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16066122 No.16066122[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why are european soientists to stupid?

>> No.16066140
File: 32 KB, 540x389, 1663742177055654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never in my life have I seen a single package that has any "nutri score" on it, got a source for that, OP?

>> No.16066149

1% sounds like a fair bit of salt, assuming it's 50/50 salt/pepper. You're supposed to have max 1g salt per day. If those burgers are over 100g each then that's over 1g if you eat both. Maybe that's why it has a lower rating, i don't know

>> No.16066170

This is simply a lie, I'm european

>> No.16066171

>You're supposed to have max 1g salt per day.
Those recommendations are a hoax, probably perpetrated by the snackfood industry to make people salt deficient after eating normal meals and thereby crave their products.

>b-but if I eat too much salt then muh osmotic blood pressure
Eating more salt makes you thirstier, the human body is more than capable of regulating salt levels appropriately provided you eat enough salt in the first place.
>but foods have too much salt already
Compare it to historic foods when salt was widely used as a food preservative. Modern diets are salt deficient
>muh data
Are you a central African? If not, then you need more salt.
>what does race have to do with it???
How curious how the people telling you to avoid salt never told you that this advice is only valid for black people. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4108512/

>> No.16066193

Fuck salt deniers.

>> No.16066200
File: 447 KB, 1361x1205, 67549749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not that bad honestly.

>> No.16066202

Nitro score has nothing to do with scientists. It also only refers to how the product fares within its own category. So that retard chose the worst "meat" (highly processed, admittedly with a shit ton of salt) which of course is much worse than just a steak with no additives. Then he compared it to a sugary breakfast cereal which is slightly less sugary and more whole-grainy than other breakfast cereals.

>> No.16066206
File: 375 KB, 1369x1032, 496062746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, i am retarded. Its 6.7g sugar per 30g and not 6.7g sugar per 100g. How could it get an A??

>> No.16066208
File: 241 KB, 920x1110, hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How could it get an A??
who profits when you substitute factory produced industrial chemical goyslop for real wholesome food like beef?

>> No.16066209

>posts about EU stuff
>shows German meat and Spanish cereal
>the entire account is alt-right ragebait
>shit ton of US politics
>for some weird reason an obsession with raw milk
This person is either legitimately insane or just a bot.

>> No.16066212

Other cereals are simply worse. Here's one I like. It got a D for having 1/3 more calories, 9 times the amount of fat and o my marginally less sugar.

>> No.16066218

I am not sure if its really the fault of big companies or some cabal. People want to eat stuff with much sugar and if Nestle wouldnt add as much sugar, people would buy it from other companies. If people should eat more healthy, the consumer should change, big companies will adapt if consumers refuse to buy stuff with so much sugar.
But other cerals being worse dosent make it super healthy.

>> No.16066219

Go to France

>> No.16066230

>You're supposed to have max 1g salt per day
>le science says I cant have more than an ounce of meat per day so that's what I'm having. it's science y'all!
kill yourself, you're a worthless drone with no thoughts of his own

>> No.16066233

Nutriscore works within a certain class of food, not between, retardlet. The right is pretty much the healthiest cereal, even though cereal is still garbage.

>> No.16066234

I've seen it on import products, never heard anyone acknowledge it's existence beyond calling it retarded. I'm baffled every time someone takes nutritional science seriously beyond the most extreme basics like "you need protein, fats, carbs and different micro nutrients". Anything beyond that sentence is individual or complete BS based on trash studies

>> No.16066237
File: 290 KB, 1280x979, Nutri-Score_Adoption_in_Europe_map.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen a nutriscore here in Italy

>> No.16066255

>98% beef

And what is "beef" composed of?

>> No.16066256

why do you eat cereal as a grown man?
nothing wrong with raw milk
>If people should eat more healthy, the consumer should change, big companies will adapt if consumers refuse to buy stuff with so much sugar.
if people had strong and independent minds I would agree but with people like >>16066149
it's obvious that we need competent people giving nutritional advice for the masses instead of these bought and paid for activists who peddle grains, fibres, sugars and little to no meat and saturated fats as the optimal diet

>> No.16066258

>And what is "beef" composed of?
beef? are you some kind of retard?

