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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16048447 No.16048447[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where will they move next?

>> No.16048473

It's OK because it has no adverse effects

>> No.16048491

It does, and if it didn't, why lie about it and try to cover it up? Why not just be honest and say, hey, yeah, it does this thing, but there's nothing to worry about, and here's why?

>> No.16048506

Why would you have DNA contamination in mRNA vaccine? I think they don't need a DNA template for replication and even if they do, DNA needs very specific non-coding parts around it for reverse transcription and integration into genome and noone would put them there for mRNA production unless there were other motives behind that

>> No.16048511

>Why would you have DNA contamination in mRNA vaccine?

I don't know anon, but they do.

>unless there were other motives behind that

You might be on to something, anon.

>> No.16048541

Just seems like more fearmongering propaganda. Who is "they"? Citations needed.

Citations needed:
Who claimed what "wasn't there"?
What do you think the FDA is "finally admitting"? Once cited, where did they deny it?
Who is "they" claiming what "wouldn't get into cells"?
What exactly is meant by "DNA integration"?

Additional citations needed: Where and what "Fact checkers" denied or failed with regard to the exact thing being discussed. Equivocation is not allowed.

You only get points if you can give said citations without equivocating as to what was being talked about. You lose points if I have to correct you as to the meaning. You lose triple points if I have to do so using the same citation.

>> No.16048561

I don't know, anon, why don't you get up off your fat, smug, lazy ass and look it up? I'm sure with your intelligence it shouldn't be so difficult.

>> No.16048565

There was a Batman Beyond episode like this

>> No.16048590

>I don't know, anon, why don't you get up off your fat, smug, lazy ass and look it up?
Can't look up what doesn't exist. Hence "fearmongering propaganda".

You should be rather much more offended people like this take you for such easy rides when you believe them on so little scrutiny.

>> No.16048613

>fearmongering propaganda

Like over a virus with a 0.1% mortality rate? Which dose are you on, vaxxie? Have you stayed up to date? It's scary out there, you know.

>> No.16048629

Trying to deflect by making yet more accusations doesn't work. So you are either embarrassed you were taken for a ride, and have realized the accusations were manufactured propaganda, or you're trolling and part of that propaganda.

Either way, sucks to be you.

>> No.16048641

Which dose are you on? Did you get your latest booster shot? Why, or why not?

You wore a face rag for years and consented to be injected with multiple doses of an experimental mRNA gene therapy because you had successfully fallen for fear propaganda over a virus with a 0.1% mortality rate because the TV man said it was a once in a century pandemic, and you'd be socially stigmatized by the other retards around you who also fell for the fear campaign if you didn't.

Now answer my question, or fuck off. No refunds.

>> No.16048644

>manufactured propaganda
By who?
To who's benefit?
For what purpose?

>> No.16048647
File: 6 KB, 299x168, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting >>16048541
>Now answer my question, or fuck off.
Don't care about your DARVO, but the more you keep trying the more you show I was right. so do whatever I guess.

>> No.16048657

The vaxxies will start dropping like flies... any day now and we will be proven right

>> No.16048658

You don't want to answer my question, and I think there's a reason for that, teeheeeheeeee.

Sunk. Cost. Fallacy.

>> No.16048660

>By who?
I don't know the exact origins of this particular copypasta.
>To who's benefit?
In this particular case, his own. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Johnson
>For what purpose?
Given it's a politician repeating it, did you really need to ask? The Republican party is trapped anchored to an increasingly uneducated voting base compared to Democrats. That education divide is larger than it has ever been in the past 20 or so years, so far as I can find. Secondly, in terms of "vaccine hesitancy" or refusal, this is strongly correlated with level of education https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/article/PIIS2214-109X(22)00520-4/fulltext

Politicians have veritable armies of statisticians. They know the demographics, trends, and motivating factors of people likely to vote for them. So the purpose of parroting blatantly false propaganda is, of course, "to be re-elected". That is true whether the politician is Democrat or Republican of course, but the subject matter of the propaganda differs.

Whether any particular Republican likes it or not, they're often trapped making public denials they don't believe in with regard to science because that is what their voting base believes. You don't succeed as a politician, typically, trying to persuade your voting base that they're wrong. Typically.

>> No.16048662

But they are. Just look at all-cause excess mortality data in highly vaccinated countries since 2021 compared to countries with low vaccine uptake. I recommend OECD, Our World in Data, EuroMOMO, or Eurostat.

>> No.16048665
File: 41 KB, 966x589, cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just look at all-cause excess mortality data in highly vaccinated countries since 2021 compared to countries with low vaccine uptake
How about comparing the unvaccinated with the vaccinated?

>> No.16048670


Stopped there. Another NPC trapped in the manufactured political dichotomy. For someone who likes to shout "manufactured propaganda" so much, you're really good at falling for it.

Now again, have you or have you not stayed up to date on your covid boosters? Why, or why not? Why is this question so difficult to answer, or, dare I say, triggering to you?

Go throw your face rag on, fuck off, and continue fighting the capitalist patriarchy by bending down once more and submitting your asshole to multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical companies, and the politicians and bureaucrats who profit from them.

>> No.16048673

>I say all-cause mortality data
>he shows me covid-19 mortality data

Anon, do you have comprehension issues?

>> No.16048693

These are cumulative data for the entire pandemic, and considering for over a year (particularly in 2020, when most deaths occured) the overwhelming majority of the US population were unvaccinated, it would only make sense that the mortality rate would fall into the unvaccinated category.

