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16055931 No.16055931 [Reply] [Original]

Only 58% of them can be made to acknowledge that human sex is binary — and this is anonymously! Publicly they almost all lie and say that human sex is actually voodoo magic.

Non-scientists don’t have a problem understanding basic reality. Scientists are uniquely inferior, because science is a unique voodoo mindwarp. Try to reproduce their trash—good luck with that. Science is based on the notion that something is real if a regime newspaper praises your findings, automatically making science that says otherwise an act of hate (wrong by definition).

Fuck science. KILL science.

>> No.16055938

>t. can't explain intersex with my assumptions

>> No.16055939

I almost wonder if there are any significant regime changes in the next century or two, if they'd call science something different to get away from its tarnished reputation.

>> No.16055942

if 0.0001% of humans are born with three arms, and twice that with one arm, would you say that humans are 1-3 armed creatures?

>> No.16055945

Now scientists even deny that animals are sometimes born with birth defects, all in the service of their religion

(Now they’ll claim this ruleset only applies to humans)

>> No.16055947

You mean if two arms is not the only possibility would I say two arms is not the only possibility?

>> No.16055948

how many arms do human beings have? just answer the question.

>> No.16055949

You still can't explain how that "defect" can even exist if there are only two possibilities.

>> No.16055962

>humans aren’t a bipedal species

>> No.16055970

Bipedal is related to legs, not arms and not all humans are bipedal, its a tendency, not a hard rule.

>> No.16055976

common sense and academia will always be separate and opposite things

>> No.16055977

It depends on the person, there is no set amount of arms that every single person must have.

>> No.16055978

Humans are aquatic because sometimes women do water birth and the fetus dies before drawing air, living a whole lifetime underwater.

This is science. Fuck science. Smash and destroy it.

>> No.16055979

Humans are amphibious, they can walk on land and swim in the sea.

>> No.16055983

Intersex isn't an intermediary between sperm and egg. It's a genetic mutation that necessarily produces infertile people who have no biological sex.

>> No.16055989

Male, Female, and Other still isn't a binary.

>> No.16055997

depends how significant "others" is.

>> No.16056019

No it doesn't, if a third option is a possibility that negates the category being exclusively binary.

>> No.16056024

brother you could literally invent all sorts of appendiges, doesn't make them real. it's functionally a defect and while today we're not throwing babies with defects to the wolfs, it would be pretty retarded to make categories which are intended for practicality. there are two types of genitals based on how they function together. not three types, or more, two. cock goes in pussy, baby ensues. that's it. whatever else doesn't fit is a defect, and I get it that it's shitty to have "the defect" but there's a limit to how much we can collectively cater to your defect. like no joke and I'm not trying to be an ass about it.

>> No.16056034

>doesn't make them real. it
Yet there really are people who are neither male nor female and when you introduce NaN to 0 and 1, you are no longer working with a binary, but with a tertiary/ternary number system.

We haven't needed a cock or a pussy to make a test tube baby for over a century, your information is incredibly outdated.

>> No.16056041

you can make a separate classification for sexual apendages beauty or something, and have 1000 cathegories for all of the possible iterations. sure.
but sexually functional there are only two. there's no example of three different sexes being required to make a baby (which is the natural purpose). only two. sex is not a social construct, it's a biological animal construct.

>> No.16056046

Binary computers have infinite levels of voltages between the definitions of bits 0 and 1 but they're still binary computers. There's far more support for the computing device you're using being analog rather than digital than there is for humans having more than two sexes and yet, you won't go around telling everyone you have an analog computing device.

>> No.16056049

>there's no example of three different sexes being required to make a baby.
When three people are involved its called a chimera, nature doesn't even need two sexes to reproduce, so its still not a binary by your naturalism fallacy.

>> No.16056050

>so its still not a binary by your naturalism fallacy.
it is for humans. unless trannies are not humans and don't identify with humans

>> No.16056051

>infinite levels of voltages
No, usually 1 is at about 3.3v and 0 is at 0v for standard microprocessors and 3.3-0 is nowhere near infinity. If you had a third level to represent a third element such as NaN, you would not be using binary logic anymore.

>> No.16056052

No, you can still have human chimeras and humans can still come out as neither male nor female, so nothing you are saying makes human sex a binary.

>> No.16056055

not sure what the fuck you talking about but you only need two sexes to make a baby, a male and a female, that's it. nothing else is required, anything else is non-functional bloat, doesn't do anything, is not required. at most tolerated.

>> No.16056060

It is if you are concerned with sexual reproduction. Male female are the only sexual reproductive categories for mammals (which you are). Neutering yourself or having been born with a difference of sexual development doesn't change this. There's no way for a human to sexually reproduce except either as a male or female.

>> No.16056062

>you only need two sexes to make a baby, a male and a female, that's it. nothing else is required
You can make a baby with more than two, even that is not the binary you are making it out to be also we can turn eggs into sperm and sperm into eggs now so you can do it with 1 parent as well.

>> No.16056063

Chimeric reproduction proves you wrong.

>> No.16056064

not sure if you are trolling for tranny hate or you are an actual idiot. you can't possibly hope anyone will go along with your lunacy kek you have absolutely no argument

>> No.16056065

> We can turn eggs into sperm and sperm into eggs

Can you provide some sort of source for this that isn't just speculative science fiction? As far as I'm aware, the closest we've gotten is creation of partial mice gametes from stem cells. I don't think we are anywhere near the level of biological fuckery as you are implying.

Is this just some sort of coping mechanism for you? Do you need to feel like there is more to mammalian sexual reproduction than male/female to cope with your own personal differences of sexual development or something?

>> No.16056067

>sci-fi movies where androids uploads their minds via alien tech proves you wrong
that's not how it works you fantastic idiot. just because you can manipulate DNA and invent unnecessary bullshit doesn't prove that functionally there's only two sexes, determined by the environment for millions of years of working exactly just cock in pussy.

>> No.16056070

> Chimeric reproduction

You've learned a new buzzword and now are throwing it at the wall and hoping it will stick? Chimerism in humans happens when there are multiple fertilized zygotes (female ovum fertilized with male sperm) in the same uterus and one partially absorbed the genetic material of the other. This isn't something that is separate from male/female sexual reproduction, and in fact it requires male/female sexual reproduction to occur in the first place.

>> No.16056071

Human chimeras are not science fiction, though, calling things you don't understand science fiction isn't an argument.

>> No.16056072

Human chimeras are also not evidence of reproduction divorced from the sexual binary. They require multiple fertilized ovum via the sexual binary process to be in the same uterus to occur.

>> No.16056074

get your head out of your ass anon

>> No.16056076

It sounds like you information is based on where they were at in 2013 soon after the human gene sequencing was completed, How old is your awareness?

>> No.16056078

No it isn't based on a male/female pair, it can be male/male/female, female/female/male, male/female/other, and every other combination.

>> No.16056079

Do you want to know how I know you didn't read the study you linked?

>> No.16056080

You shouldn't just ignore every bit of evidence that proves you wrong, you will just make yourself look stupid in the long run when you can't refute it and just have to resort to reeeeeeing at your opposition about truths you don't want to consider.

>> No.16056081

Because you didn't and all you can do is project your own circumstances?

>> No.16056082

>male/male/female, female/female/male, male/female/other
pretty sure there's one in each that is absolute functional bloat and all groups can do without the extra? just because you have a gang bang doesn't mean you must have a gang bang for a baby to pop out. fuck's wrong with you?

