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16041019 No.16041019 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there a correlation between the body size of white women and their desire to date black men?

>> No.16041032


>> No.16041038

Obesity is associated with gut dysfunction and improper gut microbiome

Gut micro biome influences your brain and how you think
This leads to more taboo sexual desires
Boom science nigga.
>t. schizo

>> No.16041133

or maybe because your tiny dick can't reach their stinky vaginas .
boom no sicence needed.

>> No.16041237

>why do grotesque obese cows have lower standards
truly a mystery

>> No.16041353

It's a know fact that many black men will fuck anything (even men). Due to this fat chick's receive more positive attention compared to men with standards, thus come to desire them more.

>> No.16041584

Same cope as ugly whitecels "preferring" asian women. They don't really prefer pan faced chinks to gorgeous white women. Pan-faced chinks is all they get.

>> No.16041586

cause whitey don't know fine if it hit him across the face

>> No.16041625

I live in a city that gets the best looking east asian immigrants, they are feminine and sexy at their best, cope. Resisting Asian pussy is the White Man's Burden

>> No.16041633

well, for me, the niggers can have all the fat-asses lard slam pigs

>> No.16041800

>Why is there a correlation between the body size of white women and their desire to date black men?
I've fucked my fair share of "plus-sized" white chicks back in the day, and I can say that without exception it was like throwing a hotdog down a hallway. Slid right in and barely felt a thing. They weren't single moms either... just had big ol floppy loose vaginas.

Now imagine that you're just some stupid foid (most fat bitches are) with a gaping hole between your legs and an evolutionarily wired need to be physically dominated. What race do you choose?

Honestly it's not a bad thing that these chicks date black men. They're pollution in humanity's gene pool.

>> No.16041833

Women are conformists and dating blacks is low status so they have to already be an outcast of some sort to do it. Being fat is a trait that creates a societal outcast

>> No.16041843

I wonder why that is. Some sort of physiological connection between being overweight and having loose vags.

>> No.16041890

I dont like how that paragraph is written, it has too many linguistic ambiguities. The fucking writer could not be arsed to use accurate wording because he was afraid off coming off as a sperg, he had to be casual

>> No.16042754


>> No.16042769
File: 44 KB, 713x714, 1701320815642610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small subset
>7 times
>11 times
>few extra pounds

None of this means anything without numbers. What is the numerical size of said small subset? What does 7 or 11 times mean compared to the average dating rate? What's the weight difference between a white woman """thinking""" she's large or slim when at least 40% of White Women are clinically obese?

>> No.16042879

>Why is there a correlation between the body size of white women and their desire to date black men?

Rejected over and over by White Chads, finally internalizing that Black men are the best they are going to get.

>> No.16042892


>> No.16042894

Scientific studies like this are so worthless. All scientists involved should be put to the torch for tarnishing the good name of science. Fucking abominable shit.

I fucking hate you retards so much.

>> No.16043021

There isn't. There's a negative correlation between obesity and the ability to attract white men. A fat girl calling herself a queen of spades is just cope.

>> No.16043634


>> No.16044459

It's a mystery

>> No.16044463

Dodge Charger