>> No.16048707

>Stopped there. Another NPC trapped in the manufactured political dichotomy
You asked who benefits and in this case it's an identifiable political party. Going
is just a kneejerk reaction with no substance.

This is the good stuff

>> No.16048716


Now will you please answer my simple question: did you or did you not get your latest covid booster?

I suspect you didn't (teeheeheee), but I'd like to know your reasoning.

>> No.16048718

>in this case it's an identifiable political party

The political party behind Operation Warp Speed, that brought you your miracle vaccine, at your expense, lead by a former president named Donald Trump who still brags that his vaccine ended the pandemic? That party?

>> No.16048720

>Stopped there
Which is why you missed when I pointed out Democrats do the same thing with a different subject matter.

You just called me an NPC while being a butthurt NPC too triggered to read a post that emphasized politicians gonna politician irrespective of party.
You beat me to it, but yeah. I found the irony hilarious, especially given I freely admit "politicians gonna politician" and have quite a few bones to pick with both political parties.
>Anon, do you have comprehension issues?
Last I checked I wasn't the one trying to imply something from all-cause mortality data, so no.
>These are cumulative data for the entire pandemic, and considering for over a year (particularly in 2020, when most deaths occured) the overwhelming majority of the US population were unvaccinated, it would only make sense that the mortality rate would fall into the unvaccinated category.
The data are for deaths associated with sars-cov-2. What you wrote has no sense to it, particularly as the death rate for unvaccinated remain higher to present.

>> No.16048724
File: 2 KB, 134x121, fail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fail it. Unlike you trolls I don't need to samefag.
>Now will you please answer my simple question
I'm still waiting for any of you to answer mine >>16048541
Feel free to keep proving me right about all of you.

>> No.16048728

>you beat me to it, but yeah

Is samefagging

>the data are for deaths associated with sars-cov-2

Yeah, I know, so why would he (((you))) respond with covid mortality data in response to a claim made about all-cause mortality?

Clearly you lack comprehension issues.

Now, did you or did you not get your latest covid booster? Why didn't you? Teehee.

>> No.16048731

Who's terminally politics-brained now, doofus?

>> No.16048733 [DELETED] 

>You fail it
Omg, I can change my IP address!

Anon, stop samefagging.

>> No.16048735

Is that really all you've got?

I swear trolls used to be better...

>> No.16048738

I'm just pointing out the fact that the party who is apparently benefitting (according to you) from the "vaccines" being utter garbage is the very party responsible for their development and distribution. Isn't that kind of ironic?

>> No.16048744

As noted, that isn't me. I explained why said party is trapped whether any particular Republican believes it or not >>16048660, so no it isn't ironic in that sense. It is ironic the voter base will still vote for Trump despite that, though, but on average voters are not very well informed and have rather convenient memories.

>> No.16048748

Did you get your latest covid booster? Yes or no? Why are you scared to answer that question?

>> No.16048750

You're not pointing out much at all, in fact, because it is a matter of recorded history that the Republican party has consistently pursued a strategy of politicising the entire pandemic, of framing any measures taken to curtail it as Democrat "oppression", and of courting an anti-vax conspiracy theorist crowd, counting several of those among their elected representatives. How they manage to reconcile the cognitive dissonance there is their problem. The person in question is, however, a Republican politician, so deal with that fact.

Anyway, if you really want to go down a rabbithole then pushing a flawed vaccine and then campaigning on fearmongering about those very vaccines as they try to make you forget who was president when it was introduced seems perfectly compatible, provided that your target demographic are unthinking lemmings.

>> No.16048754

Did you stop sucking your father's dick, yes or no?

>> No.16048755

>Why are you scared
Says the anon avoiding the actual topic come hell or high water?
Though, again, not that I mind. You people have continued to demonstrate how dishonest your position is from day one. It really makes arguing against you super easy.

>> No.16048757

In fact I think the Dems' willingness to accept the vaccine can be attributed largely to the burden of responsibility they felt solely upholding all the sensible measures to stop the spread of disease whilst Republicans regularly flaunted them, and it was this acceptance that in turn provoked the predictable contrarian response from Republicans. After all, the person telling them to take it was the same that had been telling them to do all those other things they refused to do.

>> No.16048763

>You're not pointing out much at all
I'm pointing out the fact that it's ironic a republican would be throwing his own party under the bus considering he and everyone knows it was his own party responsible for developing the vaccines.
>a strategy of politicizing the pandemic
You must be joking. I mean, you seriously must be joking. Don't wear masks. Wear masks. Wear TWO masks. Don't go outside and gather in public. Okay, go outside and gather in public, but only to protest racism. It's racist if you think the virus came from a highly sophisticated biomedical research facility with international funding, but not if it came from some backwards assed Chinese wet market. I'm never taking a vaccine if it comes from this administration. Okay, this administration was voted out, so everyone will forget they developed the vaccine, and we can take responsibility for it. Get your Trump vaccine or you're an evil, retarded, antivax, ultra-Maga trumptard.
>conspiracy theorist crowd
Which conspiracy theories?
>as they try to make you forget who was president when it was introduced
Who is trying to make us forget who was president when it was introduced?

Now, did you or did you not get your latest covid booster? Why didn't you?