>> No.16056083

Ah, yes, of course. The famous female/female ovum fertilization and male/male fertilization cases.

I'd love to hear how it is that two ovum fertilized each other in your view. In principle the male/male/female is possible in the sense that you could have fraternal twins that are actually from two different fathers and then one of the zygotes could absorb the other, however the others you listed are just bizarre. It makes me wonder whether you actually believe your own nonsense or if it's just wish fulfillment.

>> No.16056085

bro listen instead of you being an idiot and drawing unnecessary hate to trannies who want a normal life, you should just shut the fuck up and wait the 20 years or so when you'll be able to perfectly transition at dna level, to one of the two sexes. at that point all this ideological bullshit will become irrelevant anyway.

>> No.16056086

Between 0 and 4.

>> No.16056088

You didn't have to push yourself as using chatgpt to debate lil bro

>> No.16056091

t. Fermi

>> No.16056092

No, it's because you don't seem to know the difference between PCG's (which are not capable of developing into fully mature ovum/sperm without a female/male body to produce them) and the ovum/sperm that are produced when PCG's are produced in a human body.

If you want to read a study that's not behind a pay wall (as if you read studies) take a look at this one:

What they are able to do is produce cells which are similar to PCG's via stem-cells. These PCG-like cells mimic the early stages of peri-implantation development. That's pretty neat, and is a marvelous accomplishment in itself.

It is not "we can turn sperm into eggs and eggs into sperm." It's not even "we can turn stem cells into sperm." It is "we can turn stem cells into cells which mimic the early parts of the process of biological creation of sperm."

>> No.16056094

Can you not read or do you just actively refuse to understand that chimeric isn't based on a breeding pair, but on a throuple of genetic donors?

>> No.16056095

that's manipulating shit with technology. anything of the sort is artificial and has no meaning to what we are for gorrillion years. our current form has nothing to do with the industrial revolution and technological human-cell manipulation

>> No.16056097

>>16056095 me
>our current form has nothing to do with the industrial revolution and technological human-cell manipulation
tho that isn't the case for many trannies today, they are artificially constructed via technologically assembled chemicals

>> No.16056098

No, that is what that study is about because in the US it is illegal to go further, but that doesn't mean it isn't possible and hasn't been done, this is just absolute proof that it can be.

>> No.16056102

No, I understand what chimerism is. It is you that doesn't seem to understand what chimerism is.

When you have chimerism in humans, you have multiple fertilized ovum in the same uterus which during the process of development, merge into one. Those fertilized ovum may be any combination of male/female in themselves, but they are fertilized ovum (meaning a male sperm fertilized a female ovum).

The "chimerism" that occurs in the resultant fetus means the genetic material of multiple fertilized ovum were merged. What it doesn't mean is that these fertilized ovum were not from male/female reproductive pairs. It still took a male/female reproductive pair to create the fertilized ovum which merged together.

>> No.16056103

Which part of the "three binary numbers" can't you understand?

>> No.16056105

> This is just absolute proof that it can be

That what can be? That we can artificially produce the beginning stages of sperm/ovum via stem cells?

Let's say it was a restriction on the legal side of things and their PCG-like cells were capable of developing into sperm if implanted. They'd still need to be implanted into a male in order to develop into sperm. They'd still require a fertile natal male to go from PCG to gamete.

>> No.16056109

That is only one type of chimerism, just like there are multiple processes that result in twins, there is more than one way to make a human chimera.

>> No.16056110

The part where your "binary" system actually needs a third option to fully represent the spectrum of human sexes making it not actually binary, but tertiary at best, assuming there is only one type of "other" element.

>> No.16056113

>a third option to fully represent the spectrum of human sexes
there isn't a 3rd NEEDED human sex.

>> No.16056114

>They'd still need to be implanted into a male in order to develop into sperm. They'd still require a fertile natal male to go from PCG to gamete.
Not necessarily, it would probably be the simplest way to do it, but it wouldn't be necessary, we don't even have to grow full people, we can just grow organs, so we could just grow the testicles to harbor the sperm, but we wouldn't even need to do that as we could just use a catalyst and trigger it to grow into a full blown sperm.

>> No.16056116

It does however exist, you don't need arms and legs to be a human either, but we don't go circumcising all the infant's limbs just because you don't understand counting or necessity.

>> No.16056118

We can represent it fully with two sexes, like we can represent all numbers in a "decimal" system. Inventing new "sexes" is redefining words for your current political agenda though.

>> No.16056119

You are far too brain poisoned by sci-fi and wishful thinking. Good luck with your wish fulfillment fantasies and hoping that one day your glorious sexless test tube babies will be a thing. They certainly aren't now.

>> No.16056121

>It does however exist
chill on the guilt tripping dude

>> No.16056129

No, you sound like retarded physicists who say everything adds up exactly how they say because they account for a dark number anywhere that doesn't add up to their predictions.

The decimal system isn't a binary and even the decimal system can't account for every number or you wouldn't need pi and e and all the other irrational and trans numbers that can't be completely described using only decimals.

>> No.16056131

>you don't need arms and legs to be a human either
yeah we do, historically speaking. genetic blueprint kinda makes it obvious. just like "3rd option" would go extinct it not being functional and all. if humans without limbs would have been functional we would have more born natural that way, since it wouldn't matter for their success in the environment.
you shouldn't post here if you are not an adult.

>> No.16056133

Test tube babies are already a thing, dipshit.
Just because they exist doesn't mean they are "glorious", you aren't glorious just because you conform to normalized ideals, you are average.

>> No.16056135

I'm fine with being average. You seem to be the one who needs to pretend you aren't actually just a natal male or natal female (even if you are one that's infertile due to an unfortunate side effect of humans being organisms with imperfect genetic copying).

>> No.16056139

nobody is glorious you weirdo. why tf can't you just act like a normal human being?

>> No.16056142
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>> No.16056143

I am not pretending anything, I just don't need to pretend like something that exists doesn't exist to make my point about the absoluteness of human biology.

>> No.16056144

>nobody is glorious
That was my point, retard, you are the one who brought up gloriousness as a distraction so you can try to pretend like people outside of the average don't exist.

>> No.16056147

Let me know when you find the intermediary between sperm and egg, or chimerism that doesn't require the original genetic sources to be fertilized ovum. Until then, you are confusing the world you want to be the case, with the world as it truly is.

>> No.16056148

them existing doesn't mean there's a third sex dude. you can't guilt trip people into accepting that, it's not healthy for anyone.

>> No.16056152

I don't understand what about this is so difficult
To prove the existence of a third sex, you have to show the existence of a third gamete that isn't sperm or egg, and you have to show that its integral to the fertilization process. That's what would make a third sex.

>> No.16056154
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>I don't understand
allow me to explain ole chap ........ jewry

>> No.16056155

>when you find the intermediary between sperm and egg
I already linked the paper ITT and someone else explained it and added more context.

>doesn't require the original genetic sources
It require more than 2 genetic sources because it is not based on your false binary.

>> No.16056157

No, you just have to prove such a thing exists not that it is integral and it does exist and will be integral to artificial conception.

>> No.16056158

You have literally no idea what you're talking about, it's clear that you're not actually a molecular geneticist.

>> No.16056159

stop getting high on your own farts

>> No.16056160

>durr just because third type of sex exist does not mean there is a third type hurr

>> No.16056162

720 gametes have already been found though

>> No.16056163

No, you have to prove it's integral to the fertilization process, and you have to prove that there exists a person with organs that produce these gametes and use them for fertilization.

