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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16035126 No.16035126 [Reply] [Original]

The results are in: men and women are not the same.
What does this mean for trans folks going forward?

>When the researchers tested the model on about 1,500 brain scans, the model was able to tell if the scan came from a woman or a man more than 90 per cent of the time.

>> No.16035128

>for the first time
Fucking cavemen knew it 30000 years ago

>> No.16035137

imagine someone devoted their career and collected a salary to learn what everyone else already knew by the time they were 4 years old

>> No.16035144

Image being ignorant of the dominate social trend that preaches the exact opposite.

>> No.16035146

>What does this mean for trans folks going forward?
That they are heckin' valid, confirmed by biology. A woman's brain in a man's body. Science says it's possible.

>> No.16035174

>A woman's brain in a man's body. Science says it's possible.

>> No.16035176

Social Science disagrees.

>> No.16035178

They're calling that a science now? Damn

>> No.16035185

Random studies made by random scientists who are very likely supportive of it.

>> No.16035321

Here ya go

>> No.16035336

They will complain about it and avoid the gamble as much as possible, then if it supports them they will praise it, but when it doesn't they will want to ban it.
Well when retarded armchair "thinkers" will just say "well actually I think this isn't true" it diminishes common sense.

>> No.16035359

>/sci/ believes men and women have different brains
>/sci/ doesn't believe it's possible to have a different brain to your birth sex
The most bizarre part about transphobia is that trans people are actually a conservative's wet-dream. Their existence reinforces the view that men and women think and act differently. Ironically this is why radfems hate trans people.

>> No.16035369

because your birth sex determines how your brain develops. you're not just a pile of assorted random parts that are thrown together haphazardly at the factory the day you're born and oopsie, looks like someone threw a femoid brain into a dick-haver's skull

>Their existence reinforces the view that men and women think and act differently
there is no contradiction between a. men and women think and act differently and b. a man acting effeminate does not make him literally a woman. it's almost like you don't actually understand your opposition's arguments?

>> No.16035378

I don’t think this is the study mentioned in the article, there doesn’t appear to be any mention of machine learning here.

>> No.16035402

except there are different types of transgenders, there's the super fem ones that actually pass, there's the drag fem crowd, there's the sissy crowd, there's the crossdresser/autogyn crowd, and there's the gay crossdressing twink crowd.

>> No.16035408

>there is no contradiction between a. men and women think and act differently and b. a man acting effeminate does not make him literally a woman.
Yes there is. If your brain determines how you act and if the way women act is determined by their female brains, then how do you suppose a male brain is going to effect female behaviours or vice versa? Either your brain is specifically gendered and determines your gendered behaviour or it isn't and doesn't.

>> No.16035415

>it's almost like you don't actually understand your opposition's arguments?
That's rich coming from the people who think deliberately misunderstanding the concept of gender is an argument

>> No.16035422

>because your birth sex determines how your brain develops
And transgenderism is an alleged error in that process.
>oopsie, looks like someone threw a femoid brain into a dick-haver's skull
People are born with no arms, heart the wrong way, even both a penis and vagina
>there is no contradiction between a. men and women think and act differently and b. a man acting effeminate does not make him literally a woman
Why not? Their brain could be wired that way, how do you know it's not?

>> No.16035425

>Why not? Their brain could be wired that way, how do you know it's not?
I don't know that schizophrenics aren't hounded by real demons, but I'm not going to buy them silver crucifixes until there's evidence.

>> No.16035432

If giving schizophrenics silver crucifixes helped them considerably I think plenty people would consider that sufficient evidence, or at least pragmatically decide to adopt that remedy

>> No.16035434

Well you melt down all your silver and give it a try. I'm going to continue not doing that.

>> No.16035435

That's what we have health insurance for.

>> No.16035437

So go petition your health insurance company to start buying silver. I'm going to continue not doing that.

>> No.16035438

I'd like a medical trial first.

>> No.16035444

Ok. We'll have some priests wave silver crucifixes over schizophrenics and give them more funding if the schizophrenics rate themselves as happier on a scale of 1 to 5.

>> No.16035448

Yes, now you're getting it! Now you're doing science instead of being prejudiced!

>> No.16035453
File: 85 KB, 472x426, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going forward?
Troons on 4chan have been discussing statistical deviations of troons from males and related articles for years? You know trannies don't experience phantom pain from a chop job if they aren't pretenders? You know people have been doing brain scan experiments that have shown trannies to be some fucked up inbetween between normal male and normal female brain activity? You know experiments proving males and females being different have been validated at every conceivable stage of development almost to the point of straight out of the womb? Bro your troonology/trannylore is subpar. You've been missing out because you only learn from them from Xcreenshots.

>> No.16035457

>your gendered behaviour
this has literally zero bearing on whether you're a man or a woman. (you), a man, acting indistinguishably from a stereotypical woman does not change that fact that (you) are a man who will never be a woman

your concept of gender is just making up rules for the game in an attempt to control the outcome. "if you define A as B, then B is A. checkmate, chud"

>> No.16035459

Nta, but you do at least believe that schizophrenics perceive the demons as if they were real and are not just making shit up, right? If by some mistake your brain can be wired in a way that puts your everyday life completely outside of normal human experience, is it really such a huge leap to believe that your brain can also be mistakenly wired in a way that's more or less normal and healthy for 50% of people, except in some cases it happens to not conform to your physical sex?
Do you believe that people can be born homosexual? If so, you already have one metaphorical switch that can accidentally get flipped during brain development corresponding to one mental trait intended for the opposite sex. Flip enough of such switches, and you get a brain of a transgendered person.

>> No.16035460

>a man, acting indistinguishably from a stereotypical woman
So my brain doesn't affect my behaviour at all?

>> No.16035461

>your concept of gender is just making up rules for the game in an attempt to control the outcome.
Proving my point here. I've yet to meet a single transphobe who understands his opposition and can come up with a single good faith argument.

>> No.16035463

Your deflections don't change the fact that schizos will rate themselves as happier if everyone starts bowing to them while addressing them as "Tom, badass demonslayer of Xarnia". Telling people to rate their feelings is not actual evidence about external reality.

>> No.16035466

>your concept of gender is just making up rules for the game in an attempt
your concept of gender is literally whatever xitter screenshots you have read from mentally ill reddit hons and some youtube videos you hatewatched of some blue haired californian fairweather communist. Your comprehension of what trannies think is about as warped as that of the average leftard who only engaged with inbred "christians" that never even read the fucking bible.

>> No.16035470

>Your deflections don't change the fact that schizos will rate themselves as happier if everyone starts bowing to them while addressing them as "Tom, badass demonslayer of Xarnia".
You expect mental health professionals not to do this if they discovered that it helps and Tom is able to lead a normal life with that caveat?

>> No.16035477

Kind of a shit analogy. Trans people are like .01% of the population. Christards are 63%. Most people will have encountered the latter but personal experience with the former is a lot rarer.

>> No.16035488

if you did a brain scan on a mtf tranny and it showed that every marker lined up well within the predicted normal range of their birth (real) sex (ie, any independent observer would conclude the brain belongs to a man), would you tell them they're not trans?

>> No.16035493
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Both groups have in common that they are represented by an absolutely forgettable amount of people on shit sites like picrel. And yes the ironing of this being itself a screenshot is not lost on me.

>> No.16035496

I think people have a lot of different feelings for a lot of different reasons, and while trannies may have some vague similarity in their feelings, that does not imply there's an actual objective physical cause like "having the other gender's brain". It's possible that the only difference between male and female brains is a bunch of switches, but I have no real reason to believe that, and don't agree that self assessed anything is real scientific evidence.

The simpler explanation is that a lot of trannies are spergs who aren't able to handle male expectations and wish they were born female. And this theory aligns with the fact that trannies keep btfoing women even at mental activities.

Yes, I suspect mental health professional do not in fact bow to their demon-seeing patients while speaking in Olde English, independent of those patients' happiness ratings. More importantly I don't think anyone will ever try to pressure normal people Tom interacts with into doing that.

>> No.16035498

Good thing you're not a mental health professional.

>> No.16035501

I wish there was a forgettable amount of christards

>> No.16035536

All you need to know about tranny brains is to see how many trans speedrunners and esports players there are compared to female ones. It's crazy. In the latest smash bros melee top 100 ranking, ALL five of the "women" were trans, and there has never been a top female player in the 23 years the game has been out

>> No.16035542

>The simpler explanation is that a lot of trannies are spergs who aren't able to handle male expectations and wish they were born female. And this theory aligns with the fact that trannies keep btfoing women even at mental activities.
A lot of or all of them? It's an important distinction. We might disagree on the exact proportions of these groups, but when you say a lot of them are like that, are the remaining ones actually genuinely transgendered as understood by modern psychology?

>> No.16035544

mtf tranny chimpouts online are always 1000% male coded also. not to mention, ftm troons who film themselves crying in the car after getting misgendered, you can't convince me they have irl dude brains in their noggins

>> No.16035553

There might be some objective difference from standard brains but I don't believe it's as all encompassing as the narrative, and any objective difference between brains does not include a propensity to wear skirts and makeup.

>> No.16035565

*wear skirts and makeup or be referred to with a specific pronoun. That's purely a reasoned desire to be treated in a certain way or receive certain social benefits.