>> No.16066263

They should just devise a score based on how many chemicals and operations were required to create the food
>cut cow in parts
1 operation, no chemicals
therefore based
>pluck apple from tree
>1 operation, no chemicals
>get potatoes from field
>cut in slices
>add salt, dozens of e numbers
>oven bake
4 operations, dozens of chemicals
not based
would be much easier
>muh scary chemicals

>> No.16066266

>>pluck apple from tree
>>1 operation, no chemicals
>no chemicals
the little boy...

>> No.16066269

>Go to France
ew, no thanks

>> No.16066300

Americans are dumber than Europeans on average. You're dumber than even some gypsy from Romania.

American "food" is fake. Even meat in America is made from onions and corn.

>> No.16066301

Nutri score is within a category. As far as meat goes, it's bad meat. As far as cereal goes, it's good cereal.

>> No.16066324

There is literally nothing wrong with fatty red meat.

>> No.16066326

Nutritional contents negatively (N) affecting the Nutri-Score are:

high energy density per 100 g or per 100 ml,
high sugar content,
high content of saturated fatty acids,
high salt content.
Nutritional contents positively (P) affecting the Nutri-Score are:

content of fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes
fiber content,
protein content,
content of rapeseed, walnut and olive oil.

>hey lots of seed oils in your garbage sawdust food? Great, A+ score
>oy, have you got a license for that sodium chloride?
>Where you headed with that stearic acid?

>> No.16066330


Is Nesquik likewise composed of Nesquik then?

>> No.16066332
File: 30 KB, 480x660, 1623051361561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is a reletive comparison among that category of products. Nesquik gets maybe higer because LidlSloppenheimer Cereal has worse.

>> No.16066339

>But other cerals being worse dosent make it super healthy.
No one claimed it was.

>> No.16066340

>no chemicals
Are you genuinely retarded?

>> No.16066379

That apple and the tree its growing on get a regular spraying of chemicals.
That cow also gets injected and fed all sorts of shit to make it a better cow.

>> No.16066496
File: 209 KB, 1175x1095, kroger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously a different system but Kroger uses an internally developed "OptUp" nutrition score for products it sells. It rates beef poorly but also rates Nesquik about as poorly.

>> No.16066510

>$6 for 1lb
>of the shittiest kind of meat
i don't speak burger, is this company canadian or something?

>> No.16066544

Go to literally any grocery store in any country in the EU, you stupid fucking mutt.

>> No.16066550

Why would anyone want to go to europe?

>> No.16066560

The architecture, variety of culture, beautiful women, nice beaches, and in most places you don't have to walk behind fat people.

>> No.16066570
File: 86 KB, 748x1024, 1686667527813249m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A certain group of people have deliberately poisonedp the well of western academia, can you guess who?

>> No.16066588

>Muh free market! Usurers, drug dealers, porn dealers, hoarders/speculators, junk food dealers are just giving people what they want! It's your own fault, goy!
No just ban it and hang the the vendors.

>> No.16066611

>As far as meat goes, it's bad meat.
No it isn't.
>As far as cereal goes, it's good cereal.
No it isn't.

>b-but the score says

>> No.16066696

>>Muh free market! Usurers, drug dealers, porn dealers, hoarders/speculators, junk food dealers are just giving people what they want! It's your own fault, goy!
this but unironically. imagine being a commie.

>> No.16066787


>> No.16066827

I guarantee you there is none of this in Central Europe

>> No.16067078

its in all major grocery stores

>> No.16067455

It's real. At least the nesquik score is.
>t. Polak
Just fucking look it up it's not hard. The scoring system is just fucked and nobody really cares about it because people who care about what they eat just look at the nutrition labels and ingredients on the back, or if you're fancy there are apps that scan barcodes and tell you exactly what's good and bad in each product so you don't have to squint at the 2pt fonts.

>> No.16067471

So...essential vitamins?

Kids cereals tend to get fortified with a bunch of different shit to keep regulators from destroying the industry. Famously you can crush up various kinds of cereal and literally drag around the iron shavings they add to that shit with a magnet.

That hunk of meat is probably a great source of protein and iron (which as previously mentioned is also in cereal), but not much else.

Also glucose syrup is sugar (Your body needs carbs as well as protein, you dumb fuck, it's not arsenic) and organic is a fucking scam.

>> No.16067474

I'm pretty sure all commercially grown apples are sold in a thin layer of edible wax to slow down decay.

>> No.16067477

The meat is 2% salt. It's shit.

