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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 113 KB, 951x676, 1710142193375740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16070227 No.16070227 [Reply] [Original]

Scientific community said that Covid is Black Plague 2.0, said Vaxx is safe and needed, says that men in a dress are women, that you should eat snoy and bugs, that meat is bad for you. And so on.

This is your scientific community.
dumb millenials. How can anyone take science seriously?

>> No.16070236

>How can anyone take science seriously?
Maybe stop paying attention to pundits and pseuds masquerading as scientists, you imbecile.

>> No.16070238

Oh boy, where do I even begin with this steaming pile of ignorance you just shat out?
First off, the scientific community never said COVID was the fucking Black Plague 2.0, you absolute donkey. We said it was a serious threat that required swift action, but I guess nuance is a foreign concept to someone with the reading comprehension of a concussed goldfish.
And the vaccine? It's safe and effective, you unbelievable fuckwit. But please, by all means, continue to get your medical advice from the same brainless echo chamber that probably tells you drinking bleach cures autism.
As for the rest of your asinine word vomit, I can't even begin to unpack the sheer stupidity. Trans rights have fuck-all to do with the validity of scientific research, you bigoted troglodyte. And the idea that the scientific community is pushing some grand conspiracy to make you eat bugs and give up meat? Christ on a bike, how far up your own ass did you have to reach to pull out that nugget of pure, concentrated idiocy?
But hey, if you want to dismiss centuries of rigorous research and evidence-based progress because you read some half-baked Facebook memes, go right ahead. Just don't come crying to us when you're choking on your own ignorance-fueled stupidity.
This is my scientific community, you cock-juggling thundercunt. A community of dedicated professionals working tirelessly to drag humanity kicking and screaming into a better future, despite the best efforts of smoothbrained Neanderthals like yourself.
So why don't you take your "YEAH SCIENCE BITCH" bullshit and shove it right back up the festering, puckered asshole you call a mouth? The adults are talking.

>> No.16070243

You're a fucking fat neckbeard on 4chan. Nothing more.

>> No.16070252

>Scientific community said that Covid is Black Plague 2.0
I don't remember the scientists having said that. What I remember are videos being leaked from China showing people dying in masses with conspiracy tards being the first ones to gobble up CCP propaganda.
>said Vaxx is safe and needed
Yes which given the novel technology used in it is an incredibly weird move. They could have avoided a lot of the controversy by reverting to a viral vector-based vaccine. But then, the antivax movement they carefully built up over the last 15 years would have been useless in destroying social cohesion.
>says that men in a dress are women
non-sequitur. There's transgenderism and transsexuality. One is a mismatch between biological sex and the cultural sex you identify with. The other are biological hybrid states.
>that you should eat snoy and bugs, that meat is bad for you
We eat too much meat and the meat we eat is mystery meat for the most part. Chemically processed just as much as your onions-based meat substitute.

>> No.16070255

>And the vaccine? It's safe and effective
It's neither safe nor effective. Now, have you stayed up-to-date with your boosters? Oh, why not?

>> No.16070267
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>> No.16070340

How do we identify these pure, true scientists? I live in metro Atlanta and the about dozen or so people I know who work bio jobs at the CDC all promoted the official narrative when it came to covid, masks (changing after settled science views after a few months), lock downs, public gatherings, the injections, and everything else that was part of the pandemic response. Are none of them real scientists? If not, who is a real scientist and how can we identify them?

>> No.16070349

nice reddit r/science copypasta

>> No.16070353

Science is controlled by politics, which is controlled by money.

>> No.16070354

Identify their incentive, typically financial or career. I assume all your friends who work for the CDC value their jobs, want a raise, and seek promotion, and wouldn't dare question the established narratives their superiors propagate to them. If they did, they'd lose their jobs or their funding. They're cowards, plain and simple. And in the case of a calamity like Covid, the banality of evil.

>> No.16071315

who controls the money?

>> No.16071356


bot detected

>> No.16071379
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>> No.16071411

antisemitic posts will not be tolerated

>> No.16071459
File: 100 KB, 640x1351, 123647479_10158102524088517_7312562630015739715_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't remember the scientists having said that.
Neil Ferguson said it, you have a bad memory, are ill informed or have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.16071565

There is nothing /pol/ about my post.

>> No.16071568 [DELETED] 

False. You can't even spell 'millennials' properly because you're an uneducated redneck trying to punch above your weight. Total /pol/ behavior. All that's missing is your cringey, low-IQ, white-nigger 'insider' claim.

>> No.16071579

I'm not American, so I don't care about your cattle labels. You're clearly mad about the content, so you're probably a vaxxie or mixed yourself.

Either way. You're the retard here.

>> No.16072155

>everything I don't like is /pol/

Just kill yourself, vaxxie.

>> No.16073110

the r-word is racist

>> No.16073800 [DELETED] 

>How can anyone take science seriously?
Science is so ridiculously fake that it make WWE look realistic

>> No.16077909 [DELETED] 

Professional wrestling is mostly real

>> No.16077978

>safe and effective
Get your covid boosters and fuck off you imbecile idiot.