>> No.16035614

I can't say you are objectively wrong about everything, since we already are in the realm of speculation. I will just say that I don't think it's purely reasoned. I realize that it isn't exactly the same situation, but if you woke up as a woman one day, would you want others to immediately start thinking of you and treating you as dictated by your new biology, or would it make you much happier if someone acknowledged that despite all that, you are just a man stuck in an unfortunate predicament. Would you want to wear skirts and makeup, and would you, given enough time, eventually stop thinking of yourself as a man altogether? Would you be able to achieve genuine happiness in life within the confines of your new biological and societal framework? I can't speak for everyone, but I don't think my identity is that malleable and that it's something I can consciously decide for myself. I don't believe it's entirely environmental, i.e. a result of my upbringing either.

>> No.16035638

1) Strawman argument

2) It's wrong anyway. You don't believe demons exist but you do believe different brains exist. Therefore the claim of a trans person could be true unlike that of a schizophrenic.
>that does not imply there's an actual objective physical cause like "having the other gender's brain
>don't agree that self assessed anything is real scientific evidence.
That's why psychiatric assessments exist. But when a guy with an actual medical degree declares it to be the case you still don't agree. Therefore your views have nothing to do with science but your own feelings

>> No.16035647

>Chuds: "This research is proof that women aren't as capable as men!
>Also chuds: having a female brain doesn't mean anything!

>> No.16035660

Your biology wires your brain. No matter how much a guy may feel feminine, it won't be the same femininity that women express. And vice-versa.

>> No.16035676

Your brain can get wired incorrectly. There wouldn't be any homosexuals if your brain could only get wired in two distinct ways completely dependent on your biological sex with no room for error.

>> No.16035681

Even if males and females are inherently different, that doesn't prevent either of them from having desires towards the same sex.

>> No.16035699

If, despite male and female brains being inherently different, they are malleable enough for an odd male to experience the same (or largely similar) attraction that most females do and vice versa, I don't see why it wouldn't be possible for an odd male to experience femininity (whatever that means to you) in the same way as well. This whole "sameness" quality honestly seems pretty arbitrary and is difficult to even properly define.

>> No.16035712
File: 298 KB, 1280x1699, image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well /sci/?

>> No.16035754

so bone density is different
muscle structure is different
organs are different
but brains are same?
brain different!?!

>> No.16035758

There's no such thing as trans kids.

>> No.16035760

>Do you believe that people can be born homosexual?
Newborns aren't any kind of sexual, you weirdo.

>> No.16035820

Did you people put them all in the camps already?

>> No.16035891

Oh yeah, I almost forgot we're on /sci/ - Science & Math where repeating talking points of religious and political extremists is normal and respecting the current scientific consensus (e.g. on sexual orientation being determined prenatally) in any capacity makes you a weirdo.

>> No.16035916

Haha brain looks like worms :D

>> No.16035937

What if there was a person that had 100% male and 100% female brain activity at the same time. Would they be as smart as two people in one body?

>> No.16035950

no, they would be 50% as smart because one of their brains is a dumb cunt

>> No.16035953

>t. babyfucker

>> No.16036266 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 628x600, 1704341521600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does this mean for trans folks going forward?
that they should kys

>> No.16036325

>You know people have been doing brain scan experiments that have shown trannies to be some fucked up inbetween between normal male and normal female brain activity
only after they take estrogen

>> No.16036327

>society rather than biology that influence divergence
Society and biology are inherently connected, changes to biology alter society and changes to society alter biology, they are not mutually exclusive, no need to force it to be rather than instead of in addition to.

>> No.16036402

As opposed to real women whose brains run on pure testosterone?

>> No.16036412

the study they did about brain differences were done between women, men who identified as women and were on HRT, and men.

and if you can diagnose it with a brain scan why not give that to "trans" kids before castrating them?

>> No.16036444

>the study they did about brain differences were done between women, men who identified as women and were on HRT, and men.
Just regular men or ones who identified as women, but were not on HRT? You need the latter as a control group if you want to say anything about the effects of estrogen on trans male brains.

>and if you can diagnose it with a brain scan why not give that to "trans" kids before castrating them?
We simply don't know enough about brains to do that. There's a large room for error. The diagnosis wouldn't be reliable even if we concluded their brains generally tend to differ (I don't necessarily claim they do).
We don't diagnose depression using a brain scan either, even though you generally can tell the brains of depressed people apart from the healthy ones.
Also, nobody is castrating trans kids in the civilized world, at worst they delay their puberty which has some risks, but is generally reversible.

>> No.16036462

Because it is no more possible than it is to have a different brain to your species.

Radical feminism doesn't posit that men and women are equal, that is egalitarianism.

>> No.16036465

Most of those aren't trans, they are gender stereotype nonconformists or gender fluid.

>> No.16036481

You don't see a difference between a brain partially developing in a way it's supposed to naturally develop for half of the human population and a brain developing in a way that matches a different species with completely different genetic information?

>> No.16036488

Jesse what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.16036489

>radfems hate trans people.
As opposed to a non radical feminist? All feminists are by definition radical

>> No.16036496

You clearly aren't showing me such a thing, so obviously I don't see such a thing, Mr. Catgirl.

>> No.16036498

You really think that the ones who just wanted to be able to own property and have a bank account were radical?

>> No.16036570

My guess is tradcath larper who still thinks universal male suffrage is a radical idea because he deliberately lives in the year 1600

>> No.16036642

Feminism didn't exist back then idiot

>> No.16036656
File: 1.08 MB, 1438x2009, medical grooming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of it is reversible by design

>> No.16036668

most males didn't have bank accounts just 100 years ago.
most males weren't allowed to own property back then.
many males were sent to death in the trench before the age of 18. forced slavery of males by the state is still instituted today.
many males died young because they had to work in the coal plants or get eviscerated by machines or die working on the fields in the middle of nowhere.
only half the males ever lived leave any descendant compared to the females. this even caused the Y chromosome to be under evolutionary pressure a few times that of the X chromosome.
but no, fucking feministniggers have always wanted more privileged for females without ever taking more responsibilities. what are those cunts but not radical?

>> No.16036673

Not confirmed until Adam Conover makes a video on it

>> No.16036683

This is a good thing for trans people and progress, but it means that we'll have to actually scan your brain to see if you have gender dysphoria before allowing you to transition.
That means autogynophiles won't get to transition, only HSTS. Sorry

>> No.16036685

lmao that isn't "doing science" you idiot. Do you even have a STEM degree?

>> No.16036690

Wow, a twitter screencap that doesn't even support your claim in any way and essentially boils down to "one doctor has a radical opinion".

>> No.16036800
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trannyism didn't exist until a jewish pedophile made it up

>> No.16037277

>intersex don't exist

>> No.16037279


>> No.16037286
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>> No.16037288
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>> No.16037290
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>> No.16037291

>deranged ramblings of marxist professors

>> No.16037292

there is no such thing as a trans child

>> No.16037296

I was one tho, guess i dont exist

>> No.16037302

it means i want to be estrogenized and feminine but malebrained

that's the dream tbhon.
female body but male autism is unironically where i hope to end up in life
just hoping medical science can get to the point where none of this shit matters

>> No.16037368

Same, I currently live as a man, but I've been experiencing gender dysphoria since I was 4, so I don't exist either. I wonder what causes people to insist on beliefs that only hold up under the assumption that millions of people are making shit up for no practical reason and that every single piece of evidence that was collected over decades of psychological research was either misinterpreted or falsified. To me it's no less stupid than a colorblind person denying that some people can tell green apart from red and insisting that everyone is just lying to them.

>> No.16037558

Not to learn, but to prove it

>> No.16037565

hint: most of it is autism. the rest is porn addiction, ADHD, grooming, etc.

>> No.16037576

the estrogen helps to fix male autism, because it's a high testosterone low estrogen disorder. go check the research, almost nobody cares to put this data together

>> No.16037751

>is it really such a huge leap to believe that your brain can also be mistakenly wired in a way that's more or less normal and healthy for 50% of people,
According to the OP it is since the AI can still tell the difference between biological males and females.

>> No.16037803

Slaying demons isn't a normal life, you are just setting him up for failure by indulging imaginary identities that conflict with reality, at best you are just going to enable him to kill some shitty politician or businessman because he thought they were possessed by demons.

>> No.16037836

they will simply switch to using one of the limitless other methods of avoiding their personal deficiencies, those which are socially acceptable

>> No.16037844
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>> No.16037934

OP says that based on overall outward characteristics of a brain which may or may not be completely unrelated to the ones responsible for gender identity, you can predict biological sex with some accuracy. It doesn't rule out the possibility of various relevant areas of the brain being feminized/masculinized. You can only use it as a counterargument to someone claiming that their brains are completely indistinguishable from the opposite sex - they are not, but that doesn't say much about them and isn't a particularly surprising outcome to most people.

>> No.16037935

Yes it's almost as if trans"""phobia""" is connected to the idea that just because someone claims to be a member of the opposite sex, it doesn't mean it's true.

Even if it actually is true, the fact that there's been a fucking explosion of a condition that's been known about for decades indicates an external cause which should be addressed instead. That also applies if it isn't true.

>> No.16037977

>guess i dont exist
You exist, obviously. It's what you claim to be that's made up.

>> No.16038033
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this just shows you hate marriage

>> No.16038038

shrewd bastard

>> No.16038083

Depends on the thread. You entered this thread, knowing the topic, so your request is denied for being invalid. If this were /sfg/ and someone started talking about transgender issues, you'd have a point, as that would be off topic there just like discussing Blue Origin buying the United Launch Alliance would be off topic in this thread. Enjoy your (you).

>> No.16038121

Is it really different from the explosion of homosexuality when it first started gaining wide social approval?