>> No.16067493

>t. pea sized kidneys

>> No.16067496

euros seem pretty dumb these days. flooding your countries with subversive migrants and destroying nuclear energy and EV factories. not to mention slowly and inevitably falling behind USA and China until you truly are irrelevant in all economic and political spheres.

>> No.16067497

you mean nigger housing, cuck culture, niggers, and waste sites?

>> No.16067640
File: 344 KB, 1908x1146, food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a big difference between american goyslop and european goyslop tho, simply because european industry is more tightly regulated for the good of the consumer

mutts inferior again

>> No.16067659

Embarrassing desu

>> No.16067663

But that's literally communism if corporations aren't allowed to feed us red 40 and yellow 6

>> No.16067664

How cherrypicked is this? Obviously you can probably find one comparison like this, but is meat rated a poor choice on average compared to something like instant drink powders? Your faggot Xitter screenshot leaves out a lot of info.

>> No.16067667

> is meat rated a poor choice on average compared to something like instant drink powders?
No. They don't compete in the same category. Instant drink powders are ranked against similar products, not against meat. Retards like OOP are a main reason for criticism of the nutri score. They think "green means healthy" when it's just the best of the class.

>> No.16067669

Makes sense

>> No.16067689

Because corporations are a mafia and use faux science (soience) speak to manipulate the minds of the cattle through knowledge authority.
Human trust the strong. Humans trust the wise. Humans trust the rich.
We're a stupid fucking breed, perfect for subjugation. That's our natural state.
It doesn't matter what their form of control is, this is a message saying "I own you"

>> No.16067693
File: 195 KB, 1054x895, front_fr.3.full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ingredients: 100% beef. Nutri Score A. Don't buy the sodium slob with 2% salt

>> No.16067706

There is literally nothing wrong with salt.

>> No.16067712

No, that's muttmerica.

>> No.16067732

>Glucose syrup

>> No.16067740

my apple tree doesn't need pesticides so if farmers do it they're trash
also I'm in the eu
hormones have been banned here
Most pesticides too
even gmo crap isn't tolerated
you mutts should just ban that shit but you won't so it's kind of your own fault

my apple tree does not get sprayed
it's not my fault I thought apples didn't need pesticides
Stop bully :(

Apparently but Google tells me that farmers don't want to use the artificial wax coating because it's expansive. But if they wash their apples they also lose the natural wax coating of the apple so they have to create a new costing.

But sure you vegan terrorist twats then say apples has 2 chemicals, 1 from the pesticides, and 1 from the wax and if you don't use a wax coating you only used pesticides

All you guys are doing is vindicating my simple system
the good farmer who doesn't clean his apples and doesn't use pesticides can say he has 0 chemical apples with 1 operation (plucking) so it is the least processed food you can possibly have and is therefore good. Big yum yum! Label A

Apple with 2 chemicals and thus 3 operations (plucking and wax coating and pesticide spraying)
big yuck! disgusting they might look shiny on the outside but they're horrible worthless apples! Rating C

So you'll easily know what is overprocessed garbage slop (how many operations would something like chicken nuggets have vs chicken thighs) and how many garbage chemicals you're eating.

You're only proving my point so if you're trying to dismiss my system because you're big food shills then you just lost

>> No.16067750

can this meme just finally die
there is nothing wrong with fats and I just know they lump it together with sugar because sugar is much worse. You can't eat a pound of fat. You can eat a pound of sugar.
>content of rapeseed, walnut and olive oil.
>>>>rapeseed oil
>>>>walnut oil
The number of rapeseed you need to eat in order to get a relevant amount of oil into your system is absurd but somehow crushing millions of rapeseeds and extracting the oil and using that for cooking is just like totally fine and you can do it every day lol no idk why people are becoming obese must be all that butter right I bet it's the natural and easily extracted fats from milk tea which have been used for thousands of years that's causing the obesity epidemic
I hate society

>> No.16067753

>Europoor manlet chemistry flunkie enjoys the taste of bugs in his quarter-crop of miniaturized apples
Cannot make this shit up

>> No.16067756

>Europoor manlet chemistry flunkie enjoys the taste of bugs in his quarter-crop of miniaturized apples
>Cannot make this shit up
Just don't buy the apples with holes in them :)
and you can still buy the dirty worthless apples with pesticides and chemicals if you want to
You'll just buy label C apples
ez pez
you know my system works and that's what scares you
big food will lose because people can be free in their choices which chemicals and operations they want to accept
I'd accept pesticides but not artificial wax if possible
I don't mind a dirty non shining apple, I'll just wash it myself, especially if they're cheaper which they should be because wax is expensive

>> No.16067757

>1 and a half stars
bloody nora

>> No.16067799

You can't score individual food items, only ones entire diet.

