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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16049572 No.16049572[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whats the appropriate medical treatment for picrel situation?

>> No.16049583

Cease dilating temporarily and let the surgical site clot and heal, if it doesn't probably some stitches and repeat.
>my doctor told me not to worry about it so I'm going to canvass the internet for advice instead
actual proof that she has the brain of a woman

>> No.16050748

41% of cases are cured via suicide

>> No.16050750

Fuck faggots and trannies.

>> No.16050759

This procedure is so unbelievable disgusting. One of the most rancid things my eyes have ever witnessed.

>> No.16050805

This is actually the problem with trannies. There are like three doctors skilled at turning dicks into holes. They used to not be booked up, and trannies from the 2010s time period were able to literally get the best docs in the field working on all of them (their face, their tits, etc.) while working at starbies who payed for it ALL.

Now though? You're going to these third rate fucking hacks who are jumping onto the craze. Same thing happened to Jazz, literally went to a new age tranny doc and got fucked up because of it.

It's a complex plastic surgery and not done often. You shouldn't be fucking going to your local doctor or even just any doctor in the country. You need to get on the wait lists for the best ones (one of which is in Thailand) or fucking just forget about getting the hole. No one cares if a tranny has a dick, if anything you have more relationship prospects with the dick than without

>> No.16051916


>> No.16052683
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all thanks to science

>> No.16052743

Get another booster vaxx. The blood clots will stop the bleeding.

>> No.16053625

rope them if they haven't already done so themselves

>> No.16055090

thats what anime does to you

>> No.16055790
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>> No.16057198


>> No.16057545

Had to stop reading after dilation got mentioned

Fuck these freaks man lol

>> No.16057650

remember kids don't be a chud and support your fellow trans folx

>> No.16057654

Stop being such a bigot and let people live out their fantasies of being in constant pain and not being able to every masterbait again chud.

>> No.16057799 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16057887

What happens to a human mind when it does in fact comprehend the man-made horror?

>> No.16059073
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>> No.16060419
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>> No.16060479
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Well /sci/?

>> No.16060501

>this is where my donated blood goes
putting the kibash on that now

>> No.16061187


>> No.16061224

A bullet to the head
-t. 6 years dokter

>> No.16062071

sounds good to me

>> No.16062169
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>> No.16063701


>> No.16063718

why are you posting this disgusting shit? are you obsessed somehow?

>> No.16064489
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>> No.16065632


>> No.16066195


>> No.16067180

Science does this to people and it claims its helping them

>> No.16068529

Gosh George, isn't that kind of transphobic?

>> No.16069955 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16071091

Science does this to people and they don't care even slightly about the consequences, all they want to do is profit from other peoples' pain and suffering

>> No.16072027 [DELETED] 

a burial that keeps the skeleton intact is funnier

>> No.16072241

Leftism is a cancer.
What’s the solution?
How do we get people interested in free markets and businesses ownership?

>> No.16072250

do you own a business?

>> No.16072329

Yes of course, why do you ask?

>> No.16073125

This is where they belong

>> No.16073628 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16074036
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>> No.16074048

What are you doing on a science forum?

>> No.16074145

In what industry?

>> No.16074232

Buried. Not cremated.

>> No.16074242

Dont answer. Hes gonna try and dox you. Do not give personal details about your life to deranged leftist cultists

>> No.16078161
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>> No.16078684 [DELETED] 

A long nap in there will fix all their issues

>> No.16079927 [DELETED] 


>> No.16080940 [DELETED] 

That isn't possible

>> No.16082043 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16082823

suicide, physician assisted or otherwise

>> No.16082834
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Never forget globohomo is imposing faggot languages like rust.

>> No.16083581 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16083582


>> No.16083616
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>> No.16083627


>> No.16084551 [DELETED] 

Total tranny death

>> No.16085227
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>> No.16085969

Reality denying freaks

>> No.16086028


>> No.16086054

>me a scientist
>count little fishies, keep salmon on your plate
>blamed for trannies


>> No.16086056
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>> No.16086948

people like that used to be institutionalized for their own safety and recent events pretty must proves that better than allowing them to room free

>> No.16087209

>Called for my parent who is just fine and let me do this to myself
What a fucking evil person. Would you let your schizophrenic son try to cut the demons out of his skin, or would you get him on anti psychotics? Case in point: trannies need to be medicated with the same stuff schizophrenics take.