>> No.16038123

yeah i sometimes tell myself maybe estrogen can help with that shit and adhd
repping for life tho iwnbaw

>> No.16038319

"when boys and girls grow up, they do really fun things, sharing their body parts with each other"
>i wanna do that!
"oh, no- well, maybe you're big enough. are you?"
i>'m big enough! please?
"okay, but you can't tell anyone, they won't understand."

i can't believe i used to mock that psa about homosexuals from the 1950s. of course, they showed us that in grade school and instructed us how to react

>> No.16038323

define your moral criteria. you're just reeeing about republican party as if it invalidates criticism of faggotry. stand up, "scientist" and defend yourself with something noble, not this trash.

>> No.16038339

Nta, calling someone a slur is not "criticizing faggotry". Homosexuality being inborn is a widely-accepted belief that likely is shared even by some of your ideological adjacents, at least by those who managed to finish secondary education. It shouldn't need any special defense unless someone makes a convincing case that would suggest the opposite.

>> No.16038348

you have conceptualized this "thing" of homosexuality which holds in its essence the desire to fuck for nothing more than pleasure. specifically someone of the same "sex", which is a loose concept these days. the fact that your arms are crippled genetically, involuntarily does not change the fact that you should not operate the same types of machinery as one without defect. this is all just using the fact that words are semantically malleable to suggest that the inherent properties signified by words of individual people are equally as malleable. stop degrading conscious expression.

>> No.16038368

Sodomy is a behavior.
You make a conscious choice to let men ejaculate into your rectum.
The idea that your behavior is some innate characteristic that you have nI control is not only false, but even accepting that lie were true, is even more of a reason to euthanize you, since clearly you're beyond help.

>> No.16038405

>The idea that your behavior is some innate characteristic that you have nI control
Nobody is making this claim. You are arguing against a strawman and you should probably just stick to prayer and menial labor instead. Luckily, the only thing you'll ever get to euthanize is your sheep once you tire of sex.

>> No.16038410

>doing a science means going along with peoples heckin delusions!

>> No.16038412
File: 572 KB, 1506x3976, homosexuality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is your claim, because you're a degenerate faggot.

>> No.16038468

>Homosexuality being inborn is a widely-accepted belief
>Nobody is making this claim [that your behavior is some innate characteristic that you have no control]
please explain. also explain how this relates to whether or not homosexuality and gender dysphoria should be affirmed. i fail to see how your perceived lack of choice over your own personal level of delusion necessitates special accommodation by me, rather than dismissing the thing as i always have, as delusional and dangerous. you are hiding behind a fake argument you can't win that doesn't even connect to your ultimate point. you are a coward

>> No.16038525

Let's say it's possible.
The percentage of lgtbbqs+-$ far outstrips the expected percentage of people suffering from physically detectable "wrong brain"

You and your movement are a fad to sell pills and cosmetic surgery

>> No.16038549

>>Nobody is making this claim [that your behavior is some innate characteristic that you have no control]
>please explain
You absolutely can control your behavior. Even if you only feel attraction towards the same sex (this is the trait that likely is inborn) and desire a romantic relationship with a consenting adult who feels the same, nobody is making the claim that you can't deny yourself and live a life of celibacy. What some people, religious zealots especially, fail to grasp is that there is no rational incentive to make this choice except to avoid being lynched by an ignorant mob that follows a twisted, medieval set of morals that has no place in a civilized society.
>also explain how this relates to whether or not homosexuality and gender dysphoria should be affirmed
That's just basic human decency. Supporting people in their right to freely make informed choices and accommodating those with unorthodox circumstances which they didn't choose themselves boils down to not being a piece of shit.
>i fail to see how your perceived lack of choice over your own personal level of delusion necessitates special accommodation by me...
It doesn't, you can be as unempathetic and begrudging as you want, but you have no real moral ground to stand on.

>> No.16038581

Ah yes, so what is "moral" is to stay silent while people engage in debasement, in hedonism, in gratification of desires that further no purpose beyond what feels good. Noble indeed. It is immoral to suggest that one's hedonistic behavior is detrimental to their physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. Got it! Willing to bend over backwards to accommodate a mentality that can breed only sickness while shunning rational criticism. Epitome of neoliberalism.

>> No.16038586

>don't feel good when I eat
>feel nauseous
>foot pain
>is 100% genetic
Does approval of their decision to abstain from food entirely fulfill your moral obligation towards them?

>> No.16038594
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>but how does it affect you personally

>> No.16038630

Other people's behavior shouldn't pose a threat to you if you're of a righteous constitution. It is their own souls in jeopardy. Is it prudent to raise children among sodomites? Isn't that the whole point of the story, to flee immorality as it implodes?

>> No.16038641
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Actuslly, allowing sodomites free reign over society has proven to be an indefensible disaster, and the only prudent question is how to most efficiently and violently purge them from our institutions.

>> No.16038662

"Happy indeed would be the condition of youth if they had one corrupter only, and all the rest of the world were their improvers." -Socrates (Plato's Apology)
You will defend a society that succeeds in material matters but is so wicked that the extreme minority carried away by their urges should upset the whole lot? How are you any less hedonistic? What nobility have you or your society?

>> No.16038669

Your "criticism" is hardly rational, you are a religious fanatic who lets his beliefs, actions and moral stances be dictated by an ancient (and likely misinterpreted) set of jewish fairytales and, to a lesser degree, conspiracy theorists. I'd say you are right about one thing - some behaviors likely are detrimental to society and your well-being (such as the ones depicted in >>16038594), but that does not apply to every single act of expressing non-standard sexual orientation or gender identity. There's a plenty of room there for behaviors that could improve quality of life such as simply allowing yourself to pursue a relationship with someone you genuinely love. In your blind hate, you are unable to differentiate between the two and you are also blind to your own hypocrisy - your stance really isn't too different from claiming that we should ban owning firearms just because some people who own guns use them to shoot up schools.

>> No.16038691

You are essentially asking about the morality of suicide, and there isn't a simple answer to that. Are they of sound mind? Are they aware that not eating will inevitably kill them? Is there no chance the severity of the symptoms will lessen in time? Is there no chance for a cure? Are they making a conscious and fully informed decision to die instead of suffering the symptoms? Are they stable in their decision, so that we can rule our a momentary lapse of judgement?
Also, your scenario isn't very probable, but imagine that instead of foot pain they suffer e.g. from chronic cluster headache with several attacks a day. Would you still be against it? Here's just one personal account as an example:

>“If you want to understand what it really means to live with cluster headache, imagine that a pack of dogs with enormous fangs are tearing you inside your head, tearing off the flesh, crushing everything. Then, a pile of red hot metal passes through your skull, burning the back of your eye and crosses your palate down to your throat. But the most important thing is that, during an attack, the pain moves up to a new dimension. You no longer have a headache, or pain located at a particular site: you are literally plunged into the pain, like in a swimming pool. There is only one thing that remains of you: your agitated lucidity and the pain that invades everything, takes everything. There is nothing but pain. At that point, you would give everything, including your head, your own life, to make it stop.."

>> No.16038696
File: 250 KB, 1280x1255, FuZuWPaXsAA0qJ1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for one thing I'm not a homosexual, so checkmate

>> No.16038724

I do not hate, fool. I love people and don't wish for them to remain complacent with negative habits. You fail to understand that I only advocate for people's voluntary development towards fruitful existence, which is consistent with the allegory of the cross each of us must bear in order to raise ourselves up towards enlightenment. Part of that process is the act of criticizing that which is understood to be detrimental. I do not claim that the words of a book written by men are the absolute, exclusive key to understanding these things. You are clearly prejudiced against the words, choosing to ignore the wisdom that lies within. You choose not to address the things signified by the words, instead fixating on how those things are signified.

Suicide is fundamentally opposed to fruitful existence, and so I am opposed to it. People will do that which they will, and I have no intention to stop them by any means other than communication of revelations that encourage the exercise of discipline required to act upon what is right instead of what is merely pleasing in the moment. Your characterization of homosexuality as "non-standard sexual orientation" is wholly disingenuous, as it refuses to acknowledge the defective nature of that which is essential to it, the gratification of sensuous desires placed above that which is right, the deepening of a habit that shrugs off the responsibility to protect and nurture fruitful existence.

Penis in asshole does not truly profit, it only pleases the senses. If you cannot understand how that is an issue, how the detachment of sex from responsibility creates a vicious vacuum towards suffering, I beg you to search deeper for purpose. I am not afraid of homosexuals anymore than I am afraid of the masses who suffer from equally troubling conditions. They are a part of this life and it is my duty to ease their suffering as much as possible through enlightenment, not through violence.

>> No.16038740

You know that homosexuality is but one sickness under the umbrella of sinful lust, as is love of money. Playing dumb only enhances your guilt. The wickedness of men can only be corrected by inspiring righteousness in their own hearts, not by legislating or murdering. If you presume to be a responsible social agent, you must spread responsibility instead of externalizing the blame for personal suffering. You probably have a lot of entitlement, feeling you deserve a society rich with goods and services, that preserves the existence of those which are unwilling to expend the effort, to adapt their minds to the image of the divine they hold within. Teach men to fish. It is hard, but good. You will not gain anything in forcing obedience to laws but confusion and greater suffering. If men are not self-sufficient in their faith, then that is the issue, no other external circumstance will relieve them of their suffering.

>> No.16038744
File: 202 KB, 937x1171, 1694568351009901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, sodomites are to blame for choosing to be sodomites, and we have a moral obligation to use every and all available force, including government and personal violence, to end them.

>> No.16038753

Only when they force themselves onto the unwilling is it justified to use violence. If they are merely pulling off weak and wicked men towards destruction, there is no need for intervention. The administration of justice is in the hands of God.