>> No.16048767

>sensible measures
Like what? Shutting down the national economy? Shoving old, vulnerable people into nursing homes to spread the virus amongst themselves, and not hospitalizing them until they were pretty much already dead? Killing them with ventilators and Remdesivir when they finally were hospitalized? Denying them off-label but life-saving medications that have been used in viral outbreaks for decades? Denying them contact with their loved ones in their dying days? Mandating everyone wear face rags so that faggots like you could feel more at ease? Those sensible measures?

>> No.16048768

>I'm pointing out the fact that it's ironic a republican would be throwing his own party under the bus considering he and everyone knows it was his own party responsible for developing the vaccines.
They've been consistently doing this for years now already.
>You must be joking [lists a litany of issues which are apolitical unless one insist upon making them political]
>Which conspiracy theories?
This thread is about them
>Who is trying to make us forget who was president when it was introduced?
Republicans, from the looks of it
It was probably Obama you know

>> No.16048769

Hey, I see you're ignoring my completely normal, germane question here >>16048754
Why are you afraid to answer? Yes or no, simple question

>> No.16048770

>They've been consistently doing this for years
>lists a litany of issues which are apolitical
Anon, they were intentionally made political and you know it. Stop being a disingenuous faggot.
>Republicans, from the looks of it

>> No.16048771

Never stopped, still going. Now can you answer mine? Why haven't you stayed up to date on your covid boosters? Do you not trust the science anymore? Are you some kind of antivaxxer?

>> No.16048772

The Republicans, you know, the ones we've been talking about this entire time? Try to keep up.
>Anon, they were intentionally made political and you know it.
Yes, that's what I told you.
Who, what?

>> No.16048773

>Now can you answer mine?

Stay mad faget

>> No.16048774

>The Republicans
They're crediting the democrats for developing the vaccines? Which ones?
>Yes, that's what I told you
Who made them political?

>> No.16048775

>They're crediting the democrats for developing the vaccines?
No. You know what, at this point I'm going to ask you to advance to a second grade reading level before I'm putting any more effort in.

>> No.16048776

I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed you're such an antivaxxer. You know, covid's still out there. It can strike at any time. You should probably stay up to date with you Trump vaccine.

>> No.16048783

I'm going to ask you to get your latest covid booster, or please remain at a six foot distance from me, and mask up at all times. Thanks.

>> No.16048785

>I'm just disappointed you're such an antivaxxer
Oh, you infer that from my refusal to answer?
So what can we infer from the categorical refusal to answer all these questions? >>16048541

>> No.16048791

I mean, you seem to be afraid of the question. If you did get your latest booster, why? If you didn't, why not?

>> No.16048793

Ah, you've reverted your stance again? You can make no inferences?
Why are you afraid of those questions?

>> No.16048796

So you did get your latest booster? Lol why? Did the first five not work or something?

Oh, you didn't get your latest booster? Lol why not? Do you not trust the science? What are you, some kind of antivaxxer?

>> No.16048798

>not gonna put any more effort in
>puts more effort in


>> No.16048799

So do you think you're upsetting anybody, or is this some 5D chess move to reinforce discrediting antivaxxers?

Because you're doing a marvelous job making antivaxxers look really bad.

>> No.16048801

By antivaxxers you mean yourself, right? Because you didn't get your latest booster, because it doesn't work...

Or did you? Lol but why? Again, did the first five not work or something?

>> No.16048803

Re-reverted again?
I simply refuse to be pestered into divulging private medical information to indulge some shitposter's irrelevant personal question. Now, do you have a similarly valid reason why no one, not even OP, has answered any of the questions pertaining directly to the thread's topic?

>> No.16048807

As a general rule I don't stop people making fools of themselves. Not answering you and your continual avoidance of evidencing the propaganda >>16048541 is way better for me.

>> No.16048808

>private medical information
Like when (you) had to show you vax pass to get into the gay bar, anon? That kind of private medical information? You seemed to have no problem revealing it then.


>> No.16048811


>> No.16048816

Not gonna lie, the idea of a bouncer yelling that at people in line fucking has me rolling

fuck that's funny

>> No.16048820

I'm afraid that anecdotes from your personal life translate poorly to mine. Now, is there any reason you believe that my personal medical history is at least as relevant to this thread as OP backing up even a single one of the claims made in his image?

>> No.16048832

I'm just honestly curious why you didn't get your latest covid booster. In that case, you must be some kind of antivaxxer, because covid didn't go anywhere, you know, and it can infect you at any time.

Oh, you did get your latest booster? Lol but anon, does that mean the first five didn't work or something?

I really would like to hear your reasoning.

>> No.16048834

I'm more curious why you're pathologically terrified of talking about the thread topic >>16048541

>> No.16048842

We've got a science-denying antivaxxer on our hands! Or worse, an idiot who keeps getting shot up with an experimental mRNA gene therapy because the TV man told him to be scared of a cold!

Oh anon... stop falling for manufactured fear propaganda.

>> No.16048849

That has got to be the single most desperate, and worst, attempt at manufacturing a "gotcha" I have ever seen.

You're anonymous and I still have third hand embarrassment.

>> No.16048854

But anon, if you didn't get your latest booster, you're obviously an antivaxxer, and I'm genuinely afraid you're going to die in the continuing pandemic of the unvaccinated.

But if you did get your latest booster, it begs the question...... did the rest of them not work or something?

>> No.16048858
File: 66 KB, 774x756, mort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the most vaccinated, Portugal, compared to least vaccinated, Bulgaria.
You should look at cumulative excess mortality to draw that conclusion. It's clear that Bulgaria had high excess mortality during the peak pandemic. The shielding effect of vaccines vanes after you stop taking them. Will Portugal eventually have more excess deaths or not? Time will tell. Looking at the most recent excess mortality data leads you wrong.

