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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16056971 No.16056971 [Reply] [Original]

Are Limits Pseudo-Science? Discuss.

>> No.16056978

I legitimately can’t tell what he’s trying to say and I know what a limit is

>> No.16057026

Did this schizo finally give up on COAM?

>> No.16057683


>> No.16059025

I love this guy, it's not hard to find internet schizos, but it is rare to find one who is so determined to stick to his guns while refusing to learn anything about the field(s) he's trying to disprove.

>> No.16059966

he fucked off from 4chan after getting rangebanned 4 times, that's all

>> No.16059974

math has never been a science. it doesn't collect data to falsify hypotheses.
it's a standalone field, above sciences and possibly as hard as solving philosophy.
dumb twitterniggers don't even know what he's talking about.

>> No.16059993

Math can be said to be too pure to be a science.

“One plus one equals two, always”
“Show me your theory”

But it’s still a repeatable process, nonetheless, so effectively a science. It’s also art. Geometry is beauty.

>> No.16060602

Math is a language. One plus one equals two by definition.

>> No.16060605

it's pseudoscience because it relies on things that are unfalsifyable on our scale of existence

>> No.16060622

No lmao it's not. It's a framework for problem solving that's it.

Linguists try to claim it, but no other language is trying to solve problems, they're trying to communicate.

Math is JUST about solving and documenting problems. Defining assumptions about problems and then deriving conclusions and solutions. It's all problem oriented.

It's why it's so easy to understand compared to language despite literally every text having slightly different (or drastically different) notations. It's why all the sciences and engineering disciplines use it. It looks is THE problem solving framework, with the only thing close to it being programming (which is very similar in that all programming 'languages' are just different problem documentation processes)

>> No.16060625

>It's a framework for problem solving
So is every other language, math is just the most formal, least arbitrary one.

>> No.16060632

Wrong. That's not what languages are. Again, it's just linguists wanking themselves thinking everything is language.

Languages exist for one purpose and one purpose only, communication. That is it.

If languages filled the role that math and programming fill, then we would not need them. It's not formality, math doesn't have to be formal. It is literally just problem, definition, frameworks that are consistent with each other.

>> No.16060725
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>> No.16061013

Limits are actually bullshit. Nonstandard analysis is superior and we should kick that other bullshit to the curb.

>> No.16061023

non-mathfag I consider Mathematics more or less to be a closed logical loop (not a science)
can someone give me the TLDR what is a limit

>> No.16061031

the thing that the things go to

>> No.16061089

A limit of something is what it approaches as some variable approaches some value. This is not to be confused with what the thing actually is when the variable is at said value.

As an example, the limit of x/x as x approaches 0 is 1. No matter which way you look at it, x/x is moving towards 1 as x gets closer to 0. Whereas x/x when x=0 is of course undefined because fuck you. Basically limits are fake values we can use in place of other values that we either can't get or would lead to weird results. It's pretend math.