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16059301 No.16059301[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a scientific explanation for these statistics? How many important journal articles have been published on this topic?

>> No.16059409

masks stopped the spread of the flu.

they did NOT stop the spread of the covid bioweapon being intentionally spread by chinese agents

>> No.16059410

horse fucking shit. if it were true we should have been masking the whole time, and the people in charge should be drawn and quartered for letting hundreds of millions of people die

>> No.16059417

Serious question, is there any proof the vaxx worked besides the government saying they are lifting the restrictions?
Among which says it's not legal to force people to get vaxxed?

>> No.16059453

The truth is the flu never killed anybody that didn't have full blown AIDS. Flu/pneumonia deaths are essentially 100% pneumonia deaths.

>> No.16059476

it kills and disables old people and women fairly well

>> No.16059478

i still mask because they work

>> No.16059482

I believe this data

>> No.16059486

they were never tested and efforts were made to minimise any possible control group

>> No.16059512

I still wear a magical talisman because it just plain works as I am obviously still alive.

>> No.16059591

The only difference between covid-19 and influenza is the causative agent. Since neither of these agent has been isolated and proved to cause the supposed illness, one easily deduces that covid and flu literally are the same thing.

>> No.16059599

The flu isn't even the same thing as the flu since the flu shot only works if you are exposed to the correct flu for that year's doses.

>> No.16059600

Surely you can back this up by scientific evidence

>> No.16059609

>Influenza (flu) vaccine effectiveness (VE) can vary. The protection provided by a flu vaccine varies from season to season and depends in part on the age and health status of the person getting the vaccine and the similarity or “match” between the viruses in the vaccine and those in circulation.
>the similarity or “match” between the viruses in the vaccine and those in circulation.

>> No.16059664

>cdc website
>scientific evidence

>> No.16059687

If you could follow links and read, you would see they are quoting the manufacturers and presenting their evidence.

>> No.16059697

Post the actual evidence then

>> No.16059705

Why bother when you don't even read what was provided so you don't even understand the right question to ask since that evidence is obviously dependent on each individual manufacturer while that link from the cdc summaries them all since they all only work for specific strains?

>> No.16059722

Don't bother then, I don't give a shit. Just don't act like your claims are backed up science when you're obviously talking out of your ass.

>> No.16059727 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16059729

No, I clearly gave you the links to do your research, don't act like you haven't been given evidence when you just can't read.

>> No.16059733

I haven't asked for links to do my research though, I've asked for actual scientific evidence backing up your particular claim. Looks like you don't have any.

>> No.16059737

Which is contained in the links if you could bother to read, but you still don't even understand that there are multiple manufacturers of flu shots and are probably waiting for scientific evidence of that instead of just reading the information in the links.

>> No.16059739

Cite the passage or passages where it's contained, please.

>> No.16059742

You didn't bother to read the first time and confirmed you wouldn't bother again and simply don't care.

>> No.16059745

If it's there, just post the citation, man.

>> No.16059749

Just ignore the post I originally provided.
Here is another source for you to completely ignore so you can get back on your high horse, retard.
>There are challenges associated with vaccine composition and vaccine uptake. It takes approximately 6 to 8 months to identify and predict which influenza strains to include in the upcoming season's vaccine.

>> No.16059754

>excerpt from abstract for a review paper
>scientific evidence
I'm starting to think that you don't understand what scientific evidence means

>> No.16059757

I still know you are retarded and don't know the literal first thing about flu shots because you actively refuse to read about them since it conflicts with your retarded assumptions.

>> No.16059762

Also don't even understand that review is an entire step of the scientific method and the people doing the review and reporting the evidence are nih scientists.

>> No.16059786

>we should have been masking the whole time
And this is news to you?

>> No.16059792

>if it were true we should have been masking the whole time
In some Asian countries they wear masks when ill and have done so for ages

>> No.16059821 [DELETED] 

You're asking very dangerous questions here and if you persist you'll find yourself arrested for being a white supremacist russian agent. Noticing how the flu magicaly disappeared while Covid appeared at the exact same time is literally a core belief of nazi ideology and we will simply not tolerate it. I suggest you take some time off and consider what you're doing with you're life, things might not end well for you if you continue down this path.

>> No.16059830

You're asking very dangerous questions here and if you persist you'll find yourself arrested for being a white supremacist russian agent. Noticing how the flu magicaly disappeared while Covid appeared at the exact same time is literally a core belief of nazi ideology and we will simply not tolerate it. I suggest you take some time off and consider what you're doing with your life, things might not end well for you if you continue down this path.

>> No.16060114

>review is an entire step of the scientific method
Which scientific experiment backing up your claim has been reviewed in your linked paper?

>> No.16060201

Yes there is:
It's called R_0-value self regulation.
By which I mean: Lockdown.

>> No.16060593

does that prevent the spread of flu in those asian countries? how so many flu epidemics originate in asia?

>> No.16061787

all of them

>> No.16062357
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>> No.16063741

>How many important journal articles have been published on this topic?
None whatsoever, the soientific community is ignoring it because thats what their political propaganda masters are instructing them to do

>> No.16064474
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Vaxxie brains have deterioriated significantly at this point

I see it daily every time i directly or indirectly have to interact with a vaxxie. They're just totally fried really

>> No.16065650

how come masks didn't stop flu from spreading before 2020?

>> No.16066005 [DELETED] 

>Don't act like your claims are backed up by science when all you're doing in quoting the CDC

>I only get my scientifically correct information from the most reliable conservative Twitter shitposting accounts, thank you erymuch

>> No.16066007

>Don't act like your claims are backed up by science when all you're doing is quoting the CDC

>I only get my scientifically correct information from the most reliable conservative Twitter shitposting accounts, thank youverymuch

>> No.16066054

What a projection

>> No.16067196

nobody can answer this question

>> No.16067269

They said it was viral interference early on. Is this memory holed?

>> No.16067429
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>> No.16068622

Is there a scientific explanation for these statistics?
covid is a fake and gay media fabrication
How many important journal articles have been published on this topic?
none, scyence journals are pure propaganda

>> No.16069962 [DELETED] 

yes, covid was a psyop

>> No.16071102

The people who got tricked by the lame psyop are too proud to ever admit that they were dumb enough to get tricked so easily.
Those chinky videos of people flopping over and dying on the sidewalk in china were really low production value, its like the people in charge of propaganda were total amateurs or something.

>> No.16071526

Its explained in the paper that you refuse to read.

>> No.16072026 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16072371

>Imagine being so retarded that you didn't know that multiple viruses were called 'flu'

>> No.16072377

Flu refers to InFLUenza, thus the "flu" part.

>> No.16072384
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WHY WON'T YOU LISTEN AND OBEY?!?!? this kind of deductive reasoning can get you KILLED!


>> No.16073120
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>> No.16073484

Not true. They wear masks to hide their identities when buying adult manga.
When you see pictures of everyone on the street wearing masks, it is because they are coincidentally all going to buy perverted shit at the same time.

>> No.16075330

>Imagine being so retarded that you didn't know that multiple viruses were called 'flu'

>> No.16078217

>the flu shot only works if you are exposed to the correct flu for that year's doses.
Thats just a story they made up so they can sell a new vaccine every year. They invented the covid story so now they can sell a new vaccine every 90 days, 400% more profits than the fake flu vax scam

>> No.16078244

kys you retard

>> No.16079793 [DELETED] 


>> No.16080884 [DELETED] 

oy vay shut up goy, stop asking questions
t. "science"

>> No.16081944 [DELETED] 

>the faked an entire flu epidemic just so they could sell a bunch of flu vaccine shots