>> No.16067807

Because raw milk is unfairly maligned and poorly accessible out of fear less than demand

>> No.16067809

>to make it a better cow
*make it a cheaper cow and squeeze out production at the cost of quality
A natural cow's diet is vastly superior but impossible without a lot of land

>> No.16067812

you dumb fucking degenerate faggot fuck. as if the whole world is just the usa. god i fucking hate you retarded idiots it‘s fucking unbelieveable…

>> No.16067816

I am from Poland, I see no nutrition scores anywhere. Maybe stop shopping in kraut stores

>> No.16067818

Where do you think I've lived for the past 30 years, you inbred assfaggot, this nutri score thing does not exist here

>> No.16067822

>but not much else.
taurine, carnitine, creatine, vitamin K2, b12 etc etc

you may actually be a propagandized midwitt drone, if this is the extent of your awareness

>> No.16067854

lol remember when conservatives were briefly super worried that the government was booming for their gas stoves for a few days? The raw milk thing sounds exactly like that. Manufactures outrage over literally nothing.

>> No.16067859

Please explain in your own words what you think a "chemical" is and why your Apple doesn't contain any.

>> No.16067866

Never eaten anything with a jewtriscore never will

>> No.16067870

I prefer to salt my food myself and not have some corporation choose my sodium levels for me.

>> No.16067874

The score is relative to similar foods you dumb amerilard

>> No.16068163

why the fuck are you comparing meat to cornflakes?

>> No.16068175

Why does Americans always assume that France = entire EU?

Anyways the score is dumb and borderline useless.

>> No.16068272

You are retarded anon. This is how misinformation spreads. The rating is relative to other foods in the same category. You would find frozen pizza with an A, because it's a healthier choice compared to other frozen pizzas

>> No.16068762
File: 115 KB, 1000x1500, 1704266128268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I prefer to salt my food myself and not have some corporation choose my sodium levels for me.

>> No.16069172

>UK version still uses vegetable oils

>> No.16069199

Yo big black momma

>> No.16069230

Palm oil's the only truly bad one, but it's in almost everything sadly

>> No.16069237

>le fat bad

>> No.16069262
File: 1.85 MB, 3244x933, 1687473243505845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look up closest store
>Some cereals really get an A
Here are some more for comparison. The meat on the left probably has a crapload of fat and shit. But of course "thecarnivoreuk" wouldn't tell you about it.

>> No.16069268

It has a crapload of sodium and "the carnivore UK" even admits it.

>> No.16069278

Gracias for posting this

>> No.16069463 [DELETED] 

Israel will be destroyed and your whole jew word magic will die with it.
is thingy in apple without human doing it? then it no yucky chemical. Any more complex is word magic meant to """define""" the terms and is the corruption that destroys decent civilization. For that alone you deserve to be stoned to death and your existence forgotten.

>> No.16069479

I understand left, antibiotics and all that other shit in there is not good for you. But the right is genuinely fucked up.

>> No.16069481

>I understand left, antibiotics and all that other shit in there is not good for you
lol it doesn't measure antibiotics afaik
Just how much fat and salt it has compared to other burgers from the same category whatever the fuck that means

>> No.16069503

Because doritos are a fried food. You don't fry corn chips in lard.

>> No.16069520

nutri-score for ze bugs?

>> No.16069525

They all get As. Most of them are S even.

>> No.16069548

What you fail to realize is you are smack dab in the middle of the bell curve.

Nesquik cereal is peak nutrition.

>> No.16069613

Stop trolling the chuds, they'll end up believing this shit.

>> No.16069684

this so much, diversity is our greatest strength!! we will show these fucking whites!!!

>> No.16069923

nesquik is a much discussed cherry pick tho, for their calculation they assume you Mix it with water and not Milk.

anyway, a traffic light i a 1D Indicator, but for many people it can help with identifing Caloriebombs

>> No.16069938

I went to one and didn’t see anything like this. Would you mind pointing to this rating system and where these items come from?

>> No.16070487

Thanks, doc!