>> No.16056164

Love the replies proving OP right. Science as a way of understanding reality is just downloading the latest update of regime beliefs
>but muh soientific method and change over time
ancient regimes also updated their beliefs over time and had some stated rationale for believing these things (sun eclipse, therefore best available scientific proof grug god is angry ) and promulgated it to their priesthood class

>> No.16056165

>you literally must be wrong because it would hurt my feelings too much if I were

>> No.16056166


>> No.16056167

You are wrong because you're misunderstanding a paper and thinking it supports a claim that it doesn't

>> No.16056168

No, you just have to prove a third option exists to prove there is a third possibility.

>> No.16056171

No, you have to prove it's actually integral to sexual reproduction, as that's what sex is.

>> No.16056172

>You must be misunderstanding because if you are right, it would hurt my feelings too much.

>> No.16056173

trannies are the same kind of shit human like any other human. they ask for as much as they can get and they will become tyrannical just like any other human would, if allowed. getting denied (especially on entertaining your mental disease too much) is healthy for society.

>> No.16056174

No its not, sex is not just sexual reproduction.

>> No.16056176

You posted a paper about people attempting to use pluripotent stem cells to make sperm and egg gametes.

>> No.16056178

>sex is not just sexual reproduction.
it is literally just about sexual reproduction. so much so that it had to make you feel real good about doing it.

>> No.16056180

If that was true science wouldn't have been so helpful in creating technology. The problem isn't the scientific method, it's the way universities have been taken over by ideology and indoctrination.

>> No.16056183

>The 'blob,' an organism with no brain but 720 sexes, debuts at Paris zoo

>> No.16056188

No, its also for division of labor, there wouldn't be secondary sex characteristics if it was all only about reproduction.

>> No.16056189

yes it's a fungus. Fungi aren't anisogamous but this has been known for a while, although most fungi are isogamous anyway.
All plants and animals are anisogamous. You're not a slime mold

>> No.16056190

I don't understand why this is such a big hill to die on desu. We can support trans people while understanding that they aren't the other sex. The gender/sex distinction is the one that makes the most sense

>> No.16056193

>I don't understand why this is such a big hill to die on desu.
well it's science anon. it's not healthy for us to play along their mental illness, too much. I get the acceptance thing and nothing wrong with that. but corrupting science to protect their feefees is not smart, or sane.

>> No.16056194

Yes religion is a mental illness, thanks for pointing out we shouldn't pander to them when making biological models based on biology that clearly defies their traditions.

>> No.16056195

precisely why we're going to engineer humans to make females large and fecund and males small and athletic

>> No.16056196

The way of the ant, they beat you silly monkeys to every other civilization milestone from agriculture to architecture, so why wouldn't you follow their lead when it comes to sexual division.

>> No.16056197

I disagree. Transitioning helps trans people, it doesn't hurt us to allow trans men or women to have access to hormones if it helps them. The problems only start arising when they start claiming that sex isn't real or whatever.

>> No.16056200

evolution anon. form shaped by the environment. I get the transhumanist genetic manipulation argument, in the absolute sense sure, transition to a fucking dragon. if you're not a drama queen about it I don't care

>> No.16056201

Yes and the environment is chaotic, so the form it was shaped into is something a bit more versatile than simple binary, just in case.

>> No.16056202

>it doesn't hurt us
kinda does tho, at societal level we're wasting time attention and resources to entertain insanity. if gender is a social/mind construct then let's transition their brains to match their bodies. surely they'd be better off because they'd be really happy with the bodies they have. incentivizing it the other way around can only create more pain and drama, if it's a mind construct. especially since they can't perfectly transition at DNA level, yet.

>> No.16056205

No by saying there must be a binary, you are forcing them to spend extra resources transitioning when they could just be somewhere in between, exactly who they are, instead of trying to conform to some false duality.

>> No.16056206

Ants are haplodiploidy so males carry one set of chromosomes while females carry two. However, most mammals have larger females than males including about one-quarter of mammals. The idea that males are bigger is just a lie, males are almost always smaller
I'm not hurt by trans men or trans women having access to hormones. I just don't want them claiming that sex isn't real. I'm a pedant

>> No.16056209

Most animals* not mammals. About one-quarter of mammals have larger females than males, about 90% of animals have female-biased SSD

>> No.16056211

you would not be forcing them to do anything that they aren't forced to do right now, as in take chemicals to support what they wanna be.
I'm in the camp that you do whatever the fuck you want to do with your body. just don't make it an issue for me, don't use your drama as an excuse for anything really.

>> No.16056212
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>You're not a slime mold
I'm not, but have you looked around? A lot of people are...

>> No.16056213

>The idea that males are bigger is just a lie
Not when talking about humans since males are usually bigger and that is usually when people are talking about men being bigger than women.

>> No.16056215

>anyone who disagrees with me is a piece of shit
gold tier cognitive abilities

>> No.16056216
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the "there are other chromosome pairs other than XX,XY so there are more than 2 genders" doesn't help trannies at all. It would still make gender immutable, unchangeable and no tranny could ever change into a man or woman. What's the point of this argument?

>> No.16056217

They wouldn't have to take chemicals if you let them be themselves instead of forcing them to conform to some false dualism.

>> No.16056221

if it's a mind construct what they feel like being is absolutely changeable by definition. plenty of "cmon just try it out see how it feels" bait on basically every form of social media. "cmon just try it see how it feels" well clearly you'll start obeying the chemicals you're taking which support being a certain something. it's like saying if you take cocaine you reach your natural state of happiness. yeah no shit, chemical go to brain make you feel certain way.

>> No.16056223
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Not for long.
I'm sorry for my absence, anons

>> No.16056224

I'm calling people fat you mongoloid.

>> No.16056225

Its true for now, so its true, so its not a lie, your assumption that things will change in a certain way is a much less truthful statement.

>> No.16056226

my bad then

>> No.16056227

They wouldn't have people telling them there are only two sexes and they might be unhappy because they are the wrong sex and they would be happier if they transitioned to the other. Instead they would be told that they need more strength or nurturing and be given chemicals that actually lead to a change in strength or nurturing instead of trying to transition to some fake ideal.

>> No.16056230

The only way you get 'other' from the male/female binary is through disorders (hence why we call intersex DSD). Therefore it is not the same type as male or female. We are a biologically sexually dimorphic species, but due to typical biology you can have mutations and other issues which affect the phenotype in a way which is incongruent with our chromosomal blueprint. This however shows that a successfully developed phenotype (no DSD) exists as a binary.
To equate DSD to successfully developed phenotypes is the pitfall that trans ideology falls into and their only recourse at that point is to resort to post-modern thinking (DSD's don't exist, DNA doesn't have functions, etc) - this shows how they have an ideologically defined conclusion and follow any pathway to reach it which ultimately is not scientific

>> No.16056232

>its not technically a binary, but it makes me feel better to assume that it is

>> No.16056236

It's a spectrum. Bipedal is an archaic white supremacist word. Humans are a spectropedal species. All species are spectropedal, in fact. And, come to think of it, what even is species? A racist colonialist social construct, that's what.

>> No.16056238


>> No.16056239

>All species are spectropedal, in fact.

>> No.16056240

>he doesn't know

>> No.16056242

If you determine credibility by agreement with you then you have no credibility

>> No.16056244

>xPedal refers to number of legs, not arms.