>> No.16048873

Of course Bulgaria experienced higher excess mortality rates at the heights of the pandemic (a country with an older population and poorer healthcare infrastructure), but since the virus has run its course through both countries, why does Portugal, with a highly-advanced healthcare system compared to that of Bulgaria (which is still considered a developing country), have a significantly higher trend of all-cause (key: all-cause, not just covid) excess mortifying? Especially when you would expect a trend of negative excess mortality coming out of a high-mortality period (as is being seen in Bulgaria, but not Portugal), considering the majority if those vulnerable to the disease have already perished?

>> No.16048876

>excess mortifying
Excess mortality*

I'm excessively mortified every time I have to lay my eyes on a Bulgarian in general, fuck the data.

>> No.16048924

remember when the entirety of /sci/ was calling anyone who doubted the 100% safety rating or the 100% efficiency rate of the vaccine a /pol/cel? I remember.
How embarrassing it must be for you all.

>> No.16048927

No one ever claimed 100% safety rating or efficiency so I'm going to assume the rest is a lie as well

>> No.16048943

>remember when the entirety of /sci/ was calling anyone who doubted the 100% safety rating or the 100% efficiency rate of the vaccine a /pol/cel?
Remember when /pol/cels kept lying about what people said to fake justifications for antivaxxing? You still do that >>16048541, but you used to, too.

>> No.16048955

>No one ever claimed 100% safety ratin or efficiency

They did, stop gaslighting.

>fake justifications for antivaxxing

Did you get your latest booster? Oh, why not?

>> No.16048957

What's foreign DNA gonna do in the cytoplasm? From what I understand, nothing. It'll just get broken down.

>> No.16048979

>From what I understand
So what do you understand, and where does that understanding come from? Can you source me some studies or something, or is this just your opinion (hope)?

>> No.16048986

Just basic biology from biology classes in high school and college. For DNA to be translates, it has to be in the nucleus. That's why DNA vaccines needed an adenovirus vector. You can't just expect DNA to enter a cell's cytoplasm and do something besides being recognized as foreign and broken down. Please explain if this is incorrect.

>> No.16049685
File: 46 KB, 622x504, twain sez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vaxxxies got tricked by the trumpvax and now they're too butthurt to admit it because getting tricked like that highlights how low their iq is

>> No.16049797
File: 26 KB, 571x330, 100%.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ahhh sorry chud, I'm going to have to fact check you on that one. This is directly from Science™.

>> No.16049810

So it was a 5d chess move to trick his opponents and a test of allegiance to his followers who were expected to realise it was a ploy and reject it?

>> No.16049813

If it was just fear mongering, then why do the FDA/Media/Biden admin all try to hide/censor all the negative side effects? Why cant they come clean?

>> No.16049814

Ah, so you intentionally implied a general statement when you were aware that it was a specific claim? Classic motte and bailey. Ironic, given the title of the thread.

>> No.16050035

Hey, did you get your latest booster shot? Oh, why not?

>> No.16050063

cope and seethe /pol/tard

always two weeks away amirite?

>> No.16050123

Spike brain doesn't even let you see how you have been btfo every two weeks for the last two years.

>> No.16050131

Back on your bullshit huh
Seems like you do that every single time you're stumped

>> No.16050134
File: 398 KB, 554x369, presentable liberty 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go repeatedly catch a blood disease to own the libs
go get more crude injections to own the chjuds

>> No.16050151

What country do you live in, and what are the excess mortality numbers in that country since 2021? When you break those numbers down, which categories of illness constitute the largest numbers of deaths?

The only thing I'm stumped about is whether or not you've stayed up to date on your covid boosters, and whether or not you trust the science or are an antivaxxer. I think I know the answer, but I can't be 100% sure.

>> No.16050156

Well, considering covid vaccination does nothing to prevent you from catching the virus, I don't see why you'd double your risk, get injected with an experimental mRNA gene therapy designed to turn your cells into Wuhan strain spike protein factories, and repeatedly become infected with covid anyway. Furthermore, according to the largest study of its kind (Cleveland Clinic), the more doses of the covid vaccine you recieve, the more likely you are to be reinfected with the virus. I'll just take the initial infection, and let my body's natural and more robust immune response handle the rest. Though interestingly, as an unvaccinated person whose had to travel a lot internationally the past few years, requiring many covid tests in that time period, I've never once tested positive for the disease. Hmm.

Smooth brained take, anon.

>> No.16050165

>I'll just take the initial infection, and let my body's natural and more robust immune response handle the rest.
i was under the impression that reinfection tends to be more severe, though a lot of data has been suppressed for a while.
what do you think about long covid?
what do you think about the idea that covid has similar effects to aids?
i'm not defending vaccination, i'm defending the position of avoiding ingesting shit you don't (and have been made unable to) understand into your body in general, especially in this age of warlords and bad incentive structures and backwards technology

>> No.16050169

if humility is smooth brained, so be it

>> No.16050177

I think long covid is mostly psychosomatic (or caused by a certain procedure designed to protect against covid, which has now been proven to negatively impact the immune response to the virus itself), however, a lot of other viral infections can cause long term adverse effects in susceptible individuals, usually with an already compromised immune system, including influenza. The best examples would be viruses like Epstein-Barr or Herpes though.