>> No.16088550

they should be medicated with zyklon-b

>> No.16089130

zyklon-b isn't toxic to humans

>> No.16090146

proof that they will never be a woman

>> No.16090933
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>> No.16091021

alright, aerosolize it in a gas mask like a bong rip and record it for us.

>> No.16091843 [DELETED] 
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that experiment was already carried out
zyklon-b is harmless

>> No.16092139
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>> No.16092495

It will be viewed as lobotomy is now in the future

>> No.16093316 [DELETED] 

Those kind of insane transhumanist beliefs are only possible for atheists
Christians believe
>god made me the way i am for a reason

>> No.16093622
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>> No.16094988 [DELETED] 
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>Whats the appropriate medical treatment for picrel situation?

>> No.16095608 [DELETED] 

zyklon-b isn't toxic to humans

>> No.16097271

If immigrants are so wonderful, why were they unwanted in their home country?

>> No.16098437
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>> No.16098561

Donno anon they seem to like complaining about their vaginas a lot. Sounds awfully a lot like women.

>> No.16099827

41% incoming

>> No.16100320 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16101991

errrry single time

>> No.16102909
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>> No.16102915


>> No.16102917

>yes I’m lurking trans subreddits for 100 day old posts

>> No.16102923

>It will be viewed as lobotomy is now in the future
Much worse than that. The fact that this procedure exists has made me lose what little faith in the Medical establishment I still had.
There are good surgeons, sure (one saved me once) but the establishment itself is rotten to the core.

>> No.16104156

>…but the establishment itself is rotten to the core.
thats the inevitable result of letting atheists into science or into anything else

>> No.16105828


>> No.16107059

terminal confinement to a rubber room or coffin

>> No.16108035


>> No.16108359

The science just isn't there yet, but, someday we will progress past these dark ages I.E. In the future eventally we will invent some reasonable ways for post op trannies to masturbate properly

>> No.16108375

I mean Alex Jones is on record blaming marine biologists for turning the wild frogs gay. Was he wrong? Why would you perform such cruel experiments?

>> No.16108392

salmon were around long before you were and people were eating them back then too. imagine awarding yourself credit for that, the salmon are the ones doing the work, nothing you do has any effect on the situation whatsoever, your narcissism is off the charts.
in 2008 a federal judge announced that $900,000,000 needed to be spent over a period of 10 years on soience in order to save the columbia river salmon because of the endangered species act. the money was spend between 2009-2019 and the result was a decrease in the salmon population. it was a total waste, you and your ilk are useless parasites

>> No.16108407

Nta but. Steps should be taken to both take get head count estimates and to prevent over-fishing by cycling which zones get fished heaviest at different time periods, but it gets problematic how corporate shark just steal all the conservation funds to buy addition yachts. I'll be angry if salmon goes extinct during my lifetime because it'd be easily preventable if not for Jewish greed

>> No.16108441

Overfishing isn't the issue, the scientists know what the real issue is and the refuse to address it because they know that if they fixed the problem then they would be out of a job. Dams on the Columbia river turned the lower section of the river from a fast flowing stream into a freshwater fjord, as a result thousand of sea lions invaded the lower 1000 miles of river and they now eat most of the salmon. Instead of doing anything about this the scientists wasted their $900,000,000 on "habitat restoration" in the salmon breeding habitats in streams far upriver and that had the predictable effect of making no difference, which left the scientists in the position of being able to demand even more money, which they will also waste on nonproductive solutions to nonexistent problems. They'll do anything except tackle the real issue. When the salmon finally go completely extinct as a result of the scientists' willful negligence, the scientists will blame global warming for their failure.

>> No.16108504

Parents are told by the psychiatrist that their child will kill himself if he doesn't go through with this "life-saving" surgery.

>> No.16108517
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If this poor soul was born a woman its life wouldnt had to end like that the Y demon is on the run again that fucker works full time

>> No.16108537

wow, that comic...

>> No.16109483

but thats what inevitably happens after the surgery

>> No.16109723

>being in constant pain and not being able to every masterbait again
Now you're just making transgenderism sound based

>> No.16110246
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new 'toss

>> No.16111491


>> No.16112695

people who can't breed are useless to the human species.

>> No.16113446


>> No.16114839

Another top rate zinger from stonetoss