Let me be more clear: Bad people do bad things that have bad consequences. The appropriate action to take is that which addresses the underlying impulse. An act of violence is no better or worse as it accords to the defect which provoked it, it must be stopped regardless. Rather than create artificial distinctions between homosexual violence and normal violence, let all violence be dealt with as it must, but to drive demons from men requires not violence, but patience, understanding, and communication.

Each is accountable for his own participation in sin, so yes, they are "to blame", but they are not criminals unless the costs of their sins are forced upon the innocent. Do you believe that homosexual acts are, themselves, a real personal threat? A penis in an asshole somewhere is causing your own suffering? If that is the case, you are deficient. You must encourage sufficiency rather than protect your own deficiencies with violence against those who are already driving themselves towards destruction. Failure to do this is just kicking the can.

>> No.16038756
File: 717 KB, 1582x1784, FsBBgxCWwAEhMfU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am unwilling, and they are forcing it on me.

>> No.16038765

What is it that you believe has been stolen from you? Are you really so entitled as to believe that men are to be forced to behave in whatever manner which leaves you with as little motivation to engage with them psychologically to nurture their spirits to health?

>> No.16038774

>I do not hate, fool. I love people
Oh, sorry, I probably had you confused with Mr. Himmler here (>>16038368) who celebrates life and loves me so much he just can't wait to euthanize me. As for the rest of your post, you know what? You are actually starting to sound genuine in your beliefs, but they are just too deeply rooted in a particular branch of spirituality that doesn't speak to me, and so I don't think we'll ever be able to reach an agreement on anything. It's just not in my nature to accept dogmatic thinking, I believe that "fruitful existence" can be achieved in more than one way and there's a potential for finding deeper purpose even outside the framework of a devout Christian lifestyle. I appreciate the effort that went into explaining your beliefs, but this is no longer a debate that belongs on /sci/, and I don't think there is a point of arguing with you any further.

>> No.16038780

I am not dogmatic. I am not an adherent to any church or traditions, but I recognize what value may exist in them for those who believe. There is truth in much of what they say, but rule of men over each other must be understood to be futile.

This is scientific in the highest sense of the word. It is not empirical, but it is a matter of study towards truth. I am not saying that it is impossible to put your penis into someone's asshole and bear good to the world, but it is not through such acts that good is borne into the world and such acts rather erode the discipline and responsibility of those who choose to engage in them. Everyone has faults and everyone has capacity to do good in spite of those faults, but we must be honest in discussing what things are faulty and what things are worthy. My only contention is that homosexuality is a faulty mode of existence, and further that emphasizing its role in your identity is all the more burdensome upon your capacity to act on behalf of what is right.

>> No.16038784

I appreciate your sincere consideration of what I have said though. It is more than I tend to receive in my experience. Only on that basis may a truly productive exchange take place.

>> No.16038833
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>stop grooming kids to be tranny sodomites
St. Peter will beat your head on every jutting rock when he personally throws you in hell.

>> No.16038843

It might just be some variation on the Stockholm syndrome, but this stance seems more or less sensible to me. I still think there's some leeway before indulgence becomes a clear detriment and that you are somewhat overplaying the significance of such faults unless someone deliberately chooses to center their whole life and personality around them. I also believe some faults just can't be fixed and the best outcome one could hope for is to be given the ability to accept them for what they are, live and do good in spite of them without fear of social rejection.

>> No.16038844

Not my problem that you refuse to see public "education" for the failure it is. Take responsibility for the upbringing of your children or prepare to pay the price. Watch over your flock as you're meant to, guide them so that they may watch over themselves without worry of temptation or corruption. You are worried about people who are already defeated, paying the price for the sins of those charged with their care.

>> No.16038869

I don't believe there needs to be any artificial system of justice. Preventing violence is not artificial justice, it's just a completely natural act of self-preservation. The dangers within a sinful act itself should suffice to deter if you can illuminate them.

>> No.16038870

>Take responsibility
You're explicitly advocating for the complete abandonment of every public institution into the hands of satanic marxists.
Not only is that the height of moral cowardice, but so counterproductive that the most likely explanation is that you're a communist sodomite yourself.

>> No.16038881

Tower of Babel. You think your elaborate institutions offer some kind of concretized salvation, but it is only the communication of wisdom through your personal relationships that save. Your institutions are concentrations of worldly power that will naturally fall into the hands of those who are most tempted to attain to and subsequently abuse worldly power to gratify their sinful lust. It is inevitable. The only scenario in which institutions prevail in righteousness is that wherein they are unnecessary, because every member of society is sufficient in his faith, his knowledge of truth. You are insufficient, your faith is in things of the world, not in Heavenly things. You believe it is the world that will protect you, but it is the light you allow to possess your heart alone that gives you peace among all circumstances.

>> No.16038896
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Wrong about every single part of your post, these institutions exist, and you're advocating handing them over to satanic marxists, in order to promote marxist satanism.

>> No.16038904

Same goes to you, by the way, my vitriol was targeted at that other anon who I had no qualms about verbally "sodomizing", despite it being a bit petty, since he really doesn't seem to be in his right mind. Just now, he appears to have switched targets and is attacking you instead, so I'll leave you two to it.

>> No.16038916

Right... That's exactly what I'm saying! Idiot, you are choosing this ignorance. It is a shame, you suffer so much for it, so much dread and pain that you believe is other people's fault but lies entirely within your perception. If you can't be bothered to learn what motivates men to carry out evil, and how that affects what is built up by men with good will but limited intelligence, you are doomed to go on suffering. Goodbye.

>> No.16038928
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>but that does not apply to every single act of expressing non-standard sexual orientation or gender identity
Off course it does.
You're literally insisting that we normalize "non-standard" sexual behavior. If "non-standard" sexual behavior is classified as normal then it becomes standard sexual behavior.

Which directly leads to the present situation we're in where they're handing out gay porn flip books to school kids in Canada. After all, since gay sex is normal why shouldn't we teach teenagers how to have gay sex in sex education class? Don't you want your children to experiment with gay sex in a safe and positive way?

>> No.16038942
File: 504 KB, 1059x1611, NoTheyDont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i doubt "according to science" rhetoric .

>> No.16038950
File: 62 KB, 1170x1165, 1690208161150667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to /pol

>> No.16038957
File: 95 KB, 1024x634, 1707137858040307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this drivel is right up there with "the bible says you have to let me trans your children"

>> No.16038970

>sinful lust
>love of money
>guilt enhancement
good blog poltard but keep you biblical bullshit in your shithole board. This is a science board, a remainder.

>> No.16039005

TIL scientists don't believe in right, wrong, or guilt!

Science != empiricism, materialism, positivism

Go back to r/science if you want to jack off to electron microscopy with utter detachment from any discussion relating to why such things are meaningful in the first place.

>> No.16039032

Even if there is sex differences in the brain, and there are people who somehow actually have the brand of the opposite gender, I'm just really skeptical of the idea that your brain can actually tell that it's in the "wrong body" as that would mean it would have to have been born with some conception of what the "right body" feels like.

This doesn't happen with anything else. Physically deformed people don't have a neurotic sense of "dysphoria" that their body's are wrong, they just feel normal because the physical condition of their body is the only condition they've ever known.

So why would it be different with sex?
I'm sorry but I just don't believe that there's some innate sexual checksum running as a base level process in the human mind to detect a discrepancy between brain sex and physical sex.

>> No.16039071

You are use the same guilt-avoidance strategy, placing responsibility for your own happiness into the hands of others. It's my fault gay people can't be happy doing things that are contrary to their interests. It's my fault you can't be happy killing people who are not so wise as you. lol. lmao even

>> No.16039157

>You're literally insisting that we normalize "non-standard" sexual behavior. If "non-standard" sexual behavior is classified as normal then it becomes standard sexual behavior.
That's not what I'm arguing for. It will never become standard or normal because it will always be practiced by a minority of people. I only want people to accept that it has always existed and will continue to exist and that people generally don't choose what features are they attracted to or playing which societal role brings them fulfillment. They shouldn't be shunned for pursuing what is only natural to them as long as it doesn't hurt anybody. Live and let live.

>Which directly leads to the present situation we're in where they're handing out gay porn flip books to school kids in Canada. After all, since gay sex is normal why shouldn't we teach teenagers how to have gay sex in sex education class? Don't you want your children to experiment with gay sex in a safe and positive way?
I'm against handing any kind of porn to kids. When they are sexually and socially mature enough, they probably should be taught the basics of safe sex (it's not like they already don't know at that point). Gay stuff can be optional and entirely dependent on their choice with no repercussions for not choosing to participate. Some of them will be interested and will practice it no matter what, so they might as well do it safely. The rest won't care and we shouldn't push it onto them. I don't see the harm in doing it this way. Are you afraid your child will magically become gay by looking at a crude drawing or that they will stop being gay if you hide the existence of gay people from them? Absurd.

>> No.16039178
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>as long as it doesn't hurt anybody
It does though.

>> No.16039223

No, I'm talking about destroying evil, you're the degenerate advocating we tolerate grooming children into tranny sodomite holes because it makes faggots happy.

>> No.16039245

Please show me where I said or implied any such thing. Take a look in the mirror, dude. You're a hostile moron, actually advocating provoking violence against sick people for being sick. And you pretend to have moral authority. You are pitifully twisted.

>> No.16039248
File: 909 KB, 1506x3976, homosexuality~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggotry hurts everybody.
You shouldn't need a religious book to tell you that it's wrong.

