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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16047114 No.16047114 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you draw the distinction between a thing's nature, inclination, and its "free will"? Is consciousness and "choices" anything more than just arrangements of chemicals, causality, and antecedence? If we re-created the same exact spatio-temporal arrangement of matter, the positions of atoms, and their velocities. Would it suddenly behave differently? Neurologically speaking. Where does free will end and "my ADHD/Tourette's syndrome/autism made me do it" "my addiction made me do it" "my chemical imbalance made me do it" begin? Point to the exact spot. Give me a number. Normies never seem to give you a straight answer. Either everything is free will or nothing is free will. Either all of our actions are determined by our brain chemistry or none of them are. There is no in between. Mentally ill people with their "chemical imbalances" aren't special.

>> No.16047135
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>muh brain chemistry

>> No.16047256

Why is free will in quotes

>> No.16047599
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free will is the ability to have done otherwise. one could argue for the ability to have done only a single alternative thing, up to an infinity of alternative things. i personally do not believe we could have done otherwise at all. that is determinism.

>> No.16047610

It’s determinism all the way down.
>My mind bends reality and not the other way around!!!

>> No.16047881
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>If we re-created the same exact spatio-temporal arrangement of matter, the positions of atoms, and their velocities.

That, my friend, is impossible

You'd have to figure out the universal wave function, which is the Holomovement, which is infinite and ever-evolving, which is therefore incalculable

>> No.16048263

>thing's nature
No such thing
Propensity towards something lies in physical configuration + abstract habits developed over time
>free will
I'm not of the belief that there's a universal determinism, nor am I of the belief that there's any extraspatial/ghostly agency controlling the body from outside the universe. However every being (system of being of which their body/its surroundings/its habits/its actions) has the capacity to resist against every other beings and also the wider dead/non-being passive universal forces.

Consciousness is just arrangement of information our brain processes. I say brain in a soft sense, not a something that which is "out there" to affirm some sort of dualistic world. The brain/the "outside" of the brain, the physical body, the universe, all are products of the mind that we manipulate. Whether there is any 1:1 representation behind our conscious conceptual and any external thing other is a matter of complete unknowability. The only thing we can know are the ones that appear as such as conceptual things. Atoms/matter/etc are just part of the conscious forms.

>> No.16048995

This thread is a testament to how close minded science has made people without also imparting to them its clear limitations
Why is it deterministic? They will say because everything that is falsifiable necessarily follows cause and effect
But what about quantum mechanics?
They'll respond its just added randomness, and no different from flipping a coin before making a decision
What they fail to concede is the possibility of a hidden mechanism guiding this quantum pseudorandomness that imparts free will, because entertaining such a theory would be lending credence to the fact that not everything can be falsifiable, which would force them to admit to this limitation they don't know or believe exists

>> No.16049026
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>Consciousness is not identical to neural states because it just isn't.
>*two minutes later*
>omg that person has depression and allegedly low serotonin levels? he's dangerous. we need to put him on medicine.

Why are they like this?

>> No.16049027

Free will as a concept is null. Universe is superdeterministic

>> No.16049029


Everything people do can be physically explained. Free will is not possible in a strictly physical, causal, and antecedent realm. Which is why you need to invoke magical non-physical forces. You do this because you have a conflict of interest.

>> No.16049031

>having a schizophrenic argument in his own head
Hope you won it at least, anon

>> No.16049040

It's over, modal reasoning requires a privileged position. You couldn't even rationally affirm your retarded self-defeating position. Actually, (you) wouldn't even exist.

>> No.16049045


Do lobsters have modal reasoning? Do retards?

>> No.16049086

I think that universe is deterministic.
But we are dumb creatures that are unable to always do the most rational choice, so we end sticking with some random choices.
Is not free will, but feels like free will.

>> No.16049150

Take a breath champ. Just breathe. Now I know you think you're speaking coherently, but you're spouting a lot of rubbish son. It's a hodgepodge of vague drivel presented, yet floundering, as concrete thought. Go outside, do a few jumping jacks, clear your head. Think more carefully next time sport. Wait until you're 18 before posting

>> No.16049302

Suck my nigga dick

>> No.16049308

dude we are just larping apes none of your philosophizing about this will lead you anywhere just live life

>> No.16049881
