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16052861 No.16052861 [Reply] [Original]

Can being engaged in cognitive tasks all the time compensate for the brain damage of loneliness?

>> No.16052867

>brain damage of loneliness
normie cattle unable to enjoy peace of mind.
Do your cognitive task of calculating numbers for all I care. You never were cognitive active in the first place.

>> No.16052868

No don't develop your brain this way do it that way or else your brain deviates from the norm and that's unhealthy because health is whatever the current norm is.

>> No.16052940


>> No.16052969

Buy the textbook "modern chemistry by oxtoby" and its solution manual for cheap, should cost you in total less than 30 bucks. Immediately review and do the appendix problems then go through the book itself. You'll be smarter by the time you finish half the problems in that book and have a purpose in life that detracts you from loneliness. You only need algebra and the appendix teaches you the basic calculus you need, or use khan academy for that, super basic integration, like it takes 1 hour to learn.

>> No.16053196

>modern chemistry by oxtoby
low IQ take

>> No.16053215

The only people I don't feel lonely around are people I like.
Other than that, even in a crowd of people, I feel lonely.

>> No.16053229


>> No.16053251
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Its traditional name Antares derives from the Ancient Greek Ἀντάρης, meaning "rival to Ares", due to the similarity of its reddish hue to the appearance of the planet Mars.

>> No.16053265
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>> No.16053266

Any other recommendations? I understand it will keep one mentally engaged, but I feel like doing chemistry drill exercises over and over is kinda boring/dead-end. I'm not smart, but somehow curious and wondering if you (or anyone else) have any recommendations of books where I can learn about the human body processes and maybe be able to apply the findings for a healthier lifestyle.

>> No.16053317

Use the AI on quora to give you a better answer on that, its called poe. I use it alot for asking questions like the one you have, it will give a lost of textbooks and everything else, its like talking to a person that knows everything.

Also... that chemistry book won't be boring, another text to go through would be general physics by Knight, it's the best general physics text for college, it's the most verbose, buy a cheap version of it on Amazon, the 3rd edition is the cheapest used like 10 bucks.


>> No.16053426

how is that relevant?

>> No.16054158

it's not

>> No.16054159

Loneliness is a symptom of lazy attitude that doesnt keep itself occupied with problems/interests/knowledge of the known world. Our world is so big, our understanding so large, and our conceptual framework so murky that anyone with any sense of wonder/curiosity will keep their brain occupied 24/7 that shits like loneliness doesn't popup or rarely popups during idle time

>> No.16054247


>> No.16054293
File: 96 KB, 861x1024, Childhood_Friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brain damage of loneliness?

Masturbation is not as good as real sex.
Get a girlfriend!

>> No.16054310
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>> No.16054313
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Robo-wives are coming.

>> No.16054316

Lack of curiosity != laziness. Also no matter how much water you drink, it will never fill your hunger. If you care so little about companionship that you can overwhelm the feeling with research, thats a you thing weirdo

>> No.16054330
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Truth is, you ARE suppose to meet and marry young.

>> No.16054339

Its cognitive laziness. Not necessarily physical laziness. I mean instead of being cognitively loaded, you can also be physically active to the point that loneliness doesnt hit you, physical exhausttion/thrill/excitement drives you.

However there comes a point where you have to become idle, whether by choice or lack of choice. That is the time for when your cognitive load becomes active. For the intellectually curious, the mind will begin to look at the wonders of the world. For the cognitive lazy, they will feel a "void" for which they believe will be filled by being intimate with another person. As they correlate spark of activity with that of another person.

In otherwords, if you're self-driven/motivated/regulating/cognizing, you dont need anything else other than your mind. Even if you take away the 5 physical sensors, with a powerful enough mind, the mind can be kept busy. But for those with a proper physical senses, the mind is an engine of spark that will never stop turning. At every moment is an opportunity to keep the mind occupied, thrilled, fascinated, humbled, etc.

>> No.16054378
File: 655 KB, 1349x1025, 41467_2022_32419_Fig1_HTML.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Defining* numbers.

>> No.16054532

Curiosity is desire, you can greatly desire an answer to something but also cant be fucked to think. Kind of like being hungry and not getting up to get food because its too much effort. If your desire for knowledge is very high, but the effort of thought is even higher you will have a situation where you are both curious and lazy

>> No.16054536

picrel is weird primitive shit from small tribes or smth

>> No.16054556

What be this pic

>> No.16054558


>> No.16054567

what you are supposed to do depends on your environment, which dictates what you do. you did things in certain ways because that's what worked in THAT environment. which is different in many places today. it doesn't work that way anymore. you are clueless aren't you?