I think long covid is probably a thing, but vastly overexaggerated and over-reported. It wouldn't surprise me if the autoimmune issues associated with covid vaccination are the actual cause of the symptoms associated with long covid, exacerbated by reinfection with a virus that the immune system has already been primed for.

>> No.16051142

>be fact checking
>be continually wrong
>don't lose your job
>don't lose your clients
gosh its almost as if "fact checkers" are being paid to spread misinfo

>> No.16051187

vaxxies on suicide watch

>> No.16052607

>I think long covid is probably a thing
its fake, just like every other form of covid was

>> No.16052916

it's been shown in vitro to reverse transcribe
I'm not a genius but does this conflict with your theory

>> No.16053772
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>> No.16055132

in a democracy fooling the most gullible 50% of the population is the way to win power

>> No.16055425

Thread summary
Antivaxxies: -100
Not a single one has even made the attempt, but they have hurled insults and generally deflected while pretending this bullshit is true.

have to lie to antivax same as always

>> No.16055472

Thread summery
Vaxxies: -6 gorillian
They consented to have an experimental mRNA gene therapy injected into their bodies multiple times because the TV man told them they would die of the cold if they didn't. Now they are contributing in enormous numbers to the epidemic of excess mortality rates being see across the highly-covid vaccinated world, and pretending the vaccine had nothing to do with it, because that is too uncomfortable and inconvenient a reality for them to face.

No refunds.

>> No.16055478

>because the TV man told them
>voting can change shit

>> No.16055483

lol. How about the part where they didn't recognize the spike was a toxin before using it as the antigen?
How about the part where there was no genotoxicity study before they launched the clotshot?
How about the part where more people died in the trial group than the placebo?
How about the part where they unblinded their study before phase 3 trials were done?
How about the part where there is data fraud in their trial sites through out the world?
What about the part where their contracted companies weren't following their procedures for the study?
How about the part where they were altering doses like a mass experiment carried out on the public?
How about the part where they fraudulently applied PCR tests in their studies to improve effectiveness?
What about the part where they used PCR testing which is not used for diagnosis?
What about the part where they approved the medicine for pregnancy without testing it?
What about the part that their trials were not targeted for risk groups?
What about the part where boosters are tested on handfuls of labrats?
What about the part where the flu completely vanished and suddenly became covid?
What about the part where they lied incessantly about alternative options to justify EUA?
What about the part where individuals did not have informed consent?
With all of that being said, it is a good thing jabbies like you are dying en masse.
lmao even.

>> No.16055495

Voting can't change shit but guns and explosives can.

>> No.16055514

I think logistics is more important.

>> No.16055518

You're right, logistics are crucially important in the effective utilization of guns and explosives.

>> No.16055523

Long covid is the igg4 class switch from the vaxxes btw. They (longhaulers) often complain about how their other medicine really fucks them up with side effects as it would from a dysfunctional immune system

>> No.16055530

no I mean civvies have no fucking chance. they might have had in the 70's or 80's. even with military training they'd just suck it big time with no access to supply lines and tech infrastructure (comms and shit). I'm not even an armchair strategist and it's pretty clear there's basically zero chances of replacing an "illegitimate" government by force via your shitty modded larper toys. the whole shit is played at a whole different level and it's not about gear as it's about logistics, supply-lines and advanced comms/coordination infrastructure.
once your cell lines are down you ain't doing shit with the mall walkie talkies and low fps night vision goggles that civvies have access to. that shit ain't happening.
the only thing burgers can do is cause a ruckus which is bad for business, that's it. as much as I'd enjoy the popcorn watching from over the pond it would be sad, not interesting.

>> No.16055534

Kind of reminds you of AIDS, doesn't it?

>> No.16055566

>With all of that being said, it is a good thing jabbies like you are dying en masse.
The sheer level of cope.

>> No.16055575

Where's the cope? Have you looked at all-cause excess mortality rates across the highly covid vaccinated world, including your own country post-2021?

No refunds.

>> No.16055599

Also I think if someone with natural immunity then gets vaxxed (more=worse) this would just exacerbate their situation. Im not aware of any igg4 postcovid study that specifically looked into that difference. Vaxxies were just bucketed together

>> No.16055603

>cell lines
Uhh your meshtastic bro? Also asynchronous warfare isn't about fighting jets. It's well hitting soft targets

>> No.16055604
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>> No.16055607

Why did the under 40 (actually all ages) cancer rate/spending/cod explode post vaxx and still has no signs of peaking?

>> No.16055609

>Why did the under 40 (actually all ages) cancer rate/spending/cod explode post vaxx
You mean post covid, but I know you know that already. You liars have been corrected on this lie for years. I'd say it's amazing you still peddle the same lies, but there are young earth creationists who've lied for jesus their whole lives so I suppose lying your whole life is entirely possible.

>> No.16055616

Bit it didn't happen post-covid, it happened post-vax. Cope, vaxxie, no refunds.

>> No.16055617

Name me a prior coronavirus that causes cancer. I'll wait.

>> No.16055622

>Bit it didn't happen post-covid, it happened post-vax
post hoc ergo propter hoc. The non-vaccinated have higher demographic adjusted rates after infection. Same for neurological damage, rates of dementia, etc. Which, again, you've been told for years.

Although I'm kind of persuaded to think you really are this retarded.

>> No.16055625
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>Name me a prior coronavirus that causes cancer. I'll wait.