>> No.16077990
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People are stupid, that is why.

>> No.16078580 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16079935 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16080907 [DELETED] 

>973% in heart failure amongst vaxxxies
oh well

>> No.16081962 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 479x208, died for israel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares if a military that only ever loses wars all drops dead?

>> No.16082650

"ill informed" & "have no idea what you're talking about" are the same thing

>> No.16082748


>> No.16083317
File: 1.06 MB, 272x480, shut it down comando.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16084093

>oy vay itz an emoygensee!!!
>send in the strike team

>> No.16085445

The scientific community is a bunch of liars
And the people who trust them are a bunch of idiots

>> No.16086124

>Neil Ferguson
they tried to memoryhole him as soon as his usefulness ran out, practically everyone has forgotten about him by now

>> No.16087070

He said 2 billion people were going to die from corona based on his (((computer models)))

>> No.16087692

Those were models that he had run hundreds of times so he knew what variables to input in order to get the results his propaganda masters wanted

>> No.16088631

>How can anyone take science seriously?
knowing that they only communicate as a means of manipulation allows you to perceive their true desires and to prepare to counteract them, so you should take what they say seriously as a means of reading them

>> No.16088647
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>> No.16089087

what's that video supposed to be showing

>> No.16090029

really makes you doubt what the historians claim about the black plague

>> No.16091518
File: 1.68 MB, 921x1100, YQ0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what you look like if your a vaxxxie

>> No.16091539

>Neptune is a deep cobalt blue
>No wait actually it's a light greenish blue like Uranus

>> No.16091675 [DELETED] 

>Yes which given the novel technology used in it is an incredibly weird move. They could have avoided a lot of the controversy by reverting to a viral vector-based vaccine. But then, the antivax movement they carefully built up over the last 15 years would have been useless in destroying social cohesion.
Viral vectors are literally the same thing as mrna but uses a different delivery method. The only difference is that it is nearly 40 year old technology instead of 20 but still severly regret taking that shit because it is still shady.they could have avoided 99% of contrevery if they would have used traditional vaccines like in China or India, even maybe something like novavax. It also turned out that everything the "professionals" claimed during covid turned out
>non-sequitur. There's transgenderism and transsexuality. One is a mismatch between biological sex and the cultural sex you identify with. The other are biological hybrid states.
Do not know what you are trying to say here but if you believe there is anything other than male or female and the rest isn't mental illness than you are a double digit iq retard.

>> No.16091694

And Elon Musk

>> No.16091697

Yes which given the novel technology used in it is an incredibly weird move. They could have avoided a lot of the controversy by reverting to a viral vector-based vaccine. But then, the antivax movement they carefully built up over the last 15 years would have been useless in destroying social cohesion.
Viral vectors are literally the same thing as mrna but uses a different delivery method. The only big difference is that it is nearly 40 year old technology instead of 20 but still severly regret taking that shit because it is still very shady. They could have avoided 99% of controversy if they would have used traditional vaccines like in China and India or maybe even something like novavax. Everything the "professionals" claimed during covid turned out to be mostly bullshit and they kept changing the narritive throughout the pandemic.
>non-sequitur. There's transgenderism and transsexuality. One is a mismatch between biological sex and the cultural sex you identify with. The other are biological hybrid states.
Do not know what you are trying to say here but if you believe there is anything other than male or female and the rest isn't mental illness than you are a double digit iq retard.

>> No.16092103
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>> No.16092243

I am not a liberal but this is a shit boomer meme since all of these are already free.

>> No.16093291

how big is your child pornography collection?

>> No.16093818

0 kb
4chan jannies always spam altchans with it so I am guessing it is free.

>> No.16093904

Where is this scientific community? Do they have twitter or something? Because best I can do is that you're attributing individual's speech to whole science, and that is degenerate and utterly retarded.

>> No.16095062
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>> No.16096940

>0 kb
sure it is

>> No.16096955

>The adults are talking
stopped reading right there.

>> No.16097069
File: 196 KB, 996x996, fig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who have taken at least three doses of the original version of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine have been strongly immune imprinted, a study by the University of Washington (UW) found.
Consequently, when vaccinated with the most recent COVID-19 XBB.1.5 mRNA boosters, recipients produced few to no antibodies specific to the XBB.1.5 variant, only antibodies for older, possibly extinct variants.

>> No.16097198

Fuck off you stupid idiot.

>> No.16097199 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 448x603, cypyi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good boy, now cut your penis. Is good for you.

>> No.16097207

LMAO, they fuck up their immune systems because they were scared of a cold.
No surprise their immune systems can't deal with other diseases or even cull down cancerous cells.

>> No.16097259

It's going to be crazy hell for them if it turns out they've ruined their ability to fight off any coronavirus and not just new variants of SARS-CoV-2.

>> No.16098412
File: 168 KB, 839x600, A1OO0K7P6PL._SY600_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump's plan to holocaust the low IQs using the vax was brilliant 1488d chess