>> No.16056246

There are no assumptions here, my reasoning is quite clear: it is a binary when you define it in terms of bodily construction, this only changes if you alter how the body is constructed (e.g. DNA doesn't function properly)

It's probably more fair to say that: a successful development of chromosomal sex results in a binary state. A non-successful development is where 100% of the spectrum stuff occurs. We can separate these off quite cleanly

>> No.16056257

I think sex only makes sense insofar as it relates to sexual reproduction, and in that sense we definitely have only two sexes: The one producing small gametes, and the one producing large gametes. Anyone else is essentailly sexless, even though they may share characteristics with either of these groups.

>> No.16056262

That would be super helpful if other people's reality ran off of your thoughts, but if they did, you wouldn't have to anonymously pawn off your shitty thoughts onto other people, they would simply manifest themselves.

>> No.16056266
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>> No.16056268

Possibly yeah, gametes is currently one of the best explanations in terms of being able to point towards physical objects as proof. I do have to think though, gametes themselves are a result of a developmental pathway - I do believe we can go a level higher. Also in my experiences with debating people on the other side, they can point out some 1 in a billion example where a human produced 2 gametes for a small moment in time and they proudly proclaim that this proves sex is a spectrum.

Honestly I think the whole debate is currently a victim of our lack of understanding DNA to a greater level. However as you say with gametes, plus there is no true third sex in terms of a participant in reproduction (there are only 2 gametes in humans), and the natural selection pressures which gave clear 'intent' to our evolutionary preference for a 'male' and 'female' binary types (this reflects broadly across the animal kingdom also), and on top of this the ONLY way for an intersex person to develop is a result of a construction defect. All of these together point very strongly to sex (in terms of DNA) being a binary. I do feel sad that a lot of doctors seem to ignore these important aspects of biology, but on the other hand they are only human and it does probably feel empathic for them to state that it is a spectrum

>> No.16056282

how would a third sex even look like? and how would any of the "first" two sexes be aroused by it? I mean if you were to design it at will, from the ground up, how would you do it and why like that?

>> No.16056285

>What colour is a car? Just answer the question

>> No.16056288

>Non-scientists don’t have a problem understanding basic reality.
What ?
Where did you get that ?

>> No.16056290

Any colour you want as long as it's black.

>> No.16056309

Plenty of people are into futa and cuntboys in porn. If I could I'd make fully fertile dickgirls and cuntboys as common as ordinary men and women, hopefully that's make it more obviously stupid to say that wanting a word for people you can reproduce with means thinking they're all really the same gender in whatever sense makes that transphobic. Though maybe it wouldn't help considering how crazy that is already.

>> No.16056313

The other 42% were probably "environmental" scientists or worse yet, psychologists

>> No.16056318

It's not that reality follows my thoughts, it's that my thoughts follow reality. Biological sex is a useful category because it predicts who can reproduce with who. 'Gender' predicts what? Who'll wear what clothing? Except crossdressers exist already. And why use a word for clothing styles that's already in use for sex? It just reinforces the sexist idea that there should be a connection between them.

>> No.16056319

Go outside.

>> No.16056320

Use your imagination.
There could be a situation where two partners are needed for their gametes but need a third gender to accept gametes and rear the child.
There could be a sterile third gender that serves a different role within the species aside from reproducing.
There could be a species where the haploid phase are identical but they produce a short-lived gametophyte offspring that can mate with any other gametophyte phase individual. In this case there would be no real concept of gender.

>> No.16056324
File: 1.85 MB, 1436x1904, tranny child rapist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the issue is you're not a third gender, you're a crossdressing pervert

>> No.16056336

> A bit more versatile.

In what way are infertile DSD's and people who experience significant mental anguish at the thought of being their natal sex "more versatile" than typical phenotypic human males/females?

>> No.16056338

>>16056282 me
yeah but that's recycling cock and cunt. nothing new just swapped.
>Use your imagination.
can't really I'm not into tentacle porn and that shit. hence why I was asking you. really curious how someone would design a 3rd on such that it plays well with what exists, but is clearly different. I mean at this point where we could design a 3rd sex reproduction is a moot point, that can be done anyway. 3rd sex is not solving an issue, it's clear hedonism for the sake of sexual pleasure.
I'm thinking like Pandora type shit from Avatar, that kind of redesign. just adding more sloppy cocks in sloppy cunts isn't really a 3rd sex

>> No.16056341

For something creative, how about ovipositors? I guess they're a little like cocks but not that much. And if they plant their eggs in female's wombs you get all three sexes playing a role in reproduction.

>> No.16056349

I have no problem with people getting hormones or surgery but the ability to speak the truth is highly valuable to a healthy society and the progress of science. And that includes facts like "Trans people are similar to others of the same birth sex in many (though not literally all) ways)" and "People have reasons to care about the concept of sex as distinct from self-assigned gender" and so on. And ostracizing people who notice and talk about these things disproportionately harms people with aspergers, who are the best at advancing science.

>> No.16056352

> article simply calls results majority
We need to start pressuring journalists to headline the actual numbers in studies rather than just say majority agrees or minority disagrees.

>> No.16056353
File: 2.21 MB, 2454x1212, 1664462262714301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cowardly, limp wristed attitude is why things have gotten this bad.
Anyone involved in the tranny industry needs to be executed for crimes against humanity.

>> No.16056354

dunno. women don't seem to enjoy carrying babies. if we get full control I'd just put some super-sensor thing on one finger and have it trigger intense pleasure and orgasm when you touch fingers with someone else. cleaner and don't have to take my pants off and shit like that.

>> No.16056358

You're asking for something that troons and the commies cannot answer. Same as asking them to define what a woman is.

Its a fucking joke

>> No.16056360

>I have no problem with people getting hormones or surgery but the ability to speak the truth is highly valuable to a healthy society and the progress of science.
this. I have zero hate for trannies I literally don't care and I'm happy for them if they're happy, and they're not being dicks about it.

>> No.16056372

You just unironically did a hard science with extreme rigor. The score board says GOOD you are moral and anyone who disagrees with you is SATAN. This is science.

>> No.16056379

I am not against science. I concede
>>16056236 won the thread

>> No.16056390
File: 394 KB, 1920x1080, 1696427971929927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

intersex /ĭn′tər-sĕks″/
1. An intersexual individual.
2. The condition of being intersexual.
3. Any of a variety of conditions (in a dioecious species) whereby an individual has characteristics of both sexes.
>both sexes

>> No.16057172

I cannot imagine anyone serious treating it any other than binary, they probably just assume its better to pretend fairy tales exist just to be safe.

>> No.16057183

It really all depends on how you define the term, as with all things. Usually surveys like these don't define terms, and I tend to think that is often on purpose to leverage the ambiguity of whatever the (meaningless) results are seeking to imply.

It's just rage bait. It's rage bait and propaganda. It should go in the bin and be ignored like most worthless surveys.

>> No.16057188
File: 29 KB, 288x441, sitemgr_photo_1604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because you're a white rural retard and you will be dealt with in time.

>> No.16057192

I'm just trolling and didn't mean to come off so mean

>> No.16057305

Legs and arms are social constructs. Humans can use arms as legs.

>> No.16057339

>male mutant
>female mutant
they explain it pretty well

>> No.16057663

Then they aren't even bipedal on average in the first place, they are quadrupedal if arms and legs are interchangeable.

>> No.16057664

Yes, so its not binary, its a spectrum because there are numerous third options that blend two extremes.

