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16051054 No.16051054 [Reply] [Original]

Not some bullshit brain melting drug that just lobotomizes you, a drug that only stops depressive and suicidal thoughts and does nothing else

>> No.16051056
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>So when are they going to make a drug that stop suicidal thoughts

>> No.16051057

this is a no tranny board tyvm

>> No.16051064

Nature made it, it's called psylocibin. I know 4 people who swear it fixes them. They take small doses 1-3 times a year.

Big pharma cant milk billions of dollars for it so it remains verboten.

>> No.16051081

Its not a disease that can be cured by drugs. Its just mental framing that needs to be changed.

Kids should be taught not to hate themselves. White kids shouldn't be taught to hate white people. White boys shouldnt be taught to hate men. White families shouldnt be taught to hate their families. Same with blacks/asians/latinos. Schools teaching hatred and racism is whats causing the suicidal pandemic.

>> No.16051160
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>my navbar is indeed not disappearing when the width is less than 800px
Tell me why please

>> No.16051171
File: 175 KB, 1200x1548, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe the issue is not internal but external?
It's a natural reaction to your fucked up environment. Take initiative and fix your surroundings and you'll feel better.

Likewise there is no drug that makes touching the hot stove less painful.

>> No.16051172

This is a great idea OP
That way they can make our living conditions worse and worse and there will be no ability for the people to divorce themselves from their own ego and sacrifice their lives for justice

>> No.16051182

You asked a tranny question. Suicidal thoughts are not depression and depression from actual suicide in a consequence to the fallout from symptoms of it and not the thoughts itself. Depressed people are actually able to think more critically and rational and actual suicidal thoughts are not bad.

People presenting with suicidal thoughts as their primary symptom of depression do not have depression. They have OCD. Feeling le sad and ruminating about "ZOMG heckin soooicide" is not depression. This is why SSRIs work for them.

The truly depressed have anhedonia and a lack of motivation. They cannot do what they will. It's tough to even day they have many thoughts let alone the retarded examples OP used. They do not respond to SSRIs because their brain has a deficient in activity. MAOIs and ECT are the only real treatments for them.

>> No.16051393

It's called Prozac, but consult your doctor first, because it may cause suicidal thoughts.

>> No.16051394

>Side effects may include suicidal thoughts

>> No.16051395

Depression is normal. You don't need drugs for it.

>> No.16051414

The seretonin theory for depression and anxiety has been sufficiently debunked, and they will likely go the way of barbiturates in the coming decades as the public slowly wakes up to having been scammed for so long, but by then there will be a new, more effective, and more profitable poison with which to dumb people down and kill people with. I wonder if it'll be some kind of thought vaccine, that seems to be a strategy they've found a lot of success with lately.

>> No.16051416

Have you tried blowjobtamine?

>> No.16051822

we already have religion anon

>> No.16052700

it's called meditation

>> No.16052709

S-Adenosyl methionine, 400mg/day in the morning. Vitamin d3, 10,000iu/day in the morning with a fatty meal. Magnesium 135mg every meal.

>> No.16052899

this. either blowjobs from dasha nekrasova at her peak



try that

>> No.16053006

Take the Christ Pill

Suicide will no longer be viable, simple as.

>> No.16053028

As a last resort, the thing to try is fluoxetine. It is strong, 20mg will almost certainly be enough.
Mirtazapine is useless btw.
The first 2-4 weeks of fluoxetine will be bad. You will not need to be on it forever, a year or less or more will work. Only side effects I encountered were apathy, and no withdrawal effects on fast tapered weaning.
Ensure you have tried everything else first, think of the pills like open heart surgery.
t. have a mentally ill mother who's parenting method was to scream at me through my entire childhood

>> No.16053032

More likely we will probably get some genetic test.
Imagine thinking that a neurochemical drug has the same effect on a nigger as it does a chink as it does a White.
SSRI's work very well for some.
Issue is every roastie in the Western hemisphere thinks they will solve her problems.

>> No.16053037

thats a weird way to spell dexamphetamine

>> No.16053064

>SSRI's work very well for some
They don't work at all for anyone.

>> No.16053225

>Likewise there is no drug that makes touching the hot stove less painful.
There is no drug that will prevent it from burning.
There are tons of drugs that take away pain. Most of them, really. We make drugs specifically to remove pain from our lives without doing anything to deal with the underlying cause.

>> No.16053822

They're pretty effective if you're trying to bulk while on nofap