>> No.16039256
File: 53 KB, 500x318, you-should-let-in-more-refugees-because-jesus-said-to-13340946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here, you retarded sodomite:

>> No.16039258

"no yeah dude i realized i was trans at 5 because i played with girls toys once or something im valid im valid im valid trans kids exist trans kids exist I AM LE VALID"

>> No.16039274

You are extremely confused, imagining meaning in my words. You being too weak to live in a world of sinners without resorting to sin (murder) is NOT an endorsement of homosexuality. Go on and ask any actual Catholic or Orthodox leader about your beliefs and be amazed when they tell you you're deranged and should atone. If you're a protestant, then omegalul at you posting this pic: >>16038957

>> No.16039281

Spare me your ignorance. I genuinely feel sorry for her, but mistakes can happen in any field of medicine, none is foolproof. We aren't going to abolish the field of oncology just because sometimes doctors give a wrong diagnosis or kill someone due to a botched surgery. It always is a matter of cost/benefit. That being said, performing such surgeries on children crosses the line for me, and I'm generally against it. Puberty blockers might be a necessary evil in some cases though unless some new facts about negative long-term effects come to light.

>> No.16039288

>Are you afraid your child will magically become gay by looking at a crude drawing or that they will stop being gay if you hide the existence of gay people from them? Absurd.
It's only absurd if you believe that homosexuality can only ever be innate and can never be an induced behavior.

>I only want people to accept that it has always existed and will continue to exist and that people generally don't choose what features are they attracted to or playing which societal role brings them fulfillment.
Why should we accept it? Where's the line?
What differentiates homosexuality from coprophilia in this moral standard? It's always existed, it will always exist, so clearly we shouldn't shun people who eat shit and we should teach our children that it's perfectly ok for people to eat shit.
>Eating shit is different that's disgusting!
I think homosexuals are disgusting.
>Eating shit is harmful!
Eating shit is perfectly safe if done responsibly, consensually, and in moderation. We also have medications now to treat any serious illnesses that arise from the recreational consumption of scat.

There is no logical reason why the standard of ethics which promotes homosexual acceptance can not also be used to support the socially enforced acceptance of scat fags. Since I don't want to live in a world where eating shit is normal I have to also stand against pretending that homosexuals are normal to be consistent, especially when considering just how fundamentally intertwined "kink culture" and "homosexual culture" are.

>> No.16039289

You or your boyfriend already posted this schizobabble about parasites altering people's sexual orientation once (>>16038412), and I'm not going to waste my time reading it again. >>>/x/

>> No.16039301

Okay so you're not against anything that is actually happening

>> No.16039309

>some new facts about negative long-term effects come to light.
There is no on/off switch for puberty. It's a lie that you can halt it without irreversible effects.

>> No.16039319

>Nooo you can't hold me to my own professed standards, that's a fallacy somehow
Look son, if you claim that homosexuality is against nature and then you get caught sucking cock in a truck stop bathroom, obviously people are going to call you a hypocrite, but if you instead extol the virtues of truck stop gloryholes, they're not. That's not a contradiction. That's what happens when you take up a certain position and then don't act in accordance with what you preach.

>> No.16039335

Your assworms have clearly driven you to schizophrenia.
I'm not a faggot, and faggotry is bad.
There is no hypocrisy or contradiction.

>> No.16039343

You are a would-be murderer. Is murder bad?

>> No.16039348

> if you claim that homosexuality is against nature and then you get caught sucking cock in a truck stop bathroom, obviously people are going to call you a hypocrite
Alcohol doesn't stop being bad for you because an alcoholic fell off the wagon. An anti-drug activist hiding a secret drug addiction is not being a hypocrite when he calls for banning the poison he isn't strong enough to quit on his own.

>> No.16039357

The proof is that if there were no difference then everyone would be the same person behaving the exact same way, it's elementary, you dolt

>> No.16039367
File: 1.85 MB, 1436x1904, tranny child rapist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wouldn't be murder, so your premise is absurd.

>> No.16039376

>It's only absurd if you believe that homosexuality can only ever be innate and can never be an induced behavior.
No, for that it's sufficient I believe that homosexuality can never be induced by just looking at a crude instructional drawing, which I don't. I'm not going to pretend I know beyond all doubts that some fucked up combination of abuse/brainwashing can't artificially induce homosexual behavior, but excluding extreme and not sufficiently researched cases, it's safe to say that homosexuality is innate. At least it happens to be the current scientific consensus, and as the fate would have it, we happen to find ourselves on /sci/.

Regarding your rather passionate essay on coprophilia, eating shit for sexual gratification is a purely sexual act and as such, it should stay in bedroom. Homosexuality and transgenderism both extend way past a simple sexual acts and it's nearly impossible for people to exist in a society without showing it in one way or another or having to needlessly suffer by repressing it. Additionally, it's way more common. If a significantly large minority of people were interested in eating shit, we'd probably end up accommodating them in some way, although I assure you I might be even less thrilled about it than you. Luckily, that isn't the case and your argument is just one big meaningless "what if?".

>> No.16039385
File: 2.09 MB, 1439x2167, groomer book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, sodomy is a learned behavior
you believe sodomy is a learned behavior because you spend hundreds of billions of dollars flooding every institution with sodomy propaganda aimed at children as soon as possible

>> No.16039401

>No, for that it's sufficient I believe that homosexuality can never be induced by just looking at a crude instructional drawing, which I don't.
The "crude instructional drawing" does not exist in a vacuum, it is a part of a larger culture, and culture absolutely can induce homosexual behavior through social pressure.

>Homosexuality and transgenderism both extend way past a simple sexual acts and it's nearly impossible for people to exist in a society without showing it in one way or another or having to needlessly suffer by repressing it.
The same also holds true for shit eaters. You're simply diminishing their suffering the same way I diminish the suffering of repressed homosexuals.

>> No.16039448

>and culture absolutely can induce homosexual behavior through social pressure.
I'd hope nobody is pressured into homosexual behavior in a healthy society if we exclude criminal acts that ought to be punished. It's just another what if.

>The same also holds true for shit eaters.
Nope, I think you are just quite literally making shit up. I know a couple of fetishists (although none of them could be called shit connoisseurs), and their suffering about having to repress their urges in public is generally comparable to yours upon realizing it's not morally acceptable to tear off clothes off an attractive woman you see in public and drag her to your cave. It's undoubtedly a fascinating thought experiment, but I believe the comparison is a bit superficial.

>> No.16039494

>troons claim to have female brain
>act in the most surface level femininity way that men believe women behave
Do they have an explanation for this?
A fat woman would not go to a speedrunning convergence wearing a bikini top and skirt with her gut hanging out. Women aren't interested in speedrunning at all. How do they claim to have a female brain?

>> No.16039507
File: 24 KB, 466x463, 1591283466481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

given that we've already established that faggotry is unhealthy, "repressing it" is obviously the correct course
what you're saying is like saying outlawing crack is harmful to crackheads, we need to legitimize smoking crack in children as early a possible, but this in no way will lead to more children smoking crack

>> No.16039508

>. I know a couple of fetishists (although none of them could be called shit connoisseurs),
Of course you do.

>> No.16039516

One explanation says it's due to previously having to repress femininity. If one day you found out you could run after spending all your life as a quadriplegic, you wouldn't be content with taking just a couple of steps and be done with it. No, you would run a fucking marathon. Most of them eventually calm down, but then they don't make any headlines after it happens and so you don't hear about them. It can probably differ on case to case basis though, and you're definitely going to hear some less flattering explanations as well.

>> No.16039518

Pretending to be something is the fastest way to become something. They're probably hitting the natural curb of that and flipping into the metaphorical street.

>> No.16039521

The obvious explanation is that they're men with man brains who do very bad woman impersonations because they are men.

>> No.16039523

Repressing it and denying yourself a chance of ever having a fulfilling romantic relationship in life is even more unhealthy. The comparison to crack is retarded and it leads me to believe you have ample experience with crack yourself.

>> No.16039525

Here's the problem..
Sucking as many cocks as you can while wearing a pink maid costume is not the female equivalent of running a marathon.

>> No.16039532

Letting men sodomize your rectum to fill it with AIDS and parasites is not a fulfilling, healthy romantic relationship.

>> No.16039535

Homosexuals don't have "fulfilling romantic relationships".

>> No.16039572

All he did was prove that "gender"/sexuality is innate, and not influenced by society
>John Money was a leading proponent of the idea that human sexual orientation develops through learning and gendered socialization. He believed that males raised as girls from a young age would grow up to be attracted to males, and live as heterosexual women. However, this belief was disproven: in the case of David Reimer, he grew up to be attracted to women

>> No.16039580
File: 57 KB, 1080x538, F6xLarxWwAA4_Ht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He proved you will never be a real woman.

>> No.16039585

Yeah, it's always funny when they mention John Money given that he'd probably get along with them more than with the trans crowd and also the fact that had he proven what he set out to prove, it would essentially legitimize conversion therapy - a /pol/acks wet dream.

>> No.16039603
File: 591 KB, 1125x1387, 1684761873903047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could have told you turning men into women doesn't work, and without driving two people to suicide.

>> No.16039614

Now generalize that statement to "forcibly changing people's gender identity and/or sexuality doesn't work" and you will have it figured out.

>> No.16039715
File: 661 KB, 1439x1822, faggot child grooming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gender identity
they're either mentally deranged or normal, identifying as the wrong gender means they need to be put on anti-psychotics

>> No.16039734

Its current year, they're using that phrasing to get a rise out of readers because social engineering

>> No.16040144

what has electron microscopes to do with your sissy feelings ? YWNBAS(scientist) . you belong to /X than, now, fuck off.