>> No.16057665


>> No.16057682 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 960x720, Y+Chromosome+Evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine if only 58 percent of physicists would agree that gravity exists

Isn't there actually a big divide on the existence of gravity as an independent force vs an emergent side effect of other forces?

Anyway, yes sex is binary but from a long term perspective the "status" of its binary nature from a genetic perspective has been changing over millions of years. So I can understand the affirming it as a indisputable fact if you have full knowledge of its hypothetical development.

>> No.16057684
File: 122 KB, 960x720, Y+Chromosome+Evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine if only 58 percent of physicists would agree that gravity exists

Isn't there actually a big divide on the existence of gravity as an independent force vs an emergent side effect of other forces?

Anyway, yes sex is binary but from a long term perspective the "status" of its binary nature from a genetic perspective has been changing over millions of years. So I can understand the hesitation of affirming it as a indisputable fact if you have full knowledge of its hypothetical development.

>> No.16057730
File: 83 KB, 611x728, 1709377492896208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both /bōth/
1. One and the other; relating to or being two in conjunction.
"Both guests have arrived. Both the books are torn. Both her fingers are broken."
2. The one and the other; the two; the pair, without exception of either.
3. (used with count nouns) two considered together; the two.

>> No.16057734

Yes and if you are both sexes, you have combined properties instead of just one or the other you are not one or the other, it is not a simple binary choice, you are a third option that combines various elements of two extremes and there are numerous ways the two extremes can be combined to result in novel other options that don't conform to either one or the other as a binary choice would.

>> No.16057738
File: 77 KB, 1000x667, 1681884119382021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the house in this picture red? Or is it white? Or is it a color other than red or white?

>> No.16057747

Yes, it is all those things, not just one or the other as a binary choice would be.

>> No.16057749

Would you say that by painting the house this way, we've invented a new color? What's the hex code of this color?

>> No.16057755

You showed a new color scheme for the house that is neither simply red nor simply white, but a spectrum of several colors that also includes blue, orange, and grey, so it has absolutely nothing to do with any binary.

>> No.16057761
File: 106 KB, 478x388, 1694076246244250.pngg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay let's put it another way, I approach you with the request to color my unique fursona with the same color as the house. Post your result.

>> No.16057771

The house is not made of one color, it is a unique color scheme with numerous different colors, so it would be retarded to paint your fursona only one color as a way to mimic the house's multicolored palette.

>> No.16057772

Complete the request and post your result.

>> No.16057780

There's a maniac in your house that says "if you don't paint my fursona the same color as the house, I'll destroy your funkopop collection". You start to cry and realize that you have no other choice but to comply with his crazy request, although you'll have to figure out how he meant it. After all, maybe he wanted it colored like the two-pixel door hinge...?

>> No.16057781

The request is retarded and nonsensical since the house is not one color, so there is no way to make the picture the same color as the house, if you wanted the nose to be the same color as the door, that would be one thing, but you can't choose the color of the house since the house is several different colors, you could apply a similar palette, but not the same color.

>> No.16057783

Doesn't matter, the one making the request is a murderous lunatic and your funkopops are at the stake. No ifs or buts. You need to paint it somehow, fast.

>> No.16057785

Houses don't have gametes, you dumb nigger

>> No.16057786

I would color it shit brown and derp the eyes to make it match the nature of your shitty retarded request.

>> No.16057789

The insincerity of your solution pissed the maniac off. Your limited edition Wonder Woman just bit the dust. He insists that while the shit brown appeals to one of his furry fetishes, the house isn't even arguably colored like that.

>> No.16057796

You will never be a woman

>> No.16057797

>the house isn't even arguably colored like that.
Its is though, if you mashed all the colors together like combining all the different paints used, the result would be shit brown just like shitty scenario your shit brain shat out.

>> No.16057804

The maniac is fuming now. He looks ready to decapitate your original series Captain America. He says, "If that is true, then prove it. Post the hex code of the mashed color."

>> No.16057811

We don't negotiate with shit terrorists, the maniac will just have to choke on his own shit.

>> No.16057816

The maniac goes nuclear and calls you transphobic.

>> No.16057824

The maniac dies of a stroke and you eat the shit out of his ass before eventually dying of blood poisoning as his shit seeps into your herpes sores.

>> No.16057828
File: 139 KB, 1040x784, 1703901193199137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16057831

And after you've finished this delicious buffet, one question still lingers in your mind: "What actually was the hex code...?" You sit down with a pencil and a paper and scratch down a six character hexadecimal number. What's the number?

>> No.16057833

Yes it would be retarded and nonsensical to try to put someone that simultaneous has characteristic of both sexes into one box which is why intersex exists in the first place and definitely proves OP's binary hypothesis wrong.

>> No.16057834

It's just the recent vaxxie who can't admit said vaxx fucked him up (argues in the same very jewish way). Guess he's troon aligned too who knew

>> No.16057836

My autistic friend, please enlighten me, what's the point of a sex?

>> No.16057837


>> No.16057839

You ponder some more about this code and realize that it also averages the grass around the house instead of just the house. "Nah, this can't be it", you mutter to yourself. You try the task again.

>> No.16057841

No, I didn't factor in the color of the grass, the trees, the bushes, the vehicles, the sky or the shed into account, if you think so, prove it.

>> No.16057842

To make tradfags like you seethe at the fact your stupid traditions don't actually match reality.

>> No.16057843

Where did the green 58 come from?

>> No.16057848
File: 80 KB, 796x749, 1698911887782800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, a "tradfag", will live to see my 5 children become a new generation of hecking bigoted fascists and transphobes. You will stroke your dick in a dark corner and neck yourself before your 3rd decade after you get your latest HIV results. You sure made me seethe.

>> No.16057850

The orange, white, and grey being doped down by the more prevalent red and the blue.

>> No.16057851

If the white and grey contribute so much, then why is blue only 04

>> No.16057853

No, you will neck yourself alone in a retirement home surrounded by ESL nurses who hate you because your cheap tranny kids will be too embarrassed to even text you let alone visit.

>> No.16057854

Imagine a children's choir in traditional slavic dresses surrounding your dead body, singing "you will never be a woman" in angelic voices.

>> No.16057855

Because there is only a small amount of it on the door much less than the amount of white and grey.

>> No.16057856

But white and grey also contain blue in the same proportion as the green

>> No.16057857

Tell it to your sons, that isn't something I have to worry about since I grew up in the 70s with glass bottles and paper bags, you are the one raising kids in the age of widespread microplastic contamination overdosing them on estrogen while they are growing and making them all excessively feminized.

>> No.16057858

>you are the one raising kids in the age of widespread microplastic contamination overdosing them on estrogen while they are growing and making them all excessively feminized.
So is this something you are proud of? The great tranny heritage?

>> No.16057860

Yet they aren't present in the same proportions as the red and orange in the house color palette.

>> No.16057861

No, you are the one obviously proud of it since you are the one bragging about sacrificing a bunch of kids to the tranny altar of modernity.

>> No.16057862

But the red contains neither green nor blue and the orange is maybe a quarter of the picture and also under 58 green on average.

>> No.16057863

my fucking sides

>> No.16057867

>sacrificing a bunch of kids to the tranny altar of modernity
I said the exact opposite of that. Is this the ashkenazi schizophrenia I keep hearing about?

>> No.16057880

Then why are you spending all this time trying to arguing about the thing you said wasn't even arguable?

>> No.16057881

No you didn't, you said you purposely had kids which means you knowingly created new people just to make them suffer modernity and die.