>> No.16055636

Except this is not true, and you're lying

>> No.16055677

> What you wrote has no sense to it, particularly as the death rate for unvaccinated remain higher to present

The unvaccinated includes anyone who isn’t 2 weeks post their injection. Not to mention blatant manipulation of death certificates due to hospital incentive for categorizing it as such. I don’t frequent /sci/ but it’s clear there’s quite a few smooth-brained anons on here.

>> No.16055682

This guy gets it

>> No.16055685

Man, I really miss the good old ice sun vs lava sun discussions.

>> No.16055707

i love reading retarded stuff like this online, makes me feel less retarded personally knowing that life forms like you use oxygen

>> No.16055710

i got one a few months ago

>> No.16055711

wait until the 1 =/= 1 schizos come back from middle school in the summer.

>> No.16055905

>With all of that being said, it is a good thing jabbies like you are dying en masse.
This is the real crux of the matter. Nothing you said before is relevant to anything. The point is you get to feel superior about others and gloat about their hypothetical deaths because you are a cruel, petty, hateful loser. This one stance of yours informs every other one. Normal people with empathy, if they knew what you think you know, would be shocked at the unprecedented tragedy. But you're smug, elated, wringing your hands with glee. It's all wishful thinking.

>> No.16057164
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>> No.16057241

>gloat about their hypothetical deaths because you are a cruel, petty, hateful loser
Oh, like you and every other vaxxie treated the unvaccinated for years? Fuck you, I hope you die, and everyone you love.

>> No.16057242

>i got one a few months ago
Kek why?

>> No.16057249

>Oh, like you and every other vaxxie treated the unvaccinated for years?
I'm sorry you don't like the consequences of your own toddler tantrum contrarianism? The world works for those willing to work with it. You don't get to have your way consequence free, whether in fact, hence many of you dying a lot more than the vaccinated, or socially.
>Fuck you, I hope you die, and everyone you love.
Toddler tantrum. Unfortunately for you, even absent social consequences the people like you die in far larger numbers. So you can disagree out of some silly spiteful tantrum all you like, but reality doesn't give a single damn. Gravity doesn't stop working just because you don't want to believe it exists.

Might want to get treatment for that narcissistic personality disorder you seem to have.

>> No.16057260

Based love the vaxxie suffering. They don't have souls anymore btw

>> No.16057408

>hence many of you dying a lot more than the vaccinated
But that's simply not true
>people like you die in far larger numbers
But we don't.

Keep coping, vaxxie. And no refunds. Hopefully your mom doesn't finally kick you out.

>> No.16057440
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>But that's simply not true
My guy even if you are an antivaxxer we both know that you're lying.
>But we don't.
But you do.
>Keep coping
Narcissistic projection. I don't have to cope because I'm not the one who's delusional here.

>> No.16057444

Did you get your latest booster? Oh, why not?

Cope vaxxie. No refunds. You have a higher chance of dying of both covid, and literally anything else. RIP immune system. Enjoy your constant and worsening reinfection with covid.

>ur a narcissits
Just grow up.

>> No.16057446

Hey faggot, what country do you live in? What are the post-2021 all-cause excess mortality rates?

>> No.16057447

You're boring dude.
>What are the post-2021 all-cause excess mortality rates?
Is that the game you're playing now? Just flat earther "nuh uh" and go "la la la la la not looking" and try to distract with irrelevant stuff?

Come on dude at least try to troll with something approaching finesse. This is pathetic.

>> No.16057448

>You're boring dude
Why didn't you get your latest booster? Are you some kind of antivaxxer? Do you not trust the science? Covid is still out there you know. Why does this question make you uncomfortable?

>Irrelevant stuff
I'm sorry, historic levels of all-cause excess mortality is irrelevant. You're this fucking stupid and disingenuous, and you're calling me the narcissist?

>> No.16057450

Learn to read statistics, retard. Weekly rates of death are cumulative over the duration of the pandemic, and considering the majority of people who died in each country died in 2020, of course they are going to fall into the unvaccinated category. Good gracious me.

>> No.16057451

What are excess mortality rates in your country? You cited OWID, why don't you look into their excess mortality statistics? It's not irrelevant, anon. Are you just afraid of what you're going to find?

No refunds.

>> No.16057461

>The TV man convinced me to be so afraid of a virus I turned the cells in my body into factories producing the most pathogenic part of said virus and indefinitely circulating it throughout my body causing untold amounts of inflammatory damage to my organ systems, multiple times over, hoping this would create a substantive immune response to the virus, even though at this point the virus has already mutated

>> No.16057467
File: 80 KB, 1047x1243, lol (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why don't you look into their excess mortality statistics
You've been corrected on this schizo delusion for years now. I am literally not wasting the time rehashing it. Just pointing out this troll is 0/10 and boring.
Besides, trend obviously begins before vaccination rollout, so you kind of fucked yourself.

Pretty sure you're just going to ignore that and claim later period deaths are due to vaccinations, pretending as if vaccines are perfect and therefore any/all deaths have nothing to do with any comorbidities, medical supply shortages, etc. So, yeah, just boring flat eartherisms

>> No.16057471

lol somebody's butthurt

>> No.16057480

Butthurt Samefag

>> No.16057486

Nobody's saying excess mortality rates didn't begin in 2020, you absolute fucking retard, but considering the pandemic is over, and all who would have died of covid did, we should see a dip in excess mortality rates, as is being seen in countries like Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, etc., but in highly-vaccinated countries, the trend of all-cause excess mortality rates remains high. Not covid deaths, deaths of all causes,with the main cause being cardiovascular related deaths.