>> No.16040382

No, everyone has to worry about AIDs ever since some colossal faggot chose to buttfuck a monkey then go on a worldwide gay sex tour.

>> No.16040457

>Social Science
That's not a science. That's a propaganda machine.

>> No.16040569
File: 55 KB, 1000x750, 89faa9d0811c801d3cf7c007c0797ca4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's not science.
home schooled retard.

>> No.16040587
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>> No.16040894
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>without driving two people to suicide.
A beautiful sentiment to be sure, except... was this also posted by you >>16038641,>>16038744? The posting style is similar, at least. You are not being a faux humanist and a huge hypocrite who doesn't see the cosmic irony of trying to appeal to emotion in this way given that in the same breath you call for violence on innocent people and have zero qualms about you or your friends actively bullying others to suicide?

>> No.16040958

...And then the kids pair bond with the adults and carry their ideology.
Are we in hell?

>> No.16040963

You think they never tried that? If you're going to act like a mental health expert then don't make it extremely obvious that your knowledge on the subject derives entirely from /pol/ memes

>> No.16040965

Which "clinical psychologists" are these? Oh, they don't want to stake their credentials on their "professional" opinion? Weird.

>> No.16040966
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>> No.16040971

Doesn't matter, we'll conquer them all, and leave those of you who would willingly hamstring science behind in the dust

>> No.16040979

>oh wow, you mock literally-insane people who are past the point of recovery and urge them to self-terminate? you must be totally and completely without any compassion for them or anyone else in the world!
Is this how you actually think?

I too wish that these people could be helped without the outcomes at hand, without their demise, but I'm also not some naive retard who thinks you can 'help' a deranged dickless freak who is decades into the consequences of their childhood sexual trauma and utterly ideologically committed to the legitimacy of their identity.
Many such people are simply beyond help, no therapy can aid them, no reality can break their delusion.
Death for such a creature is a mercy, a kindness, for its existence is torment and that cannot be remedied by any science we now possess.

>cutting off a kids dick and telling him hes a girl, if successful, would in any way legitimize providing therapy to help homosexuals - who are by-the-numbers sexual assault victims dealing with their trauma, POTENTIALLY with some genetic markers making such behavior more-probable - stop being homosexuals

It sounds like you're trying to conflate treatment for behavior which emerges as the consequence of trauma, with having innate biological structures removed coupled with gaslighting to present a false-reality, and I have no idea what blend of poppers, HRT and PrEP you're on to make your mind work that way, but you should either drop your dosage, or seek the mercy you no-doubt deserve and triple it.

>> No.16040985
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ok groomer lmao

>> No.16040986

>Just because I revel in cruelty that doesn't mean I'm devoid of empathy!
yes it does

>> No.16040989
File: 274 KB, 392x629, Screenshot_20230123_050256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes it does
No, it doesn't. But that you think it does demonstrates how your mind works in a way I couldn't have asked for a better demonstration of.

>anyone who revels in cruelty to one person or group therefore cannot possibly espouse empathy for another person or group, and certainly not that same person or group!
Its so obvious you don't understand people at all.

I feel bad for troons.
I want the ones who can be helped to be helped. I want them to live good, healthy lives, if able.
I want the ones who cannot be helped to be disposed of, because that is what is merciful for them and everyone else around them.
If you consider that 'devoid of empathy', well, I would suggest you are the one so lacking.

>> No.16040994
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And to elaborate further, the revelry in the cruelty, as you put it, is multi-faceted and espouses far greater depth than you seem to grant.

Its not simply personal, individual pain which is appealing in such endeavors; rather, it is the environmental, the ecologic, consequences of such outcomes.

Reveling in cruelty in so far as that cruelty amounts to necessary effort towards the elimination of a creature whose exist is toxic, to others as well as itself, is empathy writ-large: You're literally espousing such empathy for the community in-general that you are prepared to bear the burden of imposing cruelty upon a broken, toxic creature which deserves the mercy of self-release, which you seek to achieve through said action, and in doing it so eliminates its toxicity from effecting those around it.

Bullying troons into straightening out or peacefully self-sunsetting is a pure expression of empathy, both for the troon and for those its troonery impacts both immediately and in society at-large.
You'd know that if you weren't a sociopathic troon that would legitimately benefit from going on anti-psychotics and getting your life in order.

>> No.16040995
File: 1.42 MB, 1400x1900, GFv9PYsakAA1vJW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never be a real woman

>> No.16041001

Reading through the thread, the alternative is to let these people at children.

>> No.16041020

>For the first time
I'm pretty sure even non-sentient animals realize this.

>> No.16041031
File: 216 KB, 1087x1106, FqABiFMXsAAXG46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't innocent, you life is dedicated entirely to turning children into sterile, mutilated abominations as early as possible, and killing you asap is the moderate solution.

>> No.16041040

>It sounds like you're trying to conflate treatment for behavior which emerges as the consequence of trauma, with having innate biological structures removed coupled with gaslighting to present a false-reality...
So, you believe that thinking you are the opposite gender or being homosexual is a "behavior which emerges as the consequence of childhood sexual trauma", right? And you also admit that John Money wasn't able to intentionally induce transgenderism or homosexuality in David Reimer even if he "had his innate biological structures removed coupled with gaslighting to present a false-reality" which had to be pretty damn traumatic to Reimer, and to that I will also add that Money had him imitate sex in a submissive female position. If this isn't a quintessential childhood sexual trauma, then I don't know what is. If Money's experiment is in any way representative, it follows that it shouldn't be possible to deliberately induce homosexuality or transgenderism, not even when using the full power of childhood sexual trauma and gaslighting, and a simple explanation for that is that they both are innate and you aren't going to be successful in trying to convert someone the opposite way either in your misguided attempt at "treatment".

My question to you is how come Money wasn't successful?

>> No.16041046

After reading these posts, I'm beginning to believe that you are legitimately deranged. People like you should be locked up before that psychopathic caricature of empathy you claim to possess overflows and you shoot up a gay bar.

>> No.16041058

He was successful, he turned an innocent child into a sterile, mutilated abomination and got away with it scott free instead of being executed for crimes against humanity.

>> No.16041069

Again, how come David Reimer didn't turn out homosexual or transgendered? You think there is a mechanism that jews (or whatever scapegoat you want to pick) use to turn children gay or trans, but you don't seem to understand that mechanism yourself and neither science nor rational thought can support your beliefs, so the only thing you can do is appeal to emotions and post dumb memes.

>> No.16041076
File: 85 KB, 1280x1280, transgender-wizards-harry-potter-stonetoss-comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was turned into a tranny.
He even killed himself.
That's as stereotypical tranny as it gets.

>> No.16041081

No he wasn't. He was born biologically male, he wanted to live as man and hated to be treated as a woman and being forced to play a woman's social role. This is the second time your brain short circuited due to doublethink.

>> No.16041083

If you took a stool sample from a white person and asian person and put them side by side, would people be able to tell which race produced the poops?

>> No.16041084
File: 79 KB, 1500x500, transgender-in-military-comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was born as a biological male, was groomed into becoming a sterile, mutilated abomination, and killed himself when he realized he'll never be a real woman.
That's the tranny life cycle.

>> No.16041125

Yeah, you are retarded and/or disingenuous. I can't tell whether you avoid the question deliberately or due to some unconscious defense mechanism ingrained to you by your puppeteers over the many years of consuming propaganda on /pol/ and I'm no longer interested in finding out.

>> No.16041154

You haven't explained how it's "not real trannyism" when it fits every single defining trait of trannyism

>> No.16041291

>it fits every single defining trait of trannyism
Great, so you are opposing something you have zero understanding of. It's missing the most important trait of transgenderism - the person actually wanting to be the opposite sex. It's entirely irrelevant whether you think this state of mind is a delusion caused by trauma and gaslighting. You are not homosexual if you are merely a victim of homosexual rape who hated every second of it and is still attracted exclusively to the opposite sex. You are not transgendered if someone forcibly feeds you hormones, but your perceived gender identity never stops matching your biological sex.
I'm repeating myself, but if John Money's sick experiment actually proved anything, it would be that you can't change innate sexual orientation or gender identity, be it through abuse, body modification, gaslighting or sexual trauma. David Reimer was born a heterosexual, cisgendered male and he stayed that way for the rest of his life regardless of what Money did to his body or what psychological abuse he was subjected to. For the third time: >>16041069

>> No.16041299
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>the person actually wanting to be the opposite sex
that has nothing to do with trannyism, most are pushed into it before they even know what it means, the Reiner case also follows that pattern

>> No.16041339

>most are pushed into it before they even know what it means
You continue to prove your ignorance. This claim is demonstrably false, vast majority of them come out much later in life voluntarily and with a full understand of what they are doing (at least that's how they subjectively perceive it). Some ideologues and victims of propaganda claim this state of mind is a result of trauma, and even though there is no evidence for it, at least their stance doesn't defy objective reality and deny that this state of mind can either permanently or momentarily be attained. If it can't be attained at all, it'd be all but impossible for adults to ever want to voluntarily transition. If it could never be permanent, it would be impossible for anyone to ever be happy with the result long-term.

>> No.16041409
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>> No.16041948
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stonetoss scores again

>> No.16043152
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>> No.16043172

Cavemen also knew men can’t get pregnant

>> No.16043245
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Was .... was that ever in dispute?

>> No.16043248

Why are you advocating for unprincipled exceptions?

>> No.16043250


>> No.16043351
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>> No.16043468

Unga no bunga ?