>> No.16057885

When I tell you "meet me tomorrow at the red house down the lane and I'll give you the one million dollars", and you're walking down a lane of houses, all of which have the average hex code of 202C44, and then there is one house that has the hex code of 7B5804, which one would you expect to meet me at? Clearly, there is no red house!

>> No.16057888
File: 648 KB, 640x476, 1699283399951954.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No you didn't, you said you purposely had kids which means you knowingly created new people just to make them suffer modernity and die.
No, we reject modernity and embrace tradition.

>> No.16057889

People don't always give perfectly precise directions, wow, what a deep fundamental truth of reality you have stumbled upon.

>> No.16057890

Sure, you totally reject modernity from the comfort of a traditionally degenerate internet forum.

>> No.16057891

So then why would you ever go "ackchually the house isn't red since if you take the foundation and different shade of the roof into account it's averages a little bit more like brown but what's a brown color anyway? Just another social construct devised by fascists"

>> No.16057892

The internet is a smorgasbord, you take what you like and leave what you don't. Some autistic individuals have a hard time understanding this.

>> No.16057897

Sure, so you can go back to posting on social media about how hard you reject modernity.

>> No.16057899

I never said that, it is red and it is orange and it is blue and it is grey because it is not painted based on binary rules, it incorporates a spectrum of colors.

>> No.16057901

Social media is a tool. I use it because it's convenient for me, not because I let it walk all over me and convince me that 2 plus 2 is 5. Like how you buy a lawnmower to mow your lawn, not to mow down your penis.

>> No.16057902

>I use it
I know, I already pointed out that you didn't actually reject modernity and you are actively sacrificing children to it.

>> No.16057903

So if I said "meet me at the blue house" instead, and you're walking down a lane of houses, all of which have the average hex code of 202C44, and then there is one house that has the hex code of 7B5804, would you expect to meet me at the house 7B5804 because it has a blue door?

>> No.16057905

You think that my life depends on this place? No, I'll have a little fun and then drop it like a wet rag. Your idea of sacrificing children is inane and shows your fragility. My children don't just collapse to adversity like some neurotic tranny would.

>> No.16057919

I would call you retarded for describing them that way instead of just giving an address.

>> No.16057920

I don't know, but I do know you probably don't even have children and even if you did they would definitely suffer as a result of your obviously social media addiction.

>> No.16058013

turns out they don't want to lose their jobs

>> No.16058038

which is a clear sign we must continue to entertain lunacy. there's no trace of tyrannical tendencies, clearly. science is free to speak its mind without consequences.

>> No.16058816

It's a red house bro

>> No.16059663

what happens when science allows us to freely change our sex to what ever combo we want, you ignorant bigot scum?
fuck off to /pol/
this board is for enlightened people only

>> No.16059889

Then people will be able to actually change sex, instead of bullying and threatening everyone into pretending they've changed sex? I don't see how this was supposed to be a point in your favor.

>> No.16059912

Why is it so difficult for people to say that most humans have two arms and that is generally regarded as the norm, though there are some rare exceptions?

>> No.16059917

The human race, as a species, is meant to be retarded.

This, I believe. One-hundred percent.

>> No.16059919

Peer pressure is the death of science and has absolutely rotted this world.

>> No.16059922

I'm a human but not retarded. Explain that

>> No.16059954

lol retard kek

>> No.16060024

You are the outlier in a world of retards.

>> No.16060455
File: 55 KB, 618x412, Fred_Phelps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God hates scientists

>> No.16061016

The few who are as committed to science as Galileo was end up getting the same treatment he did from the academic crowd.
How do people who say soiyence isn't a religion explain that?

>> No.16061024

It's kind of funny how we have such a vague definition of scientist but it is used as such a strong word. Why would I listen to a scientist, who cares what a chemist thinks about this. Ask biologist if anything not "scientists"

>> No.16061326

The guy who told surgeons to wash their hands before surgery was thrown into a mental asylum, where he was later beaten to death.

The community's response after? "Well maybe if he was nicer to me...".

Humans suck so much lol.

>> No.16061345

at this point it's like dealing with children. why do they even bother in using "God" instead of "me and my friends"? it's silly
>sure sweetie, "God"...
>I'm just buying them for a friend, clearly it's not for me

>> No.16061370

Because poltards and schizos constantly go around claiming that they're "just asking questions". Nobody is obligated to explain things to you.

>> No.16061386

Giga based

>> No.16061393

Well, if there is a God he certainly hates the miserable wretches that make up the progressive LGBTQ space. Have you ever seen a more pathetic and loathesome group of people? They hate themselves because they can't be normal and then project that hatred outward onto the rest of the world rather than trying to actually reflect and understand it.

>> No.16061398

>if there is a sufficiently godlike alien intelligence that for some reason hates same sex interactions

>> No.16061401

>if there is a God he certainly hates
>They hate themselves
>and then project that hatred outward onto the rest of the world
why is it so hard for you to say you hate them? why do you always have to invoke God? why can't you own up to it and use God as a proxy? think that makes you less guilty or something? it's like having a sock-puppet and using it to communicate shit that doesn't make you feel good. it's childish and clearly weird. don't you see it?

>> No.16061403

I wasn't saying God hates the same sex interactions. If they exist, they may very well be ambivalent about that.

They certainly hate fags as people, otherwise they'd be capable of being homosexuals without being miserable faggots all the damn time. If there's any evidence that if a deity exists they hate the gays, it's that gay people are generally shit people who are incapable of being normal and well adjusted outside of their sexual proclivities.

If there were more gay people who were just fucking normal and weren't obviously mentally ill and tortured, you might have more of a point. At the moment, I can't think of a more completely insane and wretched sub-genre of the human experience than the progressive LGBTQ.

>> No.16061405

I do hate them. I don't hate them for their sexual behaviors or identity or any of that. As far as I'm concerned, they could spend all damn day sucking cocks and cutting their own dicks off and it wouldn't matter in the slightest if they could also be a normal human being outside of their sexual behaviors.

For some reason they are consistently incapable of this. That's what I hate them for, not the sexual activities they get up to (which properly have no bearing on my life). I hate them because they are miserable faggots outside of their sexual life. If they could just be normal but with a slight difference in their sexual behaviors or identification it wouldn't matter. They can't, and instead need to make it everyone else's problem when we all just want to mind our own fucking business.

>> No.16061411

Dunno dude, for example I see them as victims.

>> No.16061412

Victims of their own behavior and lack of introspection?

>> No.16061424

No, more of their own circumstances. Family, friends, culture, society at large, current state of things, neverending stream of bullshit, fucked up future and perspectives, cognitive dissonance with society's values and what is actually happening. Corporations. Religion

>> No.16061428

Ah, so everything but their own behavior. Got it. Why do you hold these people so precious that they can't be held accountable for their own actions and expected to at least attempt to maintain control of their mental state (like everyone else is)?

>> No.16061433

I hate trannys faggots and they should all either shut up or kill themselves.

>> No.16061436

Well it's like abusing the fuck out of someone and then expecting them to brush it off just because you ask them to. This is where The Church is weaponizing free will.
>you should free willingly forgive my abuse or I'll abuse you some more
It always comes down to this dupe.

>> No.16061438

best way for them to no longer be victims is to kill themselves.
those fucking degenerate faggots have their heads stuck in their asses for so long their brain is full of shit. they can literally just shut up and do degenerate in their bedroom and no one say anything. but no, the cunts have to open their mouths for people to know they're stupid narcissist self centered degenerates that deserve to be castrated.