>> No.16057489 [DELETED] 

>references data
>does not provide a source for the data
>data ends January 2022, over two years ago

Just. Fucking. Kill yourself.

>> No.16057494

>published 14 December 2022
Anon, it's March 5, 2024. Why are all-cause excess mortality rates still so high, while covid mortality rates are at all time lows?

>> No.16057495

>but considering the pandemic is over
>and all who would have died of covid did
Called it. >>16057467 Just pretend comorbidities don't exist and covid didn't push anyone to that cliff faster. Blame vaccinations for known and demonstrated covid problems. How fucking predictable.
So ignore immune damage covid causes, ignore long-term symptoms from nervous system damage, you just ignore absolutely everything because you've got to in order to cope at this magnitude.
>Not covid deaths, deaths of all causes,with the main cause being cardiovascular related deaths.
You mean that thing covid causes? https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3
You know, stuff people have told you and sent you links on for years that you continue to pretend don't exist.

So you continue to just go "nuh uh" I bet.

>> No.16057497

>Anon, it's March 5, 2024. Why are all-cause excess mortality rates still so high, while covid mortality rates are at all time lows?
This is as retarded as asking why people had to be on ventilators after polio infections.
>anon they don't have polio anymore why do they need ventilation machines?
that's you right now.

>> No.16057501

It's over, anon. I'm sorry you can't move past it.
>Just pretend comorbitities don't exist
No one said that.
>Blame vaccinations for known and demonstrated covid problems
You mean the mRNA gene therapies that order your cells to produce the pathogenic Wuhan strain spike protein and circulate it throughout your body?
>So ignore immune damage covid causes
As you ignore immune damage the mRNA gene therapies cause, among other things, like cardiovascular and neurological damage?
>you've got to in order to cope at this magnitude
How do you cope with the fact that you haven't stayed up to date on your covid vaccines, antivaxxer? As you just implied, the pandemic clearly isn't over.
>So you continue to just go "nu uh" I bet
No, you do.

>> No.16057503

But no one has polio, and covid is an upper respiratory disease with a 0.1% mortality rate. You're delusional.

>> No.16057509

So yeah, just pretend and go "nuh uh" and ignore like I predicted. Boring. All you've got left is trying to blame vaccines for sars-cov-2 consequences like I said.
>n-no I'm totally not asking why you still need a wheelchair after polio it's different cuz i said so duh
yawn. Not dying from something directly doesn't mean you don't die from consequences later, or suffer long term consequences. All you've got is "nuh uh".

>> No.16057514

>and go "nuh uh" and ignore
Anon, I'm sorry the conclusions I come to aren't consistent with your delusions. Keep living in fear, if that's what you want, but the rest of us have moved on from the virus, and the virus has mostly moved on from us.
>Not dying from something directly doesn't mean you don't die from consequences later
Like the experimental mRNA gene therapy that circulates pathogenic spike proteins throughout your body for weeks to months on end, with every dose you get?

Now, I'll ask once more, since clearly you're so afraid of this virus, did you or did you not get your latest covid booster? Oh, why not?

>> No.16057516

>Anon, I'm sorry the conclusions I come to aren't consistent with your delusions.
You mean the evidence? Have another https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10894867/
There are hundreds more. They're effortless to pull up.
>Like the experimental mRNA gene therapy that circulates pathogenic spike proteins throughout your body for weeks to months on end, with every dose you get?
And yet antivaxxies continue to fail to show any dose-response relationship. Almost... almost like it has nothing to do with vaccines. Gasp

>> No.16057517

>Blame vaccinations for known demonstrated cocid problems
Why is it so hard to believe that that spike protein produced by the the covid vaccine can cause the same long term effects that the virus can? And in that case, why would you ever get the mRNA cocid vaccine?

>> No.16057518

>dose response relationship
In regards to what exactly? The Cleveland Clinic study clearly shows the more covid vaccine doses you get, the more your likelihood of being reinfected with covid, obviously as a result of immune priming.

>> No.16057519

>hurrrr let me post more links to articles I don't even understand but have religiously saved on my hard drive to school the antivaxxer chuds with hurrrrr

Anon, did you get your latest booster? Why not?

>> No.16057520

>Why is it so hard to believe that that spike protein produced by the the covid vaccine can cause the same long term effects that the virus can?
Congratulations, you've just asked a question proving you don't know anything relevant about the subject at all. Which of course everyone already knew, but thanks for removing any possibility for doubt.

Since the answer amounts to "all the reasons" if you want a complete education from middle-school biology to virology you're going to have to pay me for it.
>In regards to what exactly?
Suffering amnesia? In regards to what you claimed, obviously.
>The Cleveland Clinic study clearly shows the more covid vaccine doses you get, the more your likelihood of being reinfected with covid
So just going to pretend I didn't give you three separate studies debunking three separate claims as you jump to yet another?

Yeaaaah not surprised. Run away little piggy

>> No.16057521

Sorry, meant for this faggot >>16057495

>> No.16057522

>hurrrr let me post more links to articles I don't even understand
And yet you lot consistently fail to succeed in doing anything but embarrassing yourselves when you try.

Oh please do try. It's always more fun when you do. Go on, give it a go. I'm sure your face has healed from the last faceplanting.

>> No.16057528

You addressed none of what I said, and you're clearly imploding emotionally. I'm sorry you consented to getting 2, 3, 4, 5(!?) experimental mRNA gene therapies to protect you from a glorified cold, and patjogenic spike proteins of said cold cirus have circulated throughout your body for an indefinite amount of time causing untold and unnecessary inflammatory damage to your organ tissues while providing a very limited and useless immune response to an ever evolving pathogen.