>> No.16043484

Unga no Bumga…

>> No.16043832

Oh wow a bunch of tweets

>> No.16043836

I think you need to be executed for the good of mankind and to liberate you from your own sad inhuman state but unlike you I view it merely as a sad responsibility and I take no joy in it.

>> No.16043915


>> No.16043931
File: 263 KB, 876x750, GECaX-aWUAIOoD9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lay off the HRT

>> No.16044015

So 10% of the time they're indistinguishable? Sounds about in line with the population of LGBBQ people.

>> No.16044067

Rather than unprincipled exception, it's an example of what seems to be the general principle. To be fair, positive association between childhood abuse and homosexuality exists, but it appears to be rather weak (we are talking <2%) and given that the link is bidirectional in the sense that non-heterosexual or gender-nonconforming behavior clearly increases the likelihood of abuse, it's pretty much impossible to conclude that abuse can change sexuality at all. There is way less research on transgenderism, but so far it seems to follow the same pattern. As for changing homosexual or transgendered people back to normal, any serious research will tell you it's completely ineffective and causes more harm than good.
The current wave of moral panic about leftists, Jews and other perceived enemies of Jesus turning our poor children gay or trans is unwarranted and in opposition to scientific consensus. It's about as idiotic as claiming that video games turn kids into school shooters.

>> No.16044072

science is not a consensus, and the people who removed homosexuality from the DSMV openly admit that there was zero scientific basis for its removal

>> No.16044107

>science is not a consensus
I'm not saying that's what science is; scientific consensus exists, however.
>and the people who removed homosexuality from the DSMV openly admit that there was zero scientific basis for its removal
You didn't provide any reasoning as to why it should be included and your claim is dubious at best. I can't exactly dispute that "some dudes allegedly said a thing", but there wasn't an unanimous agreement. It was a rather controversial topic back then and it's such an ancient history that you could make a similar argument about lobotomy being a valid surgical treatment because in the 1950s some professionals were against discontinuing the practice.

>> No.16044140
File: 897 KB, 1506x3976, homosexuality~3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single aspect of homosexuality is both self-evidently and measurably unhealthy, both physically and mentally.

>> No.16044189

Concession accepted, and God help you if you actually endorse that opinionated and logically inconsistent schizobabble. The only thing that prevents me from declaring you mentally retarded on the spot is that I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt by assuming you haven't read it. Try sending it to a scientific journal and see what they tell you.

>> No.16044193

You mean the scientific journals filled with fraud and other systemic biases? Rejection is a badge of honor at this point.

>> No.16044202
File: 237 KB, 1080x1384, F6LAnEqXoAEOY-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's even the point of holding a position when every time people demonstrate the myriad of problems with it, you're forced to retreat to pretending to suffer from sudden onset illiteracy?
This describes the leftist position when it comes to literally anything.

>> No.16044255

You do the exact same thing you accuse me of, except in your case the illiteracy part likely isn't feigned. My point was that abuse plays insignificant (if any) role in same-sex attraction (big surprise given that little to no evidence points to the contrary). This point was immediately conceded by your "colleague" in favor of arguing that homosexuality should be labeled a mental illness because "people who removed homosexuality from the DSMV openly admit that there was zero scientific basis for its removal" which not only is a dubious claim, it also has absolutely nothing to do with the original contended point.
The screenshot that was posted doesn't give any insight into whether homosexuality is caused by childhood abuse (ironically it seems to negate it, even though the presented alternative hypothesis is inane). It doesn't give a clear answer as to whether homosexuality should be in the DSM either. Not without completely redefining what mental illness is and making several leaps in logic along the way. I'm sorry, but you can't expect me to waste hours of my time dissecting every single point presented in your schizophasic manifesto when not even the first couple of paragraphs hold up under basic scrutiny. I don't see much room for further productive discussion and I already regret the time I spent writing this reply, so I'm leaving the thread for now.

>This describes the leftist position when it comes to literally anything.
I'm economically right and socially libertarian, just by the way

>> No.16044261

Homosexuality is a mental illness regardless of the cause, and that was an excessive amount of words to say nothing.

>> No.16044953

This, procreation is the only reason for sexuality. If your sexual desires are to stick your dick in some dudes shithole then you are seriously fucked in the head

>> No.16045012

>it's mental illness because of muh feelings
science disagrees, it doesn't fit the definition of mental illness

>> No.16045024

Men never really managed to tame the female sexual cravings. Women cannot be contained in coats of conventions, the female sexual libido is too strong and too violent for this. A women is pure sexual energy. When she discovers this, when she peels off the phony social layers, she merges with her true whorish self and she will never ever be the same.
This is why all societies are flawed inherently. And it doesn't help that all men are eager to please women sexually and non-sexually. democracy is even worse.

>> No.16045043

Capitalize The Science when you speak its name, heretic.

>> No.16045072
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>Linking to a news article instead of directly to the journal article
>Reading the article, it literally states, "Yet scientists have struggled to spot these differences in neural activity, with brain structures looking the same in men and women."
Lmao since self-own chud. Your own article debunks your confirmation biased sexist agenda. Not only that but you hand-wave away social factors which may explain any differences in findings. Remember that differences must be statistically different and that correlation does not always equal correlation. But of course a /sci/entifically illiterate politically incorrect /pol/cel wouldn't know and easily gets duped by pseudoscience.

>> No.16045073

>statistically different
statistically significant

>> No.16045083

Sounds great. You know what the answer is going to be, so there's never any doubt that you'll get a result. You can take as long as you want, soaking up funding the entire way.

>> No.16045107

>>Also chuds: having a female brain doesn't mean anything!
It means you can tell biological females apart from transwomen just by looking at their brain.

>> No.16045141
File: 913 KB, 1506x3976, homosexuality~4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a mental illness regardless of ur feelings

>> No.16045156

>It means you can tell biological females apart from transwomen just by looking at their brain.
No structural differences have ever been found in brains between males and females. The article admits that. AI analyzing brain imaging doesn't mean shit and environmental and social factors explain any AI patterns.

>> No.16045162

>if I redefine mentall illness in a very specific way, it proves gays are mentally ill because... ugh, they just are, okay?!
Except your definition is utterly retarded. According to your definition, practicing masturbation is a mental illness and depression is not a mental illness.
>It's a mental illness regardless of ur feelings
Yeah, that's what I said. I'm not sure why are you restating it. Since you like repeating after me, try repeating this: "I'm a retarded /pol/tard and I should go back to my containment board".

>> No.16045167

Damn, I've had an ESL moment and interpreted it as "your feelings are irrelevant as to whether it's a mental illness or not", so you can ignore that last part. It's not like you'd listen to my advice anyway.

>> No.16045168

>No structural differences have ever been found in brains between males and females
Except for a 10-15% difference in brain volume... fuckin retard

>> No.16045172

Only read the first few points. A monogamous gay couple who responsibly raises their adopted kids refutes most of those arguments. As science progresses we will soon see artificial gametogenesis allowing gays to combine their DNA and create their own genetically related children. Paired with embryo selection this would potentially be eugenic.

>> No.16045178

I've read it. It's just ramblings of the utterly deranged. If you read further, it talks about how homosexuality is caused by toxoplasmosis. It could work as a good satire, but I'm afraid it's meant to be taken seriously which, I guess, is humorous in its own way.

>> No.16045182
File: 926 KB, 1506x3976, homosexuality~5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would have to redefine "mental illness" for homosexuality to not be a mental illness.

>> No.16045183

Which is because of height and weight. Which scales with both males and females. Dipshit.

>> No.16045186

What the hell are you babbling about and why are you reposting this word salad? You don't get to redefine mental illness however you please. There are existing criteria for that.

>> No.16045188
File: 921 KB, 1506x3976, homosexuality~6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the one redefining mental illness, you are.

>> No.16045192

>I'm not the one redefining mental illness, you are.
...says he while posting his retarded half-schizobabble-half-political-manifesto which redefines mental illness (in the second reply to OP's post) for the umpteenth time.

>> No.16045197
File: 927 KB, 1506x3976, homosexuality~7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. :^]

>> No.16045247

>Which is because of height and weight. Which scales with both males and females. Dipshit.
No kidding, women are smaller, weaker, and dumber. I accept your concession.

>> No.16045254

okay, i'll bite

>if homosexuality is comparable to infertility
it is not, because it has nothing to do with fertility. you can be homosexual and reproduce

>if homosexuality is comparable to straight people engaging in oral sex then it's a fetish
oral sex is not a fetish. sexual activity naturally extends beyond reproduction since women will have plenty of sex outside of their fertile window

>if homosexuality is comparable to friendships with the same gender, why do they have sex?
friends with benefits exist/not everyone you fuck is a lifetime m8

>if homosexuality is safe, why do homosexuals spread the most STDS and literally tear apart each others' sphincters?
this isn't a homosexuality problem, it's a problem with the western fag community. you can have a community of homosexuals without any of those things.

>if homosexuality is a valid means of romantic bonding, why does nature disallow them reproduction
romantic bonding isn't exclusively for reproduction. nature doesn't have fixed use cases. also, see the part about homosexuals still being able to reproduce

>if homosexual love is as pure as nature love, why are gays so much more promiscuous
this is a retarded question, "pure" love is arbitrarily defined

>if there's nothing wrong with being a homosexual, why would an entirely homosexual society cease to exist beyond a single generation?
see the part about reproduction again, it wouldn't.

>Homosexuality is not a choice
>Axiom 1: one is mentally ill if one is psychologically incapable of refraining from a biologically non-necessity activity or desire
this axiom is already flawed. It's not biologically necessary to have friendships, but it would not be a mental illness to say that someone who is incapable of refraining from having friends is mentally ill.