>> No.16061439

>abusing the fuck out of someone
nowadays, no one is abusing the fuck out of those animals before they open their mouth and force people to celebrate their degeneracy.
the animals need to be leashed. they're running rampant.

>> No.16061441

churchniggers like the pope are even celebrating those pieces of shit.
church weaponizing my ass. even non religious people like me hate the troons to the bone. I didn't even care about them until recently.

>> No.16061444

his thing is acceptance I think. not celebration. but I think he did call out the gender ideology, recently.

>> No.16061448

>his thing is acceptance
I don't care whether it's acceptance or celebration. can't even bother to give two shit to what the pop says more than surface level. the main point is that no one, even the church, is abusing those cunts. on the contrary, they're abusing everyone by forcing normal people to treat their degeneracy like some golden shit that everyone needs to digest.

>> No.16061449

well if there's a few steps in between it doesn't mean it's not because of it. and I'm not specifically calling out the church on this as the pwers that be, society at large, you.

>> No.16061451

I hate troons because they're loud and obnoxious and pushy. they're the cause of all this hatred for them.
I take full responsibility for my hatred of troons. churchniggers have nothing to do with it.

>> No.16061467

well class clowns were always a sign that something is wrong at home. society clowns signals that something is deeply wrong at society level. it's like a serious signal. acting like it isn't with no clue of why it happens is pretty fake imo.

>> No.16061472

Nobody is combatting central banking and a major political party runs on increasing taxes and creating gibs for ne'erdowells. Clowns are a symptom.

>> No.16061483

truth is to be discovered not assembled.

>> No.16061493

Maybe you and I have been raised in very different circumstances. I did not experience significant religious pressure growing up, and it was fairly common for people to be either openly gay, or very obviously gay by their behavior even if they didn't know it yet themselves.

Generally the only time these people were treated poorly by other people in our age group were when they were very obnoxious about things. If you just kind of left people alone and didn't make your sexuality the problem of other people, it didn't matter much.

>> No.16061498

>Maybe you and I have been raised in very different circumstances. I did not experience significant religious pressure growing up, and it was fairly common for people to be either openly gay, or very obviously gay by their behavior even if they didn't know it yet themselves.
I wasn't more than anyone else in a Christian country.
People do shit based on two factors. Either genetic, either environmental. Pick your poison. There's no gay souls. Or souls.

>> No.16061505

Those who give money for the research can say whatever agenda they want to push it and scientists will start repeating it, because they were paid enough to shut up

>> No.16061539

Quick question. Do you think it's possible to make general observations about classes of objects at all? Do you see why this might be useful?

>> No.16061604

The problem isn't understanding basic reality. The problem is how you interpret the question. Sex =/= Gender. Spout your opinion all you want, there are only 2, etc, the thing is gender is treated philosophically as a construct. You are male but you can "identify" as an ogre, because both ogres and what you identify as are both concepts of the mind. In an ideal society, you could be whatever you want and no one would attack you for it, simple as.
Now if you want to talk FACTUAL SEX, then there is male and female. This is important for medical reasons.
Like the image says
>imagine if only 58% of physicists would agree gravity exists
They say that like they're so smart, but you literally *can* call into question the existence of the nature of gravity. Obviously if you drop a pencil it fucking falls but why?

>> No.16061610

Sex = gender

>> No.16061671

That's a cool opinion and I want you to go read the definition of sex and definition of gender.
You can think gender is equal to sex but you can't think sex is equal to gender. Why? Simple, because gender is a thought construct and sex is a biological function.
There's a reason they are two separate words.

>> No.16061685

Sex = gender

>> No.16061819

Again, to the average bloke on the side of the road, sex and gender both mean indistinguishable concepts. Synonyms.

"Um, ackchyually, I think you mean gender, not sex" will be met with "Shut up you pretentious semantic faggot".

>> No.16061857

The average bloke will talk about fitness chicks, trad wifes, emo girls, butches and all kinds of different gender expressions.

>> No.16061867

>And, come to think of it, what even is species? A racist colonialist social construct, that's what.
This is unironically the final stage of what's happening right now in biology discourse. Evolution denial in favor of Phylogenetic nihilism.

>> No.16062153

Even the Intersex can only produce one kind of Gamete.

>> No.16062574

Academia is not science. Even most people within the academic system agree that it doesn't deserve good reputation, majority just aren't ballsy enough to admit that in context of incendiary topics like gender or vaccines or whatever the fuck /pol/ is obsessing right now. And almost none are ready to admit that they themselves have benefited from the shittiness at some points in their career.

>> No.16062587

Image if you could survey all certified scientists, I would what the number would be

>> No.16062630

Imagine if you were an electrician. Now lets say a movement arises that states that electrons can carry a positive OR a negative electric charge. Of course a few sparkies stand up and say that's wrong, that electrons only have a negative charge. This is so obvious to you that you have been ignoring all this nonsense. But then you hear those sparkies who spoke out have all been fired from their jobs.They cant get another job, at least not one near the earning potential of their old ones. They begin to default on their mortgages, and so many lose their homes. Some lose their families too. Of course there are still a few brave sparkies left. Some of them even make public appearances, go on social media and complain about this state of affairs. Some even appear on TV interviews. Surely sense will prevail. But they get fired and lose their jobs too. The comfortable security they once enjoyed after years of training and building up their skills and experience is gone. Since these guys have now appeared in public they also get physically assaulted, spat upon, and have screaming mobs rail against them on the street. They are compared to Nazis.

To your utter amazement the general public doesn't come out in full support of the electricians. Maybe they were all too bored in school to pay much attention to the science lessons on electricity. They are apathetic. Maybe some of the public are pissed off because the Sparkies charge ridiculous call out fees and bill for a full hour for a 15 minute job. "Wish we got paid to travel to work at the factory every day. Would be nice to clock out 45 minutes early and still get paid for the full hour."

So all this goes down and then one day someone comes to your door and asks your views on the electric charges carried by electrons. You look out at your comfortable middle class existence before answering. Wife has dinner cooking inside. Your kids bikes are lying on your well maintained front lawn. How do you respond, bitch?

>> No.16062798

There are two types of gametes. That makes it binary. Human hermaphrodites don't exist; both gametes have never been observed together in the same individual.

>> No.16062807

Why did you suddenly change gender to gender expression?

>> No.16062810

Also, even if some humans are subject to damage so that they cannot produce gametes, it doesn't magically turn them into a third sex, because there is no third gamete. It doesn't matter when this damage occurs; a man who's in an accident and loses his testicles is just a man who was in an accident, not a third gender. When or how doesn't make a difference, so it doesn't matter if the damage is done to the male while he's still in the womb.

>> No.16062935

Queer theory is obviously a degeneracy taken too seriously. The important questions are about who earns with it and what else they're getting away with because of it.
>inb4 the germans

>> No.16062939

>you will be dealt with in time.
Gee, I really want to watch that. Go do it

>> No.16062970
File: 3.64 MB, 625x352, flashed_face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your logic won't be acceptable on a board titled "science and math" because of the "math" part.

Most scientists are also at least casual mathematicians. So they subscribe to the idea that if even ONE counterexample to a conjecture is found, it is considered disproven.
Once that happens, it can be at best "almost true, but...". You can no longer say it's "absolutely indisputable" since the disputing proof literally exists, in basic reality.