Now, all I really want to know from this point on is, did your or did you not get your latest covid booster? Why not? When did you decide to become an antivaxxer, and why?

>> No.16057529

I bet you're crying now.

No refunds, vaxxie. Enjoy your spike protein induced inflammatory damage, and your constant and worsening reinfection with covid. No one forced you. You did this to yourself.

>> No.16057532
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>You addressed none of what I said
Oh? Gaslighting now? I seem to recall asking you to show a dose-response relationship for your claimed effects >>16057516. You know, that thing that would be required for what you claimed to be true?

Well? We're waiting!

>> No.16057536

And I asked you to specify. I think we all know who's gaslighting.

Now, will you please answer my simple question: did you or did you not get your latest covid booster, since you're so concerned about covid's long term health effects? Why didn't you? Why does this question make you so uncomfortable?

>> No.16057543

>look at me, I post gifs from my stockpile and imagine to myself that other people will see them and find them funny or clever. Teeheheheheeeee

>> No.16057549
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>> No.16057551

I'm still waiting for you to answer why you haven't stayed up to date on your covid boosters, you dirty fucking antivaxxer.

But I know, you're never going to answer that question, because it highlights the laughable absurdity of your position in a thos.

>> No.16057554

Excuse my typos, gentleman, I've poured out a nice Canadian Club on the rocks for this poor, unfortunate chap.

>> No.16057556

Oh look, the spike proteins got him. Or is that just boomer humor?

>> No.16057645

cope and sneed jabboid. You are unable to refute any statement and so you try to attack my ego. Your failed attempt to best me amuses me.
That'll do pig. That'll do.
You can die easy now.

>> No.16057720

damn that's a thorough rebuttal against the poisonous vaccines that the trillion dollar pharmaceutical corporations inflicted on our population. I sure am glad I have informed, redpilled, and anti-woke 4chan scholars to inform me of harmful side effects the corrupt bureaucratic snowflakes try to hide from me. thanks for informing me and redpilling /sci/ on the dangers of the clotshot! it's good that millions of autists saw, noticed, and documented the attempted genocide of the population through experimental clotshots. NOTHING gets past them and they always win arguments. I feel safe knowing redpillers are out there countering the depopulation propaganda.

I don't know if vaxxoid clotshotters can recover from this. maybe try ivermectin and nattokinase?

>> No.16057746

The sarcasm is well noted. For my part though I'd be happy if any of them ever even remotely attempted to show a dose-response relationship.

It's kind of as bad as flat earthers and asking them for a model. They never have one, of course. It's the same thing here, just pivoted to biology instead. They claim vaccines tooootally cause all these issues, mysteriously all issues Covid causes, but ask them to show a dose-response relationship controlling for covid infection and mysteriously they want to talk about anything else.

I'd have found it way too boring years ago but goddamn they're so pathetic it's hard not to be entertained.

>> No.16057759

you said absolutely nothing with your post.

are you mad you got redpilled on 4chan about the dangers of the useless clotshot that didn't work how it was promised to work? do you feel 4chan nerds are "below" the scientific institutions you revere and so it's humiliating to have them deboonk your corporate propaganda? I can see your blood pressure rising so I'm going to have to ask you to calm down before you write a response. remember: forcing people to accept experimental vaccines to buy food and keep their jobs is EVIL. consider that as you write your response. tnx.

>> No.16057787


>> No.16057817 [DELETED] 

why would i care about fake news? that doesn't convince me to get the clotshot in ANY way. stop being bluepilled, snowflake.

>> No.16057819
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i miss when we had jannies

>> No.16057827

>a bluepilled snowflake shitlib that calls for people who redpill him to be banned
many such cases!

how many clotshots have you gotten total? me? ZERO.

>> No.16057838

Yeah you would little vaxxed kike

>> No.16058298

You're welcome.
But did you get your latest booster? Why not?

>> No.16058303
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>> No.16058349

Why are antivaxxies so dumb?

>> No.16058354


>> No.16058366

Why did you link me to a totally irrelevant Wikipedia article?

>risk compensation
Yeah, I'm going to get covid anyway, and considering the "vaccine" is an experimental mRNA gene therapy that turns my cells into indefinite spike protein factories, why would I expand my risk by getting the virus AND extra pathogenic spike proteins produced by my own cells and circulated throughout my body? Multiple times.

Furthermore, the Cleveland Clinic Study referenced, proves that the more doses of the gene therapy you recieve, the higher likelihood of reinfection with covid. You didn't even address that, retard.

Now, did you or did you not get your latest covid booster? Why didn't you?


>> No.16058369
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Ahhh, isn't this convenient

>> No.16058580
File: 120 KB, 579x853, 1-s2.0-S0167629623000796-gr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why did you link me to a totally irrelevant Wikipedia article?
Shame you're too dumb to get the relevance. Sucks to suck.
lol imagine falling for this

>> No.16058587

You still haven't addressed any of my arguments, or my sources, nor have you answered my very simple question of why you didn't get the latest covid booster. You must be some kind of antivaxxer or something.

Now, anything at all to say about the Cleveland Clinic Study I provided you with, which proves that the likelihood of reinfection with covid increases with each dose administered? No? Idiot.

>> No.16058589

>Imagine falling for this
Refute it. The data is available on the ONS website.