>Axiom 2: Bio-necessity is a requirement for a species to perpetuate itself through generations
Not everything has to be necessary in order to be helpful

>> No.16045265

>Axiom 3: desires are either biological or psychological in character.
This is a false dichotomy. The biological and psychological are closely linked, and are basically identical in many cases.
>Axiom 4: desires are either innate or habitual
Another false dichotomy, but moreso just an incorrect conceptualization. Innate desires can underly the formation of certain habits, but there are multiple realizations of the same desires.

>With all this laid down, one engages in homosexuality voluntarily or non-voluntarily
This is again another false dichotomy. Involuntary desires and drives underly certain feelings, but they do not necessitate anything. On the contrary, all voluntary action will see a partial cause in some involuntary elements. This, and the previous comments apply to the rest of the "argument".

>Marriage as a government institution....
Le epic "Sanctity of marriage", or just pure muh feels and crying. You can incentivize childbirth and familial relations through many means beyond marriage.

>toxoplasmosis etc etc
The conclusion of this entire rant citing guardian articles is that homophobia is genetic, which, even if it is, proves nothing. You can be homosexual without toxoplasmosis and without disease

>Various claims about STDs and quality of life of US homosexuals
I too agree that the homosexual community is in dire need of aid and help. Perhaps we should accept them into regular culture and give them normal ways of being so they are less inclined to self destructive behaviours

>> No.16045285

I’m convinced that humans are *meant* to be retarded at this point.

>> No.16045299
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>Perhaps we should accept them into regular culture

>clearly the solution to my crippling crack addiction is even more crack

>> No.16045302

Nta, I will quote you here >>16044202 in an admittedly vain hope you'll realize your hypocrisy.

>> No.16045311
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>> No.16045322

>The fag community is rife with social problems and disease
>okay, let's fix those problems
>no, we should instead outlaw fags and hide the problems
hate to break it to you anon, but it seems like you want a world full of diseased fags

>> No.16045327

fags like you are the problem, the solution is less faggotry, not more of it

>> No.16045368

I'm the anon who originally argued with the idiot you are replying to. On some level I understand that some people just can't be reasoned with, but sometimes I try regardless and it always ends in disappointment.
Thanks for writing this, since it makes me feel a little bit vindicated. I think you've exposed beyond all doubt that we're dealing with a hypocrite as well as an intellectual and moral lilliputan whose lack of character is only matched by the profundity of his ignorance.

>> No.16045375

>Axiom 1: one is mentally ill if one is psychologically incapable of refraining from a biologically non-necessity activity or desire
Did... did Anon really declare everything beyond eating, shitting, and fucking to be mental illness?

>> No.16045383

Even better, some actual mental illnesses such as schizophrenia don't fit the definition.

>> No.16045390

Well, to be completely fair, it doesn't say "if and only if", but it's still a bit funny.

>> No.16045638

Anyone forcing sexual fetishism on minors in school or adults in the workplace should be tried for a capital crime. Updating the legislation to reflect this is the only way to force these lunatics back. No amount of obvious pointing will get them to stop.

>> No.16046009
File: 140 KB, 828x1231, Fhnp4oDUAAEmAkG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tolerating faggotry has proven to be disastrous

>> No.16046037

He said not being able to refrain from anything besides those is, illiterate-kun.

>> No.16046209

I’m convinced our planet is a comedy simulation run by aliens

>> No.16046252

I'm gay and I agree with this. Super creepy the weird grooming that's going on in education and media.

>> No.16046392
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clown world does give off that impression if you're not familiar with the history of wiemar germany

>> No.16046396

You exist, but you were a traumatized child, not a trans child, just because some other kid was raised to think they were a magical elf that came from a dimensional rift in the center of the hollow earth doesn't make it so, it just means they were raised by fucked up parents and/or in a fucked up community.

>> No.16046400

Except for the fact that you can't hide behind your lady mask no matter how convincing it is because AI can tell the difference between biological male and female brains.

>> No.16046670

Man, winning the war against Germany surely paid off for the USA. Wholesome pictures! Living the dream.

>> No.16046764

Cis kids aren't raised to believe they're trans, trans kids are raised to believe they're cis - and they're trans in spite of it. Did your parents raise you to be a fascist fucktard?

>> No.16046771

>Cis kids aren't raised to believe they're trans
Tell that to all the kids who detransitioned after they were mature enough to realize they were sold a crock of shit as kids.

>> No.16046781

The article doesn't say this and it wouldn't mean much even if it did which is the point of the post you are replying to, and it went straight over your head.

>> No.16046794

It does say that, denial isn't just a river.
It would means that your lady mask no matter how convincing can't trick biology, can't outsmart the data, and you can't hide your sex from AI.
The only point of the post you are gloming onto was that people who claim there is no biological difference between the brains of the sexes got btfo.

>> No.16046850

>It does say that
It doesn't, examining brains of general population doesn't tell you much about brains of trans people. You are jumping to conclusions.
>The only point of the post you are gloming onto was that people who claim there is no biological difference between the brains of the sexes got btfo.
Nobody claims there are no biological
differences between the brains of the sexes (you only need to examine a single brain cell) and you don't need AI to tell you that. However, the fact that the result of summing up a large amount of observable traits of your brain could point at your biological sex doesn't mean that a subset of these traits responsible for e.g. gender identity can't be different from your biological sex.

>> No.16046888

we've been living in an ideological matrix since 1945.

>> No.16046942
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There's no such thing as "trans children", they're just grooming victims.

>> No.16046950

>it's true because my boyfriend tweeted it

>> No.16046952
File: 234 KB, 1290x1563, FqqsLNSWYAAhqB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true because it didn't exist until jews invented it.

>> No.16046965

>depression wasn't real until jews invented it
>gravity wasn't real until (((Newton))) invented it

>> No.16046966

I'll tell him when I meet him.
You're just repeating yourself now in spite of all the facts to the contrary. If that were the case then no one would ever have been trans to begin with ever because society is still heteronormative and not a single person would've ever had the idea to "become" trans. And yet people independently get this into their heads even when the whole world tells them otherwise, even if they're not aware that being trans is a thing. That incontrovertibly tells us you're obviously wrong. I don't think you even believe your own narrative, you're just using loaded terms to villify a vulnerable group in order to prepare society for their extermination. You all just have to pretend to believe it.

>> No.16046967

>Kids throughout history didn't commit suicide
which fucking retard wrote this

>> No.16046969
File: 166 KB, 828x1165, Fl852KLXoAEH1c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whom are you quoting?

>> No.16046973

Yeah, he doesn't even try to hide it:

>> No.16046975
File: 167 KB, 1425x1425, img_1_1648995578340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it never happened until jews invented it, because the entire thing is absurdist, self-contradictory nonsense.

>> No.16046984

No, the absurdist self-contradictory nonsense is your "theory" where trans people have to be indoctrinated by trans people in order to come into being and yet despite the overwhelming negativity and cishet-normativity we still have trans people. If your theory were correct, there would be no trans people. Yet you start from your conclusion and then reason that reality must be different than it really is in order to accommodate your theory.

Same as if I theorise that posting bullshit on the internet is caused by putting hamsters up your bum and then getting alarmed at the evident epidemic of people putting hamsters up their bum. Like you. Pervert.

>> No.16046991
File: 188 KB, 1024x639, jewish transgenderism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trans people have to be indoctrinated by trans people

>> No.16047015

Why is it that Jews are just so much better at indoctrinating children than parents, churches, classmates? How does this make sense in your head? How is this anything but a transparent ploy to bitch about Jews?

>> No.16047046

I can confirm this. As a kid, I've never even heard of trans people, but I wanted to be a girl nonetheless. Now I know it was in fact due to Jews wirelessly beaming gay particles straight into my brain. There's no other rational explanation.

>> No.16047053

Glad you got something out of it anon. What's funny to me is that I don't care too much about gays one way or the other - I just can't stand retarded dogmatic reeing charlatans

>> No.16047075
File: 207 KB, 528x661, 1707575187220219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea what it means to be a girl, and you never will.

>> No.16047086

I mean, I know what it means because unlike you I don't lack the required mental capacity to process simple abstract concepts, but that's besides the point. We were talking about those scheming Jews and how they are responsible for the state I find myself in. I suspect my powerlevel was simply too high for (((them))) to just leave me to my own devices, so they had to nerf me.

>> No.16047088

I also think (((they))) had the same motive when they peeformed frontal lobotomy on you, but they eventually had to switch methods to not get caught.

>> No.16047128
File: 424 KB, 1500x1200, FYhu8aoX0AE8k8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your woman impersonation is terrible because you will never know what it means to be a woman, your idea of womanhood is informed by overexposure to pornography and your AGP fetish.

>> No.16047316

>discovered for first time
a thing known since ancient times. K E K

>> No.16047326

What an amazingly stupid thread

>> No.16047336

>but I wanted to be a girl nonetheless
I wanted to be a bear. Luckily my parents were not retarded enough to give me a bear treatment

>> No.16047401

>Luckily my parents were not retarded enough to give me a bear treatment
Why? You should have went with the bear treatment. Being a bear sounds awesome. You could have ruled the wilderness, unrestrained by the laws of men. You could be on the top of the food chain with your nearly human level of intellect. Instead you are a boring, Mexican tripfag who wastes his life on 4chan.

>> No.16047584


>> No.16047660
File: 893 KB, 1536x2048, 1701638343248916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dilate, retard

>> No.16048047
File: 204 KB, 609x798, cobson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