>> No.16063015

Where's the counter example? Have you found an intermediary between sperm and egg or a third option for sexual gametes?

>> No.16063093

A hilarious counter example is propecia, a common drug for male pattern baldness. So many men want this gender-affirming drug but the history behind it is not popularized lest the backlash.


>> No.16063151
File: 64 KB, 510x511, 4B5223D3-044D-4FD1-B0E5-4896B8AD404D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>human sex is binary
This is a loaded statement. If you ask the average person if they agree, they probably would, but if you asked a scientist who works with intersex people, they would probably not agree.

You could argue that intersex conditions shouldn’t be counted because they’re an exception to the rule, but how far could you logically take that argument.

>which hand do humans use to write?

Should we not say both because left handed people are exceptions to the rule? The answer is that this question is loaded like the original question. A better question would be:

>on average, is sex binary
>on average, which hand do humans use to write

Look past semantics, you’ll save yourself a lot of headache.

>> No.16063170

Holy shit anon, really cool picrel btw. What is this phenomenon called? Is there a scientific/medical term for this?

>> No.16063184

>some mutant babies in an indian shithole are born with tentacles instead of a normal limbs, that means humans are a tentacled species
lmao, even

>> No.16063189

I don't understand how a drug that was develop for treatment of children with a disorder of sexual development is indication that there is a counter example to the claim "All human reproduction requires at minimum an ovum and a sperm."

You appear to be confusing sexual presentation (i.e., secondary sex characteristics) for sex. Someone having a disorder of sexual development which makes them infertile or have ambiguous presentation of sexual characteristics is not a third option for sexual reproduction that is neither sperm nor ovum.

>> No.16063190

If you are making the claim that sex is bimodal rather than binary, answer this simple question.

What is the x axis of the bimodal distribution?

>> No.16063199

I’m not making any claim about sex. I just had a relevant meme so I posted it.

>> No.16063208

It is implied with your statement "on the average sex is binary."

If sex is not binary in total, and is only binary on the average, there must be some variation or intermediary which allows for this binary to exist in the average but not in all realizations.

This is true for certain secondary sex characteristics, but these are indicators of sexual presentation, not sex itself. A male, for example, could have more breast tissue than a particular female. This secondary sex characteristic is bimodal in this way.

What is not, however, is their fundamental sex. The female produces large gametes, the male produces small gametes. The only possible form of human reproduction (natural or in a test tube) is fertilization of a large gamete with a small gamete. This means that humans (as are all mammals) are binary in sex.

Presentation is entirely separate.

>> No.16063890


>> No.16063948

>Have you found an intermediary between sperm and egg or a third option for sexual gametes?
Please clarify: are you saying that one's sex is determined by the gametes that one possesses? i.e. A boy possesses sperm? Or are you saying that it's the sperm themselves are male? Explain yourself.

It's called the "flashed face distortion effect."
Just a fun thing to post whenever someone starts bragging about how they can "see reality as it obviously is" and the like.

>> No.16064186

If you do produce sperm, will produce sperm, or have produced sperm, you are male. If you were born with ovum such that you can menstruate, will menstruate, or have menstruated, you are female.

If you do not fit into either of these categories due to some difference of sexual development, you are not some third sex. You are sexless. You have no reproductive capacity.

This is how sexual classifications in mammals (including humans) work.

>> No.16064213

>you are not some third sex. You are sexless.
"binary" implies exactly 2 classifications
if you are neither the first classification nor the second classification, you are a third classification (sexless)

>> No.16064227

the other 42% were scientists in the fields of humanities

>> No.16064275

You don't understand how classification works.

You can absolutely have a "neither" answer for a binary hypothesis test. It's not a contradiction to have a classification which has H_0 = "No sex/infertile" and H_1 = {"Male", "Female"}.

It's just called a composite class. Most classification decisions are composite hypothesis tests with a reject option for "neither."

>> No.16064449

It's useful when talking about the group as a whole, but you can't necessarily prescribe attributes that are typically true to every individual sample from a set.

Cars generally have four wheels. That doesn't mean that cars with six wheels or three wheels simply don't exist.

>> No.16064453

Typically two. That humans typically have two arms doesn't mean that someone with more or fewer is somehow incorrect about their own lived experience.

>> No.16064459

A computer that makes use of different voltage levels between 1 and 0 is not using binary. If it counts with 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1, it's using base-5, not base-2.

>> No.16064468

Biological sex isn't about "lived experience," or "self identity," or even "sexual presentation." No matter how much tactical nihilism you introduce, there are only 2 relevant categories of people relating to biological sex.

The first categorization is whether they are fertile/anatomically normal human beings. If they are infertile, they by definition have no sex. They are removed from the game, and the rest is just presentation, not a meaningful biological classification.

The second is which biological sex a fertile/phenotypical member of the species belongs to. We are mammals. Anatomically typical and fertile mammals have very clear sex designations based on gamete production (past present or future). There's no ambiguity here and the rest is literally just tactical nihilism because you don't want to accept reality.

Even with all of the genetic modifications and stem cells in the world,.to make more humans you need to fertilize an ovum with a sperm. That ovum could come be entirely produced from stem cells from one donor, and the sperm could be entirely produced from stem cells from another donor, but it is still female ovum, male sperm.

That's it. Those are the only choices for human sexual reproduction. Your waffling and tactical nihilism changes nothing about this.

>> No.16064481

The ovum could come entirely from...*

By the way, we aren't even close to "ovum produced entirely from stem cells" at the moment, regardless of what that earlier anon believed based on misreading and wishful thinking. We have gotten to the point where we can almost reliably produce the precursors to sperm (which still require implantation to fully develop and which still have a very high failure rate due to being unstable and not a perfect replacement for actual PCG cells).

Some parts of that problem may get better as we become more effective at stem cells research. Anything beyond marginal improvements on "producing cells which act somewhat like the precursors to sperm but still can't develop into sperm" is entirely speculation and shouldn't be confused with science.

>> No.16064535

Then you have nested classifications.
H_0 is "has no sex" and H_1 is "has a sex" which in turn has two sub-classifications.
You are merely playing with words at this point.
If you want to redefine "binary" to mean "two, except for this third thing that doesn't count when I say it doesn't" that's fine, you can mentally jack off all you want, but don't expect anyone with a brain to agree with you.

>> No.16064547

That's literally how all classifications work.

It's the same way that you'd have a classification based on sex for a particular species which is conditioned on the classification of whether or not they even are the correct species.

This is literally how nested taxa function you dolt. Yes, of the human beings which can be meaningfully classified as organisms capable of sexual reproduction (either currently, in the past or in the future) they are entirely characterized by "male" or "female."

A "third sex" would mean that there is a third option for the category of organisms "human beings which are capable of sexual reproduction" to have. That's how taxonomy functions.

>> No.16065128

that's just a pile of circular logic.
if i decide that a human without reproductive capability is still a human, then i need at least one more class to describe that human, don't i?

>literally how all classifications work
>that's how taxonomy functions
so in your opinion, those in the field should argue that, say, a hinny has no sexual classification?
that is: not "sexless", not "neuter", or whatever, but that "no classification, defined or undefined, exists"?

>> No.16065652

Almost entirely irrelevant. My point was that what's generally true of the species isn't necessarily true of any individual. I was born without the ability to produce either ova or sperm. What sex am I?

>> No.16065654

>What sex am I?
a not functioning one of the two?

>> No.16065750

So there are characteristics besides what gametes we produce that inform our sex?