.

>> No.1607971
File: 614 KB, 414x600, doomguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what the doomsdayer nutjobs will use after 2012 as the next doomsday event?

>> No.1608663

The supposed date is like December 21st or 22nd. If you wake up a week later and have that face, you'll just be a fag.

>> No.1608695

April 2036

Major asteroid has like a 1/1,000,000 chance of hitting earth

And thats two thousand years after jesus's death

>> No.1608723


Jesus didn't actually rise to the magic sky castle to hang out with the other magic beard man, he has actually been zipping around the galaxy on an asteroid shaped dildo, and he is coming back to buttfuck all the homosexuals for their sins.

>> No.1608783

2039 and the apophis impact

>> No.1608778 [DELETED] 

Some more possibilities.

>> No.1608785
File: 42 KB, 1268x916, worldendsin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more possibilities.

>> No.1608812

fucking people. Newotn didnt predict the world would end in 2060, he said the world would end no sooner than 2060 to shut up all the doomsdayers back in his time.

>> No.1608857



>> No.1608905

"And then i went and spoiled it all by saying something silly like":
All planets orbit and orbiting planets do not collide.

>> No.1610047

Nibiru blah blah blah, littearlly every few years someone somewhere says the worlds gonna end.

so far, every single one of them has been wrong.
Thats a 100% fail rate. I see no evidence that suggests thats gonna end up 99.9%.

http://www.bible.ca/pre-date-setters.htm has a whole list of fails.

>> No.1610105

so how did the sumarians know that the moon is the result of a collision between earth and another planet?

also, would it be possible to calculate where the impact took place?

>> No.1610134

The world ends.... when you die... whoa dude, thats some heavy fucking shit.

>> No.1610158

They guessed.
Just like every other major 'prophecy'. Throw enough shit, etc.

>> No.1610209

Niburo has a cloaking device, we would never see it

>> No.1610239

What no one here understands is that they greys actively filter your sensory input. So that you think that you've typed something revealing and controversial, but in reality you've written nothing of interest. This is why knowledge of aliens is suppressed; because the aliens keep each of us from speaking the truth without our knowledge.